Mob without system in Naruto world

Chapter 36: Treasure worm

"Hey sensei, how are we supposed to find their hideout?" - Kotaru

"We learned it at the academy though..." - Arina

"I know, but I forgot it..."

"Koff, well there are many ways to track somebody, but the most important thing is to use the tactic most suitable for the circumstances. For our mission, we know that the hideout is nearby and since there weren't any bandit problems prior to this, we can conclude that this hideout was built by our targets. Hideouts are either build from scratch or environmental structures like caves are used instead. Most bandits don't want to waste time building it on their own, so most of the time it's the second option they use. There is a mountain range nearby, so we just have to follow the easiest path from the village into the direction of the mountain range and we should find something."

"But shouldn't we be a bit careful of possible traps or something sensei?" - Eiji

"Usually yes, but since we got the information that the bandits take only goods from the village, they likely use some sort of carriage to carry it to the hideout, which would make setting traps that aren't triggered by their own carriage hard to set up."

"Kinda makes sense I guess..." - Eiji

"Of course, the words of a Jonin always make sense!" - Kotaru

"Why are you always so energetic? Can't you relax a bit or something?"

"Sir, one of our scouts saw them walking into the village and then talking to the village chief. And now they walk towards our hideout..."

"Hmm looks like some fish took finally the bait...order all men to act like we didn't notice them. When they arrive, start acting surprised and attack disorganized! I will take care of the rest." - 42 said it with an emotionless voice like always.

He then started to hide himself.

It's not like he isn't strong, but sneak attacking is just the fastest way and the possibility of the enemy escaping is also much smaller.

"Sensei, shouldn't we - "

"Keep your voice down, we are already nearby and it looks like the enemy didn't notice us. So here's the plan. Since I took the mission to let you have some real fighting experience, you guys will try to take them stealthily out one by one, while I will stand on standby to step in if something goes wrong!"

"Yes, sensei!" All three whispered it.

There were currently 3 guards outside the cave guarding the entrance.

The 3 Genin formed the plan of everyone taking 1 guard individually out, striking at the same time.

After that, they would transform into the guards and check the situation inside.

Hayate approved of the plan, even though he knew that such a plan was a bit too sophisticated to carry out for rookies and that mishaps will probably occur - but that's why he was here.

If anything happens, he will instantly step in to help.

After that they could learn from this experience and their mistakes, to grow as shinobis!

Anyway, the 3 Genins selected their targets and started to sneak.

Of course, they just wanted to knock them unconsciously, but Hayate insisted that they still should have a kunai ready in case it gets dangerous.

The bandits already knew that enemies are approaching.

But they were ordered to behave normally.

Furthermore, they are normal people, so they couldn't possibly notice trained shinobis sneaking towards them.

They did normal guard stuff: one was drinking booze, the other was eating, while the last one distanced himself to answer the call of nature.

"Ahh man, I love beer, but I hate the pissing after that!"

Unfortunately, Arina's target was the one who was currently peeing.

With a red face, she tried her best to ignore it and sneaked behind his back.

Then she hit him at the neck.

Somehow he managed to fall back exposing his treasure worm to a 12-year-old girl.


Fortunately, Eiji and Kotaru didn't run into any problems, so the next step was to transform into the guards.

But Arina was just standing there like her soul left her body.


Treasure worm used to strike against a loli! It was super effective!

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