More than a dragon Warrior

Master Shifu and his faith

[3rd POV]

"Why do I have to train so hard father?" A small snow leopard cub once asked Shifu.

They were in the middle of training and although the cub listened to every instruction he was given and would repeat the same actions Shifu did as many times as he was instructed to do so, there was something missing.

There was no purpose in his eyes, no meaning to his movements. It was like a play to him or a chore. It was something he had to do since his father wanted him to do it, nothing more. 

Shifu realizes this. The cub had endless talent and potential, he was a diamond, a one in a million. But talent can only get you so far, you need ambition, a reason to go beyond the mortal limit.

A reason to persist.

Shifu looked at the young cub who was nearly his height though he might be young. He couldn't help the wide smile that came naturally to his face.

"You are destined for greatness Tai Lung." Shifu said and patted the cub's head who leaned into his touch, always eager for affection.

"To attain your destiny, you will need strength." Shifu told him as the young cub listened to his words as if they were the words of a god.

"You will be the Dragon Warrior. It is your destiny." Shifu said, looking at the cubs believing eyes, "That is why I named you Tai Lung."

Tai Lung means 'Great Dragon'.

Shifu firmly believed that Tai Lung was going to be the Dragon Warrior because Master Oogway had told him once that he was going to train the Dragon Warrior someday. It was why he had become a master in the Jade Palace and why he began taking on students.

The Dragon Warrior was going to be a genius, a warrior unlike the world had ever seen before. And in Shifu's mind, Tai Lung fit that criteria.

Shifu looked at the child's eyes full of life and firmly believed that his son was destined for greatness.

If he were truly meant to train the Dragon Warrior as Master Oogway had said, then it would be Tai Lung. His son and a genius like nothing he had ever seen before.

"Really father? You promise?"

"Yes my little Tai Lung." Shifu said and poked his nose, "And don't call me father while training. Call me master."

Tai Lung nodded with a happy smile and began his training again.

This time, his moves and technique were exactly the same but Shifu saw the great change. Now his movements were not mere consequences of an order.

They held meaning.

They had a purpose.

"Again!!" Shifu said with a smile as he began teaching the future Dragon Warrior.


The Snow Leopard, Tai Lung was all grown up as he destroyed every obstacle course in the training hall.

He had gone beyond Shifu's expectation and with every new achievement, he was sure that Tai Lung was truly the warrior of prophecy, the Dragon Warrior.

His son.

And his greatest student.

Shifu was the proudest animal in all of China.

In the world.

"That is why I do all of this to be honest." Shifu heard Tai Lung's voice as he was broken out of his reverie.

He looked at his son who was smiling at him while standing at the center of the broken obstacle course. The training hall could no longer bear the might of Tai Lung and his Kung Fu.

"Pardon?" Shifu asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Father." Tai Lung smiled, "I said your proud smile is why I have always gone beyond and why I pushed myself so hard."

"You rarely smile." Tai Lung looked a little embarrassed by what he was saying but it was honest all the same.

"I am glad when I can make you smile."



Shifu smiled again when his son said that. But you will notice his smile was a tad bit prouder than the previous ones.

"I told you not to call me father while training."



"But a peach cannot defeat Tai Lung!!" Shifu screamed at his master. He was unable to comprehend how Oogway was telling him that the Panda could be the Dragon Warrior.

What did he see in that Panda? He is just a Panda, he is not a warrior, has never even trained in Kung Fu and how can he protect anyone when he can't even take care of himself properly?

He is just a Panda and will always be a Panda in Shifu's eyes.

"But maybe it can" Oogwat said wisely while looking at Shifu's eyes. Two orbs of infinite wisdom meet confused ones.

"If you are willing to guide it, to nurture it, to belive in it." Oogway told him as Shifu's heart shook.




"You just have to belive Shifu." Oogway said right before his body turned into pink petals and he left the mortal world.

Shifu took his words to heart and went to the Panda. From then on, respecting his master's final words he started believing.

He trained the Panda to become the Dragon Warrior. And no matter how he himself did not believe it, no matter how much the Panda disappointed him.

He never gives up.

He believed in Po.

In the end, he realizes that he was wrong. Po was indeed more than just a Panda.

Po was the Dragon Warrior.


"You gave up on me." Tai Lung said as he loomed over Shifu's small body.

"You did not believe in me." Tai Lung said, Shifu had stopped believing in his son. 

"What father gives up on his son?"

Shifu had no excuse. He believed in the Panda and he never gave up on him.

Yet he could not do the same for the cub he called his son.




Shifu opened his eyes as he stared at the ceiling of his room. The first ray of sunlight had woken him up from his slumber.

Was that a dream? Was it a nightmare?

Or maybe the truth.

Shifu pushed himself up from his bed and started his day. He was the master of his student, he had to teach by example so he could not stay in bed.

On second thought, maybe he can. Today was the first day after Tai Lung ended his study session so he had told Shifu that he would take over morning training to teach his junior some things.

Tai Lung's presence had changed a lot around here. Not only for himself but for his students as well.

The Furious Five were getting stronger than ever under the example of Tai Lung. His mere presence seemed to be a wall for them, something which they tried to climb over again and again, and in the process, it made them stronger.

The frequent sparring and teaching pushed them to be stronger as well. In specific, Tigress and Po were improving by leaps and bounds.

Tai Lung had taken a liking to the young tigress as he had been teaching her Kung Fu and given her special trainings. 

It was nice to see them get along as adopted siblings. Shifu could never wipe away his smile when he saw Tai Lung teach Tigress like a brother teaching his younger sister.

