Mountain and Forest Kingdom

Chapter 597 Barbarians, Barbarian Culture

Humans and elves rode Domu Sheep and Bird Lizard Beasts, looking at the Elf King's Court in the distance in the canyon area composed of flowing water and rocks.

Towering giant trees rise from the ground, and their wild steel-like branches intertwine with each other to form a huge tree nest.

In front of this huge building, elves and humans have become insignificant.

"Alondo, it's time to go."

Human voices came from the front, and the team that had been silent for a long time began to flow slowly. The pilgrim team composed of hundreds of knights continued to move forward.

Alondo and the other elves also withdrew their gaze from the Elf King's Court, turned around and moved forward.

They were just passing through here, and the prophet had already sent down an oracle that this place would be conquered by him personally.

Alondo couldn't think of any ability to conquer this terrifying forest, nor could he imagine the power of the prophet.

No elf would doubt the strength of that prophet.

Just because the elves can't destroy this place doesn't mean that the prophet can't do it.

Perhaps only the star prophet who can summon stone giants and conquer mountains and seas can conquer this place.

Just like he knew what was going on here in advance so that these useless elves could end.

The last protective measure of the Elven Court highlighted Lawrence's strength, and also made the Elf wizards realize how weak they had always been.

The wizards, who originally didn't like to communicate very much, behaved more quietly along the way. They no longer regarded the weaker ones as their own race when killing, and they were different in size and culture from the surrounding barbarians.

They seem out of place, unable to form trust with each other, and have no basis for trust and cooperation.

Barbarians can drink and eat meat with each other, and chat together through topics such as bragging and women.

Wizards can't do it. Most of them don't like to communicate. Whether they are wizards or witches, they all lack the idea of ​​communication.

Even when drinking and eating meat, I like to enjoy it alone. I don't like people around me getting in the way, and I am very concerned about other people's offensive behaviors.

These wizards were able to unite to fight mainly because of pressure. After uniting under pressure, they found that it was okay, so they continued to maintain this system.

But even Alondo couldn't make the other wizards do dangerous things, and it was even harder to make these wizards do things they thought were unacceptable.

Wizards are not soldiers, and they will not obey orders that they feel are unreasonable. They always take themselves seriously, will not die for others, and do not care about friendship and companionship.

They are very difficult to be fooled and will not be encouraged to do risky things by a few words. Once there is no strong restraint and commemoration, they will quickly return to their original individual lives.

Now that they can gather together, the main reason is that someone provides them with food and drink, and they are not allowed to work normally. Apart from not harming humans who have not provoked them, there are basically no other requirements, and they will not interfere with their normal entry and exit of the city.

In addition, the loot can be exchanged with humans for what you need, which can be extra wine, candies, or things you want.

After all, they are a group of wizards who surrendered on their own initiative. The most important thing is of course the strength of the Star Legion and the said to be very powerful Star Prophet Lawrence.

After walking on the temporarily opened road for five or six days, the wizard group and the barbarians soon encountered the elves team who were building the road.

Stella saw these humans holding the flag of the Stars, jumped down from the giant tree, put one hand on the long sword at her waist, and walked over quietly.

Today she was wearing a green snakeskin dress, tight snakeskin trousers, and brown leather boots that reached her knees.

The leather boots are slanted at the entrance. After being worn, the front part can cover the knees. The slightly less leather at the back will not hinder the bending of the legs and will not affect the physical feeling of walking and running.

The long skirt bifurcates under the sling that hangs the sword in the middle. The angle of the bifurcation allows the legs to move and run without being restricted by the skirt.

The skirt is protected by sophisticated iron wire soft armor. The arms, buttocks, front of the private parts and abdomen are all protected by precious soft armor hidden in the snakeskin skirt.

There are also crotch cloth and knight mask as decoration, as well as well-trained elite bird-lizard beasts as mounts.

Lawrence actually has several particularly powerful birds and lizards. These are not Lawrence's own abilities, but pets that Catherine usually trains.

