Modern Patriarch

Chapter 92: Dao of the Forge (3)

Chapter 92: Dao of the Forge (3)

A loud, distinctly metallic clang rippled outwards, disrupting the steady tempo of crackling flames and hissing stones that dominated the Earthen Forge.

Yao Shens forehead was beaded with sweat as he followed through with two quick let delicately light taps along the periphery of the armor plate that had gained definition. His gaze sharpened as he inspected his handiwork with a discerning gaze, before clicking his tongue in clear dissatisfaction.

Once again, Yao Shens hammer blazed into motion, four light strikes applying the final touches that he believed to have missed on earlier.

He was surprised to find himself slightly out of breath as he moved to quench the chest-plate in a solution of concentrated Water Qi. Sustaining the state of hyperfocus, as he had termed it, only required a minimal consumption of his Divine Sense, so he had not considered the consequences of freely utilizing it too deeply.

As a burst of steam erupted upwards from the rapidly cooling chestplate, Yao Shen used a pair of specially reinforced tongs to gently turn it. Tianjin Shuan had emphasized the importance of quenching the chestplate evenly, both to ensure that there were no cracks or warping and to let the properties of both the mineral rich ore and Water Qi seep into its construction.

While such considerations were interesting, Yao Shen was preoccupied by his own musings regarding his newfound weakness. It only took him a few minutes to refine upon a concept that he already had a reflexive understanding of Soul Emperor or not, ultimately his Soul and Divine Sense were overlapping but distinct concepts. While his Divine Sense would not be exhausted by entering a state of hyperfocus, no cultivator possessed limitless fortitude.

It is complete, Yao Shen declared, as he retrieved the forged chestplate from the half-depleted pool of Water Qi and placed it on a wooden stand.

As Tianjian Shuan gingerly walked over to the chestplate Yao Shen had spent over an hour forging, he could not help but admit to the anxiousness he felt. A Human Dao Cultivator denying his own emotions was about as preposterous as a Flame Cultivator being afraid of Fire. Discovering a limitation on the time he could spend in a hyperfocused state had already come as a blow to his plans of mass-producing Lumenite Armor and if he was over-estimating the augmentation it could provide his forging ability then it would be another setback.

Another delay.

Another day that the Azlak Plains would lay defenseless if he were to go absent.

Sword, Tianjin Shuan bellowed, piquing Yao Shens interest.

Barely a minute passed before a disciple all but barrelled into the forge, cupping both his hands around an unassuming sword that seemed overly mundane, almost as if it was designed to appear as self-effacing as possible.

This story has been stolen from Royal Road. If you read it on Amazon, please report it

Noting the unasked query, Tianjian Shuan began to explain, As I told you before, the armor you forged with that alloy is most suited for Early Stage Core Formation Cultivators. I had one of my disciples forge this sword in preparation for testing a day ago, using the same alloy in slightly tweaked ratios. I will now swing it myself with the maximum strength I believe an Early Stage Core Formation Cultivator to be capable of, Tianjian Shuan declared, his gaze intense as he scoured the chest plate before him even as he reached for the sword.

Yao Shens fist tensed slightly as Tianjian Shuans arm muscles tensed in preparation for the swing.

Without any further ado, he swung.

The sound was the first thing Yao Shen registered. Like a clapper striking a bell, only to receive a far shriller and unpleasant reaction.

The next was the vibration. The armor vigorously vibrated from the impact, the wooden stand barely managing to hold it in place.

Only after it stopped was the result made clear.

Tianjian Shuan stood before the chestplate, a light scratch the only visible damage.

Yao Shen believed the test to be complete at that stage, allowing a light burst of elation to influence him.

Only for Tianjian Shuan to declare, Second stage. Mid-Stage Core Formation.

He did not wait for Yao Shens reactions or confirmations to strike.

This time, the strength behind the attack was palpable, enough to knock the heavy wooden stand onto the ground along with the armor. Even the sword in Tianjian Shuans hands was vibrating from the stress of the attack, but the armor itself.

Had held.

The scratch was replaced by a small dent in a spot a little below the former, but the armor had withstood the attack magnificently in Yao Shens opinion.

Tianjian Shuan stood rooted to the spot, his free hand running through his neatly combed hair as he studied the point of impact before turning his gaze towards the sword.

For ten minutes, he continued to stand there, even as two of his disciples that were present in the forge moved to reinstate the testing apparatus, seemingly having done so without receiving confirmation from their master.

Seal the forge, Tianjian Shuan declared.

Yao Shen felt the build-up of tension in those words, even as the two disciples toiled away at a winch-like apparatus that slowly sealed the heavy-set double doors that served as the Forges only entrance.

Final test, Tianjian Shuan declared in the presence of Yao Shen and what he suspected were the forge masters true disciples.

The progressively escalating difficulty had set expectations in Yao Shens mind, giving him an almost certain idea of what came next.

Almost certain.

Nascent Soul, Tianjian Shuan declared to Yao Shens complete shock and before he could offer any queries or protestations, he swung.

An ear piercing crack rang out as the sword made contact with the armor he had forged, the tremendous strength contained behind the blow causing it to crumble inwards, devastating the wooden stand along with it.

However, that was not the source of the shrill yet short-lived sound.

Yao Shen reacted even before Tianjian Shuan, but even then, he just barely managed to intercept the projectile that was speeding towards one of the two disciples that were standing next to the Forges close doors.

The top half of a broken sword.

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