Moral Degeneration


“Are you sure?” I asked the doctor.

“I’m sure, it’s a girl,” she said with a smile. 

“Check again, please,” I said.

“I uh I”m telling you. I didn’t find anything,” she said, looking from me to Lyza to Sarah. 

“Russ…” Sarah said.

“Just humor me,” I said.

“Well she’s not really moving,” the doctor said. “Let me get some ice water.” She got up and walked out the door. 

“Seriously?” Lyza asked. “You want a boy that bad.”

“No, just…a feeling,” I said. “Either way, congrats the kids fine.”

“True,” Sarah said, letting out a sigh. “It really happened.”

“So cool,” Lyza said. “We can think of names now. We definitely need a new apartment though. We only have the one room…” They talked for a bit and the doctor came back in. Handing Sarah the ice water she drank it and was getting lubed up all over again. Then I heard the words I expected.

“I don’t believe it. I was wrong. It is a boy,” the doctor said with a scoff. 

“What the hell,” Lyza said. “How could you possibly guess that?” Instead of warning them I’d made a bet with them that it would be a boy. 

“I just…had a feeling,” I said with a smile. “Isn’t that great?” 

“I-never…my moms are going to flip. You’re sure?” Sarah asked.

“I’m sure. Looks like he moved a little so I can see it now. There is the penis,” she pointed it out and was printing out more pictures. I added them to my stack. The girls weren’t as emotional as the others, but they had been preparing for this day for a long while. And it was just Sarah giving birth, not both of them. 


“Fine,” Lyza said. “What is the favor you want for this stupid bet?” She got in the back of my car as Sarah sat in the front. 


“Just a blowjob from you both at the same time,” I said with a smile.

“Ha, you could have just asked for that,” Lyza said. The freckled Sarah blushed though.

“I like winning,” I said. “But to be honest it wasn’t that big of a surprise.”

“Oh yeah? God tell you it would happen? I never thought in a million years we would have a boy. Did you?” 

“No,” Sarah said. “I’m still in shock. My moms are literally going to flip out. There hasn’t been a man in the family for generations.”

“Yeah, about that, so you know how I’ve gotten other girls pregnant?” I asked. They both nodded. “They too are having boys.”

“What?” Sarah asked slowly. 

“There have been 3 other ultrasounds. I’m um having 4 other boys besides this one.” I eyed her belly then her. Both of their eyes were bulging.

“That’s impossible…” And the talking began again. When we got to their apartment they were still plenty shocked but coming out of it. 

“So our kid will have a lot of brothers?” Lyza asked. 

“At least 4,” I said. “And more on the way from what I’m guessing.”

“How many more girls have you impregnated?” Sarah asked. 


“Uh let’s see…Wendy is next. Her ultrasound is next week. Then Lanny’s whose is the following week. Then Willow’s is a few days after that. And then Farrah, but she is farther out,” I said.

“Holy shit,” Lyza said. “Who haven’t you gotten pregnant.” 

“I’m a busy guy, and women want kids.”

“You’re going to all of those?” Sarah asked. I nodded. “Have to admit it was kind of nice having you there.” 

“Right? It was weird having all those eyes in the waiting room on him,” Lyza said. She eyed me. “Now about that bet…”

“Yeah?” I asked with a smile. 

“I’m not much for owing, so lets get this done,” she said. 


“But I like to be seduced,” I said with a smile.

“Too bad,” she said. Pushing me to the couch. She moved down and slid my pants off in a smooth motion. “That things getting almost too big.”

“I love it,” Sarah said, attacking me from the side. Instead of hesitating she moved her head to the tip and began sucking hard. Her whole body shivered. “Tastes so good. I swear my body has been craving your taste more.”

“Really now,” Lyza said. “We need to feed you what it wants.” She shoved her face between my thighs and began hungrily sucking on my balls. I groaned, turned on by their lack of care as Sarah sucked the tip and Lyza moved up to the base. The black woman more than happy to lick every inch of me as Sarah tried to suck out all of my precum. 

They began kissing around my dick. Their tongues and lips on me and each other at the same time. My hand moved to Sarah’s ass, squeezing it as she descended down. Taking in as much as she could then back up to let Lyza take a turn. 

“Fuck,” I groaned. “Worth the bet.”

“Don’t think we forgot you cheated,” Lyza warned.

“It was an educated-fuck,” I cursed as she went back slurping up my testicles. She pulled them away to cause pleasure and pain while her girlfriend kissed and licked my shaft. They continued playing back and forth like this and it wasn’t terribly long until I was cumming. Sarah took the first few shots, moaning happily, then Lyza did. She too enjoyed the taste of my semen.

