Moral Degeneration


I woke up warm and comfortable. Still dark out I noticed a digital clock on the wall read 6 am. Usually if I was in a strange place I’d jostle awake, trying to remember where I was. Right then I didn’t dare move. I knew right where I was. The 2 women had burned it into my memory as they rode me again and again.


My hand moved from around Millie’s body to rub my eyes. I instinctively wanted my phone, but I quickly remembered where and when I was. I had passed out fairly easily once the girls had their fill. Spooning Millie I was being spooned by Gail. The queen size bed made it a struggle to fit us all on. 


I had worried I’d wake up in my old life or something. Or just die again. But here I was with 2 beautiful women. Living the dream. My hand went back to Millie. First to move her hair behind her ear. 


My dick was poking between her thighs. Ready for another go. My hand moved down her side to between her legs. She exhaled a breath as her legs parted. Kissing her neck I asked, “again?” My hand moved to her puffy lower lips. She winced but nodded. Her hips ground up against mine. 


“Let’s take a shower,” I offered. She didn’t answer but slowly slid off the bed. Still asleep I moved Gail’s arm and followed her. The light for the bathroom turned on. Gail grumbled and turned over. I was still naked. Millie shyly looked me up and down. Her body practically shivering under my gaze. 


“You’re so beautiful,” I whispered, moving closer. She blushed as I kissed her neck. My breath awful, I grabbed the toothpaste and squirted a glob in my mouth. “Turn on the water.” 


Millie did so then opened the bathroom mirror to reveal a small bottle of mouthwash. She took a swig as we swished the minty concoctions in our mouths. She smiled happily at me. 


I spit. “Gail going to be mad if we do this without her?” Millie shook her head. 


“We might have talked about if this scenario ever happened,” she said with a blush. 



“If a man ever came to town,” she whispered. Before she could elaborate the woman stepped into the shower. I followed. She faced the hot water as I came up behind her. My mouth kissed her neck as my still erect dick poked her back entrance. She gasped, leaning back into me. I think she forgot I was 14. It took more effort than I would like to admit to keep us both upright. 


“And what was your scenario then?” I asked. 


“We do what we need to to get pregnant,” she said. 


“You might already be,” I offered. “You don’t have to go again.” 


“I want to,” she said quickly. “I’ve always wanted to be with a man.” I didn’t point out that I was more of a boy. My older self could have shown her a much better time. For now my body was weak and spongy. 


I grabbed her hips and lined myself up with her. She gasped as I parted her dry lips. The interior wasn’t dry for long as I moved into her. “Was it everything you hoped?” 


She nodded, lost in the feel of me as I slid in. Only an inch outside of her I slammed the rest of the way in. Millie gasped. Bending at her waist, her hands went to the wall. The hot water from the shower hit where our sexes met. I simply held myself there for a moment. Enjoying her tightness. 


It was an amazing feeling going in without a condom. No wonder so many guys had accidental kids. A man could get addicted to this. If the world was how I pictured it, I might actually get to keep doing women this way. My new life was going great. What kind of guy didn’t imagine a threesome? Let alone losing your virginity in one.  


I drew back slowly then slammed back in. The woman gasped as I continued a slow pace. My muscles ached, but I could manage this much. Bending over her body, my hand reached down to between her legs. Playing with her clit as I kept up slow and short thrusts she began gasping. After only a minute she came. Her fingernails tried to dig into the plastic of the shower wall. Her tight cunt gripped me and her firm ass jiggled. 


“Are you always such a quick shot?” I teased as I stopped playing with her clit. 


She shook her head. “No. I heard it was different with men. I-I couldn’t imagine.” I was curious if a real dick was maybe a kink. Or did the lack of men make mine feel better? Either way, I didn’t care. Continuing my thrusts she started pushing back into me. It didn’t take long for me to cum hard into her. Groaning, I tore at her small breasts as I tried to push myself into her as far as possible. 


We caught our breath for a moment. The water turning cold I pulled out reluctantly. “Holy fuck. I’m in heaven,” I whispered. She giggled moving around to face me. Turning off the water she noticed my dick was still half erect. 


“I always heard men can’t go all that often,” she said. Her wet body moved next to mine. Her hands went to my dick. 


“I’m young,” I said. “Also it’s pretty easy to keep it up with such beautiful women.” 

