Morgana: The Mother Of All

Chapter 59: A Painful End

"Ugh!...Me head"


"Oh, you've managed to survive!" I exclaimed, clapping my hands as I gazed down at the goblin leader, who was now on his knees amidst the crimson flames. "Good…Good, I get to kill you myself."

No one had survived my daughter's colossal fireball except the leader, thanks to his remarkable earth magic, which had transformed his skin into a solid, dark-brown stone. He had also utilized his other magic to increase his size, growing from 1.60 meters to two meters.

"AHHH!" I roared, dashing toward the big goblin. I didn't allow him to regain his footing. Against his stone-like skin, my claws were useless, but my fists were somewhat useful. Or so I thought.


My fist collided with his face, but it did little to no damage. His bloody stone skin was incredibly resilient. The goblin leader attempted to grab me by the neck, just like last time, but fortunately, with my extraordinary agility, I dodged it with ease.

"Take this!"


"OUCH!" I winced, jumping backward to create some distance between us. My foot hurt since I had attacked the only place I thought would be soft—his nuts. However, to my surprise, his balls were hard as a rock.


Two goblins tried to jump at me from behind, their yellow eyes gleaming with mischief, and their green dicks swaying left and right, leaking pre-cum all over the place. The little creatures still thought with their dicks, even when facing death.

I somewhat admired that about them, really. Breeding above all else.

"You think you can take me on, little goblins?" I taunted, my eyes flashing with amusement. Without turning back, blood-thorny chains burst out from my back, wrapping around the two goblins and pulling them towards me. With a quick snap of my wrists, I tore them apart.

"Now, where were we?" I asked, turning back to the goblin leader. "Ah yes, it's my turn."

Snapping my fingers, the bloodthorn chains surged forward like a living snake, towards the goblin leader. He tried to dodge, but the chains were too fast, wrapping around his stone-like body and tightening their grip.

"Gotcha!" I flashed a wide smile, commanding my chains to tear him apart. Unfortunately, his skin was too tough.


He roared, managing to move his arms even with chains holding him tightly, using his club to hit the chains around his legs, trying to break free.

His struggles amused me, and I just kept watching him. Nine hundred and fifty wolf-kin versus two hundred goblins; the big goblin's fate was sealed, even if he somehow managed to defeat me. My wolves were around him, watching with predatory eyes, respecting my authority and not intervening in my fight.

"AHHH!" he roared, his eyes rolling back from the pain, his constant struggle to free himself only causing the chain's thorns to dig deep past his stone layer, right into his flesh.

When that happened, I simply snapped my fingers again, creating tiny chains—almost as thin as a thread—from the tips that found their way inside the leader's flesh.

My Crimson Forge only creates weapons, and chains do count as one. Plus, my imagination is lacking right now.

The tiny chains began to weave an intricate pattern, slowly but surely, they started to tear the goblin leader's flesh from the inside out. His roars turned to screams, his eyes bulging out of their sockets as he realized the true extent of his dire situation.

"Ahh, how I've missed this feeling," I exhaled, watching with eyes filled with amusement and excitement. This was the part I loved the most—the part when someone realized they were fucked up and about to meet their maker.

'Wait a second?! I missed this feeling?' my eyes widened in shock at the words that escaped my mouth. 'Did I experience this before in my old world? Who was I really?'

Quickly shaking my head, leaving that matter for later, I raised my hands high, and like a puppet master, I controlled the goblin leader's body.

"UGHAAA!" he screamed, his body moving forward in an unnatural way. My control over his body wasn't a 'true' control. I only commanded the tiny blood chains that spread to every corner of existence to move toward me.

"HAHAHAHA….Suffer More!" I laughed, a cold, mirthless sound that sent shivers down the spines of my wolves. Yet they watched with wide smiles as the goblin leader's twisted form made its way to me.

"HAHAHA…Let's dance!" As I controlled the chains, I began to weave a macabre dance, the goblin leader's body jerking and twitching like a puppet on strings. His screams grew hoarse, his voice cracking as he begged for mercy.

But I was beyond mercy. I was in my element, my art, reveling in the power and control that came with my new blood magic.

