Moral Degeneration


We got in the Buick LeSabre without a word. I started the car and drove off. Positive to not use a road that the fed and police trucks were on I took the long way out of there. Brianna was quiet. I left her to it. When we were far enough away I parked and opened the condom box. They had bright golden packaging. They looked good enough to me. That solved one of my problems. 


“Where’s your loan shark?” I asked. 


Brianna jumped a little with the words. “Uhhcross-A few blocks down this way,” she said. Looking around she was slowly coming out of her shell. I nodded and started driving. When she directed me to stop she didn’t get out. 


“What the hell are you?” She asked. 


“I’m just a boy,” I said with a smile. 


“Yeah, but that wasn’t normal. I was scared shitless both times I went there. You acted like it was nothing,” she said. 


“That was nothing. We were in the middle of town. We aren’t in a war zone. This is every day for those people. If you have money and they have goods, commerce will rise to the top.” She didn’t buy it. 


“Were you serious about knowing who the cops were?” She asked. 


“Yep,” I said. 




“I’ll tell you tomorrow. Go pay back your shark. We can talk later,” I said. She bit her lip but nodded. Going to a Payday loan shop I guessed the owner also did some less reputable deals with girls that didn’t have jobs like Brianna. It wasn’t long until she was back in the car. She let out a long sigh. 


“Feel better?” I asked, starting the car. 


“Much,” she said. “Thank you. I uh, thought something bad would happen if I went to the Nightingales alone.” 


“They have a bad reputation?” I asked. 


“The worst. I’m not used to this sort of thing.” 


“Could have fooled me. You did pretty good with the gun pointed at you,” I lied. She had been shivering like a leaf. 

“Thanks,” she whispered. “I won’t go back on my word, either.” 


“Good, I’d hate to pay the Nightingales to beat you up,” I said. She shivered again and I laughed as we started driving again. “I’m starving. Let’s get some food.” I started pulling out the $1,500 I still had hidden. We drove through a fast food place and got some burgers. She sucked down her soda and was better by the second.


“Your sister will be fine,” I said. “I hope you know that.”


“I hope so,” she said. “I feel a little better knowing we have legitimate protection for her.”


“You know, you don’t need protection in prison. If you keep your head down, most people leave you alone,” I said. 

“She tried that, but then had to hit a girl. The girl she hit is in a gang. It got ugly,” Brianna said. “I really don’t know what I would do without her.” 


“Well, you said you’re smart. You’ll have to keep your nose clean. Stick with your scholarship. Then become a lawyer. That way if she does keep getting into trouble you can get her out.” Brianna chuckled but finished her burger. 


“Why did you want guns?” She asked. 


“I feel better having a gun with me.” I considered having her hold onto them for me. She wasn’t so good under pressure though, and I didn’t trust she could keep them secret. I needed a better storage spot until the heat died down. 


“What about those?” She asked, eyeing the box of condoms. 


“I like to have sex,” I said. “And I don’t really like risking the pull out method, and not every girl is up for anal.” I sighed. “Just doing my part to prevent teen pregnancy. Want to try them out?” I asked. Giving her a suggestive look I was surprised that she leaned in and kissed me. 


Dropping my food wrapper we were quickly grunting in one another’s mouths as our tongues fought. My hands went to her rear. She gasped coming closer. I pulled away and looked around. There weren’t too many people around. Parked across the street from the fast food place we were next to a vacant lot. 


I wasn’t about to ruin things now though. “Get in the back,” I ordered. She smiled and slid over the front seat. The backseat was wider and had ribbed leather on the cushions. I put my guns in the glove box and grabbed a condom. 


Sliding to the back she was already taking off her pants. We had changed clothes before going to the bar. Neither of us wanted to be seen in our school uniforms. The tight pants leaving revealed her pale smooth legs. Not wearing any underwear I got a peak of her dark muff. I unbuckled my pants and pulled them down to my ankles. My erect cock pointed upward. 


