Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 50: Kanji's Rules of Love: Rule 5

Gayoon was scanning around the mall with an intense look. Minho had brought her to Ace Mall, which was owned by Hwang Cosporations. It was one of the most exclusive shopping malls in the country where only the elites could shop. 

"This place looks expensive," Gayoon said, feeling apprehensive. Minho shook his head. She had no idea that he owned the mall and was looking at the price tags in dismay.

"Six thousand dollars?" she moaned, checking the price of a simple hat. "What's this made of? Gold?"

Minho was about to open his mouth but she wandered off, lost in her own thoughts. The staff were staring at him in fear. They knew the CEO was a short tempered man who would burst out at them any time if they fell short of the revenue target. But they were also curious about the woman he was with.

They had never seen him with a date and a lot of them were whispering about her.

"Is she his girlfriend?" one staff member asked her colleague. 

"Who knows?" the colleague shrugged. "She seems to have come with him!"

"I hope the girl knows the CEO's temper tantrums."

"If she did, she'd have run the other way."

Meanwhile, Minho was following Gayoon around as she went from store to store. Unbeknownst to him, she wanted to buy him a present as a token of appreciation but was bewildered by the outrageous prices.

"T-ten thousand…" she muttered as she checked out a pair of brooches. Why were things so damn expensive? She wanted to cry out loud at the price tags.

Minho, noting her dilemma, was at a loss. He had no idea what she was looking for but it seemed like she was discouraged by the prices. After all, her paycheck was probably not even half of the value of the things available in the mall. Her face was falling in disappointment after coming out of the shops empty handed.

"What are you looking for?" he frowned.

"Something that I can afford to buy," she sighed.

Minho thought about it for a while before relenting to the last resort. He took out his phone and texted Jongin.

Jongin was in his apartment with his girlfriend. He had cooked her a romantic dinner and was planning to go further with her that night. The volcanic CEO had dismissed the office early for some reason but Jongin was not complaining. After all, he got a rare moment alone with his lady love.

"Oppa," he girlfriend whined. "You always ignore me! It's always work and work for you!"

"Don't worry darling," Jongin assured her. "The CEO let me off today. I can finally enjoy our time alone."


Jongin cupped her face and leaned forward. His heart beat increased as he was about to kiss his date. They were almost touching their lips…


Both of them jumped at the sound of his ringtone. His girlfriend pouted in anger as Jongin scrambled to pick up the phone. It was as if the CEO would never let him have a peaceful date night!

"Yes sir!" he said. 

"Jongin, declare a ninety five percent discount on all items in Ace Mall!" Minho ordered. "Effective right now!"

"N-n-now?" Jongin echoed. "But sir-"

"Call all the shop owners and tell them that they have to give this sale until midnight tonight," Minho went on. "Post it all over social media as well to boost sales. But I want the work done within ten minutes!"

Jongin gulped and squeaked, "On it sir!"

Minho hung up the phone while Jongin turned around to see his girlfriend had left. Hanging his head in dismay, Jongin cursed the CEO a little before getting to work. There was going to be no sleep that night.


"Ninety five percent sale?" Gayoon exclaimed as she saw the notice hanging outside the shops. To her pleasant surprise, a sudden flash sale was announced on the speakers in the mall and all the stores hung the signs. She could finally afford something!

Minho smiled a little as Gayoon explored the shops like an excited child. The employees of the mall were shocked to see that the CEO was smiling. He was actually smiling! 

"Our CEO looks really handsome when he smiles!" one intern spoke up.

"I think that lady over there is having an effect on him," an elderly clerk remarked as they saw the unlikely duo roam around the shops. 

Inwardly, the employees were thankful to the angel from heaven who made the demon CEO smile. He would finally be off their backs!

"I'm so confused!" Gayoon complained out loud. What should she get for him? He was rich so there was no doubt in her mind that he had everything. But she still wanted to give him something meaningful which he could use everyday.

She turned back to face Minho and studied him carefully. Minho felt her scrutinising him.

"What are you looking at?" he frowned but she was not listening. Instead, a wide smile appeared on her face.

"Aha!" she said, snapping her fingers. "I know! Come with me!"

She grabbed his hand and dragged him to the nearest clothing store. Minho sighed and let her lead the way. Once inside the shop, Gayoon went straight towards the men's section.

Minho watched as she picked out a tie. It was an emerald green tie with black stripes over it. The design was simple yet stylish. 

"This will suit you!" she claimed happily. "And with the sale, it's even within my budget!"

She hummed happily, congratulating herself for her choice. Even though his outfits were very formal, he rarely wore ties since he thought it was a waste of time to knot them around his neck.

Minho stared at the tie in her hand, unable to grasp her line of thought. She wanted to buy him a present?

"D-did you not like it?" she asked, her smile faltering a little. Minho was speechless, trying to come up with something to say.

"Tie it around my neck," he blurted out before he could stop himself from saying those words.


Gayoon blinked at him in surprise. Was he asking her to tie this around his neck?

Minho was also shocked by his words. What was the matter with him? Did he really ask a girl to knot a tie around his neck in the middle of a mall?

But the words were out of his mouth and he was waiting for an answer. Gayoon gulped before stepping forward.

She stood on her tiptoes but to her surprise, Minho grabbed her waist and made her stand on his feet! She blushed, feeling mortified but her attention was captured by his brown eyes. He was looking at her with a fierce intensity.

"You know how to tie a tie?" he whispered. Gayoon weakly nodded, unable to take her eyes off his.

As if hypnotized by his gaze, she threw the tie around his neck and began to form the knot. She was barely noticing what she was doing, completely enchanted by him. They were standing too close, his touch almost burning her skin even through the clothes. She tried not to brush against his skin as she formed the circles but his stare was making her blush hard. Her knees were getting weaker and if he had not held her tightly, she would have fallen on the ground.

Minho did not know what came over him but he, too, was completely caged by her. He noticed her every expression, how her eyebrows fluttered a little whenever she was embarrassed or shy. Her delicate fingers were tying the tie around his neck, not touching him. Yet, he felt as if she was gently caressing him.

"I-it's done!" she said in a hoarse tone. 

But he was not letting her go. Instead, she felt his hand tracing down her arm, heating up her skin. He kept on tracing her arm until he reached her wrist. Gayoon felt something cold around it before he let go.

"It's a nice tie," he commented in his deadpan voice. "You did well."

He ruffled her hair as if petting a puppy. Gayoon gaped at him but was too embarrassed to talk while he smirked as he walked away.

Gayoon shook her head and was about to take out a wallet from her purse when she noticed something.

On her wrist was a bracelet. It had a band made of pure silver while a circle lock made of tiny diamonds was placed on it. The diamonds sparkled merrily against her pale skin. The bracelet was simple yet exquisite.

Gayoon stared at it in awe and glanced back at Minho, who was casually leaning against a wall, texting on his phone. Her heart was beating rapidly in her chest, unable to look away from the strange yet, slightly naive man.

Rule 5: Semi successful.

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