Mob without system in Naruto world

Chapter 124: Start!

With a loud sound, Manda stopped at on end of the bridge and lowered its head so that Orochimaru and Kabuto can jump down.

Orochimaru, with his usual smile, started to walk towards Eiji's group on the other end of the bridge with Kabuto following him.

But Eiji's group didn't move to meet him in the middle of the bridge, but just continued to stand there without saying a word.

'This shameless bastard...' - for a slight moment Orochimaru's smile froze and a vein appeared on his forehead, but it quickly disappeared and went back to his usual face.

Why did Eiji let Orochimaru walk all the way towards him, even though he was the one to suggest the trade?

It was simply to mock Orochimaru!

"...sigh...I don't know if it's braveness or just sheer stupidity..." - Kabuto whispered to himself while touching his glasses.

"It's my entire life I've never seen a shinobi as shameless as him...but this will end today! Our forces should have arrived by now and should be on standby..." - Orochimaru's smile grew larger.

Meanwhile at the location where the Konoha forces were...

"Sasuke...damn! Why is he with that bastard? I thought he was with Orochimaru!! What's this about, pervy sage? Explain that!!" - Naruto tried his best not to shout.

"When he disappeared suddenly 3 years ago, it was concluded by Konoha's investigation force that he went with Orochimaru's henchmen who were lurking in Konoha at that time...but over the years rumors about a red-eyed monster from the Shiki Ryuu crept up, but it were only rumors and we had no evidence, so I didn't tell." - Jiraiya

"But!!" - Naruto was about to shout, but Jiraiya looked at him sternly and said: "Listen...Sasuke being with the Shiki Ryuu instead of Orochimaru doesn't change our mission - our goals are still the same. So stop thinking about useless stuff and concentrate on your mission! This also applies to you, Sakura!"

Sakura who was completely absorbed in her thoughts since she saw Sasuke, "woke up" through Jiraiya's words.

"...right...sorry..." - she breathed deeply in, and her eyes showed her focus.

"Lord Jiraiya..." - Yamato suddenly got close to Jiraiya, but Jiraiya interrupted him: "I know. I will deal with it alone, while you make sure that this brat over there doesn't do anything stupid..."

Yamato looked at whom Jiraiya's eyes moved to when he said that, and after getting who he meant, Yamato nodded.

"Alright, Naruto...I'm heading out for a bit, until then listen to the Anbu squad leader's orders."

"Ha? What do you mean with hea-" - before Naruto could finish, Jiraiya already disappeared.

"It fills my heart with joy seeing so many known faces together...I really looked forward to seeing you again, Sasuke...and you, Ukon...for a filthy traitor, I have to applaud you for not hiding in a corner at the end of the world and having the guts to stand in front of me...and lastly you, always seem to get in my way, no matter what I plan or one achieved to give that much trouble except you..." - Orochimaru and Kabuto stopped at a not too far and not to close distance and greeted them.

Ukon was biting his lips and tried his best to not jump at Orochimaru and Sasuke just looked at him silently with a cool face.

Eiji stopped picking his nose: "Well, this is a bit awkward...when I do business I usually greet with a handshake, but I think we would just try to kill each other if we come too close, so let's just skip that. I'll go straight to the point: did you come here to do business or just simply to fight?"

"Hehehe...this is entirely up to you..." - Orochimaru looked at Sasuke: 'There is no way Sasuke would agree to it, so the trade won't happen...but in the off-chance that Eiji really wants to trade Sasuke and found a way to restrain him, I don't have are reason to refuse...I can just kill him and Ukon after getting Sasuke...though that of course will never happen.'

"Hmm...that sounds also should be about time..." - Eiji


"BLURGH!!" - suddenly Sasuke fell on the ground and started to vomit.

"As you can see, I poisoned him in the hotel...of course it's nonlethal, but it should suffice to just take him with you." - Eiji started to smile brightly.

"...what?" - Orochimaru absolutely didn't expect this and his smile froze completely, leaving him with a dumbfounded expression.


Damn, this chapter was one of the chapters I had most fun writing...I hope you had fun reading it too!

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