Mob’s yandere !?

Chapter 22- Being left alone!

[Aoi's POV:]

'I can't believe this... '

In front of my eyes stood the person whom I respect the most in my life.

General Kaori Fujiwara.

The reason I adore her and want to become someday just like the General was the position she has reached in so less time.

I haven't seen her battle until now, but I have heard a lot about how brutally she exterminates her enemies and dominates the battlefield as if she owns it.

From above-average humans to such a prominent entity, General Kaori has overcome those difficulties which I couldn't even dream of facing as if now.

In current times, Kaori-san stands in a position where if Humanity gets shadowed under threat, she would be the first one to fight back.

She is truly a remarkable person.

But right now, what I am witnessing makes me rethink whether I have heard about the same person or not?

Even though Kei-kun hasn't appeared since Kaori-san prolonged Ryuuta from opening the door, she is trembling like some sort of teenage maiden who has received a confession from the person she loves.

I mean, in a way, it's kind of cute, but we are talking about The General Kaori, who has gained the title of Battle Goddess or whatnot.

'I really wonder what made her fall for him....'

As I thought, two boys walked inside the room. The first one who was grinning ear to ear was the mischievous Ryuuta, who wholeheartedly was enjoyeing his sister's reaction.

And the other was the person whom I once had a close relationship with, but suddenly he became a lot distant, Kei Kanzaki.

(A/N: - If I ever mentioned Kei's full name before, then lemme know, since I cannot find it ×o)

I checked him head to toe for some apparent reason and found nothing out of ordinary.

It doesn't mean I am belittling Kei-kun's looks, but Kaori-san is way above his level. Heck! Even Ryuuta wasn't her brother; he also would have faded in Kaori-san halo.

"Oh, K-Kei-kun's here."

General tried to play it cool that she wasn't expecting him here but Kaori-san, you should have said without the blush covering your whole face.

Kei-kun, on the other hand, was startled for a second before he called out for the woman.

"Hey Kaori, long time. Ah, hi guys."

He waved at us, to which Saya was the one who responded actively.

I was fascinated to see how Kei-kun kept his composure while meeting Kaori-san. I mean, these kinds of reuniting events generally leave the guy in awe to see their childhood sweetheart all grown-up and such.

But here he was, completely unfazed by her presence.

'It seems there's something more in you, Kei-kun... '


[Kei's POV]

'It's breaking me out... '

I mumbled inside my mind as I tried my best to keep my calm around these many beautiful people.

Saya, Hana, and Aoi were already enough to exhaust my composure but now this beautiful Onee-san version of Kaori too?

How did she grow up sOO much in so less time?

I mean, I clearly remember the last time I met them, she was crying like a child, that she would miss the house and various things, but the woman right in front of me had left the previous Kaori miles away.

Not only has her aura developed, but I could also sense the profound amount of magical energy inside of her.

But to be honest, I preferred the previous Kaori more since right now, I can't find the courage to even talk to her properly.

"Why don't we sit first."

Ryuuta finally broke the ice before the room could get more awkward than it already had after my arrival. I nodded and moved toward the living area along with Kaori.

"Ah, where do we sit?"

There was a single three-person couch in the hall, which naturally wasn't enough to let everyone sit on it.

I was about to ask Ryuuta to bring the bean bags he had dumped in his storage when the person himself talked first.

"Ah, that reminds me. Saya and Hana needed some help with our next assignment, right? So why not me and Aoi help you guys."

"Ye-Yeah, I can surely help you. Let's go, Saya.".

"Wha- No! Don't wanna-Ah! Don't drag me like this, Hana-chan..."

I don't know what they were after, as they explicitly faked the assignment part, but before I could say anything, all four of them disappeared.

Turning my head, I saw Kaori's expression the same as mine, like she also didn't want to be left alone.

"If you want, you can go too. I might return h-"

I was about to suggest the best course of action since it was extremely odd for us to be suddenly being like this.

But Kaori had different plans...

"N-No rather, I want to talk to Kei-kun alone."

What's that reaction?

Stop being so cute when you say such misleading things.

My heart is delicate, y'know.

"I-Is that so...Then please tell me what is it, Kaori."


A/N: - Next chapter would be fluffy. Drop a comment if you are hyped.

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