Moral Degeneration


I snuck out of Ryleigh’s house before Rose woke up. Heading back home it was already a madhouse before 6AM. Audrey had found Luna in my bed with a female version of me. She was shocked by how much Rowan and I looked alike. But when the lights were on she was celebrating Luna coming back and was showing Rowan to her new room. Duke was excited to see most everyone so I came home to get chewed out for leaving. 

“So good to have you back,” Audrey said as we hugged. 


“Good to be back,” I admitted. 


“Did you take care of what you needed?” 

“I did,” I said. “But we need to talk.”

“Yeah, I’ve been on the phone with the DOL-” 

“No, all of us,” I said. “Before that. I want the whole family together tonight. Talking it through before we make a decision.”

“Are you sure?” She asked. “You don’t have to do it, you know?” 

“We get a lot from it,” I said. “It has to be a group decision.” 

“Fine,” she said, touching my cheek as she looked up at me. “God you’re big. Did you get taller?”

I laughed and was denying it but the house continued on. It was Monday so I had school. I had considered skipping, but I needed to get it over with. Rowan wasn’t quite sure what to do. I told her to get used to Duke and the house. Giving her some money I also told her where Violet kept her keys in case she wanted to go driving around. 

Luna and I picked up Ryleigh for school, and Luna was telling her about all the things we saw in New York. We got to school and I had way more stares than usual. 

“What’s the official story on me getting thrown in a trunk before break?” I asked as we walked to the school. 

“I heard that you pissed off some drug dealers and they kidnapped you to get their money,” Luna said.

“What? No way,” I said, a little annoyed how likely that was to happen someday. 


“Micah was adamant you slept with some girl and they were rushing you off to get married to her,” Ryleigh said. 

“Ha!” I said. “I like that one. So I don’t need to worry?” 

“Oh no, you do,” Luna said. “I had about 50 calls a day about you before I turned off my phone and left with Penny.”


“Oh great,” I grumbled. Walking in, Luna kissed my cheek and went to her classes and I put my arm over Ryleigh’s shoulder but heard my name on the intercom. 


“Russ Willard to the administrative office please,” the voice said.

“Fucking brilliant,” I said. Kissing Ry’s forehead I ran that way. Honestly hoping Leland was calling me there for some office fun I was caught off guard when 2 women I didn’t know were there, along with Agent Reels. 

“So good of you to show up to school,” Reels said, trying to reign in her anger a little. 

“What did I do now?” I asked.

“I don’t know, dumping your DOL escort for one,” she said.

“Escort? It was a tail. And a bad one. You need to train your people more, or at least get 2 cars following me,” I said. “I had places to be.” 

“I know,” she said. “Which I have been informed about. We can talk about that later. For now, the school wants to know what-” We turned to the strangers. Both women were in business suits. The taller one cut her off. 

“Thank you, Agent Reels. We can make our own case,” she said. I eyed Leland. She was worried about something, but she wasn’t fretting like our affair had been outed. Which was a start, she had always been worried I was telling people about us. 

“How can I help you…?”

“I am Miss Hullip, we are with the Board of Governors that run the school,” she said. “We were informed of your unfortunate…”

“After school rideshare pickup?” I offered. 

“Yes hmm, we wanted to know what you would like to do,” she said. “It’s not every day a boy in the city gets kidnapped, and on our school grounds. We understand if you feel that proper measures weren’t taken, thus we are willing to help or reposition people however you see fit to make up for that. We are so glad you were returned by the way, and-”

“Oh no, it’s fine,” I said. “I’ve cleared everything up with who tried to kidnap me,” I said. “I don’t think anyone needs to be repositioned. No extra security will be required for me.”

They were all stunned. Reels above all, but the governesses or whatever they were appeared quite pleased. “Well that’s great. Please let us know if you do feel that your attendance could be better maintained with any assistance from our end.” They said some more flowery words but I was quickly out of there. I had wanted to signal Leland, but there were too many eyes, and Reels was on me by the time we left the office. 

