Moral Degeneration


Audrey’s SUV was parked in the garage but her hesitation to leave was good enough of an indicator. I talked her into letting me help her break in the car. I got in the back seat and she sat on my dick. Her drenched pussy wrapped around my shaft and the tan woman was bouncing on my shaft. 


“You’re so perfect,” I said with a groan. I smacked her ass causing it to jiggle. 


“Mmmm, I don’t know how I survived without you,” she said. Sitting down on my dick I grabbed her tits as her ass writhed on my groin. Her pants were wrapped around her ankles and she still wore her button down shirt. Our barely undressed states made it all the hotter. 


“You need to start wearing skirts if we do this more,” I said. She gasped and started going up and down my full length again. 


“Okay,” she promised. I started humping up into her. Staying in one spot she gasped as my balls smacked her muff. It wasn’t long until she came. It never was. I pulled her down and started filling her up once more. Audrey gasped. Humming happily as she stayed seated on me. 


“Let’s break in the back back seat,” I offered. Kissing her cheek she smiled. 

“I can’t,” she groaned. “I have to go to work.” 


“But you feel so good,” I whined. My dick bulged inside of her. 


“How are you still hard?” She asked with a gasp. “I’ve been with 2 other men. And they were both 1 and done.” 


“You’re just that sexy,” I said. “Turn around.” Surprisingly she did. Getting off she lined herself up and sat back on my dick. We were quicker this time. Her legs straddling my thighs she frantically ground her hips onto mine. My hand opened a button and slid into her bra. Pinching her nipple she came again. Never slowing she was methodical as her body writhed. 


“Get some more sex toys, and lingerie,” I ordered. She nodded kissing me. Going faster we came together. She slumped on my shoulder as she breathed heavily.

“I could fall asleep,” she mumbled. 


“Me too,” I said. “You’re so comfortable.” We sat like that for a minute. Audrey reluctantly got off. I kissed her hard and she was slowly backing out of the garage. She had a blush and smile on her face. Virgins were fun, but MILFs had a special part of my heart. Especially sexually repressed ones like Audrey. 


I made sure I was clean and headed inside. It was close to lunch time. I didn’t see Ava so I headed to her room. I was nice enough to knock. I’d really hate to get an eyeful of her masturbating again. She eventually came to the door. 


“Hey,” I said. “Want lunch?” She blushed but nodded. We headed downstairs and I made us some more chicken. There was a grille out back. I fired it up and was cooking happily. She sat on a lawn chair that the snow was recently brushed off of. 


“What’s up?” I asked. Not turning to face her, I focused on the grille. She didn’t say anything. “I know you want to say something. You usually run from me.” 


“I don’t run,” she said. 


“Right, you just go out of your way to get away from me,” I said. “I don’t mind Ava. I like that you are blunt.”


She was quiet for a time. “You’re very different than I imagined a guy would be,” she said. 


“Did you expect a unicorn? Rainbows and sunshine?” 


“I expected the men I saw at school. Shy, in skimpy clothes, and hanging with their own,” she said. 


“I like women,” I said. “A lot. I’m a man. Men should act this way. Loud and proud. Always doing something. Working a grill is where men should shine.”


“Most men don’t act this way,” she said. I turned to look at her. Flipping the chicken I coated mine in a spicy barbeque sauce and hers in honey. 


“You’ve been around so many?” I asked. 


“I’ve been around enough,” she spat. 

“Obviously,” I said. Luna had warned me she had gone lesbian. I hoped it wasn’t the man hating type, but that just meant I had to turn her around. We were quiet as the food finished cooking. I cooked some asparagus with it and was ready to make a plate. She surprised me by sitting at the table with me. A few chairs away, but progress. I guessed she still had something to say. 

“You like?” I asked. She nodded. The honey garlic chicken was hard to mess up. “What do you want to talk about?” I never stopped cutting up my food and eating. She hesitated. 


“Alright, maybe I need to be more clear. I have an open door policy, Ava. If I’m here, just talk to me. I won’t be offended. No matter what you say. This is the key to understanding. Conversation. If you want me to leave you alone, I will. It’s okay if you hate me. I don’t mind. But right now, I’m indifferent to you. I enjoyed your passion about the male questionnaire. I would love to have more conversations with you, but it has to be a 2-way street. Talk to me. Ask me questions. The worst I can say is no, or leave me alone.” 


She bit her lip. Setting her fork down she studied my face as I ate. I smiled at her and gave her a wink and she blushed. Eventually she asked, “Are you sleeping with Luna?” 

