Morgana: The Mother Of All

Chapter 93: New Family?…. YES!

"Nana, are you interested in joining my family?" I inquired my tentacle dick still inside her. I wanted to keep fucking her, but I had to ask. Hearing her tale had ignited a fiery rage within me.

I don't know why, but I felt like I had to do something like I needed to help her. It might be the same feeling a mother would have towards her kids.

But you know me. I can't let this tasty piece of meat get away from me.

"Family?" Nana repeated, staring at me with wide, bright yellow eyes.

"Yes, a family," I confirmed, keeping my eight eyes locked on hers. "You have suffered enough, Nana-chan, and I want to help you get some revenge on those bastards who hurt you."

My words were not mere empty promises. I really meant every word. I wanted to help her grow strong and kill that bastard of a father.

Just seeing the tattoos all over her body that covered the burn marks and the whip scars on her back made me want to really jump through the gate portal to Earth and skin that bastard alive.

How could he do that to a sweet girl like Nana? Where is the love of parents?

I wanted to help Nana but didn't know how. Once this trial is over, she will return to Earth, where I might never meet her again. Fortunately, as if answering my desire, a system window appeared, informing me of a way to help the young pink girl.

"You want to help me?" Nana asked, her voice soft and full of disbelief. "How?"

"Of course, I want to help," I nodded. "I can grant you a unique power. If used right, you could become stronger than your father."

"Stronger than my father?" She repeated, staring at me with a glint of hope in her eyes.


"Then I'm in," Nana agreed with no hesitation whatsoever.


I playfully struck the back of her head with my leg.

"Ouch!" she complained, rubbing her head. "What was that for?"

"For being so hasty," I chuckled. "Listen to the entirety of my proposal before making a decision."

"No!" Nana retorted, shaking her head. "I know you won't deceive--"



"Ouch!... Alright, I'm listening," she conceded, rubbing her head once more.

"Good girl," I praised.

"Nana, in order to grant you the power you need, you must join my family," I paused, hesitating to continue because what I'm about to say is something I'm not sure of myself.

"Nana, to join my family, you must become one of my children," I said after a long pause.

"Become one of your children?" Nana repeated in confusion.

"Yes," I affirmed. "And by that, I mean you must transform into a spider, like me."

"A spider?" Nana's eyes went wide in surprise. "Can you do that?"

"I've never done it before," I was honest with the girl, giving her all the facts. "All I have to do is give you my blood, and it should work."

"I see..." She went silent, pondering the situation. I didn't say anything and waited for her response, but with my dick inside her, it was fucking hard.

"Morgana," she suddenly called after a few minutes of thinking.


"Let's do it," she said, giving me a smile. "I want to become a member of your family."

"Are you sure?" I asked, wanting to make sure she wanted this. "You know that you'll become a monster, right?"

"Yes!" she nodded. "I hate humans and I don't care if I become a monster, a demon, a ghost, or even a devil."

"As long as I can get my revenge on that asshole, plus..." she extended her hands, grabbing my spider face and bringing it close to hers "... I get to transform into my favorite animal, a spider."

"I like that confidence," I giggled, pulling her closer and kissing her on the lips with my long tongue. "Let's do it, then."

"But..." Nana blushed, staring between her legs. "You're still inside me."

"Oh!... I forgot," I chuckled, using my threads to pull out of her. "Sorry about that."

"Ahh~...that felt good," she sighed, dropping to the floor and watching my tentacle dick slowly disappear.

"Now that we have that out of the way," I said, bringing my face down to hers, "Let's start."

"Okay," Nana nodded, adjusting her sitting position. "What must I do?"

"Open your mouth first," I commanded, and she quickly obeyed, opening her mouth wide.

"Good," I said, before biting my tongue with my fangs. Instantly, blood began to leak out, dripping into her open mouth.

"Now drink," I ordered, and she didn't hesitate, gulping down my blood as fast as she could.

"It's tasty," she commented, drinking every drop of blood. "Now what?"

"Now you must pledge your loyalty to me," I answered. "Nana, this is your last chance to back out. Once you do this, you will be forever bound to me as my daughter."

"I'm okay with that," Nana replied with a smile. "I get the chance to have two mothers, one human, and the other a spider...hehehe."

"Glad to hear that," I said, extending my leg forward. "Now pledge your loyalty to me and accept me as your mother."

"Yes!" Nana nodded, taking hold of my leg and pressing her lips against it.

Yes, this is a requirement and not just a formality like a knight swearing loyalty to his lord.

"I, Nana Asakura," she started her pledge by kissing my leg, "pledge my loyalty to Morgana and recognize her as my mother in this life and the next."


[The individual Nana Asakura has pledged her loyalty to you]

[The Transformation will commence in ten seconds]

"Welcome to the family," I exclaimed, embracing her tightly. "My sweet Nana-chan."

"Haha...Thank you, Morgana," Nana laughed, hugging me back. "I mean, Mother."

"Call me however you please," I said, pulling back slightly. "The transformation will begin. Prepare yourself; I'll be here with you."

"Okay..." Nana nodded, taking a deep breath. "I'm ready."

"Good," I nodded, and in the next instant, threads erupted from her back, enveloping her like a cocoon. Thankfully, there was no pain, and Nana simply drifted into a peaceful slumber as the transformation took effect.

[11 hours 59 minutes 56 seconds]

I watched over the young girl as she slept within the cocoon, knowing that the transformation would require twelve hours to complete. A time I must use wisely; I can't just stay here in the nest doing nothing while two hunter teams are out there looking for me.

"Phew…This for work"


"Wow...this is a great result!" I exclaimed, gazing at the new spiders in front of me—the spiders that were born from the human hosts.

Three colossal spiders, twice my size and composed entirely of stone, had hatched from the teacher, likely inheriting his magic. Though I hadn't witnessed his magic before, since I didn't give him the chance to do so, it was evidently related to earth and stone.

As for the two young men, four spiders each hatched, however, not all of them were born with magic. From one student, three spiders were born, radiating a red aura and wielding fire magic, while from the other, only two spiders emerged, white and blue in color, wielding lightning magic.

"Nice... Very nice," I grinned, pleased with the results.

"Now, let's put you all to the test," I said, stepping out of the nest and mentally commanding all my spiders to gather.

Our numbers were close to two hundred. Leaving thirty spiders in the nest to guard the breeding hosts and Nana, I led the rest toward the gnoll village.




My horde of spiders descended upon the village, and like a tide of death, they swept over the gnolls, slaughtering every single one of them except the females.

"Ahhh... Fuck!" I stayed back in the forest, impregnating the female gnolls one by one as my children raised the village to the ground.

The impregnation was swift and devoid of sexual pleasure, as my sole focus was on increasing our numbers. I forced my ovipositor to inject eggs into their wombs and asses as soon as I penetrated them.

I had to act swiftly and efficiently, as I was out in the open, away from my nest, with little time to spare.

My goal was to finish with this village quickly and move on to the next one. When I was searching for the humans before, I came across another gnoll village. This one, however, was bigger, with more than three hundred gnolls.

I can't afford to let such an opportunity to raise my level and our numbers go to waste. Especially with four days remaining until the trial is over.

"I must survive," I mumbled, injecting my eggs into the last female. "No! Surviving isn't enough."

I want to win. I must win and slay all who stand in my path.

"I'm going to fucking crush this trial!" I roared, turning to face my spider children. "Prepare for war, my children!"

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