“What do you mean you cleared everything up?” She asked. “You didn’t…go see him, did you?”

“My father?” I asked. “Yes, I did.” 

“What? Why? When?” She asked. “I thought you didn’t want to know.”

“I didn’t,” I said. “Fuck.” I just remembered I forgot to call that doctor from the DOL about impregnating her. I had said I would call her later in the week but forgot. 


“What?” She asked.

“Nothing. I uh didn’t want to know, but after my most recent visit with a trunk I decided better of it. After I left DC. I went to go see him,” I said.

“What happened?” She asked.

“We had…a heart to heart and he decided to leave me alone,” I said with a smile.

She hesitated, her mouth open, then she frowned. “You’re lying.” 

“Jeez, what are you, a federal agent? You know it’s illegal to lie to you, right?” 


“Yet you are. What happened?” She asked. 

“We chatted. I let him know my position and told him if it happened again I wouldn’t be so nice,” I said. “You want a different answer, go ask him.”

“Fuck,” she said. “What the hell, Russ? You know he is one of the richest people in the world.”

“So? He fucked with me,” I said. “I’m sick of watching my back. Not like you could do anything about it. Could you?” She frowned. “Thanks for caring, but I handle my own problems. You look great by the way. Get some sun while I was away?” I asked. 

She blushed slightly but still frowned. “Fine. What about your most recent deal?” 

“I’m thinking about it,” I said.


“It’s a lot to think about. I’ll have an answer tomorrow morning,” I said. 

“Really?” She asked. “Can I schedule-”

“You can schedule whatever. I’ll be over at the DOL office at 8 AM ready to sign the loan on my new business. Maybe Audrey and I will sign the Impregnation crap. We will see, but you’ll have that answer tomorrow.” She eyed me but nodded. 

“You’re a real pain in the ass, you know?” She asked. 

“I just use this as an excuse to seduce you,” I said with a smile. “Didn’t you hear? I might have a magic male generating cock?” She blushed again causing me to laugh and walk away. I made it to class with very little time to spare, but somehow my classmates inundated me with questions on what happened to me. 

I explained that the kidnappers were only joking, which didn’t go over well. Then I said it was a prank, which for some reason no one believed. In the end I said they got the wrong kid, which got better reactions and I was sticking to that explanation. Fully prepared to explain that a million times it was honestly kind of refreshing too. 

For the first time since I started going to school there I saw boys and girls talking to one another like it wasn’t a problem. People talked about their vacations. Others wanted to know about future parties where I was sure to tell people they were more than welcome to throw parties and invite the boys. Which may have opened me up to more birthday parties in the future, but it was worth the risk to try and get them acting like gender wasn’t that big of a deal. 

My study hall was filled with fucking Brianna and explaining to her what I had done over break. She explained she mainly studied and lazed around with her younger sister. She confirmed our planned date, but she was in a pretty good mood. I hadn’t mentioned about trying to get her older sister out of prison yet, but I was hoping to surprise her. 


Either way the day went on. Nothing too surprising happened until lunch. 

“If it isn’t the lost boy,” Micah said as I sat with the other guy’s at our lunch table.

“Yep,” I said. “Found my way back though. Anything big happen while I was away?” Boys shook their heads but all eyes turned to Micah as he lightly coughed. 

“Actually, I signed up for the Impregnation Program,” he said. 

I couldn’t have been more surprised if I tried. Not just from the fact that he did it, but because of how smug he looked. He sat a little straighter, wore a little more makeup, his nails were done up all nice and shiny. 

“Well shit, guess you aren’t a virgin anymore,” I said, breaking the silence. The table let out some chuckles but Micah blushed. 

“I haven’t started yet,” he said. “I have my own site though. I’m starting to comb through offers.” 

“What happened to women are the devil?” Killian asked. He and I shared a look. He looked different too, I wondered if he popped his cherry while he was at it. 

“I decided I might as well start earning money now,” Micah said. “I want my own place after graduation. My parents weren’t happy about it, but it’s a man’s choice.” 

