More than a dragon Warrior

Who is Tai Lung?

[3rd POV]

Master Crane, Viper, Monkey and Mantis were inside Po's room as they gave company to the Dragon Warrior who was injured after the torturous training Shifu put him through in hopes that he would give up.

Po had multiple acupuncture pins inserted on his back, a work of their medical specialist Master Mantis. Viper was in front, displaying a diagram which Mantis used as a reference while he searched for Po's nerve points amongst fats and fur.

The other masters were sitting on the side, watching Po wince again and again as new pins were inserted inside his body. 

They were having small talks and just enjoying the moment after a long day of training.

"According to legend, there was actually a time when Shifu used to smile," Viper said with a smirk on her face and just like she expected, Po's interest was piqued.

"No way." Po said in a voice of disbelief.

"Yes way. Not just smile, they said his laughter used to echo through the halls of the Jade Palace." Monkey added dramatically.

"But that was before..." Viper said but she hesitated.

"Before what?" Po leaned forward, to not miss her next words.

But then, the door to his room was slammed open, "Before Tai Lung." said Tigeress, spooking all of the king fu masters and Po himself.

She walked inside the room and she brought along with her a certain presence. It was similar to master Shifu's, strict and stern, almost cold.

"Ah, yeah. We are not exactly supposed to talk about that." Crane said with a gulped now that Tigress was here.

"Well, if he is going to stay here he should know." Tigress argued which got a nod from Monkey, "Fair enough.""

"Uh Uuh, I love this story." Mantis said from Po's shoulder before stabbing him with a pin again, causing Po to wince once more.

"Guys, guys, I know Tai Lung!!" Po said, excited to show off his extensive knowledge of Kung Fu.

"He was a student. The first ever to master the thousand scrolls of Kung fu." Po started but as Tigress approached him menacingly, his voice grew softer and softer.

"And then he turned bad. Now he's in jail, I don't know~" Po whispered under Tigress's intense gaze before he grew quiet.

Tigress looked directly into Po's eyes and then she continued the story from where Po left off. 

"He wasn't just a student. Shifu found him outside the Jade Palace as a cub and raised as his son." She said in a heavy voice that showed the weight of her words.

Master Shifu? The strick and stern master raising someone lovingly as his son? It made them pause and put effort into imagining that scene.

"When the boy showed talent in Kung fu, Shifu saw endless potential in him. He trained him, he believed in him and he told the boy that he was destined for greatness. Shifu was convinced that the boy would grow to be the legendary warrior foretold by Master Oogway, the Dragon Warrior. He named him Tai Lung, meaning The Great Dragon."

"Through every lesson taught, every technique passed on, Shifu moulded Tai Lung into someone who craves excellence, knowledge and power with the promise to seize a destiny he would be unable to obtain." 

There was a silence in the room as everyone was absorbed in the story. Even the furious five who had already heard of the story couldn't help themselves from getting immersed in the story.

Tigress continued, "Tai Lung was not interested in fame, wealth, or taking over China with his prowess. Everything he did was to make his father proud. He trained with such intensity his bones cracked, but such training was not enough to wear him down, he always wanted more. Tai Lung lost his mind in the art of Kung Fu." 

"It got to the point that he no longer attaches value to himself but to his skills and achievements. He learned every kung fu style from generation to generation including unique styles and even battle tactics. He mastered weapons, raging from the smallest dagger to the longest spear. Be it spiritual, mental or physical, he had mastered all of the wisdom under the sun." 

Tigress continued her story and at this point, Po's eyes were shining in admiration and respect for Tai Lung.

"He travelled across China and defeated every master he could find. In his pursuit of perfection, he had risen to the very top of the kung fu world, surpassing the likes of his father and only below the creator of Kung Fu himself. He grew arrogant and prideful of his achievement. Without even realizing it, he failed to create self-worth and only put value into his skills and power. That leads him to develop a dark obsession towards Kung Fu which Shifu, with his love for him, failed to notice."

"It was never enough for Tai Lung, he wanted the Dragon Scroll. But Master Oogway saw the dark obsession in his heart and refused. Outraged, Tai Lung laid waste to the Valley of Peace." Tigress said and Po gulped.

