Monia: How Should I Convince My Yandere Wife To Let Me Free?

Chapter 14: Carter’s Attempt.


Chapter 14: Carter’s Attempt.

Despite being chained up for a long while, Monia wasn’t even slightly bothered. When taking baths, or when the maids dressed her, Monia’s restraint was removed. Though Pri and Sia had removed the chain permanently, as they fully trust that Monia will not leave or try to escape. Though, Monia wasn’t that relieved to have her restraints removed.

Carter: “Ah, Monia. It is so good to see you again.” He said with a bright smile.

Monia: “…”

Pri: “…”

Sia: “…”

Like before, the maids of this estate couldn’t just prevent Carter from entering. This was an order by Grace, which stated that each sibling must be permitted entrance to the other's estate. Of course, with Grace now out of the game, Risa plans to abolish such an unfair rule.

But she was now focused on ensuring the safety of her mother. Which meant that Carter was able to enter this estate with ease. “Good thing that the chain was removed from this room…” She thought with an annoyed tone. If the chain was still present, Monia would be heavily tempted to wrap it around Carter’s neck, and then strangle the annoying man to death.

Monia: “Oh, you again? I don’t recall getting your name.” She replied as nicely as her morality could stomach.

Carter: “I am Carter Granda, Risa’s brother.” He answered.

Monia: “I see… Why are you here, anyway?” She asked in reply.

Carter: “I have been having dreams of you lately, so it was most urgent that I met you in person.” He replied with a seductive tone.

Monia: “…”

Carter’s methods of seduction… don’t work most of the time. Naïve women might fall for him, but Carter was truly just arrogant to an extreme. In truth, all of the women that he “seduced”, wasn’t by his charm or words. Instead, they just went along with him, as the man had a lot of money.

Even just with 1% of the shares, Carter easily made millions each and every year through dividends alone, not even counting the salary from his CFO position. There in lies the problem, though. The original Monia really was naïve to a fault. And coupled with her only knowing the “good” side of Carter, it was no wonder that she was so easily tricked by him.

Monia: “Please stop seeing me in your dreams, Carter. What if your sister finds out?” She struggled out a reply. Not because she was in pain, but due to how Monia was just holding back with her very being from killing Carter here and now.

Carter: “Monia, we’re destined to be together! Don’t be afraid of my sister. One day, her empire will be mine, as well as yours!” He exclaimed with a confident tone, taking hold of Monia’s hands.


Luckily, Pri had slapped away the man’s wandering hands. As such, Monia didn’t have to get her hands dirty. “I didn’t have to hit him, but he still dirtied my hands…” Monia thought with an angry tone. Oh, Pri… If you wanted him to be even more upset, quickly going to wash your hands, surely did a number on him… Well done!

“Pri and Sia are watching over Monia… shit! This will be far harder than I thought that it would be.” If all else failed, Carter was more than willing to kidnap Monia away from this estate. But with Pri and Sia being here…

Their mere presence had stopped him completely. The twins weren’t just married to each other; they were also highly skilled fighters. In reality, something that is also depicted in the novel, is that the twins used to be highly ranked assassins prior to working for Risa. He was foolish, but Carter would be even more foolish to go against those two.

Sia: “…”

Monia: “…”

Carter: “I will come to see you another time, Monia. And, again, do not worry. I promise that I will get you out of this prison. Our destined love demands it!” He said with a smile before leaving the room.

Rushing her to the bathroom, Sia and Pri had carefully and thoroughly purified Monia’s defiled hands. Which was something that the woman herself was planning to do. Monia had no hatred toward men, but she already personally hated Carter to death. Perhaps it is some old feelings from the original owner of this body, but Monia wanted that man deader than dead.

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