Monument of Life and Death

Chapter 10 - Dream

  Chapter 10 Dreaming

  It was late to depart, Xiaolan and the others rushed to the car in the last few minutes before the departure.

  The bus is not too crowded, and the air in the car is not as hot as expected. Because it was the early morning car, the small curtains in the car were closed tightly. The morning light dipped into the car through the orange-red small curtains, and the world in the car was warm red.

   Xiaolan sat next to the Taoist chief, and she was separated by the aisle from Sister Pineapple.

  The car set off soon, and several people swayed their luggage. There were very few passengers on the bus, only a few tired figures in the front row, and most of the people who took this bus were people who stayed up late to catch the bus. The seats for a few people are in the back, so there is no need to worry about disturbing other passengers.

   “Xiaolan, you are from Fengwu, then tell us, what kind of place is Fengwu?”

  It was another round girl who didn’t know her name yet. The girl was sitting right behind Sister Pineapple, her face and eyes were round, she poked her head over and asked gently.

“I… I actually moved to Yangjiang when I was very young, and didn’t know much about Fengwu,” Xiaolan tried to recall the Fengwu that Aunt Lin said, “I remember that Fengwu is beautiful, with many mountains and trees. , But… but very poor.”

   “Poverty?” The girl widened her eyes, “Fengwu isn’t…”

   “Fengwu was really poor in the early years,” the Taoist chief turned his head to look at the girl, “Fengwu’s tourism has developed rapidly in recent years, which has driven the local GDP, and Fengwu has slowly developed.”

  The topic seems to be moving in a strange direction.

   Xiaolan turned his face to look at Dao Chang. Dao Chang is still smiling. There are a few fine lines in the corner of his eyes that symbolize the years, but Xiao Lan only thinks that such fine lines make Dao Chang more reliable. Dao Master felt something, lowered his head to look at Xiaolan, and touched Xiaolan’s head with his left hand.

   “Let me introduce these brothers and sisters to you.”

  ”Xiaolan can call me Sister Qin,” the girl with round eyes spoke first, stretched out her arm and patted Xiaolan’s shoulder, “My ID is my real name, Qin Yin, only the two of us are willing to say our real names, huh…”

  The sky outside the car window became brighter and brighter, and the sunlight spilled onto the Taoist face through the small curtain, as if it had also stained his cheeks with a blush.

   “Didn’t Sister Qin call you old?” The Taoist changed the subject, then lowered his head to face Xiaolan, “We all call her Xiaoyin, you can follow us as Xiaoyin.”

   “Sister Xiaoyin!”

   Xiaoyin raised his voice a little, and immediately covered his mouth and drew back with a guilty conscience, for fear of disturbing the rest of the front passenger.

   Xiaolan smiled and nodded, feeling that Xiaoyin is really a lovely sister.

   “The brother sitting behind you, the husband whose ID is gakki, we all call him little fool, you can also…”


The little idiot hurriedly interrupted Daochang’s words. This is the young boy who just talked to, because he had doubts about Xiaolan’s joining. Xiaolan still held grudges for a second, but he did not expect that there was indeed a silly hidden under his serious appearance. Xixi heart.

  Several people laughed, and Xiaolan felt that this moment was really warm, looking at the sunrise outside the window.

   “I’m Baomu, you just call me Baomu with them.”

  The boy next to the little idiot stood up. The boy was about seventeen or eighteen years old. He turned his head and looked at Xiaolan, looking a little shy.

  Baomu sat back quickly after speaking, his face flushed.

   “Baomu is not a few years older than you, and he is also an introverted child.”

  Sister Pineapple’s gentle voice sounded, but Xiaolan thought, I’m not an introvert.

There was one last person left. Xiaolan looked around and saw that there was a boy in black clothes sitting in the seat of Sister Pineapple. The boy hadn’t moved much since he got on the bus, and he looked down as if he was asleep. Look like.

   “He is canned maple syrup, you call him brother maple syrup,” Sister Pineapple smiled, turning around and pressing the boy’s belly with her elbow, “It’s a sleepy bug, and he doesn’t talk too much. Just treat it as if he does not exist.”

Ok? Another can?

   Xiaoyin came over again, mysteriously.

   “Maple sugar is the boyfriend of pineapple. I have been together for a long time.”

  Ah, I have a boyfriend. Xiaolan thought quietly, it sounded quite delicious.


  The topic ended, and the carriage became quiet again.

  I don’t know how long it has passed, the passengers have all entered a drowsy state. Sister Pineapple leaned on the shoulder of the maple syrup and fell asleep, and the sound of three people breathing evenly came from the back row.

  I don’t know what time it is now, Xiaolan wants to open a corner of the curtain to see how the sky looks outside the window, so she stretches her arm without disturbing the Taoist leader.

  Ah, I can’t touch it. This arm is shorter than I thought.

   There was a soft laughter from the side.

Daochang stretched out his hand and raised a corner of the curtain. The noon sun passed through the curtain and penetrated the window of the car, spilling on the two of them.

   “Don’t you sleep for a while?”

   Xiaolan shook her head, only feeling that what she had just done was embarrassing in her heart.

   “Uh… Brother Daochang, please put it down, I just want to see what time it is outside.”

  The sun disappeared, and the carriage became dim and lazy again.

Daochang smiled and looked down at Xiaolan who was a little embarrassed.

   “You are hungry.”

   Touched his stomach, Xiaolan remembered that the last meal was the dinner of the day before, until now, no water has been added, but Xiaolan feels that it is okay.

   “Not very hungry.”

  Dao Chang nodded, turned his head and closed his eyes to rest.

   “Brother Dao Chang…” Xiaolan hesitated for a moment, but still asked, “Can you tell me what the boundary monument is…and, this badge…well…where did the design inspiration come from?”

  The badge was not hung by the Dao Chief. His eyelashes trembled and he opened his eyes again. His eyes were a bit different. The Dao Chang lost his smile, and his eyes seemed to have two dark pools.

   “Just call me the Daoist Chief, Xiaolan.”

  She always had a special feeling when he called her name.

  Xiaolan thought to herself, this Taoist master has a secret, and he is so different from others.

“It’s not convenient to talk about the boundary monument here. Get off the bus. We will talk to you in detail after getting off the bus.” Dao Master’s warm smile appeared again. “Sleep first, Xiaolan, you will get busy when you get off the bus. “

  After being persuaded by the Taoist leader, Xiaolan seemed to be really sleepy.

  The line of sight is swaying, the carriage, the windows, the curtains, the whole world is swaying.

   His head is also shaking, but this feeling is not the feeling of riding in a car.

   Xiaolan felt like she was running.

  Run, stumble, get up, run again.

  The head hurts, the feet hurts, and the body hurts.

  I’m tired from running, but I can’t stop, I can’t stop.

   Xiaolan opened her eyes.

  A piece of green.

  (End of this chapter)

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