Viper was quick to add her part before the silence stretched too long, "The way he laid waste to the Valley was also especially unique. He started from the beginning of the village and destroyed the houses but in an unhurried manner. He destroyed a few houses every day and declared war against the Valley of Peace."

Po became confused when he heard this, "But why would he do that?"

"It was proof." Tigress answered, "The Jade Palace sent out letters for help from different masters across China yet none was brave enough to face the wrath of Tai Lung and help never came. It was a testament to the fact that there was no mortal in this world except Oogway who could defeat him." She said, "It was proof that he was unstoppable."

"So it's like a message to Oogway, 'No one can stop me, who else could be worthy to be the dragon warrior except me.' Something like that?" Monkey asked to which Tigress nodded.

"Finally, without any response or change in decision from Oogway, Tai Lung destroyed the village and broke into the Jade Palace in hopes of stealing the Dragon Scroll. Master Shifu could not bring himself to destroy his creation or harm his son. In the end, it was Oogway who finally put a stop to Tai Lung's ambition." Tigress finished her story.

"And what happens after that?" Po asked and his question was answered by Viper.

"He was locked away in Chorh-Gom Prison. It was a prison made solely for the puppose of keeping him. Carved right out of a mountain with one exit and entrance. At the heart of the cave, Tai Lung is trapped in a turtle shell that prevents him from even breathing freely and it is guarded by a thousand elite soldiers of Rhinos. One of the greatest warriors in the history of China was locked away, forever."

"Whao!!!~" Po said, eyes shining with pure awesomeness. "I think I just peed a little."

"And there is the story of Tai Lung. Shifu loved Tai Lung like he had never loved before, or since. That's why he no longer smiles." Tigress put an end to the conversation with the depressing words.

It was sad, especially for her who had seen Shifu like her own father.

"You really know a lot about Tai Lung huh?" Po commented, to which Tigress gave him a glare. Po flinched back.

"Yes. I read the records. Even though Tai Lung was a bad person, he was a once-in-a-generation genius. I used his notes and his Leopard style as a reference to create my Tiger-style kung fu." She said.


Tigress finally revealed a smile which she quickly erased as she said, "Enough about stories. It's time for bed, we have much more training to do tomorrow."


"Noted." The furious five said before slowly leaving Po's room to sleep in their own room.

"Good night Po." Viper said.

"Good night."


After every one of them left, Po lay on his front since there were still acupuncture pins on his back. 

He thought about the story of Tai Lung as he slowly drifted off to sleep,


In another part of the Jade Palace, Shifu could be seen running up the steps which lead to the Peach Tree of Heavenly Wisdom.

He had just received news about Tai Lung's escape from the messenger duck he sent to Chorh-Gom Prison.

"Master!! Master!!" He said in a hurried manner and stopped when he reached the peach tree. His master, Oogway was standing at the edge of a cliff near the tree.

Oogway hummed in response to Shifu's calling and continued to gaze at the horizon without even looking at him.

"It's very very bad news." Shifu said.

Oogway let out a slow chuckle and finally turned back to look at Shifu, "Ahh, Shifu. There is just news, there is no good news or bad news."

Shifu let out a sigh, "Master, your vision was right. Tai Lung has broken out of Prison and he is on his way."

Oogway paused and his old bones trembled and his eyes opened wide in disbelief.  He quickly recollected himself, "Indeed, that is bad news..."

"..if you do not believe the Dragon Warrior can defeat him." Oogway regained his smile at the end of his sentence. 

Shifu went silent in disbelief and for a good reason. He was the one who trained Tai Lung and knew how powerful he was, there was no way the Panda- no, everyone beyond Oogway himself could never stop Tai Lung.

"Really? The Panda? You think the Panda is gonna defeat Tai Lung?" Shifu spat out in a tone that shows his disagreement.

"He is just that, a Panda." Shifu said, still refusing to recognize Po as the Dragon Warrior.

"Careful, you're a Panda too." Oogway quipped with a kind smile.

Shifu held his head, "Master, he is not the Dragon Warrior, He wasn't even meant to be there. It was an accident."

Oogway let out a slow laugh, "There are no accidents."

