More than a dragon Warrior

Let him come

[3rd POV]

The alliance between Shen and Tai Lung was broken in order for a new alliance to emerge.

General Kai and Lord Shen.

Shen knew that the new so-called alliance was just for the sake of it. Kai had no trust towards him or view him as a worthy partner whatsoever.

But Shen did not mind, his final objective required no such things anyway.

"So, what are your plans? How exactly are you going to help me defeat Tai Lung?" Kai inquired curiously as he sat upon a rock.

One of his blades was planted on the ground while he was sharpening the other blade with Oogwya's jade pendant. Green sparks flickered in the darkness as jade rubbed against jade.

His presence was overwhelming. Unlike Tai Lung, Kai was not reeling in the might of his power and allowed it to descend into the world.

Space and time itself seemed to be warped around him and gravity was stronger. It felt like another dimension when you were around him.

"Tai Lung has no weakness." Shen said, "Even the weakest area he has as a warrior, would make him the strongest. "

"That sounds impossible." Kai laughed.

"It does, doesn't it? Although, a few years ago he was not invincible as he currently is. If you two met during that time, I am sure you will win," Shen said.

"Maybe, but Oogway made sure that I do not meet him before he was ready. I finally know why the old tortoise had such a calm smile on his face every moment of our fight." Kai said while looking at Oogway's jade.

"So, you can't help?" Kai asked while staring deeply into his soul.

"I didn't say that." Shen said, "I merely state that Tai Lung has no weakness as a warrior but the beast is more than just a warrior."

Kai raised an eyebrow.

"Tai Lung is also a teacher, he is a student, a son and apparently a friend." he chuckled. "Tai Lung may have no weakness in himself but his weakness is in the form of people."

"I have already sent the best of my soldiers to capture the Jade Palace and every people close to Tai Lung." Shen said with a cruel smile on his face.

Kai hummed, debating in his mind if he was okay with such strategy or not. In the end, he decided that all is fair in love and war.

He killed his best friend, he couldn't care less about using cruel strategies at this point.

"That's good. If things go well, I might not even need to fight him at all. All I need is for him to falter even for a single second and hesitate. Then I will steal his chi, the power that makes him strong." Kai said.

Shen stayed silent for a moment as he gazed at Kai. Then he opened his beak and said, "And after you kill Tai Lung, you will help me in my conquest, right?"

"Yes, we have vowed on our chi have we not?" Kai said and Shen nodded.

When Kai agreed to the proposal, the first thing they did was make a vow. It was something Kai proposed and they both made a vow with thier chi. The person who went against thier vow will have thier chi corrupted and they will lose thier life.

It was a neat little trick the Pandas had taught him when he first went to the Panda village to heal his friends. They force him to make a vow to never reveal the location of the Panda Village.

"You have to make sure you do your part of the job correctly, I will do the rest. You scratch my back, I scratch yours." Kai shrugged.

Though he had no intention of accomplishing his part of the deal. After he steal Tai Lung's chi, he will kill the peacock with him. What about the vow, one may ask, and the answer was that it will not work on him.

Not only did he have multiple chis inside him, but his chi was already beyond corrupted and he was a Spirit warrior.

Only Shen was forced by the vow, and if he didn't do it, he would die.

"Of course. I also have other plans I have in mind." Shen said with an evil grin.




(4 days later)

"Is this the place?" Kai asked as he looked upon the isolated castle on top of a mountain. He could smell the scent of fire and iron in there.

"Yes, I mentioned that we are going to have a meeting here. It is a secret location and you will find no disturbance in case a fight breaks out." Shen said as he waved at Kai to follow him.

Shen said that he had sent a letter to Tai Lung, informing him about what happened while also hiding some things. The letter was basically a call for an emergency meeting where Shen mentioned the return of Kai and that he was needed in China.

And right about now, Tai Lung should be on his way to China to meet up with Shen. The place designated was the building on top of the mountain which was an old hideout of Shen while he was banished. He used to make cannons there.

The two villains made there way to the old building. Shen led them inside where new surprise await the Spirit warrior.

"What are these?" Kai said as he looked at the many relics and artefacts inside the building.

The place was old and many curtains and cloth covered the place. It was obvious that it had been abandoned years ago but Kai could not care about that.

His eyes were fixated upon the artifacts which exude unique chi.

"These are the relics I found in the Jade palace that I think will be of help in your fight against Tai Lung." Shen said with a smile.

"They are mostly artefacts that can seal powerful people." Shen said and he pointed at a special urn.

"This urn was made by Oogway in order to trap the first Dragon Warrior Jindao. But unfortunately, the spirt urn was never used since Jindao was defeated by the four constelations without the help of the urn." Shen said.

There were also many such weapons which could benefit him greatly.

"What is that?" Kai asked while pointing at a neatly arranged needles.

"Those are the Dragon Sealing Needles. They can stop the flow of chi in a person's body. They were used when Tai lung was Imprisoned in Chroch Gom prison." Shen answered.

Kai couldn't help but smile when he was seeing all of such useful weapons that would work great on the enemy. Obviosuly such artefacts won't work on him since he was a spirt warrior but his enemy wa still mortal.

Maybe allying with Shen was a great decision after all

'Hmm, maybe if he continue proving himself so resource, i will keep him around even after killing Tai Lung.' Kai thought to himself.

"When will he arrive?" Kai asked.

"That, I am not sure. But we are ready."

Kai grinned and his body started growing, readying for battle as green chi leaked out in the surrounding.

"Let him come."




[Tai Lung's POV]

(4 days ago)

Mei and I went to the market to enjoy the city and to buy some ingredients. But while we were in the middle of shopping, we were interrupted by a messenger bird from China.

"My Lord, my lord!!" The duck said as he flew down in the middle of the market. That caught the eyes of some people but it was not weird to see random nobles in the sacred city so they did not intrude.

I grabbed the duck by the neck and put a finger on my lips and told him to shush.

"What is it?" I growled.

"A message! An important message from Lord Shen!!" he gupled and choked out.

I took the letter from him and sent him away quickly. Although there was no consequences, I did not want my cover to be blown inside the city. I rather enjoyed my time here.

"Tai Lung!! Look at this! Lets buy these!!" Mei said excitedly while waving dry seaweeds in her hand. "They taste like fish!" she added.

We continued our shopping in the market square and we retuered home before noon. It was quite an enjoyable time, especially when Mei was always so excited to see these kinds of things.

It was like everything she experienced was for the first time and I found odd pleasure in introducing her to new things.

After we returned home, Mei immediately went to the kitchen to stir up a meal for both of us while I sat in my favourite place in the yard underneath the tree.

I opened the scroll I got from the messenger and started reading it.

Each line I read increased the frown on my face until I felt my heart boil in anger. There was also a sense of loss and regret by the time I finished.

I put down the letter.

"Mei!!" I called out as blue lightning came alive around my body.

She came running when I called and when she heard the crack of lighting in the yard.

"I'm sorry, but I have to go." I said and I shot towards the sky like lightning.

"Wait!!" Mei screamed after me but I did not respond.

I disappeared towards China.



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