As I recovered Sarah was mounting up onto me and riding me in reverse cowgirl while her girlfriend played with her clit and kissed her. Cumming in her then using a condom with Lyza, I left the girls to the rest of their morning off as I had other errands to attend to. 


First was going to the Brooks household. The neighborhood quiet in the Monday morning, I honked. It wasn’t too long until Leanne Brooks was walking out the door. Her mother was behind her and followed after. 

“Russ, thanks again for this,” Brianna’s mother said. “You be good.” 

“Mom, I’m 20 years old,” Leanne growled. Just out of prison she was still a momma’s girl. 

“I don’t care. Keep an eye on her please. When will she be back?” 

“Late,” I said. “We have a lot of work to do, and I plan to get her working. I mean, she’s gotta pay you rent, right?”

“Should I charge her rent?” Brianna’s mom asked, a slight smile on her lips. 

“I would. What else does she need money for?”

“My own car for one,” she growled.

“Oh, I should charge you rent then. I don’t want you driving away on me,” her mom said.

“Please just drive,” she said. “Feel like I’m being dropped off at school.”

“Russ, do you want to have dinner with us tonight?” Her mom asked, hopeful. 


“Ugh, I can’t tonight. I have to meet my DOL agent,” I said. “Rowan will drop her off though, if you wouldn’t mind making an extra plate.”

“Sure,” the mom said and waved us off. 


“This is so weird,” Leanne said. “How the hell does my sister meet a boy?” 

“It was actually thanks to you that she and I met,” I said.

“How’s that?” She asked. 

“You’ll have to ask Brianna that one,” I said. “Are you sure you want to do this?”

“Do what?” 

“Working for me,” I said. “I can only do cash for now. And…do you even know anything about cars?” 

“How the hell can you offer me a job if you don’t know my experience?” She asked. 

“I don’t know. Feel responsible since I helped get you out,” I said with a shrug. 

She stopped what she was going to say. “Yeah. I can change a tire…that’s about it,” she said.

“Not surprising. Jess will be your trainer. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, alright?” I asked and we were mostly quiet as we drove to the Autoshop. Once there it was lively with activity. Contractors were tearing down ceiling tiles. Rowan was in the middle of everything. Apparently she actually liked the whole interior decorating part. She had chosen a new style of tiles, and different colors. Telling all the women how she wanted it. 

Everyone stopped as I arrived though. Hammering and sawing all halting as the women turned to me. “Hello, I’m Russ. Let me know if you need anything. Rowan, got a minute?” I asked. Her new car was parked out front. She already had a pink feathery cover on the steering wheel, making it her own quickly. 


“What’s up?” She asked after the women got back to work. 

“This is Leanne. She is the new apprentice,” I said. Rowan eyed her up and down but frowned. “Leanne, this is my sister Rowan. She is in charge of the office part of this place.”

“Uh nice to meet you,” Leanne said. I could tell Rowan didn’t much like her so I dragged her away. 

“Sorry to interrupt.” We walked over to the last stall where Jess was working on her Mustang. It was actually coming together already. The seats and engine were still out of it, but the trunk was put back together. 

“Jess!” I yelled over the pneumatic drill in her hand. “Jess!” She finally stopped drilling and turned to me. Smiling wide she walked over. 

“What’s up?” 

“This is Leanne. Your trainee. Leanne, this grease monkey is Jess. She runs the fixing part of this place.”

“Nice to meet you,” they said while shaking hands. 

“Russ tells me you’re supposed to shadow me,” Jess said. “I know you’ll be doing simple stuff. But if you’re interested there are some good community college classes. We can talk about that later though. For now just watch what I’m doing. I’ll try to explain it. Please tell me you know how to work a flashlight.” She was talking quickly. I could tell she was excited to have someone to help her. 

“Uh I think so,” Brianna said with a shrug. 

“I doubt it,” I said. “It’s a rare quality, trust me.”

“He’s not joking,” Jess informed her. “Go get some coveralls. There is a locker room in back. Just pick one.” Leanne nodded, obviously nervous, but did as she was told.

“What do you think?” I asked when she was out of ear shot. 

“This job isn’t all that hard for what you need her for,” Jess said. “Question is if she likes it. If she doesn’t mind getting her hands dirty she will be fine.”

“Okay, keep an eye on her. I’m open to paying for classes. For you too if you want to continue your education,” I said.

“Na, I like to figure it out on my own. We should get a welder here though…”

“What kind?”

“Mig,” she said with a smile. “You know…for custom stuff.”

“Frame damage on the Mustang?” I asked. She slowly nodded. “Fine, let’s talk to…and speak of the devils,” I said as a tool company pulled up. “Lets see what we can talk these guys into supplying.”

