More than a dragon Warrior

Anger vs Greed


[3rd POV]

A gigantic bolt of lightning streaked across the sky of China and Tibet.

The sky darkened as if to foretell a disaster. Thunder rumbled and shook the world, declaring the coming of unimaginable power.

Tai Lung whose body had completely turned into a lighting, blitzed across the sky and headed straight to China at the speed of lighting.

Sound desperately tried to catch up to him, causing the whole world to hear a rumbling akin to the sky falling apart.

It did not take more than a minute for Tai Lung to reach China. His body turned back into flesh when he reached Gongmen city where he crashed into the top of the Tower of Sacred Flames.

"Shen!! Shen!!" Tai Lung called out and spread his sense throughout the city.

Shen was not there.

He took a moment to shake off the dizziness from travelling at such speed before he fell to the ground in chi exhaustion. He quickly generated more with five pulses and he shot back up to the sky again, his body turned into lightning.

And just like that Tai Lung searched for Shen throughout China. His lightning body took him to places where he thought he would find Shen but each time, he was disappointed.

"Where are you goddamnit!!" Tai Lung screamed, his body rapidly shifting from flesh to lighting. At first, he struggled but the more he used it, the better he got.

He flew to different parts of China, visiting every kingdom for hours but with no success. He thought he would be able to save him considering Shen didn't know the speed at which he could travel.

However, the place where Shen and Kai went was a place he had never revealed to Tai Lung. It was also a hidden location where he used to hide as the banished prince. There was no way for Tai Lung to find him in such a short time, no matter the speed, China was ginormous.

In the end, his failure was cemented in the form of a giant explosion that could be felt from miles upon miles.

The explosion immediately caught the ears of Tai Lung while he was in the middle of searching for Shen. His head snapped towards the explosion.

Tai Lung's heart which was like a chaotic ocean wave suddenly froze into a giant glacier. The worry on his face was gone in an instant, replaced by a stone-cold expression.

It was done.

There was no need to worry anymore.

Shen was dead.



"That is the signal." Tai Lung said through gritted teeth, cursing the peacock in his mind.

Then ever so slowly, his stoic mask cracked and rage emerged. His eyes glow bright yellow and it could be seen for miles even during the day.

Then he streaked across the sky in the form of lighting. The sky was quickly suffocated by black clouds that carried a storm, once the image of limitless freedom - the sky was turned into a manifestation of oppression.

Lighting and thundered ruled the sky.


"That crazy bird." Kai brushed off his body which was fragmented by the explosion.

But his broken body was quickly fixed by a green chi and he was slowly becoming whole again. A spirit warrior was effectively immortal, nothing from the moral realm could hurt him.

But what it did was cause some hindrance.


Kai looked up to the sky and noticed the dark clouds that were boiling and rolling as if they were alive. The nimbus folded themselves with many layers until it felt like they were going to explode in the sky.

A flash of lightning cracked ever so often.

It looked like the world was angry.

"Ah... it's because of you." Kai said suddenly before he turned back and his green eyes stared towards North.

He could see him. It was hard to miss the sheer killing intent and anger radiating off of him.

"Tai Lung." Kai said and with a tug of his chain, his green blades fell into his hands. Then he transferred two of the blades into one hand and he grabbed them by the chains.

He started spinning the blades - it started off slow but as time passed, the speed of the rotation increased.

A sound very close to a giant helicopter filled the air as the weapon created a hurricane. The surrounding air screamed as corrupted green chi flooded the environment.

"Come on!!!!" Kai roared to the sky and a giant bolt of lighting stuck down at him. He finally released all of the momentum and centrifugal force he had gathered in the form of a powerful swing.

Kai swung at the lighting and stopped it in its tracks. The ground caved into ridiculous proportions as a force so heavy pressed down onto the earth, causing the world to shatter into million pieces.



Both of them pause at a standstill. The gigantic bolt of lighting formed the body of Tai Lung whose deadly claws pushed against Kai's blades.

For a moment, there was a deadly silence as two cataclysmic forces met in a clash. A crack of lighting came from Tai Lung, pushing against the green smoke that flooded out of Kai.

Kai was immortal.

But at that moment he felt like he was dying. It was completely out of the realm of possibility and it broke every logic of the universe but his body fought with his life on the line.

Maybe it was an illusion but he saw the possibility of Tai Lung ripping him into pieces in his mind and that led him to permanent death.

What power must one hold to instil the fear of death in immortality itself? Kai asked himself.

But it was fine, the fear of death only made him stronger. An animal could access impossible strength when survival was on the line.

"HAAAAAAHHH!!!!" Kai roared and his body bulged with muscle, making his frame bigger in real-time. Raw strength oozed out of his body, it was reminiscent of Samudragupta's physique.

He planted his feet on the ground and the earth became liquid. His feet sunk down, the world unable to bear the weight of such raw power.

Kai flexed his knees and at last, another shockwave ripped the sound barrier and they both separated.

He panted as if his spiritual body could feel exhaustion. He had never felt more alive and vulnerable before. It was a weird feeling.

Kai had been a spirit warrior for more than five centuries now. He was a being that did not have mortal limitations but at this moment, Tai Lung's mere presence bestowed that limitation on him again.

"Yes...YES!!!" Kai screamed and laughed with excitement, his battlelust overflowing.

His green eyes glows with greed and envy while looking at Tai Lung. "After I have your chi, I will truly become invincible. Nay, I will become a GOD!!"

Tai Lung could not even spare a scoff as he got on all fours, like a predator ready to hunt down his prey. Kai looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"You have no more chi left." he declared, "How do you plan to fight me?"

It was then that Kai heard the sound of a heartbeat. Tai Lung's body glowed in mystical blue and a shockwave of energy starting from his heart washed over his body.

And with each beat, Kai could see Tai Lung's reserve filling. It was the strangest sight Kai had ever seen.

Was the enemy truly capable of creating chi - a universal energy - inside his own body? Won't that basically mean that he was a...

His thought was cut short as instincts screamed at him. Kai took a battle stance - a defensive one - and awaited the incoming catastrophe.

Tai Lung released a deep growl...or was it thunder? His growl sounded more like a continuous chain of thunder.

"You made the mistake of your life Kai." Tai Lung declared.

"Hahaha! Did I?" Kai replied, "Let us see which one is stronger..."

"Your anger, or my greed."

There was nothing more to say. No more words were exchanged.

Action spoke louder than words, Tai Lung expressed his boiling rage and Kai expressed his endless greed.

Tai Lung's body was covered in lighting and he blitzed towards Kai who also exploded into action.

It was the battle between the strongest and the cumulative history of power.






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