Mod Superhero

Chapter 5.35 — Anomaly


Report compiled by

Dr. Evelyn Carter

Lead Researcher

Gnosis Bioweapons Division





Subject Background — Subject was recruited from candidate pool and volunteered as a test subject for the 14th generation of Mutagen-X compound. 

As of their last testing, Subject scored in the 92nd percentile for Mutagen-X subjects in regards to physical attributes. Subject showed special competency in combat and target acquisition. 

Within the first year of the program, Subject was showing signs of psychological degradation, including obsessive tendencies and emotional dysregulation. This is unfortunate, but within the accepted 43% one year asset depletion rate (CITATION REMOVED). 

Incident Summary — On DATE AND TIME REDACTED Subject was engaged in two battles in LOCATION REDACTED (see attached INCIDENT REPORTS). 

During the second battle, Subject was paralyzed via a nanite compound. Nanites blocked blood flow and solidified bodily fluids in a process similar to coagulation. The subject’s cells were not able to combat this process before total solidification occurred (see attached MUTAGEN-X COUNTERMEASURES REPORT). 

Subject was recovered from the scene alive. Due to their physical prowess, they survived for two days until the nanites lost power. Then blood was able to break down clotted tissue and liquify again. 

Reported Anomaly — Subject’s body has entered an unprecedented state of mutation, diverging significantly from previous Mutagen-X responses. 

Regenerative Overdrive: Subject’s healing factor has accelerated beyond predicted limits, resulting in uncontrolled tissue growth and regeneration. Rapid changes in body mass and structure have been observed, including the growth of chitinous exoskeleton and additional appendages. Results are similar to cancerous cells, but with visible growth occurring in minutes or even seconds of triggers. Spontaneous growth can occur without triggers. 

Elevated Strength and Durability: Subject’s healing factor has also affected their skeletal strength and muscular force production. Tissues throughout the body have been strengthened beyond even Mutagen-X’s best results (see attached TISSUE SAMPLE REPORT). 

Tissue samples are qualitatively and quantitatively comparable to original Mutagen program end-goals. If the Subject can be replicated, this represents a watershed moment. Even if exact replication is not possible, this represents a massive step forward for the program and the fulfillment of the Elders’ Directive.

Current Status — Subject is currently held in a secured underground facility in LOCATION REDACTED. Subject shows signs of severe psychological stress and confusion, only some of which can be attributed to biopsies and testing. 

Restraint Procedures — Subject is confined in a reinforced biohazard containment chamber, equipped with adaptive restraints designed to accommodate rapid morphological changes. Both physical and chemical restraints are necessary due to the Subject's increased strength. Until further notice, Subject will be kept in an indefinite state of catatonia with extreme caloric restriction. Continuous monitoring via remote visual and biometric sensors. Manual checks conducted bi-hourly by specialized personnel.

Neutralization Contingencies — In the event of containment breach, immediate neutralization via high-intensity energy weapons authorized. Due to Subject’s increased physical attributes and healing factor, an Elder’s intervention may be required. It is this researcher’s professional opinion that the presence of an Elder be maintained on site until the Subject is disposed of. 

Research and Recommendations — Continue current sampling and testing procedures. Continue current restraints. Continue current medical procedures for removal of growths and lesions. 

Pinpoint reasons for deviation from original Mutagen-X baseline. Develop countermeasures or stabilizing agents to halt or control mutations. 

Waking the Subject or stabilizing the Subject’s psychological state are secondary concerns. All further actions regarding Subject must be carefully managed to maximize research benefits while minimizing potential risks.


This document is classified — Unauthorized access, reproduction, or dissemination of this information is strictly prohibited. 

~ ~

TINA had sent the Gnosis report to Emmett’s phone. He read it over three times. The entire time he didn’t move from the kitchen table. 

“TINA, I know what you’re thinking… but how can you be sure?”

“I was able to gain access to Dr. Evelyn Carter’s E-mail and then used her credentials to gain access to Gnosis’s servers. The referenced incident reports match up with the battle at the mutagen warehouse and at your old apartment.”

