Moral Degeneration


I walked into the small patch of woods. I should have done better reconnaissance of the area. Mapping out exits and entrances was vital. Audrey had warned me kidnapping was possible. I had hoped they would wait until I was stronger. 


“Bastards,” I whispered. “Or is it bitches?” 


I went through more scenarios. Alone for only a few minutes and I started talking to myself again. 


“If they’re professionals they’d give up the op. Wait for me to go back to a routine. Then again it’s odd that they’re trying this when I change up my routine. I could be wrong and they’re just kidnappers for any random boy.”


“Or did they have to wait for me outside of the gated neighborhood? Maybe I’m being watched in the neighborhood by the feds and they had to wait for me outside.”


“Too much I don’t know,” I whispered. I was taking my time and running along the woods. “If they’re dumb they’re on the other side of the woods waiting for me. They’ll notice I’m not leaving soon and come in to get me.”


I mentally went through directions. My house was to the Northeast. I headed straight north through the woods. There was a nice creek right in the middle. The tree's leaves had fallen so there was plenty of snow. I walked down the dried up creek. 


Right about the time I thought I was in the clear I heard the leaves rustling. A twig breaking echoed in the closed in trees. The noise got louder and closer. I stopped jogging and pretended to be on a simple stroll. Grabbing a nice stick I used it like a walking staff as I kept going North. 


The noise was right behind me when I turned. It was the nice lady from the bench. She was flushed from running so fast. Skidding to a halt she was surprised to see me there. 


I gave her a look and turned around. Nonchalant as ever. I would have ran if it was 2 coming after me. But with 1, I had a chance. 


“Hey kid,” she said loudly. “What are you doing here?” I noticed a distinct hint of an accent. She had training to mask it. I guessed she was out of Russia somewhere. I’d have to hear more words to narrow it down. 


“Walking,” I said. Still doing exactly that. 


“You shouldn’t be here. Want me to walk you home?” She asked. 


I guessed Western Russia. Far west. We were far enough North now I assumed. “Sure,” I said. Stopping where I was, I waited for her to catch up. Raising my hand she reached down to help me out of the creek. She had a smile on her lips. 


Stumbling as I got out of the creekbed, the butt of my knife bashed her ankle. The woman screamed and dropped. I could have stabbed her foot, but you can run with a knife wound. Busting bones was the only sure way to knock them down. 


I was out of her grasp and running west with all my strength. She stopped screaming and began limping toward me. I had hoped I’d break it, but the ankle was hard for a reason. 


Running daily I had begun to build up muscle. But that wasn’t everything. Understanding your body's limits was the true key. I had run farther and faster everyday since coming here. I’d make it. 


I was coming through the edge of the trees as I noticed the road straight ahead. It wasn’t the road I wanted. Heading north, the kidnapper was slowly speeding up. 


I cursed and exited the woods. Cutting through a yard a dog barked at me but I wasn’t interested. My mind was focused as I mentally went through the streets. I guessed I was still 4 blocks from my home. 


Breathing heavily, my lungs inhaled and exhaled. No fear as I focused on one thing. Outrunning the attacker. I was succeeding but one of the 2 walkers from the park ran at me from between 2 houses. 


In the zone I tumbled, drew my knife, and stabbed them near the achilles tendon. She screamed as I left the knife in. Scrambling out of her reach I came from the way she had. The white van was straight ahead. 


Veering to the front of the house they must have split up. My heart was pounding in my chest as my muscles burned. I felt weaponless, but not defenseless. 


Then I was past the houses and in the open space before our big one. Audrey's house was on a hill. Luna and Ava’s cars were there. I put forth an extra burst of speed. My footfalls loud on the concrete as it grew closer and closer. 


I expected bullets, tranquilizers, yells, cars, anything to whizz by or chase after me. But there was nothing. I was in the clear as I ran around the fountain and to the front door. 


While there I risked a look back, but there was nothing. No one was out and about. It was only me. Letting out a long sigh I stepped inside the house. 


“Hey Russ,” Luna said. She and Ava were sitting on the couch. “Have a good run?” 


“The best,” I said. There was a landline at a side table next to the sofa. I grabbed it out of Ava’s hand and hung up. 


“Hey! I was talking to Brittney!”


I dialed my cell number. “Hey Ryleigh, I made it home. You make those calls? Good. Thanks. Sorry to trouble you. I’ll call you later, ok? Yep thanks.”


I called Aud’s cell. “Hey Audrey, it’s Russ.”


“Russ! Thank God. I’ve been trying to reach the girl’s. Are you ok?”


“I am.”


“I’m glad it was a false alarm.”


“No, they really tried to kidnap me,” I said. Ava and Luna looked over to me with that. “I stabbed one and winged the other. We are at the house now. Ava and Luna are here.”