"AHHH!" He stood before me, screaming and crying like a bitch, blood oozing out from every hole and crack in his rocky frame. I gave him a quick glance from top to bottom before snapping my fingers.

"Die, asshole!"

The moment I snapped my fingers, his body just…turned into a hideous meatball.

[You Have killed a Hobgoblin]


Oh, a nice amount of XP, too bad it's nothing compared to what I need to level up.

When I was about to turn to my daughters and grandsons, a holographic blue flag materialized on the cave floor where the goblin leader's corpse was.

A multitude of notifications popped out shortly after.

[Congratulations, you have eliminated all the enemies within this territory.]

[You can choose to take control of the territory or abandon it.]

[Taking control of the territory will unlock new features and benefits. However, your presence will be known, potentially attracting other creatures or factions.]

[Abandoning the territory will transform it into a normal one, unable to be taken or used.]

"Oh!...very interesting," I raised my eyebrow, reading the notifications. I assumed the territory they meant was this cave. Taking control of it could be a great opportunity, but it also came with risks. I looked around at my wolves, who were watching me with keen eyes.

Our strength is growing rapidly, and my goal was to take control of the entire forest. And this cave would be our first step. Plus, I still didn't get the chance to expand my land, and close to a thousand wolves were too much to take in. Even with the vast space of the den, it was a little crowded inside.

I could buy another den, but come on, I want all my kids close to me at all times; who knows when some need a long, thick dick or a warm, soft pussy.

After confirming my choice to take control of this territory, the map opened up, highlighting my location, before showing me a hologram map of the cave layout.

[Congratulations, you have taken control over a new territory for the first time.]

[The protective barrier will be bestowed upon the new territory for seven days. Teleporting from the mainland will be available to everyone for seven days only; after that, only the breeder is allowed to teleport.]

[The new territory cannot be expanded using breeding points, and you can only place non-racial buildings.]

"Hmm…I see," I nodded to myself, reading the notification, "So I get a new land but with restrictions."

"What's wrong, Mother?" Ember approached from behind, resting her head on my shoulder, her hands crawling downward, spreading my asscheeks before she swiftly penetrated my insides with her long, thick pink cock.

"Ahhh~…Ember!...really? Here?" I moaned at the sudden invasion, my horny daughter didn't care about the place or the people around us, as she began moving her hips at a slow, pleasurable pace.

"Sorry, Mother, I can't hold it," she smiled innocently, trying to win my heart with her cuteness. "Anyway, you didn't tell me what's wrong?" and her cuteness prevailed.

"Ah!'s just…Ah!...this cave is our new territory," I said, my voice husky with pleasure as Ember continued to ravish me. "I was thinking of the best way to use it."

"Really?" Ember's eyes lit up with excitement as she increased her pace. The sound of flesh against flesh quickly filled the cave.

"Oh, Mother, that's amazing!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with enthusiasm. "We can make this cave our second home, you know, meeting other people here instead of our real home."

"Ohh!...that's a nice idea," I nodded, my body shaking in response to her suddenly grabbing the base of my wolf tail. "We can make this cave like a ghost town; a decoy, deceiving others to think this is our home. You're smart, my naughty wolf."

Ember smiled, taking her cock out and cumming on my back. The hot cream dripped down my fur, and a shiver ran down my spine when Ember used her mouth to collect as much of her seed as she could.

She grabbed my chin, her eyes locked on mine, and she gave me a gentle kiss on my lips before opening my mouth with her fingers and feeding me her cum.

"Hmm…" I swallowed her cum, not leaving a single drop, and even went so far as to delicately lap the interior of her mouth. Once she was satiated, Ember withdrew and gave me another gentle kiss.

"I love you, Mother," Ember said affectionately. "You're the best mother anyone could ask for."

"I love you too," I replied, chuckling softly as I noticed that all of my other progeny were observing us with lust-filled eyes. Their nipples were hard, their pussies leaking, and their dicks stood proud. Every gaze fixed on me.

'Oh boy... it's going to be a long night,' I thought, but my train of thought was interrupted when I spotted a bright light emanating from within the goblin leader's corpse.

Delving my hand into the meatball, I extracted a small, egg-sized yellow gem; instantaneously, a system notification appeared.

[You have obtained a Goblin Core]

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