Brianna moved over and stared at it. Hesitant it took time for her to get the courage to touch it. It jumped when she did. She gripped it and moved it up and down. I reciprocated by moving my hand between her legs. We reeked of smoke and fast food, but we both ignored it while touching one another. She was already wet, but gasped as I played with her lower lips and clit. 

We started making out again. When I felt she was wet enough I tore open the condom. Sliding the tight rubber on I worried she might be done but she bit her lip and moved closer. Her leg swung around to straddle my hips. I lined myself up with her pussy and we kissed as she lowered down. 


I entered her drenched hole and she groaned. Going further she surprised me by screaming a little. I looked down to see blood on my dick. She had been a virgin. I had never done that before. Been someone’s first. Right then it turned me on more. She had stopped about halfway down. I pulled her in for a kiss. She hungrily used her tongue in my mouth and was soon dropping again. 


She jolted as my dick kissed her cervix. My cock bulged with the idea of doing this with someone so fresh. I let her sit there for a moment. My hands on her smooth ass I used my A-game when kissing her. Sliding my tongue along hers, moaning in her mouth. I pulled my mouth off hers and began nibbling on her neck. She didn’t have much of a chest, but she was perfect right then. 


“Want me to take over?” I asked when she didn’t move. She closed her eyes and nodded. Sitting up I turned us over. With her on her back I began to go in and out slowly. For once I was glad to be short. There wasn’t a whole lot of room in the back seat. It was enough though. She gasped as I kept thrusting. Slow and steady. Nibbling on her neck and ears to distract from the pain it took her a while to let out a pleasured groan. 


I started to speed up a little then. Going just a little faster she let out another gasp and I sped up once more. My hand moved down to her clit. Finding it in the mess of her pubes she sputtered as I started playing with it. Holding off my own orgasm her tight cunt writhed around me. Firm muscles that had never been used before were strong and ready to accept my dick. 


It took time but eventually she screamed in my ear as I pounded. Water gushed out of her cunt and she came hard. With a groan I released my hold and joined her. Thrusting faster and harder I came inside her. My hips thrust into her, trying to reach as far as possible. The condom became filled and tightened around me. The situation had turned me on so much that I couldn’t help but feel like some new record of cum had been expelled out. 


Pulling out slowly she winced in pain. Grabbing napkins from the front seat I wiped her and my sexes of her blood and took off the condom. It was filled up nicely. I wrapped it in a napkin and threw it near our trash in the front. 


Brianna looked up at me with a smile. “I can’t believe I lost my virginity to a real dick,” she said. 


“What do you mean?” I asked. 


“Nothing, just most of the girls I know lose it to a dildo,” she said. I nodded, it made sense. 


“Glad I could help. It was fun,” I said. “Want to go again?” I asked. 


She winced. “Not right now.” Sitting up I grabbed her chin and kissed her. 


“We aren’t dating,” I told her. “But we can do this more if you want.” She blushed and looked down to my rock hard dick. “Think about it.” I pulled my pants up, tucking my dick in with great effort. Getting back to the front I made sure no one had seen. We were in the clear. Gathering our trash I started the car when she moved back up. 


“Can I ask what made you want to give me your virginity?” I asked. 


“The condoms helped,” she said. “I sure as shit don’t want a kid.” We joined traffic. “But damn it was hot in the club. You really didn’t care when she pointed that gun at you.” 


“Eh, you get used to it,” I said. I called Luna and told her I was ok. She sighed and was waiting for me at home. I had to make a stop though. When we got to my neighborhood I pulled over. Getting my guns out I put them in the fast food bag and stuffed it full of napkins. I got the condom box and forced it into my hoodie’s front pocket. 


“This was fun,” I told Brianna. “Should we do the same thing tomorrow?” 

“Fuck no,” she whispered with a chuckle. 

“I meant the sex,” I said. 


“Oh,” she said, blushing. She slowly nodded. 

“No more bullying though,” I warned. She nodded again. Leaning over, I gave her a peck on the cheek. I left her there and started heading up my street. With guns on me I didn’t worry too much about kidnappers. 


