Monster Taming Broadcast

Chapter 18

While exploring Cave No. 7, I stumbled upon a vending machine.

【Pururu】─Out of nowhere, a vending machine?
【003】─A vending machine inside a cave…?
【Pururu】─Could it be a monster? There are mimic monsters that look like treasure chests, you know. This one might be one of those types.
【003】─That could be possible. Be careful, Gun-yi.

It didn’t seem like a monster in the form of a vending machine.

I didn’t feel any danger at all.

I cautiously stepped forward and approached the vending machine.

【Pururu】─Phew. It wasn’t a monster after all.
【003】─Glad to hear that.
【003】─But there’s nothing displayed inside the vending machine.
【Pururu】─Seems like a discarded vending machine?

“Hmm? Can’t you see the tickets being sold by the vending machine?”

【003】─What tickets?
【Pururu】─I don’t see anything.

It seemed that only the assistants were seeing an empty vending machine.

Like floating letters in thin air, the contents of the vending machine seemed to be visible only to me.

“It might be because it’s a vending machine exclusive to my trait, so the items for sale are only visible to me.”

【003】─Ah, sort of like that status window, huh?
【Pururu】─What does it sell? Is there anything useful?

“Wait a moment. I’m checking now.”

I stared intently at the vending machine.

It was selling eight types of tickets.

★━━━ 【Supported One Exclusive Vending Machine】 ━━━★

✧・゚: ✧・゚:

『Ticket Purchase』


➤ Evolution Ticket ▼
◇ 1 sheet: 1,500 coins
◇ Available tickets: 1
※ Evolve a tamed monster into a higher-tier entity.

➤ Dispatch Ticket ▼
◇ 1 sheet: 100 coins
◇ Available tickets: 3
※ Sends one tamed monster to another dimension for 24 hours. It will be dispatched to a random dimension.

➤ Designated Dispatch Ticket ▼
◇ 1 sheet: 300 coins
◇ Available tickets: 1
※ Sends one tamed monster to a designated dimension connected to an explorer for 24 hours.

➤ Suicide Ticket ▼
◇ 1 sheet: 1 coin
◇ Available tickets: ∞
※ You die without pain.

➤ Return Ticket ▼
◇ 1 sheet: 100,000,000,000,000 coins
◇ Available tickets: 1
※ Returns you to the world you lived in. You will lose your qualifications as an explorer.

➤ Transferable Return Ticket ▼
◇ 1 sheet: 10 coins
◇ Available tickets: 4
※ A return ticket that can be transferred to a drifter.

➤ Escape Ticket ▼
◇ 1 sheet: 500 coins
◇ Available tickets: 1
※ Escapes to a random dimension. You will lose your qualifications as an explorer upon escape.

➤ Reverse Support Ticket ▼
◇ 1 sheet: 20 coins
◇ Available tickets: 5
※ You can send items owned by an explorer to the assistant. Reverse support is only available to assistants of GOLD rank or higher.

⚠ Check your coins before purchasing ⚠

⏳ Time until vending machine disappears: 00:33:05

❗ Items vary by vending machine.

❗ Ticket prices may differ from vending machine to vending machine.

❗ Non-ticket items can be purchased from the Wanderer Merchant. The Wanderer Merchant is a neutral monster contributing to the development of the labyrinth, and will never harm explorers. Also, the Wanderer Merchant is an alligator. There are no wanderer merchants that are not alligators. Beware of impersonators.

I checked all the items for sale.

Some tickets seemed strange, but there were quite a few that looked useful.

“So this is where coins can be used.”

【Pururu】─Oh. Is that vending machine the place to use coins?
【003】─Are coins only usable there?

“No, it says here that I can also use coins to buy items from the Wanderer Merchant, the alligator.”

【Pururu】─What’s the Wanderer Merchant? LOL
【Pururu】─But seriously, what does the vending machine sell? I’m curious, so hurry up and tell me.
【003】─I’m curious too!

I decided to explain the contents of the vending machine to the assistants in detail.

I informed them about the types of tickets, their prices, quantities, and functions.

I also read them all the cautionary notes and guidelines written at the bottom of the vending machine.

“By the way, there’s no invitation ticket. I guess it’s not for sale at this vending machine.”

【Pururu】─Right now, the invitation ticket isn’t the issue.
【003】─That’s right. There are things that look way better than an invitation ticket!
【Pururu】─We need to buy that evolution ticket right now!
【003】─We need to buy that evolution ticket right now!

Their messages popped up simultaneously.

Looks like they were on the same wavelength.

Of course, I was thinking the same thing.

If the tamed monsters get stronger, my survival odds will increase significantly.

‘The problem is the price is way too high.’

The price of the evolution ticket was 1,500 coins.

1,500 coins is like 15 million won in cash.

The price felt pretty burdensome.