Shifu put down his head in defeat. He could never argue with his Master with his seemingly infinite wisdom. 

Even though Shifu believed that he was right, he also believed in his master and that there might be something he had overlooked. There must be something beyond his current understanding that his master wishes to teach him.

"You said that already. That's the second time." Shifu mumbled.

Oogway smiled, "Well that was no accident either."

"Third time." Shifu kept count.

"My old friend. the Panda will never fulfil his destiny nor will yours, until you let go of the illusion of control." Oogway said, his voice was slow as the wisdom behind his words seemed to drag down the speed.

"Illusion?" Shifu asked.

What followed next was a debate between two old masters, they argued about control and belief. 

Oogway said Shifu was wrong to believe he had control over fate, only the universe controls the fate. He can't control who the Dragon Warrior would be. Meanwhile, Shifu argued that there were still certain things they could control.

"I can control how the fruits fall, and I can control where to plant the seed." Shifu said and planted a seed near the peach tree to display his point. "That, is no illusion master."

Oogway let out a kind smile, "Ah yes, But no matter what you do, that seed will grow to be a peach tree, You may wish for an orange or an apple, but you will get a peach."

"But a peach cannot defeat Tai Lung!!" Shifu said, vexed. The peach is a reference to the Dragon Warrior.

Sure, he might not be able to choose who the Dragon Warrior is but he knew he wouldn't be able to defeat Tai Lung.

"But maybe it can." Oogway said and kneeled down to plant the seed. "If you are willing to guide it, to nurture it, to believe in it."

"How? Teach me how Master," Shifu said.

"Look at this small seed Shifu. Can you believe that inside this small seed lies a majestic tree which would bear countless fruits like this one?" Oogway said, pointing at the Peach Tree of Heavenly Wisdom.

"A flood starts from a single raindrop. Every masterpiece starts with a single brushstroke. What you see now, is not what it can be. You have to believe in it and look ahead." Oogway said and looked towards the far sky.

But then, the sky suddenly lit up and a lighting struck the Valley of Peace. A thunderous rumble followed and shook the world even though the sky was clear of clouds.

Oogway froze in his place and continued staring at the sky with surprised eyes.

"Master!! What was that?" Shifu asked but got no response.

Oogway continued staring at the sky for a long time until he turned towards Shifu. He wet his dry lips before he said.

"An accident."

"What? But I thought you said there were no accidents?" 

"Well, I did. But I was wrong." Oogway said and let out a hearty chuckle, "I guess you learn new things even at the end of your life."

"The world is in turmoil and fate is confused, Shifu. A great storm is approaching, something which should change the very course of destiny." Oogway said.

"What? What should we do master?" Shifu asked and Oogway looked him in the eye.

His eyes held the weight of wisdom gained from age and experience. He opened his mouth slowly as if to impart a fraction of the knowledge he held within.

"I don't know." He said.




"I don't know." Oogway repeated himself, "That is for you to figure out now. I am sorry to leave all of these burdens to you but my time has come."

Oogway handed his staff to Shifu and moved away. He slowly walked towards the edge of the cliff.

The petals of the Peach tree came alive and surrounded Oogway, covering more and more of his body as they swirled around him.

Shifu finally realised what was happening and ran towards Oogway, "Master, Master!! You can't leave me!"

Oogway turned towards Shifu and gave a final smile with his wrinkled face, "You just have to belive Shifu. An accident just might be what the world needs."

Then, under the eyes of his disciple, Oogway turned into pink petals and the heavens finally claimed his old soul.

Shifu remained rooted in his place for a long time as his final moments with his master played a million times in his mind.

Until finally, he accepted the staff and the responsibility his master had entrusted to him.

He wiped away the tears which he had shed for his master.

Then he stood resolute.


"I just need to believe." He told himself. 


[IMAGE (For those who don't know me I put these images frequently at the end of the chapter, do look at them. It's often related to the chapter. I also put one in the comments everytime for website readers)]


Author : 1000 stones in one day? Damn that's crazy.

Now let's try to replicate that, 900 more stones or 2500 total stones and you get double chapter!!!


15 advanced chapters of MTADW and ALWTA on Patreon : Emmanuel_Capricorn

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