“I am,” I said. Her eyes bulged. “She comes to my room and we sleep in the same bed. If your question is if we have had sex, the answer is no.” She calmed down a little with that. 

“Why?” She asked. 

“Why what?” 


“Why did you force yourself on her?” She asked. Anger in her voice. 


I chuckled. “I didn’t force anything on anyone,” I said. “She wanted me. Ask her yourself. I was here for a day and she was making passes.” That was apparently news to her. She didn’t like to hear the truth. “Listen, I am a guy. She is a girl. There is a reason that the norm Pre-Pox was a man and woman. For some reason we are attracted to one another. We want to be together. It’s in our blood. Why fight it?”

Ava studied me. Calming down she let out a long sigh. “And she is just fine with you sleeping with all these other women?” 


“I’ve only had a few. But no, at first she wasn’t okay with it. She might still not be. For now she is using me for comfort. We’ve only known each other like a week. I hope more feelings can grow. But that is why I am being so truthful with you girls. No matter how much someone wants it, monogamy with a man can’t happen in this world.” 


“There have been a few,” she said. 


“True monogamy,” I said. “Luna told me about the celebrities that were supposedly monogamous. Men enjoy sex. Do you really think their willpower can last for long when women practically beg them to have sex with them? And it’s not even about the sex. It’s about having a kid. I know the lottery happens, but I hear it’s expensive. Especially if you require a sperm donation. Women can get to a certain age and their biological clocks will go off. I don’t think it’s something they can or want to fight. Humans are a dying breed Ava. I am willing to do what I need to do to keep it thriving.” 

“I bet you are,” she said. A frown on her face made me laugh. 

“I am,” Ava said. “Ready and willing to help most all.” I studied her as I finished my food. “Did you ever meet your dad?” She shook her head. “When did you want to?” 

“I didn’t,” she whispered. 


“Don’t lie. All us orphans do at some point. I remember, I was 8 the first time I noticed I had never met him.” 


She ignored her food as she stared straight ahead. “10, I was 10. They started sex-ed. We hadn’t really talked about it at home. It was a shock for more than a few of us that a man’s sperm was needed,” she chuckled without mirth. “I asked my mom about him. She told me the truth. He was her best friend growing up. He gave her me, and she was so thankful.” Ava paused for a moment and locked eyes with me. “A-A few years ago she came home drunk once. She was blubbering and crying. Upset that he didn’t care about her. They had been friends. She told him she was pregnant, but he didn’t care.” 


There were tears in her eyes, but they didn’t drop. I got up from my chair. Sitting next to her she shivered. I grabbed her hand and whispered. “It hurts, doesn’t it? Knowing that they don’t care?” She nodded. Her other hand wiped the tears. “It’s ok,” I said. “Is that why you hate me?”


“I don’t hate you,” she whispered looking at me. 

“It’s ok if you do,” I said. “I’m serious about being in my kid’s lives. You can hate me all you want, but I hope I can prove I’m not like other guys to you. Maybe then you’ll give me a chance?” Ava licked her lips and surprisingly kissed me. It was just a peck, but before she could pull away my hand was at the back of her head holding her face to mine. She moaned and our kiss continued. My tongue moved to her mouth and hers ran along it.


Her mouth tasted like cherries as I explored. Ava’s body shook as my hand grabbed her neck. She became more and more into the kiss as it extended. We were making out at the table hard. Moaning and gasping she was too nervous to touch me. Then out of the blue she pulled away. Getting out of her chair she quickly left and was running up the stairs. 


Disappointed, I sighed. It was probably for the best. My dick was covered in her mom’s juices. I cleaned up the plates and threw her food in a container for later. Leaving her alone I was about to go work out again when the doorbell rang. 


Heading to it I noticed Ryleigh, Rosie, and Linda at the door. “The McGowan’s,” I said with a smile. “So good to see you. I’m sorry I didn’t call, Ryleigh.” Linda McGowan was who Ryleigh truly took after. Long dark hair, wide cheeks, she had one of the largest busts I had ever seen. More than DD breasts, they nearly bust out of the black button down shirt she wore. I looked to Ryleigh. She was in her sweatshirt still. I wondered if she was hiding a large bust underneath. I would have to find out later. 


“How can I help you? Linda right? So good to meet you,” I said. Shaking her hand I moved out of the way. “Come in, please.” 


The 3 women stepped in. “Is your guardian here?” Rose asked. Looking around I could tell she liked the house. It was big and clean. Her house was nice, but not comparable to the 3-story monstrosity. 


“She is not, but come in.” 

