Mob’s yandere !?

Chapter 46- Vanguard Chief?!

The Vanguard Organization is the first and last line of defense for humanity against the otherworldly existence that are superior to humans in every way.

Despite having the support of the government from the shadows it was certain that Vanguard would have fallen to nothingness if a powerful foe arises in an uncertain future.

This horrifying possibility begged for a strong leader who can stand tall against the other realms and protect humanity from the dangers they are unaware of.

At that time, a man walked up out of nowhere and challenged the Founders to become the leader of the Vanguards.

Through his sheer strength which he utilized to win every battle that the Founders brought up, Sinchiro proved to be worthy of becoming the Supreme Head of the Organization.

Only a few people have seen the real might of Sinchiro Kirigawa but there is no denying that he is the strongest human to ever exist.

However taking responsibilities that the leader weighs on his shoulder in the account, it was extremely tough to have a meeting with the said person. Even the Council only gathers once a year to greet and report the leader.

So one could imagine the severity of the matter when such an entity comes in person to meet someone.

"Hunter's first official visit and we aren't even able to arrange a banquet. How disheartening."

Standing at an ideal height of 6 '1 just six inches less than the hunter, Sinchiro planted his hand on his forehead and sighed in defeat.

The way he shook his head, made his long shiny black hair move alongside. There was an over-dramatic expression on the man's face, who by appearance looked to be in his twenties.

Yorichi felt ashamed and embarrassed since it was his clan residence where Black Bounty walked in and he failed to properly welcome the guest.

"Anyways, can I dare to ask the infamous Hunter, what good deeds we partook in to receive this humble visit?"

It was impossible to discern from normal perception but Kei definitely saw how slyly the Vanguard Chief took a glance over Kaori for some reason.

"I understand the matter entirely, Hunter-san. You want the General and her brother to be left unbothered by this or any other clan right?"

Incredible to say the least.

With just one glance, Sinchiro was able to conclude what turn of events had invited this catastrophic being.

The people around had a mixture of expressions upon hearing the explicit demand that the Hunter might have directed.

Kaori raised her brows in exclamation as well since the deduction was just on point.

Kei was silent for some moments before he spoke his thoughts out, making the people around, gasp in shock.

"That's…the…half of it…"

His heavy and hoarse voice silenced the already quiet hall as the mutual query arose inside everyone, including Kaori.

She thought that they were just here to make it clear how Black Bounty was related to her and Ryuuta. Other than that, she wasn't aware of it.

A slight frown appeared on Sinchiro's forehead but his smile didn't fade away as he asked in his previous cheery tone.

"And what is the other half of Hunter's demand?"

The people standing by the wall along with Minoru and Yorichi started to think about what might be the thing that Bounty Hunter could request.

But they miscalculated the stringency of this matter by a huge margin…


Sinchiro stepped back as he pulled his guard upon seeing the Hunter waving his left arm once with a frightening pace.

Little did he or anyone think that the simple gesture would cause the Kamazaki such a terrifying loss…


Blood splashed violently as the heir of the Kamazaki got bisected in clear two pieces with vitality leaving the young man in an instant.

Kaori's eyes widened in shock since she never expected Kei to take such a decision without even hesitating.

The Councilmen had similar shocked expressions as Kaori as they saw the young man who was destined to become a prominent figure in near future, dropping dead on the floor.


Yorichi tried to move in enraged toward the murderer with his eyes turning red in utter aggression but his voice got choked in his throat because of a heavy wave of mana weighing down his whole existence.

The astonishing realization was that this mana belonged to none other than the Vanguard Chief, Sinchiro as the person not only froze Yorichi but everyone inside the hall except for the two visitors.

Kei could've left immediately after he killed Minoru but he wanted to see what Sinchiro had opinions on the matter.

And Kei couldn't have expected more than the brilliant Chief Sinchiro Kirigawa.

Wordlessly, Kei pulled Kaori near him, bringing the latter out of her stupor before he cast the teleportation circle and was about to vanish when he heard the smiling man bidding farewell with his concluding words.

"I hope the next time we meet, there won't need to spill any blood, Hunter-san. Farewell~."


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