Monia: How Should I Convince My Yandere Wife To Let Me Free?

Chapter 6: I Kidnapped Her, But Maybe She’ll Love Me if I Give Her Entertainment…


Chapter 6: I Kidnapped Her, But Maybe She’ll Love Me if I Give Her Entertainment…

Standing just outside of the room that she was keeping Monia in, she was still lost in her thoughts. The head maid, who is a woman that has followed Risa all her life, Clare, was wiping the sweat from off of her forehead.

Risa: “What are some forms of entertain that I should give to Monia?” She asked her loyal maid, and the other two maids that follow her everywhere.

Clare: “We have taken her smartphone, but there are many things that she be entertained with. Must of which don’t connect to the internet. After all, we wouldn’t want her to signal to the whole world that you kidnapped her, My Lady.” She proposed with a calm tone.

Pri: “Board games, game consoles, movies, etc. There are a lot. Clare is right, My Lady. Do not fret over this, we’ll arrange her some good entertainment.” She swore with a playful bow.

Sia: “Yes, this won’t be a problem at all, My Lady.” She added with a silly bow as well.

These two were twin sisters, both of which had also grown up with Risa and were very loyal to her. “Will it count in her mind if my maids are the ones to give her entertainment? Well… it was on my orders, so I still helped.” She thought with a slightly unsure tone.

Carter: “Risa, what were you thinking? Returning home from your business trip to China, and then kidnapping the first woman that you see…” He asked with a scoff.

Risa: “What I do is none of your business or concern, Carter.” She replied with a scoff of her own and with her arms crossed.

The woman was still wearing a very expensive dress shirt and skirt, so she radiated off a very strong aura. One which even caused the arrogant and haughty Carter to have a small pause in his worthless words.

Carter: “Not my business? That’s true… But what if, due to this girl of yours, our stock price falls? All because you were too busy having sex with her.” He suggested with a sour tone and expression.

“Fucking little brat… “Our shares”, you say? You don’t own anything, fool! Regardless, he is making some waves lately… As such, he does make a good point. Even with my new obsession, I can’t let him take over all of my hard work!” She thought with an angry tone. Her anger wasn’t unwarranted, as this man was stupidly trying to claim what was clearly hers.

Carter, though being a legitimate child, did not meet their parent’s expectations. He would waste his life by skipping out on his classes, bribing or threatening teachers to get good grades, all just to go have sexual relations with random women. It was a bad look, but he was still their child. They couldn’t neglect him, less bad rumors start going around from said neglect.

Due to that, they asked Risa to give him an entry-level job at one of her companies. After fully taking the family business over, all of them were handed to Risa’s control. Risa thought nothing of him, so she didn’t try to hinder Carter in any way, really. Now, just five years later, he was highly respected in that company, and even managed to become the CFO.

Risa: “Carter, focus on your life and job, and I will deal with mine. Not only are your words worth nothing to me, but I find your voice grating to an extreme. Come to think of it… why the hell are you even in my house?” She asked with an angry tone.

Carter: “As a rightful member of this family, the maids do have to somewhat listen to my words. How could they let a promising heir not into this estate of yours? Ah, I also only came here to see that new pet of yours. Farewell, Sister. I absolutely have far more interesting things to fill up my precious time.” She said with a laugh, walking away.

Ordering a few free maids to escort him out, Risa was left to stew in her thoughts some more. “Would any sane person actually fall in love with some who kidnapped them like this? I am worried…” Such worries were evidently going to be present in her mind for at least today, if not for weeks… Risa was in turmoil, but Monia seemed to be having a fun and interesting time at the moment…

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