“Are you sure? You could spend $100,000 with these guys easily,” she said.

“The trick is that they get commission,” I said. “Maybe I’ll get lucky and find one of them to sell me a bunch that fell off the back of a truck.”

Jess barked a laugh. “I can’t tell if you’re joking or not,” she said and we were soon getting a sales pitch on why this group's tools were the top of the top. Lucky for me I didn’t want top of the line. I wanted mid-tier. They were nice tools, but not worth the money. It wasn’t long until we were sending him off and a new salesman came by. Then another and another. Before I knew it, it was time for my appointment. 

Saying bye to the girls I left as Jess yelled at Leanne to watch where the flashlight was pointing. Laughing at the situation I drove to my local DOL federal building. Agent Reels waiting for me I could tell that she was a little excited. 

“What’s up with you?” I asked. 


“I just can’t believe it,” she said. “5 boys? Really?”

“Ah, you heard from the hospital,” I said. “I was gonna tell you.”

“Yeah yeah,” she said. “This is beyond bizarre. They’re talking about adding another agent to manage your kids here alone.” 

“Ugh, don’t scare me off like that,” I said as we walked into the building. “You know I hate the government.”

“And yet you’re signing a deal with them,” she said. 


“Sometimes you gotta make a deal with the devil to keep away the other monsters,” I said. 


“Who are the other monsters?” She asked.

“People,” I said, letting out a sigh. “What’s the new deal?” 

“Your lawyer’s looking it over now,” she said. “Basically more money. They’re pushing that they get to choose 3 people you impregnate a month.”

“Guess I’m pushing that they get 1,” I said. She nodded and we walked into the conference room. My lawyer was one Farrah put me in touch with. Professional and gorgeous I kept my hands away for now as she poured over the documents. When she was done I did the same.

“My client isn’t accepting this,” she said as I read through it. “I want these items changed immediately.” She threw a copy that was marked up to the DOL lawyers.

“This deal is very good,” the other lawyer said. “Basically what was signed before.”

“I don’t care,” she said. “I hear he has the highest male production since anyone tested before. If you want him to keep doing his best you’ll make these changes.” I read through them and I had glanced over them before, but they would put me up for issues if left unchecked. “Also he already has 5 sons proven. You give regular men a week off of their duty if they produce any kid. My client wants more time off if he so chooses to take a break from the Program.” 


“Time off? Why?” The lawyer asked. 

“Doesn’t matter,” my lawyer said.

“Why would we do this?” Jackie asked as she reviewed the document. “The first document we have is…more aligned with what other men have.”

“Then they’re idiots,” the lawyer said. “The reason you should want to sign this is to keep my client happy. He can potentially produce more men than anyone else. I’m told what he has done currently is statistically impossible for what we know about modern medicine. You tell me, is it worth keeping him happy and generating as much as possible?” 


The lawyers and agents shared a look. They didn’t like it.

“The other thing,” I whispered to my lawyer.

“Right,” she said. “My client is also amenable to letting the American government decide if he should visit foreign countries.”

“What are you saying?” Jackie asked. 


“Once it gets out that he can make boys much more easily than anyone else, other countries will want him. My client would prefer that this happens on his own terms, but the government can be part of the conversation at least. Cut your own…perks for letting this happen,” she said.

“Let me make a call,” Jackie said with a sigh. She walked out and the lawyers quickly talked to one another. 

“Think we will get it?” I whispered to my lawyer.

“Probably,” she said. “They seem to jump whenever your name is brought up. I think you’re a little bit of a celebrity here.”

“I would hope so,” I said. Leaning back in my chair I knew I had a lot of cards to play. So many things going on, I was always looking to the future. I planned for the whole world to be mine. Kids everywhere. Family everywhere. I would squeeze other countries dry for everything I could. All the while robbing, selling, blackmailing, and happening upon every dime I could to ensure my sons had a future with me in it. 

The world had been good to me so far, but you were never the strongest in the world by being good. Breaking the law and doing what no one else would was how I planned to take it over. I’d only been here for a few months. My plans would take years to come to fruition but I was willing to put in the time and effort to make it happen. As I always was. 


End of Part 2. I have a lot planned for the series. I see the 4 main parts as 1 big book, so no huge reveal at the end of this block of chapters. I have plans for more parts after the initial 4. But for now I'm done writing the series as I focus on other things. My main goal is starting another series that I plan to release on Royal Road. It probably won't have any smut, and I plan to make it actually marketable, but we will see how it goes. I could end up finding a good video game and throwing myself at it for a while. Either way, thanks for reading. It's good to know people enjoy random ideas for books that come to me like this one did.


Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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