Monument of Life and Death

Chapter 29 - captivity

  Chapter 29 Imprisonment

   felt it again, the suffocating depression, a headache swept Xiaolan’s consciousness.

  The chain was only dragged on the ground at will, but what appeared in front of everyone was the appearance of the imprisoned person desperately breaking free.

  Struggle hard, bleed, scream, try again and again, fail again and again, blood mixed with tears, engraving the trapped soul on the chain.

  The breath of the pineapple was trembling, and the maple syrup gently embraced the pineapple’s shoulder.

  ”It was previously closed here…is it the Aunt Xiaohua that A Liang said?” Xiaoyin’s face was serious, and the smile on the corner of his mouth disappeared.

  No one can answer her, but everyone feels that this time is very close to the truth.

   “What is written on this paper,” the little fool did not react too much to the chain, but instead observed the white paper scattered on the ground.

   Xiaolan rubbed her temples and lowered her head to pick up a piece of paper. She found that as long as she was not looking at the chains, her headache would be better.

  “For the chief elements of a criminal group that abducts women and children, the principal offenders and repeat offenders with serious circumstances shall be severely punished according to law…”

   “Isn’t this criminal law?” Xiaoyin read the paper in front of him, raised his head and said.

   “Stealing babies and young children, abducting and selling women many times…”

  “Intentionally killing, hurting, insulting, etc…”

   “If the circumstances are particularly serious, the death penalty shall be imposed according to law…”

  Everyone held the paper in their hands, and the same content was written on each piece of paper.

  Writing over and over again, and believing over and over again.

   Persevering in the reality of struggle and escape, the only persistence and strength.

  But she died.

   died in his hands.

   “She… She was trafficked here.” Xiaoyin lowered his head, and his voice was low.

  No one was talking anymore, and the surroundings fell silent for a moment.

  The crying voice of the girl seemed to cut through time and space, and echoed in everyone’s hearts. Xiaolan pinched the crumpled white paper and looked at the chain, her palm unconsciously clenched into a fist.

I need to…

   “Here is her schoolbag,” Pineapple turned her back, not daring to look directly at the blood-stained chain, “There is also her notebook inside.”

   Xiaolan loosened her fist and looked back at the small schoolbag that Pineapple found.

   “It’s all knowledge of law,” Pineapple carefully took out the books in his schoolbag one by one, dusted off the tabletop with his sleeve, and put the books on the table, “Hey…it’s really…unreasonable…”

   Xiaolan walked over and turned over the pages of paper. Inside were densely packed notes.

   “What kind of Auntie Xiaohua is this…” The little fool sighed lowly, “She is just a girl who is still studying…”

   Xiaolan lowered his head, looking at it word by word.

  Exquisite and delicate handwriting, occasional mood records, and small flowers used as signatures.

  This is a diligent and lively young girl studying law.

  At least, she used to be.

   “Is she really dead?” Pineapple’s eyes were red, and his voice was sour and choked, “Ah Liang is lying to us, or she doesn’t know the truth.”

“It’s not her, there are others,” Dao sighed long. “There is indeed a’world’ here, and there is also a soul engraved with the mark of the boundary monument. This is all I can clearly feel, and we all understand that the’world’ is formed. Most of the people are not allowed to die well. After investigating here, I don’t want to see more tragic stories than this.”

  Dao Master can feel the mark of the boundary monument on the ‘world’ and the soul?

   Xiaolan raised her head, and met Dao Master’s eyes, as if she had understood her thoughts, Dao Master nodded.

  The strange ability, but the ability to be expected, is not surprising.

“No matter who it is, whether it is the owner of the’world’, there is a girl here who has endured something she shouldn’t have,” the Taoist master recovered his emotions, and said to everyone in a louder voice, “whether she was born or Death, is it Xiaohua, we all have to save her.”


  The air pressure has dropped.

  Everything in the warehouse is like a heavy punch, beating on everyone’s hearts.

  Except for things related to Xiaohua, there is nothing worth noting in the warehouse. Several people walked to the warehouse door in silence, preparing to enter the house to see what is hidden inside.

   Seeing that Xiaolan’s posture was unstable, the Taoist leader always held Xiaolan’s shoulder.

When    was about to leave, Xiaolan suddenly remembered something, turned around and ran back into the warehouse. Before the Taoist commander had time to stop, he saw Xiaolan running towards the backpack again.

  ”Xiaolan?” Xiaoyin walked at the back, looking at Xiaolan’s back and asked.

  With a pious and innocent mood, Xiaolan gently opened the backpack on the table, reached in and searched for something among the books.

  I remember what I saw just now, in an instant, passing in front of my eyes.

  Dao Master also walked back and stood beside Xiaolan.

   “It’s a pink hairpin, isn’t it,” Dao Chang looked down, “I saw it just now.”

   Xiaolan raised her head and smiled at Dao Chang when she heard it, still rummaging in her bag with her left hand, suddenly her eyes lit up and she withdrew her hand.

“found it!”

  It turned out to be a pink metal hairpin. The hairpin has been severely peeled off under the friction of the book. The branch-shaped hairpin lies quietly in Xiaolan’s palm, as if telling something.

   “If there is a chance, I want to bring it to Xiaohua’s family.”

   Looking down at the hairpin in her palm, Xiaolan clenched it tightly and put it in her pocket.

   “Even if there is only a part, Xiao Hua has to go home.”


  Across the small courtyard, a few people stood back to the door of the house.

  The purpose of the separate action was not achieved. A group of people accustomed to brainstorming did not separate long before they got together again, still in the same formation, ready to open the closed door.

  ”Should we smash it or pry it?”

  The little fool looked back at everyone for advice, Yu Guang had already searched for the bricks in hand.

   “It’s still too early,” the Taoist chief glanced at his watch, then looked around, “The sound of smashing the door was too loud, and the villagers found it difficult to explain.”

  It’s not easy to explain our current state, okay, Xiaolan also learned to look around, and found that there were indeed a few houses nearby with lights on.

   “I’m not good at prying the door,” the little idiot automatically moved away from the front row, “there is a specialty in surgery, who will try it?”

  No one moved.

   “Girls’ hairpins may be a try,” Baomu looked at Pineapple and Xiaoyin.

The girl with ponytail and the girl with short curly hair looked back at Baomu and shook their heads.

   “I don’t like hairpins ah…”

   “I have too much hair to hold it…”

  Everyone looked at Xiaolan, who looked like a fifteen or six-year-old girl, dressed in boys’ sportswear, with neat short shoulder-length hair.

   also doesn’t look like it has a hairpin.

   Xiaolan remembered the hairpin of Xiaohua in her pocket, and in the next second she cursed in her heart that she was really not a thing, what a sinful idea it was.

  ”Will the door be unlocked!”

   Xiaoyin had a whim, and then disappeared in everyone’s eyes.

  Only Xiaolan did not roll his eyes, and even felt that there was a slight possibility.

  ”Why don’t I just smash it…” The little fool said that he had already bowed his head to pick up the rocks. Everyone was busy blocking him. Xiaolan slipped to the front and grabbed the doorknob full of dust.

  Twist gently.


  (End of this chapter)

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