Ryleigh’s house was near the entrance to the neighborhood. I stopped there first. It was dark out, but she didn’t have a cell phone. I risked going around her house until I was outside her window. Knocking on it I waited. It took another knock but the drapes were opened to reveal Ryleigh. She gasped and smiled.


Opening the window she said, “You’re safe. Thank God.” 

“What can I say? I’m amazing,” I said. “Sorry we couldn’t have our date. I was hoping you’d watch something for me.” This was a world without the Godfather movies. I didn’t worry about her guessing the favor.

“Of course,” she said. 


“Ok, but I have to warn you. It has to stay hidden for a few days. And you can’t look inside.” She hesitated but nodded. “I’m serious, Ryleigh. No peeking. It’s a secret. If you can promise not to look I’ll buy you a present.”


“Ok ok,” she said quickly. I could tell she liked the idea of a present. 


I passed the fast food bag to her. I had stuffed it with plenty of napkins so she wouldn’t be able to guess what it was. “Where should I hide it?”


“Wherever you hide your porn or whatever,” I said. She blushed but didn’t deny having some. “I’ll see you tomorrow. We need our date.” She nodded and waved me off. I ran up to my house and walked in to an angry Audrey, Luna, and surprisingly Ava. 


They were sitting on the sofa glaring at me. “Honey, I’m home,” I whispered and walked over ashamed. My head down I sat opposite of the 3. I hoped this was about me disappearing, and not because they found out I was fooling around with all of them. 


“What do you have to say for yourself?” Audrey asked. 


“Which part?” I asked. 


“Going off with some strange girl,” Luna said immediately. Her nostrils flaring she was really angry. 


“My friend was getting bullied,” I said. “I did what I felt I had to do to stop it. The bully asked for assistance. I gave it to her.” 


“And you go off with some girl to do that?!” Audrey yelled. “You do know you were almost kidnapped the other day. Who knows what she could have wanted. I know you’re not used to this, but you really shouldn’t be going to secluded places with any girl. And if you are, you need to tell us.” 


“I know,” I said. “I told Luna. But it had to be done. It’s over, and I’m safe. Now my friend won’t get bullied and I can rest easier knowing that.” 


“What friend was this for?” Ava asked. 


“Ryleigh. She lives down the street,” I said. “She’s my age. Really my only friend.” 

“What about the other boy’s in school?” Audrey asked. “Didn’t you meet them?”

“I met them. But you can’t just walk up to people and become friends,” I lied. That was how I met Ryleigh. “Today was only my first day. How am I supposed to make friends that quick?”

Audrey bit her lip. “Still, the first day, and you’re already going off with strangers. I need you to not do that anymore.” 

It was odd to have someone care about me. I saw her point, but she was giving me mixed signals. She had said I could impregnate who I wanted. But she also told me to be careful. Maybe she was jealous too. It was best to leave the fighting for later. 


“I am sorry. I will do my best to not let it happen again,” I said. I looked to each of the girls one by one. They weren’t appeased, but they were content for now. I stood up and looked around. “Is there any dinner left?”


“What’s that?” Audrey asked, looking at my bulge. The square box of the condoms was obvious. 


“Nothing,” I said nervously. 


“Russ,” Audrey said coldly. “You disappear with a strange girl. Come back hours later. And expect us to believe you came back with nothing?”


I looked the girls over. I could have whispered it in her ear and she would have accepted it. But I was done with the whole deer in the headlights routine. These girls knew what I was about. Granted they didn’t know the others knew what I was about, but I had fooled around with all of them. 


I stuck my hand in the pocket and pulled out the box. It wasn’t obvious what it was from the cover. Opening it up I revealed the yellow gold wrapped condoms. With a smile I looked at them one by one. “These happened into my lap. I didn’t want to waste them.” All 3 girls blushed. Luna took on a lustful gaze, even Ava mirrored it. Audrey was a little worried, eyeing Luna and Ava she knew what I planned to use them for. I let their imaginations run wild. Closing the box I headed upstairs whistling. 

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