Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 61: CCK (4)

Gayoon almost yelped in shock but managed to maintain her cool. Minho walked towards her, looking aloof and indifferent.

"Y-y-you own this place?" she stammered. Truthfully, she was a little intimidated by his sudden presence. For the past few days, she had been so engrossed with the serial killing case that she could not talk to him properly. Minho had also maintained a stony silence after talking to her over the phone when she went to deliver Taejoon's lunch.

"I do," he confirmed. Meanwhile, Jaein was looking from Minho to Gayoon with great interest. It was invisible to the naked eye but for some reason, Gayoon looked flustered while Minho was also staring at her like a stern teacher.

"Is there any CCTV camera in this place?" Gayoon asked, composing herself. "We need to check the area and also question the workers. Moreover, you need to record your statement at the precinct."

"Fine," he said. "Let's go. Shall we take your car or mine?"

Now Jaein was even more interested. "Do you two know each other?" she spoke up.

Minho was about to reply but Gayoon cut across his words and said, "We're acquaintances."

Acquaintances? He noted. Gayoon did not notice the daggers he was throwing at her through his eyes. Instead, he abruptly turned around and said, "I'll go to the precinct by myself."

Gayoon frowned at him as he walked away, not waiting for her. She was at a loss by his sudden changes in attitude. His constant mood swings were starting to irritate her.

"Let's wrap up here first," she said loudly so that Minho could also hear. "Because unlike some people, us police officers have a lot of work to do!"

Minho heard her but chose to ignore the jibe and instead got into his car. Jongin, who was at the driver's seat, yelped when Minho slammed the car's door harder than usual.

The CEO is mad again! He cried inside. Sure enough, Minho was fuming in the backseat, muttering to himself.

"Cooking for that pretty boy," he scowled under his breath. "Did not even call."

Eh? Jongin thought. Don't tell me that…

But he dared not to even think of it. The CEO and dating would never go in one sentence. He feared that the CEO might read his thoughts as well.

"To the police station!" Minho snapped. Jongin meekly nodded and revved up the engine. He did not dare to speak a word throughout the journey but kept on glancing on the rear view mirror to check Minho's expressions. 

He was still fuming over something. His face was red and he was furiously scrolling through his phone, making quick negotiations as he tried to distract his mind. But Gayoon's words were stuck in his head.

She called them 'acquaintances'. After their date and two kisses, was he merely an 'acquaintance' to her?

"Sir we're here," Jongin announced after a while. Minho, who was deeply engrossed in his thoughts, looked up. He nodded and got out of the car, heading towards the police station. He straight marched towards Gayoon's desk, intending to wait for her but to his irritation, Taejoon was sitting right next to her desk!

Taejoon had been discharged from the hospital and started to work already. He had just gotten off the phone with Gayoon when he noticed Minho's tall stature approaching Gayoon's desk. She had instructed him to get Hwang Minho's statement since it would take her quite a while to investigate the crime scene.

Minho sat down and was intending to wait for Gayoon when Taejoon came up to him. He raised an eyebrow when the detective sat next to his chair.

"Mr. Hwang," Taejoon greeted. "I will take your statement. Now, please tell me at what time did the workers get off of work last night?"

"I was under the assumption that Jeon Gayoon will be taking my statement," Minho said coolly. "I will only let her record my statement."

Taejoon was taken aback by the man's rudeness. "My partner is not here," he stated. "So you'll have to deal with me."

"I'll wait for Gayoon then," Minho smirked. Taejoon raised an eyebrow. Minho was addressing Gayoon quite informally as if trying to imply that they were close. 

"Are you close with Detective Jeon?" Taejoon asked curiously. As far he knew, Gayoon barely had the time or will to socialize much with people. Other than a few selective friends, she rarely went out since work always came first for her. Taejoon had tried to ask her out so many times but was unsuccessful in doing so. Gayoon never understood his hints and always thought he was joking around.

So, how did she end up knowing the richest man in the country?

"Yes," Minho replied but not elaborating any further. "Why are you so interested though?"

"She just never mentioned you to me," Taejoon shrugged.

"Maybe you two just aren't close," Minho shot back. 

"We've been working together for years," Taejoon calmly argued. "I know all her acquaintances and friends."

An underlying tension was brewing between the two men as they gauged each other carefully. They were well aware that the other one was trying to get closer to Gayoon and that they were unofficial rivals for her affection.

"I guess, you don't know her well enough," Minho said triumphantly. 

Taejoon was about to argue back but just then the crime scene team burst into the precinct. There were numerous reporters trying to stalk them but Gayoon had enough. The reporters had completely contanimanted the crime scene, destroying many evidences in the process. She was enraged and her expression said that she was about to explode any moment.

"Get those reporters out of here!" she barked at the rookie officers. They immediately jumped to drive the reporters away. 

Jaein had managed to salvage the cooling box carrying the body parts of the victim with great difficulty since the reporters were pushing and pulling at them. She was also worried about Gayoon's outburst. And after what they had found at the crime scene, the case was going to become more complicated.

Gayoon did not say another word but marched towards Minho. Both the men stood up, surprised by her anger as she looked at Minho right in the eye.

"How do you know the CCK?" she demanded bluntly.

Minho maintained his poker face but was inwardly alert. How did Gayoon find out about this?

"What do you mean?" he asked in an attempt to bluff her.

She held up a piece of paper. It looked like a letter.

"This was written by the CCK," she revealed. "Address to Hwang Minho."

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