Monster Breeder

110. New Warren, Part 1 (Cottontail, R-18)



Alex, where are you? What’s going on? I wish I knew…

“Cottontail, I know that expression, and you can’t keep asking what Alex and the others are doing every five minutes. Relax. Focus on the job she gave you.”

Sigh. “I know, Flou. I know.”

It’s so difficult, though. Suka’s team is running into roadblock after roadblock, disaster after disaster. It looks like that mission will be a bust for sure. Maybe she’ll feel better if I let her play with me tonight even though I’m higher tier? Not that I feel any different so far.

Then Alex’s team got separated. I’m on the edge of my seat waiting for news on what’s happening to Megan.

“Uh, oh,” the Fuzzy Slime says.  


“I lost one.”

“…Wait, you lost one of your bodies? Which?”

“Number three, the one we sent with Alex’s team.”

“How’s Megan?”

“Definitely in trouble. That’s all I can say for sure since that ‘me’ just died.”

“Should we go help?”

“Too far. It’ll be over one way or another in the next few minutes. All we can do is pray to the God Beasts that Alex gets there in time. Stay calm. Breathe.”

I ball my fists. “How am I supposed to relax knowing she’s in danger?”

“Remember that old saying: God Beast grant me the Serenity to accept the things I can’t change, the Courage to change what I can, and the Wisdom to know the difference.”


“Gale and Megan will be fine… or we’ll be really sad. Let’s not worry about it either way.”

“Is this whole change in perspective thing because you’ve been in three places at once all day?”

“Maybe,” the bunny-eared Fuzzy Slime says from her perch atop Gabby’s stool while watching the world through her other body’s eyes. “Go take a walk, Cottontail. I’ll come get you if there's anything urgent.”

“Okay, Flou, I’ll take a walk.”

I exit the hut to survey my kin’s recent changes to the area. The circle of wolfsbane plants remains the inner sanctum’s perimeter. The New Warren tunnel entrances were placed inside that line while avoiding Gabby’s garden. Dirt piles from excavation are accumulating around the holes with bunnies dragging soil away on those tarps Spindle and Gabby made for the Mole-men bodies.

Meanwhile, mice are gathering straw and grain as well as foraged nuts and berries for underground storage. There's not enough to feed a tribe of hungry predators, but it'll keep us smallfolk from starving. 

Dried grass makes for decent bedding in the sleeping chambers. Not to mention thatch doors that isolate the smell of the latrines we simply collapse or wall off when they get full. The construction team doesn’t need telling twice to keep away from the well; the last thing anyone wants is to flood the New Warren.

Bunnies and mice wave, greet me, or take seductive poses as I pass. People who’ve been my neighbors my whole life yet never before shown an interest in me are shoving their breasts, asses, and cocks in my general direction! It’s almost distressing!

I know it’s not me they’re attracted to. I’ve been on the outskirts of the Warren since I was little, if not an outcast. So, it comes off as disingenuous having so much attention foisted on me all at once. They’re searching for the power inherent in becoming the head bunny’s favorite.

Roaming further from the center of our burgeoning home lands me at the edge of a pit trap. Sharpened branches and pointy rocks line the bottom and sides. A tunnel too small for predators leads into the pit from the side, allowing smallfolk to maintenance the trap without removing the camouflage.

“Yes, right there. Don’t pile it too thick or it’ll look suspicious,” Bonny says, directing her fellow mice to spread a thin layer of straw over the lattice of sticks covering the open pit.

“I don’t think they have to be so big,” I say, observing the depth and width of the trap. The fact they managed this in a matter of hours is impressive, to say the least. “You could fit two Dire Wolves in here, but you’ll only ever catch one per pit. It could be a quarter this size and still get one leg or their front half.” Any injury to their legs or vulnerable bellies would be devastating. It’s not like we have to dig it too deep for them to jump out of to incapacitate them. “Great work, though, Bonny, and everyone too!”

The mice and bunnies working on pitfalls around the hut seem to take my instructions and compliments well. They’re sweaty and tired, but happy. They give a modest, self-congratulatory cheer as if still afraid of alerting nearby predators. But everybody looks so proud of what they’ve accomplished!

“I can’t believe we never tried this before,” Bonny the bigear mouse girl says as she comes over to talk.

I frown, my mood darkening. “That’s Peter’s fault. He’d rather we act like prey animals, practically livestock for slaughter, than start a war with the Ogre Fen and Kennel Hills.”

We both sour for a moment before she steers things in a lighter direction. “But we have you now! And Jonny, and Alex.” She smiles at me, and I see why Jonny picked her. Those huge ears make her features even smaller and cuter in comparison. Her bust and hips aren’t bad to look at either! Bonny notices my lingering gaze and sidles in close. “You’ll protect us, right?”

