Monster Taming Broadcast

Chapter 13

I named the rotten apple monster “Poison Apple.” Then, I wrapped up one Poison Apple caught in the thread and returned to my hideout.

[Passage No. 5]

○Poison Apple Habitat.

○Vast Underground World.

○Dark Portal Discovered.

I jot down a memo next to the passage and immediately began the taming process.

Thirty minutes passed since I laid my hands on the Poison Apple.

The lower part of the red spots engraved on it showed minimal discoloration.

If you glance at it, you wouldn’t notice anything.

Only if you look closely would you see the green-colored area.

The speed of progress was way too slow.

It was even more serious than when I was taming the Jellyfish.

It seemed like its animosity towards me was that strong.

If the ruler managed to make this thing obey, it would likely betray me the moment it found an opening.

My trait of the supported one prevents me from being betrayed.

Once tamed, it would become my ally forever.

Even so, I gave up on taming it.

It just took too long.

At the current rate, I wouldn’t be able to tame it even after a day.

It didn’t seem worth investing so much time.

Even feeding it with food support from my assistants felt like a waste.

If I catch a Poison Apple without animosity later, then I’ll tame it.


I untied the thread that bound the Poison Apple.

As expected, it summoned fresh apples.

When the summoned apples increased to ten, I asked the Dog Spider to restrain the Poison Apple again.

Pururu – Apple Infinite Supply Operation. Gulp

Just because the Poison Apple’s power was incapacitated didn’t mean the summoned apples would vanish. The summoned apples were immobilized by the Jellyfish’s fear magic.

“Well, should I try eating one now?”

Pururu – You really gonna eat it?


“I have to eat it, what else can I do? I can’t keep asking you for food every day.”

I can’t rely on food support all the time.

Food support fees are absurdly high.

I can only accept it occasionally.

My assistants aren’t billionaires.

I held out two summoned apples to the monsters.

“Hey guys, are you hungry? You eat first.”



Were they touched by being offered food?

The Dog Spider and Jellyfish accepted the apples with emotional expressions.

Pururu – They’re happy to receive it… not even realizing they’re like little fortune-tellers.


Without any hesitation, they brought the apples to their mouths and began chewing with satisfied expressions.

Pururu – Seems like they could eat after all.

Pururu – Haha, it’s nice to see our little ones eating well.

“Not so little anymore, though?”

Pururu – Little ones will forever be little ones. Even if they grow, they’re cute, so I’ll keep calling them little ones.

The Dog Spider and Jellyfish swallowed the apples.

Seemed like nothing unusual happened.

‘It seems there’s no poison…’

But I couldn’t conclude that the apple was safe just based on that.

Even if they had no problems, it could still be dangerous for me, a human.

‘Well, let’s just take a bite. If something’s off, I can spit it out immediately.’

After collecting my thoughts.

I took a bite of the apple.

Suddenly, the apple stopped wriggling in my grip, as if its life string had been cut.

I slowly savored the flavor.

Pururu – How’s it? Tasty?

A crisp texture and intense sweetness enveloped my tongue. The subtle freshness mingled with a complex flavor that was nothing short of miraculous.


As the apple’s juice slid down my throat, a shiver ran through my entire body.

It was splendid.

It was fresher and sweeter than any fruit I had ever tasted.

“What is this… speechless.”

Pururu – Why? It’s super bad, huh?


“No, it’s too delicious. Was apple always such a tasty fruit? I can’t help but admire it, seriously.”

Pururu – ?

Pururu – Don’t lie.


I didn’t care if they believed me or not.

As long as it was delicious, that’s all that mattered.

I quickly finished one apple and approached the front of Passage No. 5 again.

[Passage No. 5]


○Food Storage.

I added a memo.

From now on, Passage No. 5 would be my food storage.


Pururu – Today’s drawing isn’t black and white.

Pururu – It’s cute how the monsters are sticking close for a drawing look. Haha.


I popped the remaining apple into one hand.