‘But since my life is on the line, is it worth investing?’

After thinking for a moment, I made my decision.

I decided to invest boldly.

What’s the use of saving money?

You gotta spend it when you need to.

After all, if I die, I won’t be able to use it anyway.

【Pururu】─I want to see that slime evolve!
【003】─Me too! Actually, I like Pokémon!
【Pururu】─? You’re lacking in the basics. It’s Digimon over Pokémon.
【003】─Huh? Isn’t Pokémon the original?
【Pururu】─What are you talking about? Digimon is way cooler. ㅡㅡ
【003】─Pokémon is cooler and cuter! Don’t say weird stuff.

“Hey! Stop fighting over useless things… Pururu, just send the coins. We only have 30 minutes left before the vending machine disappears.”

【Pururu】─Okey dokey, how many coins should I send?

“Just send me three thousand for now.”

I confidently demanded.

After all, it was my money.

And just as I said that, two hooks were collected.


“What’s with that?”

【Pururu】─Why do you need so many coins?

“Uh, I’m planning to buy other tickets besides the evolution ticket. Who knows when we’ll find a vending machine again?”

【Pururu】─No way. How can you need 3,000 coins just for the evolution ticket?

“Didn’t you hear the price? The evolution ticket is 1,500 coins.”

【003】─1,500 coins? What’s so expensive about it?

Looks like neither of them listened properly when I explained.

No wonder they seemed to casually suggest buying the evolution ticket.

【003】─By the way, Gun-yi, how much did you entrust to Pururu?

“I entrusted all my savings. Eight million won.”

【003】─Eight million??? I thought you didn’t have much money since you handed over your funds so readily, but that’s a surprisingly large amount. What does that person believe in to trust eight million…?
【Pururu】─What’s wrong with that? ㅅㅂ
【003】─If it’s such a huge amount, you should have asked me for it.
【Pururu】─Shut up. Gun-yi only trusts me more than you.
【003】─That person seems like they would run off with the money.
【Pururu】─They won’t run away. ㅡㅡ

“Pururu, stop chatting and hurry up and send the coins. We’re out of time.”

【Pururu】─Are you really going to buy the evolution ticket? Isn’t it too expensive? Think about it some more.

“I already finished thinking about it earlier.”

【003】─Purr? You didn’t forget to charge it, right?
【Pururu】─I did. What do you take me for?
【Pururu】─For now, I’ll send it. After all, the coins I charged are all Gun-yi’s money anyway.
『RED Rank Assistant ‘Pururu’ has supported you with 3,000 coins!』
【003】─Oh, you charged it.

The coin support from Pururu arrived.

At the same time, two notifications popped up in front of me.


◇ Assistant Rank Increase ◇
● Target: Pururu (001)
● Change: RED → BLACK


◇ Assistant Rank Increase ◇
● Target: Pururu (001)
● Change: BLACK → GOLD

【Pururu】─Huh? What’s this? A promotion congratulatory message is popping up.
【Pururu】─ㄷㄷ I moved up two ranks. Looking forward to better performance in the future.
【003】─Is it just throwing money that promotes you?
【Pururu】─Don’t know.

The assistant rank wasn’t my concern right now.

First, I checked my available coins.

『Available coins: 3,006』

It came through properly.

I was going to make the purchase right away.

‘But how do I make the purchase?’

Do I have to convert coins into physical form and put them into the coin slot?

With such thoughts, I began clicking the floating letters in front of me with my finger.


【Pururu】─What’s up?

Nothing happened.

So it’s not about converting coins into physical form to make the purchase.

Looking back at the vending machine, I didn’t see any coin slot either.

‘Do I just hit the purchase button and it automatically takes the coins away?’

I gently clicked the button where the evolution ticket was displayed.

At that moment.

『Available coins: 1,506』

My coins disappeared, and,

『You have purchased 1 Evolution Ticket.』

The evolution ticket was successfully purchased.


After purchasing tickets from the vending machine, I returned to the hideout.

I had bought five types of tickets.

1 Evolution Ticket.

3 Dispatch Tickets.

1 Designated Dispatch Ticket.

4 Transferable Return Tickets.

5 Reverse Support Tickets.

I bought as many as I could.

I didn’t hesitate on the other three types of tickets.

The Suicide Ticket was something I would never use, the Return Ticket was ridiculously priced, and the Escape Ticket seemed pointless compared to the Dark Portal.

【Pururu】─But why hasn’t Missy chatted since earlier?
【003】─Oh? You were here? I thought you were offline.
【Pururu】─LOL They say if you talk about someone, they come.

I flopped down on the floor.

Slowly taking in the sight of the monsters rolling around on the mattress one by one.

【003】─The mattress isn’t burning.
【Pururu】─How many times do I have to say that parsley isn’t normal fire?

Dog Spider.


Fire Slime.

Which one should I evolve?

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