“I, umm, y-yes?” I’m not sure where to put my hands. Is it workplace harassment to touch my subordinate while she’s on the job? And it feels weird to have one of Chrissy’s friends act like this with me.

Bonny’s finger plays with the shirt buttons between my breasts. “Our humans are lovers, Cottontail. There’s no need for us to be strangers, right?” She takes my palm and places it on her chest while her other hand’s fingers trace the outline of my stiffening clitty inside my black teddy bottoms.

Her boob is soft, firm, and a little squishy in my hand. I feel a blush creeping along my shoulders and neck up to my cheeks.

“It just seems like everyone only wants me because I evolved,” I say, not believing the words that slipped out of my mouth. It’s one thing to think it and another to say it, after all!

She smiles as she takes my other hand to cup her itty-bitty bubble butt before fondling my sensitive new bunny boobies through my white button-up. “Well, I have Jonny, and Alex promised to protect me, so you know I’m being honest when I say the only reason I’m copping a feel is because I think you look cute in that outfit.”

My lip trembles. “Thanks, Bonny. That actually means a lot.” Then I see a flock of Harpies headed our way from the east. “That’s the group Alex sent after Suka.”

“Did something happen?” Bonny asks, breaking off her fondling to my disappointment.

“Flou told me one of them got shot down by a Cactus Turret. They weren’t able to help in the desert, so they’ve come back early.” A yellow-feathered Harpy swoops down on an unsuspecting bunny boy and pins him to the earth. “Uh, oh,” I mumble as I take off at a run.

The yellow warbler has the bunny’s wrists in his talons while sitting a plump butt on his prey’s thighs. His erect cock frots against the terrified bunny’s stiffening prick as he rolls his hips. “Hold still and I can get us both off.”

“What are you doing?” I ask, skidding to a halt as the yellow Harpy rises on flapping wings to penetrate himself on the defenseless prey monster.

The blond looks at me dumbly. “Stress relief?”

Of all the… “You can’t just do that! You didn’t even ask first!”

The yellow warbler looks down at the pinned bunny shaking with fear at being caught in the middle of an argument between much more deadly beings, and back to me. He lets his weight fall on the bunny’s cock, sliding down to the hilt with a self-satisfied moan. Then he rolls his hips in a way that makes the bunny gasp. “I don’t know how you Fuzzy folk do things but, where I’m from, an erection means he likes it.”

I throw my hands up. “He was doing his job, minding his own business, and you pushed him down without saying anything! Now he’s too scared to even talk.”

The yellow Harpy continues to fuck himself on the bunny’s rod as he replies, “I don’t see what the big deal is. I’m being good not eating him or any of your little friends like Aello and Alex said. I’m tired, hot, hungry, and horny. I deserve a treat!”

I take a step forward and point my finger at him. “You’re being a bully.”

Our gazes lock in a silent contest of wills. He blinks first. “Fine!” The yellow warbler rises into the air with a flap of his wings. “It’s obvious you’ll tell on me if I don’t stop. Whatever, I only have to wait a few hours; everyone knows there’s an orgy tonight. Nobody is going to stop and ask permission before sticking it somewhere then, but I’m the bully.”

I want to explain to him how that’s different, but the yellow Harpy flies off while I glare at him. “Find something useful to do like watch for trouble or go find Alex.”

“Yeah, okay.” He shrugs noncommittally, then mumbles, “I’ll go find a Harpy that wants to fuck this cute feathery butt.”

When he’s finally out of earshot, Bonny scampers over to me along with all the mice and bunnies who saw everything. “Wow, you really stood up to that Harpy!”

The crowd is super excited even though all I did was make a harmless little Harpy back off. Harmless? Maybe my sense of danger has gone haywire from my battles with third-tiers, because my fellow Fuzzy folk were too scared to fight back against—let alone resist—that admittedly cute yellow warbler. Is something changing with my instincts? I didn’t worry about the Harpy’s deadly talons for even a second. What would I have done if he refused to comply?

The bunny who got pushed down gets up to bow his head and say, “Thanks Cottontail! I thought my heart was going to burst out of my chest when that Harpy got me. I could’ve been torn to shreds! You can bend me over and take me as thanks now if you’d like. U-unless you prefer to bottom, M-Misstress!”

“He wasn’t going to hurt you,” I reassure the bunny boy. “And I’m honestly fine. Let’s finish up our tasks for the day and we’ll have fun tonight!”

The mice and bunnies crowding around us cheer my decision and return to work.

Bonny hops up to kiss my cheek. “You’re going to be a great Headbunny.” Then she skedaddles, leaving me staring at her big ears and miniature bubble butt bobbing as she runs.

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