One of Catherine's abilities is riding. She is often the one being ridden next to Lawrence, but she told Lawrence about her abilities from the moment she joined, and Lawrence also knew that Catherine was good at taming mounts.

There are very few domesticated elite birds and lizards because Catherine needs to be disciplined personally, and Catherine is often with Lawrence, or enjoying her own life.

As a Laurence woman, Catherine, like other women, does not need to be so busy, nor does she need to be as busy as a job.

Stella was able to obtain this extremely small number of elite bird-lizard beasts only because of her good relationship with Lawrence, and because she now left Lawrence to lead a group of elves to build a village alone.

Everyone else, including Heidi, did not have the dignity to let Lawrence ask Catherine for an elite bird-lizard beast as a gift.

Stella returned to the rest of the elves and humans.

"The leader is a member of the Star Legion. What should we do?"

A female elf quickly talked to Stella.

"Don't worry about it." Stella said calmly: "Just let them pass. The food we have here is not enough for them. If they continue walking, they will soon encounter the logistics team transporting food."

Karak nodded and stood on both sides with the others waiting for the troops to pass.

The people of the Star Legion already knew in advance that there were villages here, and they also obtained the situation of the front and rear roads while receiving supplies along the way.

A few days after these people passed quietly through the village where elves and humans lived together, Lawrence, who was receiving envoys from various countries in Oak City, also heard the report of his men at the banquet.

"It will probably take a few days. I will go back tomorrow. You go back and prepare first."

Lawrence asked the soldier to go back first. He would return to Snow Mountain Castle earlier than the soldier.

After the soldiers went down, Lawrence said to several kings around him: "I am going back tomorrow and will come back in a few days. There are still two months until the long eternal night. You can continue to enjoy this rare opportunity." holiday."

The nearby nobles and kings also knew what Lawrence was dealing with.

Since the end of the war with the Church, the Land of Ice has attracted pilgrims from all over the world. The already prosperous and bustling Port of Dumu and the town of Pumexiu have also been rapidly expanding, and various cultural activities such as music, painting and performances have become increasingly frequent. .

Of course, there is also a cocktail party, and a group of distinguished men and women socializing.

King Augustin of Haisenli, King Signer II of Hokuriku Kingdom, and King Sergio of Kojako Kingdom have all been here for more than half a month.

Sergio was curious about Lawrence's military system, "How is the food of the Star Army transported to the front?"

Lawrence did not hide his secrets. This was an occasion for the exchange of culture and knowledge. He quickly explained the logistical arrangements to everyone. The example he used was the pilgrimage team that traveled from the west through forests and mountains to Snow Mountain Castle.

It takes at least ten to fifteen days for the pilgrim team to reach the Snow Mountain Castle. Traveling in the primeval forest is not a good choice.

At first, the forest stronghold was responsible for transporting food. Later, when they encountered the Snow Mountain Fort logistics team coming from the other end, those people ended their mission. The people from Snow Mountain Fort sent the cavalry back to report the specific number of people and arrival time, and then re-draw the line. The amount of food assigned to each supply point.

The Kingdom of Stars has long had a logistics system to coordinate with the military. The delivery time of each shipment of materials has mission and completeness requirements. It will also be used as a record of meritorious service, affecting subsequent assessments and promotions.

During this period, many countries and forces still relied on traditional methods of hunting, robbery, and local supplies.

Soon the surrounding nobles showed expressions of admiration and deeply felt the huge gap between the two sides.

The more military nobles you are, the more you understand the power of the Kingdom of Stars.

Several kings have led troops and fought in wars, so they have a stronger understanding.

Seeing the admiration expressions of these people, Lawrence kept a subtle smile on his face.

The power of the Kingdom of Stars is reflected in all aspects. Basically, the main military and political systems have a core. For example, the army pays attention to order, and politics pays attention to stability.

