Mistakenly Yours

Chapter 53

Li Miao sat bewildered amidst the unfolding scene. Xu Yue's gentle chopsticks brought morsels of food to her lips. Across the table, Tang Jia's desperate glances darted towards her, pleading for rescue from Wei Lin's playful advances.


Help! Li Miao! Get her away from me! Tang Jia's raised eyebrows and imploring eyes conveyed her silent message.


What am I supposed to do? Li Miao mouthed back, prompting another desperate look from Tang Jia. With a sigh, Li Miao broke the awkward silence blanketing the group.


“Um… Big sis… why are you here?” 


"Can't I visit my dear Maomao? Big sis is hurt..." Wei Lin rested her face in her palm, elbow propped on the table. Her gentle smile remained unwavering, a picture of innocent affection.


"A-ah... no, you're free to come..." Li Miao's surrender was swift, her glance towards Tang Jia conveying a clear message.


You’re on your own with this one…


Traitor! Aren't you the arrogant heiress of the Li Group? Have a spine! I thought we got closer, but you threw me to the wolves as soon as things got rough! Tang Jia's accusatory gaze bore into Li Miao, who promptly found solace in her lunchbox, focusing on the delicate morsels Xu Yue continued to feed her.


Out of sight out of mind... Li Miao thought as she chewed another piece of food Xu Yue put into her mouth. 


Amidst this silent exchange, another conversation unfolded beneath the table. Ying Lian shifted closer to Zhang Wei, her foot finding his beneath the table in a not-so-subtle stomp. She pulled out her phone, fingers tapping a rapid message. Zhang Wei felt a vibration in his pocket and retrieved his own phone.


[Devil Girl]: “Why are you here?” 


Zhang Wei's brow furrowed as he shot Ying Lian a pointed look.


[Zhang Wei]: “Why? I can’t come to see my friend Xu Yue?” 


[Devil Girl]: “Cut the shit, I’m not falling for it. You haven’t said a word to her.” 


[Zhang Wei]: “I really don’t have bad intentions! Look, sister Wei Lin dragged me here to ‘strengthen our childhood friendship’. If I had a choice I would be hanging out with the guys on the basketball team!” 


Ying Lian's gaze darted between Zhang Wei and Wei Lin, the latter still engrossed in her playful flirting with Tang Jia, her lunchbox untouched.


[Devil Girl]: “It’s still your fault.” 


Zhang Wei's palm met his forehead in exasperation. This girl would be the death of him one day.


[Zhang Wei]: “I just explained it to you! How is it my fault?!” 


Ying Lian's reply came with an unchanged expression.


[Devil Girl]: “She’s pretty and you’re not.” 


Zhang Wei couldn't believe his eyes. This face-obsessed devil!


[Zhang Wei]: “I thought you said I had a pretty face.” 


Another sharp pain shot through his foot as Ying Lian ground her heel into it.


Come on! First I get dragged here and now I have to deal with this brat! Zhang Wei gritted his teeth, ignoring Ying Lian's presence and focusing on his meal.


Tang Jia, unable to endure Wei Lin's unrelenting gaze any longer, spoke up. "Um... President Wei, aren't you hungry?" She gestured to the unopened lunchbox beside Wei Lin.


Without shifting her gaze, Wei Lin replied, "Looking at you is enough." Her smile was bright, her eyelids drooping in a relaxed, contented manner.


Tang Jia's face flushed a deep crimson. "Well, I don't like it! Please stop staring at me!"


Wei Lin conceded, not wanting to push too hard. "Aw, but you're so cute, I can't help it. Oh well~"


For the first time, Wei Lin experienced an inexplicable pull towards a girl. Wei Lin, known for her direct approach, resolved to make an effort to get to know her better.


Tang Jia retreated to Xu Yue's side, positioning her chair to block Wei Lin's line of sight.


Observing the group's silent meal, Wei Lin clapped her hands abruptly. "We should go on a trip over the break. You can come to one of our company resorts! Of course, all expenses paid."


Ying Lian immediately jumped up in excitement, “A resort!? Where? Omg that sounds so fun!” 


Tang Jia raised her eyebrow, “We?” 


Wei Lin replied cheerfully, “Of course, everyone here is invited!” 


Tang Jia's gaze met Xu Yue's, a silent conversation passing between them.


"Ah, I see... what a shame, but I think our Xu Yue here has work at the cafe! I don't think we'll make it..." Tang Jia's elbow jabbed Xu Yue's side, a not-so-subtle prompt.


Li Miao, however, matched Ying Lian's enthusiasm. "Really? I've never been to a resort! Xu Yue, can we go?"


Xu Yue pushed Tang Jia away gently, smiling at Li Miao. "If Maomao wants to go, I'll go with you." She turned to Tang Jia, her expression neutral. "I quit my job."


Tang Jia’s mouth twitched in anger. 


Birds of a feather flock together! You lovebirds take advantage of me and toss me to the side once you’re done! I’ve had it with you!


"Well, thanks for the invite, but I'm not going." Tang Jia folded her arms, nails digging into her palms. I really want to go though!


"Me neither. I don't have time. I have to practice with the team anyway." Zhang Wei's voice was muffled, his mouth full of rice.


Wei Lin's gaze shifted to Zhang Wei, and she pulled out her phone. Zhang Wei's lunch was interrupted for the second time as his phone vibrated.


[Sister Wei Lin]: “If you don’t go, don’t blame me if Maomao finds out about someone’s unrequited love.” 


Zhang Wei flushed red, shooting Wei Lin an angry look.


[Zhang Wei]: “What the fuck! Don’t blackmail me!”


[Sister Wei Lin]: “Are you giving up just like that? I’m giving you a perfect chance to build up some romantic feelings~” 


[Zhang Wei]: “Alright, I get it. I’ll go.”


He sighed while Wei Lin smiled at him, internally thinking. 


Sorry Little Zhang, I already know you’re going to lose. 


Tang Jia sensed what was coming next, anticipating Wei Lin's direct approach.


"How about you, Miss Tang? I would love to get to know you better." Soft fingers brushed against Tang Jia's, gently lifting her hand.


Li Miao, oblivious to the underlying currents, chimed in. "You should come, Tang Jia! It'll be fun! I wanted to hang out with you more too! Plus, I know you have nothing to do since Xu Yue told me!"


Two faces darkened at Li Miao's innocent statement. One was Tang Jia, her escape route cut off. The other was Xu Yue, who pulled Li Miao onto her lap, hugging her possessively.


Wei Lin was delighted, before giving Tang Jia a smug look, “I see Miss Tang is free, so I’ll be expecting your presence.” 


Tang Jia weighed the options. A free trip to a fancy resort was tempting. Visions of white sand beaches and endless buffets flashed in her mind. But the look Wei Lin was giving her sent chills down her spine. Comfort or caution? Her greed won in the end.


Free food, free drinks, how bad could it be? I’ll just hide behind Xu Yue if I need to. 


"Fine," Tang Jia relented, her voice barely above a whisper as she turned her head away. "But don't expect me to share a room with you."


The whole time, Zhang Wei was still contemplating what he just heard. 


The first time she’s been? Hasn’t the Li family gone on multiple trips in the past? Did no one else pick up on this? 


He looked at Ying Lian who was happily swaying her legs while eating. 


Sigh, looks like I’m on my own. 


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