Mod Superhero


Super — Blanket term for any superpowered individual

Cape — A super registered with the Summit of Heroes or other government-sponsored group

Mask — A non-registered super

Villain — A super labeled a criminal by the Summit of Heroes, usually guilty of heinous crimes


Augmented Supers — Umbrella term for supers that make or conjure their enhancements, including mechanical ones (artificers and gadgeteers) and mages (magic users or artifact wielders)

Artificer — Supers that predominantly rely on technology instead of inherent powers

Gadgeteers — Supers that can imbue simple objects with special functions and power. Generally seen as a mix of artificer and low-scale reality warper

Mages — Any person who wields magic, no matter the source

Artifact — any item imbued with powerful magic. Some are ancient while others can be created by living mages. Can be wielded by non-mages. 


Physically-Enhanced Supers — Umbrella term for supers who’s physical or mental abilities are enhanced beyond normal humans. Various strength-based supers fall under this category, as do those with super-speed or heightened intelligence, and those enhanced by compounds like Gnosis’ mutagens. 


Kinetics — Supers with powers that affect other people or objects. Psychics, telekinetics, elementalists, illusionists all fall under this category. Flight, reality-warping and time-warping also count. 

Psychic — Supers that can directly or indirectly affect the mind of their opponents

Illusionists — Supers that have powers that muddle the senses of their opponents

Telekinetics — Supers that can move objects with their minds

Elementalists — Supers who primarily conjure or affect a certain “element” such as fire, ice, or electricity. 

Reality Warpers — Supers that can alter reality on a larger/wider scale, similar to telekinetics


Anti-Powers — Powers that negate other categories. A broad category encompassing things such as physical invulnerability or immunity to fire or heat. Can also include specific immunities, such as magic blessings or immunity to specific weapons. 


Mod — Term Emmett and others use for his many modified weapons that he eventually can swap out when fighting different enemies. 

Exosuit — Various sets of powered armor used by Clara


Summit of Heroes — The sanctioned superhero organization of the Government of Allied States

Division of Superhuman Affairs (DSA) — The liaison organization between the Summit and the government

Threat Classification System — The DSA utilizes a shorthand system to classify threats posed by superhuman individuals, independent of the source of their power. Ranges from Class 0 to Class 5 (further explanation can be found in the accompanying excerpt from the DSA)

The Code — the unwritten rules of engagement that dictate supers should avoid killing or maiming each other, or targeting non-super individuals such as family members. Gratuitous violence leads to escalation, which in turn would be eventually stamped out by the cabals of supers that govern their own kind. For example, a psychic seeking to influence a government election would eventually be found out and taken down by the Menagerie, a hive-mind of powerful psychics that eats their own. Each of these cabals worries that any undo flex of their power would result in the banding together of other supers to take-down or exterminate them. Each cabal has a hand in maintaining the current stalemate of world powers and powerful corporations. Similar principles to nuclear Mutually Assured Destruction. 

The Vault — A prison for supers

The Menagerie — A cabal hive-mind of powerful psychics

The Binary Brotherhood — A cabal of powerful artificers


Gnosis — To the public, a beautic and pharmaceutical company. Their true business is in mutagens, compounds which imbue a person with super-like enhancements. Some compounds, like Mutagen-A are widely used by the rich and powerful as general life enhancement, while others like their flagship Mutagen-X are used by governments and mercenaries to turn a single soldier into a Class 3 super that can fight an army. 

Aquarius — A telecom corporation


Double Mask, Reddest Knight, Green Machine — Various forums frequented by Emmett and other superhero enthusiasts that compile information

Full Throttle Heart — An in-universe anime about a delivery truck that is hit by another truck and isekai’d into a fantasy world. It’s pretty much a gag story, but there are some excerpts at the end of chapters that pertain to the larger Mod Superhero world. 

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