Promotion is orderly, advance and retreat are orderly, and top and bottom are orderly.

Political stability is mainly reflected in the stability of Pig Trotter City and Valkyrie in the east, and the stability of the Covenant countries in the west.

The elves are free to look for trouble. They don't want to live a hard life, and they don't want to stay in the forest. They always do some unconventional things.

The Kingdom of Deco, which disobeyed Lawrence, and the Kingdom of Durila, which had no existence, were both alive and well. Lawrence had no intention of attacking these two countries.

Lawrence never interfered with the disputes between kings and nobles in the Star Alliance countries. These people could do whatever they wanted. Every year, Lawrence would ask churches everywhere to send the king the due taxes on time.

The kings of these countries are believers in the Church of the Star, and are also nominal believers in Lawrence, but Lawrence and them have always had separate opinions.

They were believers when they came to the Kingdom of Stars, and they were kings in their own country.

"There should be nothing wrong next year. If the church in the west is not willing to start a war, then I will have more time to look around next year."

Lawrence sat at the main seat of the banquet and looked down at King Signer II of the North Continent.

"Your Majesty Signer, I plan to visit the Star Alliance countries in April or May next spring. You are the first king to visit the Kingdom of Stars, so in order, I should visit you first, then I was still a prince, and now I have It’s His Majesty Augustine, King of Haisenli.”

King Signer looked surprised, stood up quickly and said excitedly: "Yes! Prophet! This is my honor!"

Lawrence raised his hand and told him to sit down, "In the land of ice, I am a prophet, and you are believers in the church, but in your respective countries, you are kings, kings of hundreds of thousands or millions of people, So I should be the first to say hello to you."

King Kojako said quickly: "No matter where we are, we are loyal believers of the Church of the Stars. You are our prophet and our respected elder."

Lawrence smiled, "A king should have the face of a king. I am also the king of this land, so when I go to visit you, we are equal."

"The Kingdom of the Stars is not the Church of the Dawn, nor is it the Church of the Holy Light. It is an arrogant and rude act for the king of a country to kneel before the church in front of his people."

Although many nobles felt it was unnecessary and were willing to behave more religiously, Lawrence still insisted on the rules he had set. Even in the presence of other nobles, he clearly explained the rituals and etiquette at that time to avoid unnecessary extravagance. waste.

After discussing the rules, the party was almost over.

Next it was time for the nobles themselves to talk to their acquaintances.

Regardless of whether they are men or women, many times they cannot control their physical desires.

The Church of the Stars strictly prohibits impure relationships between men and women, and requires a blessing to get married. However, the church has no control over what a married couple spends the night chatting with another couple.

We are all human beings. Ancient people can also think of things that civilized people can play with their brains. In fact, unless they add tools and technology, ancient people will not lag behind modern people in this regard.

Some people are open-minded, and some are conservative. Most people are quite conservative, because some of the rules of the monastery are clearly written on the bulletin board, and they will not accept those bad things with inappropriate behavior.

The oppression of feudal ethics has always been a promoter of chastity. On the contrary, under liberalism, few beautiful women can graduate from high school with intact bodies.

It doesn't matter how the adult nobles play, but these people will not let their children participate out of the interests of their own families, especially to protect their daughters from being affected.

Is there a daughter in the monastery who will have a great influence on the family and at the same time maintain restraint? After all, this is not a glorious thing.

What is good at the top will be bad at the bottom.

If Lawrence is particularly fond of mature women’s second-hand goods, certain trends will become more serious, and many people will accept and actively try these high-end hobbies.

Lawrence likes clean and pure girls. If he values ​​a woman's past, the nobles will not be proud to marry a social butterfly.

Although Lawrence did not exclude those married women with children, most of the girls admitted to the convent in recent years were clean girls.

Even if there are some female aristocrats with bad reputations in the past, such as social butterflies like Audrey, it will not affect the overall perception.

Sariel, Catherine, Cassandra, Jade, and Stella are the mainstream impressions around Lawrence.