With the other hand, I engaged in making the Monster Index.

Meanwhile, I kept thinking to sort out my thoughts.

‘It’s logically absurd for the danger level to increase by two levels, but having witnessed it twice, I can’t deny it. After all, that was common sense in this other world.’

What could the reason be for the sudden rise in danger levels of monsters? Was it happening to all monsters? Could that phenomenon pose a danger to me?

These ponderings continued.

Twenty minutes passed as I drew, and I came up with several guesses on the rise in danger levels.

Moreover, if the most plausible guess turned out to be correct, I concluded that the risk of me getting harmed was low.

Of course, all my guesses could be wrong.

If that were the case, I’d have to accept my fate and die.

I obviously don’t want to die, but I couldn’t do anything about it. No matter how carefully I acted, there are limits.

‘Ultimately, all I can do is pray one of my guesses turns out to be right.’

I didn’t jot down my thoughts separately.

I couldn’t have any certainty yet.

There might be a correct answer among my conjectures, but that was just an uncertain assumption.

As I explore the labyrinth further, there will come a moment when one of my assumptions becomes conviction.

Pururu – Wow. Today’s drawing is great. The colors are insane.


Finishing my thoughts, I closed my notebook.

Then, I looked at the monsters.

‘It’d be useless to ask them.’

Just when I thought about questioning them, I decided against it.

Could you guys elevate the danger level by two levels?

Even if I asked that, they wouldn’t grasp its meaning.


Before I started the afternoon exploration.

I checked the remaining time for the support request I sent yesterday.

I learned today that I could check the remaining time regularly.

At first, I didn’t know such a function existed.

“Thirty minutes left.”

Pururu – Whatcha say.

“The support request message will dissipate in thirty minutes.”

Pururu – Ah, right. They said I had to click within 24 hours.


Though there were still thirty minutes left.

It was safe to say that the support request had already concluded.

In 23 hours and 30 minutes, everyone who would check the message probably has.

I’ll check back later.

No one would be postponing that thought.

Sure, there might be someone who hasn’t seen the message yet, but the likelihood of that person checking the message within thirty minutes and clicking out of curiosity was nearly zero.

‘Well, I can just make another support request next time. I can get another invitation ticket, too.’

For now, I decided to be satisfied with this.

Having two people show up was already a great relief.

Pururu and Missy.

For the time being, I’m stuck relying on these two for assistance.

“By the way, Missy.”


Pururu – Missy! Haha!

“Why the heck aren’t you chatting? You typed in a hurry earlier.”


Pururu – Just kick her out already. She’s no help anyway.


Pururu – Hey, wanna throw hands?

“No, it’s not like you’re not helpful. Before you came in, Missy helped me earlier, too.”


Pururu – ?? Really? I thought she wouldn’t provide support. What did she give you?

“Five coins and one kitchen knife.”

Pururu – What? That’s nothing. Little Missy. I provided nearly 1,000 dollars’ worth of support. Haha.


While communicating with my assistants, twenty minutes passed since I entered Passage No. 6.

Just as the support request was less than ten minutes away.

“RED-Ranked Supporter ‘Unknown – 003’ suddenly flies in to keep an eye on you.”

A new supporter showed up unexpectedly.

Pururu – Ooh! A new recruit!


003 – Gunhee? What’s going on here?

003 – Have you started streaming?

Pururu – Who the heck are you? Reveal your identity!

003 – Huh?

Pururu – When entering Gunhee’s broadcast, you must state your name first. It’s a friend-only stream, and those who don’t know will be expelled.

I barely held back from cursing.

Just as I was about to say something like that.

003 – Don’t expel me!

003 – I’m Yumi. Ha Yumi.

Pururu – Sounds like a name you’d enjoy.

003 believed Pururu’s words and obediently revealed her identity.

Ha Yumi.

It was a familiar name.

Shortly after coming back to this other world.

I was briefly connected through a friend’s introduction.

Her profession was a specialist in psychiatric medicine.

In other words, she was a doctor.

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