Mixed In Africa To Be the European Emperor

Chapter 43

Chapter 43: African European Emperor

“Neon United Fleet!! Luan, Phoenix, Inu, Mastiff, the four top ships of Neon! Kaga Akagi, Atago Kaohsiung! Chasing you, are you still eating popsicles?”

Yan Xiaohai wants to scold people!

She was so worried about Wang Dajian before, but Wang Dajian, a corrupt person, is actually addicted to Citi color!

It made Yan Xiaohaibai worry!

“Yan Lingwei, are you still worried about me? Ah, my Wang is really touched.”

I was quite nervous at first, but seeing Wang Dajian so unrestrained, Yan Xiaohai wanted to curse.

I’m so worried about you, but you’re still here at Citi!

Still laughing at me, people like you are still laughing at me, shameless still laughing.

Indignant by Wang Dajian, Yan Xiaohai said without fucking.

Who will believe what you say?


you sir!

Surrounded by the Neon Combined Fleet, one of the strongest fleets in the world, Wang Dajian is still in the mood to eat popsicles, and is he still at Citi?

However, Yan Xiaohai always doubted whether Wang Dajian was pretending?

In fact, he was desperate, but he pretended to be very relaxed, did he not want people to worry about him?

“That… I have a cargo ship with 30,000 barrels of oil. Do you want to… accept supplies? Will you have money to pay me back in the future?”

It can be seen that Yan Xiaohai has a good heart and wants to prepare a supply ship for Wang Dajian, afraid that Wang Dajian will not be able to support it.

“No, I really don’t need it.”

“Don’t hold on! I’ll give it to you, and I’ll pay for it myself… 5,000 barrels for you!”

Yan Xiaohai has already wanted to pay Wang Dajian to buy oil, and her entire family is enough to buy 5,000 barrels.


This big sister made Wang Dajian a little moved.

Overseas Asians still like to help each other.

Yan Xiaohai was even willing to pay for him…

“Wow! Sister Yan, together! Together! Together!”

While eating buns, Ping Hai shouted in vague words.

Yan Xiaohai blushed: “Don’t get me wrong! I just can’t stand it anymore, the combined fleet is just encircling him!”

Yan Xiaohai still didn’t believe that Wang Dajian was fine, so Wang Dajian had no choice but to explain: “I’m really fine, who did you hear that I’m dying of starvation?”

“United Fleet! If you don’t believe me, I’ll cut you a piece of news.”

Several major neon news media such as “Chao Neon Shimbun”, “Yomiuri Shimbun”, “Neon Jing Shimbun”, as well as a lot of “Global Times”, “Reuters” and so on.

Even Citi’s three major newspapers, “The New York Times”, “Los Angeles Times” and “Washington Post”, have published Wang Dajian’s news.

In the news, the commander-in-chief of the combined fleet, Yamamoto Sixteen, spoke confidently to the media.

“Wang Dajian, there is no base, no supplies, and the combined fleet will be blocked for more than a week! How long can he survive? Sooner or later, he will run out of ammunition and food! Therefore, this operation of the combined fleet will not be too long, and it will be soon. will end.”

This is the original words of the Commander-in-Chief of the Combined Fleet, Yamamoto Sixteen.

At this moment, the door behind Yan Xiaohai was slowly pushed open.

“Everyone, this is the base of the International Port, please feel free to visit… visit… visit!?”

Will’s Z23 destroyer Xiao Loli looked at Yan Xiaohai and Wang Dajian on the screen with a dazed expression.

Why are there so many reporters?

Yan Xiaohai suddenly remembered that today the International Port received a group of reporters who came to interview and visit…

The reporters happened to be brought into the logistics department of Jianniang by Z23 Little Loli, and wanted to visit the logistics.

But now…

A group of reporters stared at Wang Dajian, who was eating buns on the screen, dumbfounded.

wait! ?

Newspapers all over the world published the news that Wang Dajian might not be able to support it. It was said by the commander-in-chief of the Combined Fleet, Jun Yamamoto.

But now? !

The reporters rubbed their eyes and looked at Wang Dajian, who was eating popsicles on the screen.

The next moment, the reporter picked up his mobile phone, camera and video recorder and desperately photographed Wang Dajian on the screen.

Wearing big pants and a black vest, Ge You sat in a paralyzed position, holding a popsicle.

Withered vines and old trees and crows, air-conditioned WiFi watermelons, Ge You’s same sofa, the sun sets, I will lie there.

Media reporters were shocked.

Before Wang Dajian wore a navy uniform, he was handsome! majesty!

Now Wang Dajian…

Lying on the couch in flip flops and big pants, Citigroup sizzling?

“This is Mr. Dajian Wang from Dajian Technology Co., Ltd.?”

“King Dajian! Wang Dajian!”

“Wait a minute, didn’t the Neon Combined Fleet say that Wang Dajian had a miserable life, is it a fake to be hunted down?”

“Yes, yes, according to the description of the commander-in-chief of the combined fleet, Wang Dajian should be hiding in the east, which is very miserable!”

All the reporters were talking about it.

Doesn’t it mean that Wang Dajian is very miserable now?

The news is also quickly broadcast to all parts of the world, as well as various live broadcast platforms.

The live broadcast CCAV host was slightly startled.

“Insert the latest news that Wang Dajian, who was besieged by the United Fleet, is actually on the phone with the leader of the International Port Logistics Department, and he is in good condition. It seems that he is doing well.”

The news and military programs of several TV stations were suddenly inserted into the news.

clap clap clap!

The whole world is playing the combined fleet in the face.

It was said that Wang Dajian had an extremely miserable life? Oil off! ?

Now look at Wang Dajian, this little neon is doing well, his face is full of oil.

And the netizens of the live broadcast platform are constantly brushing 666.

“Fuck, who is this guy Wang Dajian? Why is it on the homepage of the live broadcast platform?”

“You don’t know Wang Dajian? You haven’t paid attention to the humanoid weapon ship girl, have you?”

“The mentally retarded, don’t you know that Wang Dajian is the hottest Oriental in the world now? He is surrounded by the combined fleet, and the combined fleet even claims that he is about to die.”

“Brother Wang, my idol! I want to go to Africa too, and I want to join Brother Wang!”

“Ferry tickets to Africa are sold in the front row! Come in line to be the African Admiral!”

“African Admiral, Wang Dajian is the African Emperor!”

The indiscriminate entry of reporters suddenly made Wang Dajian the headlines of the world’s news.

He… just wanted to say, he’s not ready yet!

At that time, I was wearing pants and a vest, and it made headlines like this…

The whole world immediately remembered an African European emperor wearing big pants and flip-flops. , , .

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