“Do you think it’s appropriate?” Rose asked. Ryleigh was looking to the floor, not meeting my eye. 


“What’s appropriate? I’m sorry. I’ve basically been living under a rock all my life. Sit down, I’ll tell you about it,” I said. Pointing to the sectional sofa they did. I sat across from them and explained. “My mother took the male birth buyout when she birthed me. Bought a secluded cabin in the mountains and never let me leave the house. Last week she killed herself, and I met someone besides my mother for the first time.” 

“Oh god,” Linda said. Tears in her eyes she looked to Ryleigh. “Did you know about this?” 


Ryleigh quickly shook her head. Tears were growing in her eyes as well. “I didn’t tell Ryleigh. As you can imagine. I don’t like to talk about it. I feel bad that Ryleigh was caught in the middle of that whole kidnapping thing yesterday. And well, she’s my best friend. I don’t think it’s right to keep stuff from you.” I was very matter of fact. Using the correct intonations and pitch to convey my sorrow and regret. 


“We had no idea,” Rosie said with a frown. She and her wife locked eyes. They had a non-verbal conversation. I had guessed they came to say Ryleigh couldn’t play with me anymore. I had expected this to happen. That was why I was playing it up. Maybe if they knew the full story, they’d change their mind. 


“Did they find out who tried to kidnap you?” Rose asked. 


“They did not. As you can guess, the feds are very tight-lipped,” I said. “I’m just glad Ryleigh was able to help me like she did. I don’t know what would have happened if she wasn’t able to get to your office.” The wives shared another look. 


Rose sighed. “About that-”


“We think it best if maybe Ryleigh comes here,” Linda said quickly. Rose gave her a look but didn’t retort. Ryleigh looked up at her mother excitedly. I could tell that was not what they had come to say. “At least for a little while. We can give the DOL more time to figure out who tried to kidnap you. And when it calms down you can come back to our place to play.” 


“I think that’s a great idea,” I said with a smile. “It’s sad to say but I’ve only known Ryleigh a week, and she’s my best friend.” The girl smiled proudly at me, tears still in her eyes. “I don’t see a problem with it. As you can see, my guardian already has a security company patrolling the house.” She had some form of ADT contracted to watch it. 


“Maybe we could schedule a dinner? You can meet my guardian and her daughters,” I offered. 


“We would love that,” Linda said. Her large breasts kept catching my eye. No wonder her dentist office was so busy. 

“Now that I think about it, I need a dentist. Would you mind being mine?” I asked. 


“Of-of course,” Linda said, almost surprised. I couldn’t tell you the last time I scheduled a dentist appointment willingly. But if I could have those in my face, I was looking forward to it. 

“Rose, after the incident yesterday. I hate to admit, but it made me a little scared. My guardian and I bought a shotgun today for home protection. I noticed your gun safe. Would you know where we can get a good safe?” 

Rose brightened up with the mention of guns. “Yeah, I know a great one. I’ll get their number. They install too.” 


“Perfect. I know a little about guns. Maybe you could take Ryleigh and I sometime to go shooting? I’d love an expert’s guidance on how to be safe with them.” I knew how to shoot of course, but I needed to practice with this new body. 


“That’s a great idea,” Linda said. Rose nodded in agreement. Their demeanor was a far cry from the sad somber stares they had walked in with. The trio now had smiles and bright looks on their faces. “Linda has been trying to get Ryleigh to go hunting for years.” 


“Oh, I would love to go hunting. I used to in the mountains, but I wasn’t allowed to approach people.” I had been hunting with my foster father in the old world. Some mule deer and quail mostly. It would be good to relive that. “Do you fish too?” I asked excitedly. 

“We are in Minnesota, of course we fish,” Rose said with a loud laugh. 


“I would love to go. My guardian, Audrey, isn’t very sportsmanlike. I miss camping and all that.” 


“Wow, a boy that likes to hunt, fish, and camp,” Rose said. “Didn’t think I would live to see the day.” We talked about a few more particulars. They had New Year’s plans, but I offered to have Ryleigh go to school with me. We could talk about her coming over to play another time.


I waved goodbye to them and turned to see Ava on the stairs. She blushed when I locked eyes with her. 


“I’m going out,” she said. “New year’s party.” 


“Oh right,” I said. “Didn’t think about that. Want me to come along?” I offered. She bit her lip thinking but shook her head. “That’s fine. Have fun.” She was out the door leaving me alone. 


I felt good about the day. I didn’t think Luna would be back. I guessed it would be another sex filled night with Audrey when she got back from work. I headed back down to the basement to work out. 

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