“Oh my god. I’m 5 minutes away. Don’t move,” she said. 


“Will do,” I said. Hanging up I called Agent Simpson’s number. 


“Hey, I made it,” I said. 


“Kid, what the hell? Was that call real?”


“Of course,” I said. “3 white women at least. They tried to grab me.”


“Fuck, how’d you get away?” 


“Not on the phone Simpson. You coming here?”


“No, I got in touch with our field office there. An Agent Reels is on her way.”


“Alright, thanks,” I said. Hanging up I sat down on the couch. With a long sigh I laid my head down on Luna’s lap. Shutting my eyes I ignored their questions. I was physically and mentally exhausted. There was a pretty good chance I’d have to explain myself multiple times. 


We heard the door opening. “Russ?!” Aud yelled. 


“In here!”


“I’m so glad you’re ok,” she said. I sat up and she hugged me. 


“Me too,” I said. “It wasn’t all that bad. I don’t think I was in danger of being hurt at least.”


“Who knows what they wanted you for. I can’t believe this actually happened. You just got here.”


There was a knock on the door. There was only one agent at the door. Tall, with a nice bust, she wore the standard issue suit and sunglasses. 


“Oh good,” she said, staring at me. “It was a false alarm.”


“No it wasn’t,” I said. “I literally almost got kidnapped.”


She frowned. “Why don’t we start at the beginning?”


Agent Reels was ushered in. I walked the girls through what happened. A lot of luck was involved with my escape. I threw my knife at one and barely escaped. I gave Reels a general description of the women. Said one mentioned Moscow. One walked with a limp. The limp was caused by me stabbing her, but they didn’t need to know that. 


It wasn’t long till a few more agents showed up. I had to go through the story again. Luckily I stuck to easy to remember sentences. My story was the same every time. 


The local PD heard and Rose McGowan was at the door with Ryleigh. I got my cell phone back. I went through the tale again. Ryleigh backed me up but she was all tears and nerves as intimidating feds glared at her. 


By dusk I was done with it all. “I want a gun,” I said. 


The room was silent. Luna and Ava had been ushered out. Ryleigh and her mom had left. It was me Aud, Agent Reels, and a few other agents. 


“You don’t need a gun,” Reels said. 


“From your quick response to come save me, I do,” I said. “You’ve admitted you don’t know who they are or why they wanted me. Hell, you didn’t even believe I was telling the truth until Ryleigh backed my claim. I’d feel a hell of a lot better if I had a gun.”


“Kid, we have done interviews around the neighborhood. No one saw or heard anything. You’re not the first kid to call in a false kidnapping for attention. You will have to wait till you’re 21 if you want a gun,” another agent said. 


“All I hear is how men get special treatment. Make an exception. Make me take a training course. I don’t care. I want a gun. Make it happen or next time I might actually get kidnapped. This sure as shit wasn’t fake.”


Agent Reels frowned. “I will look into it,” she lied. “We have this new thing called a GPS. It stands for global position….” I rolled my eyes. There was no way in hell I was going to let them track me. Worse comes to worse I’d stage a break in at Ryleigh's and get one of her moms guns. Before that I’d have to see if I could buy one off the street.  


Something was very wrong with this world. Everyone kept saying that all the men were needed. Why were they not worried about me being taken? Was Reels on the take? Were there bribes being thrown around? There was too much going on, and no one was providing information. I needed to do research. Find someone that could answer the true questions. 

Who wanted me? Why was I targeted? What danger am I in? If I was serious about being in my kid’s lives, I couldn’t be whisked away to the middle of nowhere. 


I could get all of this information, but it would take time and money. I had money coming, so I needed to be smart about my time. I would keep training. Making myself stronger day by day. I knew 3 forms of martial arts. 2 that focused on killing and maiming. I could speak 5 languages and get by in simple conversation in another 6 languages. 


I had been from one end of the world to the other. I had killed more people than most usually met in their lifetimes. I have been to black markets all over the world. I have seen the seedier and disgusting side of men and women and came out mostly intact. I had all the knowledge that I would ever need to survive in this world. If the feds weren’t going to protect me, then I would do it myself. There was nothing that could stop me from doing what I wanted in life. 

Right then, I wanted to be with these women. But if it became too dangerous for them, or if things weren’t going my way, I would simply disappear. Steal a plane and start over somewhere. Women were desperate for men. I could shack up with some random rich woman and play this same tune. Sleeping with who I wanted, when I wanted. This was my harem story, and I planned to live it to the fullest. 


When Reels finished up I was left with a GPS bracelet and my own thoughts. For now, this was my home. These were my women. And I’d be damned if anyone messed with that. 

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