“Well good for you,” I said when no one else did. “Who wants to take bets on how long he lasts in bed?” Again a silence followed. “My money’s on 10 seconds.” 

“I’ll take that,” Killian said. “I bet 5.” 

“Oh, big spender. Talking from experience?” I asked. He blushed and I barked a laugh. “There’s no shame in it. All guys are quick shooters the first time.” 

“Yeah, what do you know about it?” Micah asked loudly. He appeared genuinely upset. 

“I know enough,” I said.

“Yeah? You lose your virginity already?” He asked. I considered what would happen if I told them the truth. It was annoying to try to talk to these guys about this stuff and they think I’m some sort of virgin that doesn’t know what he is talking about.

Ryleigh’s parents knew I’d impregnated women. All my girls knew. If I told these guys it would get around, but then again by next year I’d have kids. It wasn’t like I was going to hide it when it happened. I might as well get it out in the open now so I can control it. 


“I did,” I said. “Jeez 3 months ago now?”

“I thought you were locked away in a cabin,” Peter said. 

“No, this was after my mom died,” I said. I could see Micah seething out of the corner of my eye. I’d stolen some of his thunder. “I met this nice lesbian couple that wanted kids.”

“You slept with 2 women at once?” Killian asked. Openly laughing. I really did think he’d lost his cherry to Lettie. It was sad that I was excited to find out. 

“Yep,” I said. “First time lasted about 20 seconds.”

“No way!” Boys laughed. They were growing kids, weird or not, they all probably jerked off at one point. 

“It’s true,” I said. “Guys, we are made to do this. It’s supposed to feel good. Next time lasted a couple of minutes. Then a couple minutes more after that.”

“How many times did you do it?” George asked. 

“Like 6? I don’t know. It was kind of a blur,” I said. “They did get pregnant though.” 

“How the hell do you know?” Micah asked. 

“They called me, told me about it,” I said like it was nothing. “I like to stay in touch with my women.” 

“Your women? You just said they’re lesbians,” Lyle said. 

“They are. But they had never seen a man before. Not like they’ll likely see one after me either. Hell, I went over to their place for the ultrasound during break,” I said, biting into my sandwich. That surprised them yet again. 

“Why would you do that?” Micah asked, as if I was the biggest idiot in the world. 

“Because we created lives,” I said, shooting the same type of response back. “Guys, you know that you make a living breathing human when you do this, right? Someone with feelings. Hopes and dreams. Not some faceless entity that doesn’t exist. An actual person. It’s written down in the DOL database somewhere who you’re the father of. Do any of you know your dads?” I asked.

That got some looks. “Does that sit right with any of you?” I asked. “Would it have been nice to know, oh you have the same smile as your dad, or yeah that’s normal for men in our family. We have gone at this world blind, never knowing if we are like our dads. But my kids, they’ll know.”

“So you’re not going to do the impregnation program,” Micah said.

“Who knows?” I asked. “You can stay in touch with the girls. Why not find out if you actually made a kid? Why not be there for the birth? Meet them at least. I mean they’ll be half you, you know. And some day one of us will have a son. Wouldn’t it be cool to raise him? Get to know him? Tell him woah, I was exactly the same way when I was your age.” I smiled at them all. They had been blushing and nervous at the start of the conversation, but I could see they were genuinely intrigued by the end of it.

“Just my 2 cents on the whole thing,” I said. “Congrats Micah. I hope you make a great dad.” Standing up I tossed my trash and went to go sit with Ryleigh and the other girls. 

“What the hell did you say to those boys?” Mandi asked. The pink streaked girl was always desperate for the gossip about the boys. 

“Boy talk,” I said. “What happened for your break? Get any farther with George?” I asked. 

“We hung out,” she said as if it was a scandal to break. “There was this movie and he put his arm over my shoulder. His mom glared at us but he didn’t move it. It was like the sweetest…” And she continued on. Ryleigh rolled her eyes at me. We shared a look as I rested my hand on her thigh under the table. 

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