Mob without system in Naruto world

Chapter 121: To the Land of Iron!

"...and that's how it is. Do you have any further questions?" - Tsunade asked.

"With Lord Jiraiya being there, is there really a need for us Anbu to participate as well?" - Yamato who was in his Anbu uniform asked.

"Normally I would agree with that, but I have a bad feeling about this..." - Tsunade

"I understand." - after saying that Yamato continued to stand silently, seemingly waiting for something.

"Speak, what is it?" - Tsunade

"I'm concerned about the fact that this Anbu squad that I will be leading is full of former Root-members..." - Yamato

"Sigh...with Danzo's death they are all completely loyal to Konoha, so there shouldn't be any problems." - Tsunade

"It's not about their loyalty, it has more to do with their personalities...I know we Anbu are a bit special and there are many odd ones among us and that it shouldn't matter normally, but it seems they are just wired completely differently which makes teamwork...a bit hard." - Yamato

"Hmm...I'm aware of that. But that's why I try to mix the teams up so that they learn to integrate better with the ordinary Anbu. If we keep dividing the squads into former-Root members and ordinary Anbu, it might make working with them in the future even harder." - Tsunade

"Alright." - with that Yamato left.

Tsunade stared at where he was a moment ago while thinking: 'I really have a bad feeling about this...but with Jiraiya being there I'm probably overthinking things...'


Naruto kept starring at the Anbu squad members with his usual face when he is annoyed or suspicious.

After getting ready for their mission, Naruto and Sakura were supposed to meet their "team-members" for this mission just outside Konoha's main gate.

But Anbu aren't really known for being talkative, so it was an awkward silence with Naruto gazing at them with a grimace.

"NARUTO! CUT THAT OUT!!" - Sakura punched him on his head.

"Ouch! But Sakura! Why did Granny Tsunade send those weirdos with us? If Kakashi-sensei can't come because he is still recuperating, then why didn't she send Shikamaru's team or Bushy Eyebrow's team with us?!" - Naruto

"Sigh..." - she just ignored him and with a smile, she approached the Anbu members: "Sorry for my team-member. My name is Sakura Haruno, and I'm looking forward to working with you."

The Anbu-members only nodded before telling sequentially their codenames, but nothing more.

"Naruto!" - Sakura

"Hmph!" - he crossed his arms and then suddenly started to shout: "LISTEN HERE!! MY NAME IS NARUTO UZUMAKI! YOU BETTER REMEMBER MY NAME, SINCE ONE DAY I WILL BE THE HOKAGE!!"


"...alright. This should be enough for the introductions for now. I'm this Anbu-squad's leader and will be in charge of this mission. I believe the Hokage told you this, but normally Anbu and non-Anbu don't work on the same missions together. However, because of the mission's importance, this is an exception. So I hope you'll stay discreet about what happens on this mission and about everything which might expose our identities." - Yamato (in his mask)

"Of course!" - Sakura smiled while dragging Naruto next to her.

"...yeah..." - Naruto

"Okay, if you are ready, let us embark now. Our destination is the Land of Iron!" - with Yamato's words they disappeared from Konoha's front gate.

"Lord Orochimaru...are you sure? The Shiki Ryuu is not to be underestimated and they should know by now that we are gathering forces and preparing a trap, which might result in them canceling the deal," - Kabuto looked at all their forces which will be participating in the event.

Orochimaru smiled: "That's precisely why I'm preparing such a force. If we only came by ourselves, they would be even more suspicious, but if they believe that they know about our "trap" beforehand they will be confident and walk straight into our "other trap. If you give your opponents the feeling that they have the advantage, it becomes easier to read them."

"...I understand. I will start preparing the other arrangements then." - Kabuto left Orochimaru alone.

'Soon, not only will be Sasuke mine...but I'll pay you back for all the humiliation and trouble you gave me, Eiji Nakamura...' - a dangerous glint could be seen in Orochimaru's eyes.


Alright, the majority voted for the consistent 3 days a week, so the next chapter will be on Monday. Again, the days will be Monday, Wednesday and Saturday.

P.S. I don't usually praise myself, but I think I really nailed Naruto's character in this chapter: even though he is annoying on the outside, he is a deep character and I think I hinted at it pretty well without being too obvious.

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