Tigress also seemed to hold Tai Lung in high regard, which was only natural as he is possibly the strongest Kung Fu master in all of China.

Po on the other hand held a great amount of admiration for Tai Lung. He sees him as a rival and someone he must be equal to if he wants to wear the title of the Dragon Warrior with pride.

Po also seemed to be getting taught by Tai Lung but in a different way. They would go out together to hunt for bandits - which was also Po's duty as the Dragon Warrior - and when they returned, Po would always learn a thing or two.

Shifu had nearly lost his mind when Po returned with the ability to use the Wuxi finger hold. It was believed to be only a legend or folk story since no one had been able to master it but the Panda came home excitedly and said Tai Lung taught him the move apparently.

What a headache that one was. Shifu had to properly educate him on the dangers of the move and made him promise to only use it as the last triumph card.

Tai Lung's presence also changed Shifu as he tried his best to reconnect with his son. It was slow going, but it could be said that they were in a good relationship.

The childish and jolly bond was gone, in its place was the respect they held towards each other. Recognizing that both of them were mortals and they made mistakes, but they have grown.

Speaking of which, Shifu realized that today was the day Tai Lung said he would help him with achieving inner peace.

Shifu did not know how but his son had achieved the legendary inner peace while he was in prison. How Tai Lung was able to achieve such a thing after what he did to him and how everyone wronged him was a mystery.

Though right after the initial shock, Shifu's heart almost burst with pride as he looked at his son.

"Right, gotta hurry to the training ground." Shifu said after he had freshened up and he made a beeline to the training ground of the Jade Palace.

When he reached there, he was greeted with the sight of the Furious Five fighting amongst each other while Tai Lung watched from the side with his ever-present frown.

It was one of the worst traits he got from him. Tai Lung always had a permanent frown or scowl, just like Shifu.

Although Shifu would've loved a smile more than a frown on his son's face, he also felt it was funny how he took that from him.

'Like father like son, I suppose.' Shifu thought to himself.

Tai Lung looked at him as he got closer and with a small smile, he greeted him.

"Good morning." 

"Good morning son." Shifu greeted back.

"Ready for your training?"

"We're doing it right now?" Shifu asked.

"Yes, we will do it now. And then you can mediate and try to achieve inner peace for the rest of the day." Tai Lung affirmed.

"I-I am not sure that's how it works. You are speaking as if I would learn inner peace overnight."

"You will." Tai Lung said, "You are close and with my help, it won't be long until you can achieve peace of the spirit and mind."

"Really?" Shifu asked, he had spent half of his life trying to attain inner peace so he doubted it would be that easy.

"Yesh, it's a simple concept." Tai Lung said, "Besides, you're old. Of course no offence."

Shifu's eyes twitched, "Some taken. But look who's talking, you are not a young lad yourself."

Tai Lung laughed at his comment, "Well thanks to Oogway, my body is barely in its 20's. I haven't even reached my prime yet."

Now that was an incredible statement. Both because of Tai Lung's ability to thank Oogway for something and realize that there is always good even in something bad.

And that his son, possibly the most powerful warrior in China was still not in his physical prime. That means he would even be stronger than he was now.

Tai Lung had grown so much during the time he had not seen him. It hurts him as a father and master that his son/student had grown in character this much when he was not there to witness it.

Tai Lung still had the darkness that Oogway saw in him, that much was obvious to Shifu when looking at all the things his son had done after prison. 

What he did while coming home, what he did to the mountain bandits, etc. 

But at the same time, Shifu also saw something which he was too blind to see in the past.

The heart to change. 

Tai Lung was a bad guy trying to be good. That simple fact alone had made him better than the majority of people in this world.

Shifu's only regret was that he never saw this side of him in the past. Maybe if he could travel 20 years back in time, he would go meet his son and say...

'You are not born evil. You might have taken the wrong path but you can always right your wrong. Everyone makes mistakes, but as long as you learn from it then it's okay.

I will help you. I believe that you have it in your heart to be good, son. No matter what Oogway see or says. You are my son, I know you.

So stop your rampage and come home.'


But there was no such thing as a rewind button. You cannot change the past or take back your actions.

Or in this case inaction.

"So, shall we go someplace quiet?" Tai Lung asked, bringing him out of his thoughts.

"Yes, let's do that."


Achieving inner peace was simple, not easy.

After the teaching was done and Tai Lung had told him everything he knew about inner peace, Shifu's problem became obvious.

His regret.

He needs to forgive himself and learn to accept himself in order to attain inner peace.

Which really translates into 'It's impossible.' in Shifu's head.

He could never forgive himself.

Tai Lung had told him that he forgave him and said that he understands Shifu's position and action at the time. His son also said that he himself was equally to blame.

But Shifu digressed.

It was his fault. As a father, his son's fault was also his fault. As a master, his student's action was also his fault.

Whatever Tai Lung was to deserve being imprisoned or to be called evil, Shifu made it. He made 'that' Tai Lung.

So as long as the vivid image of an innocent cup he loved and let down remained in his mind.

Shifu will never be able to forgive himself.




"But who cares! Who needs inner peace anyway? I am happy just the way things are." He said to himself, pretending to meditate when in reality, he was looking down on Tai Lung teaching Po and the Furious Five.

He did not need inner peace to move forward from here.

He believes that whatever happens in the future they will overcome it together.

He had faith.



"Huh?" Shifu said out loud as he looked at his body that was slowly leaking out his green Chi.

Finally, after years of training, Shifu had attained inner peace.

And to think that it was this simple.

He just needed faith.


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