Clara walked into the living room. “TINA, is it really the best idea to hack your way into another company’s servers after what happened with the lab?”

Emmett glanced up at Clara in confusion. 

“Sorry. I sent the report to Clara too.”

Emmett muttered, “Oh… That’s fine, TINA.”

He stared down at the report on his phone. He barely even registered Clara in the room—he was still reeling from the news. 

Lock was alive

“Where is he?” Emmett asked. 

“Additional reports state that Lock is being held at the Gnosis compound here in Belport, in one of the underground containment sublevels.”

“He’s here?!”

Emmett glanced out the window toward Eastside. Outside, the sun was bleeding orange and red in the sky. The rest of his view was blocked by shops and apartments, but Emmett felt like he could see right through them. 

The Gnosis compound was out there. And his friend was locked up somewhere beneath it. 


He turned to find Clara staring back at him, her face twisted in concern. 

“I know you want to help Lock, but you can’t seriously be considering this. This goes against everything that we’ve been doing. We’re supposed to be lying low.”

“They’re experimenting on him—torturing him!”

Clara shook her head and pleaded, “We can’t.”

Words welled up in Emmett’s throat. Then they spilled out. “If they had me, would you just leave me down there?”

“That’s not fair.”

“He was—is my best friend. I can’t just leave him down there.”

“Emmett, he tried to kill you. He’s not stable. Did you even read the file? They’re keeping him in a medically induced coma because they can’t help him.”

“They have him in a coma so they can experiment on him!”

Sympathy had drained from Clara’s face, leaving anger in its place. “So what’s the plan then? We break into one of the most heavily guarded places in Belport? Hope they don’t catch us? Because if they do, they’ll swarm us with a hundred guards, test subjects, and vampires… Maybe they’ll call the Summit down on us too! Oh, and then we’ll break your crazy, murderous best friend out ‘cause you did so well against him last time!”

Emmett winced. He started to say something. Wanted to tell her that they would figure it out—that there would be a way to sneak in, avoid all that, and then sneak out again with Lock… 

Clara was right. He knew it. Deep down, he knew it. 

The tightness in Emmett’s shoulders radiated down through his throat, his chest and arms. 

Gnosis had already taken his friend from him once. They’d turned Lock into a test subject for one of the most volatile compounds on the planet. Emmett could still remember reading the report on the death rates of Mutagen-X rest subjects:

Only 43% of test subjects survive after one year. Only 21% survive after two years. Everyone’s gone by the end of the third. 

He would never forget those numbers or how Gnosis felt about those deaths:

‘Acceptable rate of asset depletion.’

And he still remembered Lock’s sister, Maya, at the funeral. Remembered hugging her and not being able to tell her the truth. 

Emmett’s fists were clenched. The servos in his hands whined under the strain. 

Gnosis had already chewed his best friend up and spit him out once. Emmett couldn’t have saved him then. But now there was a chance. He had the tech. He had TINA. 

Was he supposed to let Gnosis do that to his friend again?

Emmett slammed his fists down. The table shattered like glass, and a billion grains of black sand fell at his feet. Spare server components fell into the mounds. 

Finally, Emmett looked up and saw Clara staring back at him from across the room. Emotion pulled at her face, but Emmett couldn’t read it—didn’t know if she was surprised or angry or scared. 

And in that moment, he didn’t care. 

“I… I need to go,” Emmett muttered. 

He was already standing, already pulling on his supersuit. 

“Where are you going?” Clara asked. She was pleading again, but she hadn’t moved from where she stood. 

“I don’t know.” He met her eyes to reassure her. “Not there. Just out. I need some air.”

Emmett finished pulling on his suit. Then he went to the fire escape window while calling all the nanites in the room. 



The room quivered as nanites swarmed from across the room and from the shattered table. Streams of black coalesced across the walls and floor toward Emmett. They slithered up his legs, across his suit, settled beneath his disguise nanites. 

It felt like a ghost was clinging to him. 



Emmett didn’t pay any attention to his HUD as he climbed out the window.

~ ~ ~

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