Mistakenly Yours

Extra 1: Valentines Day

Qingbei University thrummed, its walkways a maze of hurried footfalls as students dashed between lectures. Yet, one corner of the courtyard shimmered with its own stillness. 


Laughter spilled from Li Miao like sunlight dappling a stream, catching on the captivated eyes of her friends. It wasn't hard to understand the fascination; she moved with an effortless grace even amidst this bustle.


The university forums buzzed with excitement, a fresh post capturing the moment.


[Salted_fish_begs_to_turn_over]: ”Goddess Li Miao sighted! Photos incoming!!”


[Username_already_eaten]: “Outta my way, gotta pay my respects!” 


[Feeling_down_today_too]: “Officially a face fan here. Goddess Li, fight on!” 


Li Miao was a campus icon, and her academic success mirrored her rising star status in the acting world. The admiration never touched her spirit – always gracious, unfailingly humble.


Then, a cheerful tune from the depths of her bag disrupted the courtyard air. Fishing out her phone, Li Miao's eyes sparkled as she saw Xu Yue's name.


[Wifey]: “I’ll be picking you up today.” 


[Li Miao]: “Okay~ Miss you! Mwah!”


[Wifey]: “I missed you too.”


The laughter that bubbled out of her infected the crowd. There was something so pure about it, a ripple of genuine joy that softened the edges of the day. With a wave to her friends, she set off towards the gates, a few loyal admirers trailing, not out of obsession but simply wanting to prolong the sunshine of her presence.


Li Miao leaned against the wall, a study in effortless grace. Her posture hinted at hidden strength beneath a veneer of delicate composure.


The scent of anticipation hung heavy in the Valentine's Day air, a subtle sweetness that made hearts beat faster. One admirer, emboldened by the charged atmosphere, finally stepped forward.


"Uh... Li Miao, I've been admiring you from a distance. I was wondering... maybe we could get to know each other? Would you be interested in going out sometime?"


The crowd hummed with hushed voices, every gaze locked on Li Miao as she weighed her response. Silence fell as a sleek black sports car glided to a stop, its polished curves gleaming against the backdrop of anticipation. The suitor stood tall, hope flickering in his eyes.


Internally, Li Miao winced at the situation.


Yikes, she thought, a sigh escaping her lips. I’m going to have to appease my big vinegar jar1Chinese slang for a jealous person, often used in the context of romantic relationships. slowly tonight.


Xu Yue emerged from the car, the breeze sculpting her flowing hair. A tailored business suit framed her elegant grace, and as she slipped off her sunglasses, her eyes flashed like polished stones. A vibrant bouquet of roses was nestled in her hands.


The onlookers gasped in awe. Xu Yue scanned the scene, her gaze settling on Li Miao with a subtle frown. Striding forward, she clasped Li Miao's hand, placing the roses within it.


“Maomao… I’m here,” she murmured, her voice a low hum of possessiveness. 


Li Miao threw herself into Xu Yue's arms with exaggerated affection, a mischievous glint in her eye. "Wifey, I missed you," she cooed, deliberately placating Xu Yue's well-known jealousy.


The crowd ignited, awash in squeals and exclamations. A stunning beauty had swept in and claimed the beloved class goddess. 


It was a match made for gossip, a bittersweet ending for the suitor with the wilting courage. Li Miao met his crestfallen gaze, winked, and declared, 


"Sorry~ I'm already taken!"


Xu Yue ushered Li Miao into the passenger seat, leaving the gossiping student body in the dust. The sleek car purred to life, swallowing them in its luxurious interior.


With a dramatic sigh, Li Miao broke the silence. "Wifey, that jealousy of yours seriously needs some work."


Xu Yue replied with her brow furrowed, “If I had known this would happen, I wouldn’t have worked so hard to graduate early.” 


Xu Yue, already COO of the Li Group, had blazed through her degree to work under Li Hongfei.  "Time for me to retire soon," Li Hongfei boomed while laughing, firmly placing the company's future in Xu Yue's capable hands.


Li Miao slumped back in her seat, an exaggerated sigh escaping her. "Hah, well, I can't exactly blame anyone but myself."


Sunlight caught the engraved ring glinting on Xu Yue's finger - the twin to the one adorning a delicate chain around Li Miao's neck. Memories whispered through Li Miao's mind: Tang Jia, her manager, shaking her with near-comical intensity. 


"Li Miao, you CANNOT reveal your relationship! Think of the fans!" These were her words before Xu Yue gently pried her friend away.


"It's okay. We'll announce it soon," Xu Yue had promised.


Their planned public wedding meant to coincide with Li Miao's growing stardom, felt so close. Chen Yuehua, the legendary film empress turned mentor, honed Li Miao's impressive acting skills.


"Wifey," Li Miao sighed, "do you think it’ll be this year? The waiting makes me impatient."


Xu Yue's gentle laughter rippled through the air as she reached to stroke Li Miao's hair. "My Maomao, trying your best is more than enough."


The two arrived at a restaurant before being escorted to a private dining hall, open with a full view of the city. 


They arrived at the restaurant, which led to a private hall boasting a sweeping city view. Conversation flowed easily, each eager to catch up on the other's busy life. Dusk painted the sky, moonlight spilling in to drape them in a soft, ethereal light.


For a moment, Xu Yue excused herself. On her return, she carried a plush toy - a custom Cinder the cat, Li Miao's adored mascot, holding a heart.


"Happy Valentine's Day, Maomao," Xu Yue said, tenderness warming her expression.


Li Miao, heart overflowing with joy, rushed to embrace Xu Yue.


"Happy Valentine's Day, Xu Yue," she replied, tears of happiness brimming in her eyes.


May our love blossom like a timeless flower, its fragrance enduring forever.



I hope you enjoyed a bit of the future! Here are some of the initial designs I made for the two. Thank you for all the support!

First Character Draft

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