Mob’s yandere !?

Chapter 66- Then stay with me!

“I said it’s okay. Now come out.”

“No…never! Why didn’t you warn me?!”

Kei helplessly sighed for the nth time as he urged Karen to get out of the covers in which she had wrapped herself ever since Kei have arrived.

Other than communication through telepathy, there are several advantages of a bond as well in which reading your partner’s emotions is included as well.

Kei primarily thought only to pass time while chatting with Karen and Kaori as the mother-and-daughter-duo in the Elven realm was bonding. But when he pried deeper into Karen’s consciousness, he was able to sense how anxious and troubled she was.

He felt the urge so he jumped through the portal but now…

“I don’t have my make up Kei…and without it, I look horrible.”

Kei already has seen her face without makeup before but surely she would get worked up even more if he says that so he chose to play chad here.

“Don’t be silly. I know how beautiful you are even without any make-up so come on now and show me your face. Or I might really go back.”

And the trick worked as with a yelp Karen threw the blanket before she jumped toward Kei. He was now used to holding her so he caught Karen without wavering an inch from his position.

Apart from her usual glossy blood-red lips, Karen seemed same to him. If not, even more, pale and charming which made him wonder whether she was really okay with someone like him.

“You aren’t thinking of something useless again, right?”

Kei straightened his back and with a stiff smile shook his head from left to right.

Karen kept on his staring at him as Kei turned steadily and landed his butt on the edge of the bed.

Her body was extremely soft and delicate in his hold which made Kei tempted to embrace her even more strongly. Not to talk about her floral fragrance which overwhelmingly took over his senses.
This white one-piece night dress exposed an unhealthy amount of skin, making him restless about where to look or where to hold.

She is just so….precious.

“…what is it?”
Karen knew something was in his mind while she felt him feeling up her body. Seeing how fascinated Kei became because of her, curled her lips as she waited for his answer.
Kei inhaled deeply as his shoulder slumped in relief before he confessed his immediate thoughts without editing them.

“You are so soft that I feel like eating you…”

Kei let himself fall on the bed with Karen on top of him as he said those words.
Karen remained silent with her face dipped on his chest since she knew the blush would be evident on her face. In the end, she chose to speak without facing him.

“Where were you?”

Kei was pulled out of his daze as he heard Karen’s casual query. He was a bit skeptical about how he should respond.

It was not like he didn’t trust Karen or Kaori but he needed time to think whether he would be telling about them about his third bond.

He wasn’t sure how they might react since forming a bond was just like marriage. He knew they would eventually accept Yuna, but he doesn’t want to spoil this peaceful atmosphere with any serious talking.

“Just was helping someone and washing away some guilt…”

Karen blinked in confusion as she lifted her head and rested her chin on his chest waiting for him to continue. But she could sense Kei didn’t want to talk about it for now so she didn’t pester.

She has long realized how many things Kei has already faced in his life and how his perception has been different on everything which Karen could not understand even though she tries to.

She does want to be closer to him but she doesn’t want to rush anything. She needs to take things slowly and know everything about him. Or so she wanted to…

“Hey Kei?”


Without lifting his face, Kei hummed in question as he gently stroked her smooth back.

Karen paused for several long seconds before she sheepishly continued.

“Do you love me?”

Kei was surprised to hear her abrupt inquiry about something which he thought to be obvious. He didn’t think much of it before he replied in a more firm tone.

“Of course, I do. Is there anything you want to tell?”

Kei didn’t have to pry into her emotions through their bond to guess how tense Karen was. But he had no idea why she seemed this nervous when he just only confessed his feelings once again.

But when he heard her following words, then only he realized why she seemed to be so fidgety.

“T-then please stay w-with me to-tonight…okay?”

Kei was taken aback by such a bold remark which meant only a single thing.

He parted his lids as he stared down at her and found how dangerously she was blushing at the moment. She was practically dyed red right now, signifying how tough it was to say make such a request.

Kei knew there was something Karen was insecure about but looking at her alluring face and remembering the sensation his fingers felt some moments ago while exploring her body, albeit modestly, he was no longer able to hold himself back.

Twirling their position he pressed Karen beneath him while pressing his hand on the bed, on either side, he stared at her for a long moment, but upon sensing no resistance from the girl, Kei dived for the treat…

A/N:- Call this abrupt or whatever but in my sense of reasoning, this much is fine at such a point in their relationship.

I will give each heroine their arc and time to develop but snu*snu* would be added in between as well.

Oh, yeah for that you have to visit my Patreon:-

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