Mob’s yandere !?

Chapter 31- Do I like Kei?

Standing on an extended long balcony of a high-end apartment was an otherworldly beautiful girl with long platinum hair.

Standing on the top level of a thirty-floor apartment, her hair swayed freely with the harsh wind. But none of it distracted her.

With her ruby gaze directed at the moon, Karen didn't have her gaze fixated on anything since her mind was in plain chaos.

An hour ago, she heard about Kei's apartment being demolished to rubles due to unexpected reasons. Pathetic, it may sound, but despite having so many connections, Karen learned about this from the news channels.

She knew that Kei wouldn't get any injury even if he were present inside the building when it collapsed, but the thought of it somehow, horrified her.

She contacted him not so long ago and asked whether she could meet him, but Kei blankly rejected. She didn't have any option since the place Kei was right now, was under the surveillance of a dangerous human entity.

She could only endure until tomorrow before this stinging sensation in her chest was subdues.

Even though she heard his voice and got to know that Kei was completely fine, Karen was still feeling somehow heavy.

And confused.

'When did I become like this… '

Karen has become aware of those of the opposite sex, quite a while ago, but she never was much interested in dating and other stuff.

Most vampires in her age start to get into various relationships at the same time to taste the fruit of love until they don't get bored of it. But Karen had no such plans due to her picky nature.

But all those filters she has set to measure a potential lover got pulverized when she meets this man named Kei.

She wasn't particularly in love with him…or she was just unaware… But Karen was undoubtedly interested in that man in every way.

Maybe it was his identity of Bounty Hunter that made her interested in him or his handsome appearance, which he adapted to meet her mother?

'Am I this hollow to fall for someone's appearance… '

No, she wasn't, and she knew it.

But there was something that made her quite muddled about Kei.

Why was she thinking so much about him? Why do his words and rejection influence her mood? And why does he spend time with others but don't like to be seen with her?

'I can't understand anything at all….'

Sighing, the beautiful vampire leaned her chin on the railing as she closed her eyes in distress.

"Why are you troubled?"

Suddenly a familiar voice reached up to her before Karen shot herself toward the source and found a face she had been thinking about quite profoundly for some time.

Karen blinked in perplexion for quite long seconds, since she could never expect Kei would be coming tonight when he had already rejected her some minutes ago.

" did you know, I am troubled…"

Without putting her mind behind her words, Karen spoke while still being in fluster, with her gaze fixated solely on him.

Kei jumped down the balcony railing before he advanced toward Karen. With his gaze still as solemn as ever, he spoke in an uncertain tone.

"We still share a bond; you know that, right? I read your storms of emotions bubbling up; that's why I came."

"Oh, is that so… chotto matte! You read my emotions!!"

As soon as a blush covered her face, the speed of realization got quicker than that. With her eyes narrowed in a complaint, she grabbed Kei's collar and asked in a panic.

If he has read her feelings… then it will be over!

Kei blinked with his mind blank since this development was too fast, and she was too close!

"Y-You also do that to me…."

Kei was bad with woman's fragrances and especially the one Karen was emitting.

Kei tried to get away from this unusual Karen, but her hold on him was quite rigid. All he wanted was to just check on her, but now he regretted meeting this odd girl at this hour.

All of a sudden, the hysteria from Karen's face disappeared as she blinked in perplexion.

'Hmmm… ?'

With an evil grin forming on her blood-red lips, she glanced upward and spoke in a seductive tone.

"Heh~Am I dreaming, or the infamous hunter is getting hard by a mere little girl~.


A/N: - Next, some chapters would be for development between him and his girls.

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