Millie frowned. “You don’t hate us, do you?” 


“Why would I?” 


“You’re kind of young,” she said shyly, her hand still holding my dick. 


“Well yeah,” I said. “Is there an age of consent?” 


“16 for men,” she whispered. 


“Then let’s pretend I’m 16,” I whispered, kissing her. “I’m starving though. All this exercise has made me ravenous for more than you girls.” Millie smiled as she stepped out of the shower. In a good mood she dried off and headed out of the bathroom. I did the same. Gail was still out of it as she held a pillow over her head. 


Millie hummed happily as she turned on the radio. More rock started playing. Moving around the small kitchen in a whirlwind she had eggs frying and toast being made. The smell made my stomach growl as I sat at the table and watched her at the oven. Her ass rocking with the music I watched it jiggle. Though small, it was firm with muscle.


Gail was finally awoken by the smell. “Morning,” she yawned as she took the seat next to me. 


“What’s the plan today?” I asked. 


“Go up to your cabin, then take you down to Melena to report what happened,” she said. 


“Oh,” I said sadly. “We can’t just fuck all day?” I really didn’t want to go back up to the cabin. Or do anything really. I was exhausted. 


Millie turned to give Gail a pleading look. Gail sighed. “You can’t. By now I’m sure Melena has heard about you. Too long here and they’ll send in the SWAT.” 


“Damn,” I said, seeing her point. “Doesn’t mean we can’t have fun. I mean, it’s still dark.” I looked out the window. There was a little light, but not much. 


“What day is today, anyway?” I asked. 


“December 19th.” 

“And the year?” I asked. 


There was a long pause, eventually she answered. “1999.” 


“Cool. Y2K still a thing?” I asked.


“You don’t know the year, but you know about Y2K?” Gail asked. 

“Trust me, that’s the least weird thing about my education,” I said. Millie put out a plate and was quickly scooping some eggs out for me. 



We fucked one more time. Each girl came before I did. An achievement I would like to take credit for, but I was never this good in my old life. After that we laid in bed and stared at the ceiling. Content and relaxed in our post-coitus. Gail made us get up eventually. 


Millie insisted on coming with us. I felt better with her there. Her bubbly attitude was infectious. That did mean I had to sit in the back of the old police cruiser, or was it current? I seem to remember all police having fancy Chargers and SUVs. Either way I tried the car door and it didn’t open from the inside. I became nervous but directed them to my house. We made a trip that took me all day in about 15 minutes. 


“No way this thing is going up that,” Gail said as they pulled into the gravel. “We could borrow a snowmobile. But might take a while.” 

“Let’s just hoof it,” I said. “You can carry me if I get tired.” 


“I’m not doing that,” she grumbled as we got out. It took more breaks than I care to admit to get to the top. I was ready for another cigarette as we crested the hill. I was already making mistakes from my old life. It took a long time to quit smoking back then. Might need to watch myself. 


We opened the front door and were hit with the dead body smell. It was very distinct. Millie chose to stay outside. “Wow,” Gail said, going up to the body. “You don’t have to be here, you know.” I was right behind her looking over her shoulder.     


“I know,” I said. My mother’s skin was pale. She looked skinnier for some reason. 


“I see you ransacked the place,” she said. “How come you didn’t know where stuff was?” 


“She was very secretive,” I said. “And a bitch,” I whispered. She nodded. 


“Did she umm touch you?” Gail asked. 


I was going to say no, but I really didn’t know the answer. “Is that common?” I asked. 


“It’s been known to happen,” she said. I didn’t elaborate. I was starting to think my stay in the cabin was creepier than I originally thought. Gail didn’t prod. “You check the body?” 


“I didn’t,” I said. My mother was wearing simple pajamas. 


Gail reached down and began patting her body. Nothing in the pants she threw the blanket off. There were some odd stains on the sheet and not just the fecal matter from my mother. I was growing worried about what was going on in this place. Maybe I didn’t lose my virginity in a threesome. 


Gail moved down until she got to my mothers slippers. Taking them off she lifted the bottom soles. “Ahha,” she said, pulling out a small key. I had one of these in my old life. It was a safe deposit key. 


“Very nice,” I said. “You might be a cop or something.” I was trying to hide my shame. I should have looked there. 

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