Women with children like Emma and Bull have always maintained a clean life track around Lawrence.

Hela also maintained her fanatical belief in Lawrence after joining. Just because she did not dedicate her most complete body to Lawrence, she had been emphasizing this kind of thing during the years she served at St. Lawrence Cathedral and Monastery in Flying Fish Port.

Unless it is particularly valuable, this kind of thing will always be vetoed.

There are actually many mature women like Kehalan in Oak Castle, but everyone knows very well that this is a conquest, not a traditional marriage discussion.

If you want to join the monastery normally, enter the Saint's College normally, and be valued by Lawrence, you must be responsible for your own body in addition to your abilities, and do not leave it to anyone other than Lawrence.

Lawrence can easily influence the social atmosphere. In addition to [chastity], [filial piety] is also an important part.

Without [filial piety], the next generation will not be responsible for the previous generation, will not shoulder various important responsibilities passed down for decades, will not take into account family and future, and will become as impulsive as wizards and witches.

Before the emergence of feudal dross such as [filial piety] culture, most people had children just out of nature and enjoyment.

In the special culture of barbarians, there will be cases of parricide and marriage of mother.

This is easy to understand. Barbarians beat children when they have nothing to do, and they don't pay attention to chastity and etiquette. They only pay attention to big fists. For example, children like Beow who have been beaten since childhood will never bear it when their fists are hard.

On the contrary, farming civilization grew up under rules. Killing the father and marrying the mother was an evil act that was not tolerated by nature in any dynasty. Sometimes the government even promoted the filial piety of abandoning the young to provide for the elderly.

In the final analysis, it was poverty that caused the trouble. Lawrence felt that if he had enough food, he would have fewer things to do. However, if some people did not interfere, many people would have to die to form mature rules.

There are new kingdoms and lands, and a large immigrant population. In this case, if moral constraints are not established early, all kinds of troubles will occur later.

Lawrence will divide the two children among themselves to prevent them from affecting the power of the country too much.

Because there is no flawless inheritance law throughout history, Lawrence does not think that he is smarter than the rulers of other countries in the world, so the conquered kingdoms of Io and Gran have already made plans to entrust them to heroes. Retain the core ice land.

Even the land in the Elf Kingdom, Lawrence has no intention of taking it, and will leave it to Stella or capable elves to manage from now on.

It doesn't make any difference whether you accept it or not while you are alive, everyone knows that this is Lawrence's territory.

It doesn't matter even more after death. Once you accept the concept that your country will eventually become history, you feel that what happens hundreds of years later doesn't matter at all.

The first demonstration site of filial piety culture in this barbaric land was not the warrior family. Lawrence had carefully examined the family system similar to that of Beow and the other barbarian children. If it were Lawrence, Lawrence would also wish that these people died early.

After all, he is a pure barbarian who has truly experienced the atmosphere of a barbarian family. Lawrence, who has been beaten many times, never thought that he would be filial to those damn bastards. If his body was not strong enough, how could he let these garbage die in the war?

The family atmosphere in the land of ice cannot promote a culture of filial piety, and Lawrence cannot order all barbarians not to beat their children when they have nothing to do, and to enslave children to do hard work all day long. This is impossible.

The pilot area for filial piety is still the monastery, which is the easiest and most willing area to actively accept the culture of filial piety.

Lawrence was not in a hurry to return to Snow Mountain Castle. Every year at the banquet, ladies from various countries would be interested in the monastery and stay in the monastery.

At night, in the bright and spacious living room with comfortable sofas and beds, Lawrence and several ladies from the convent sat and lay casually, chatting about various topics.

Signar's Queen Tamar, a woman in her forties, said what she wanted to say after some random and boring topics.

"Prophet, before you leave, I want to talk to you about the monastery. I may come here in a few years. I hope you can allow me to join the monastery and become a nun."

Lawrence understood Tamar's behavior very well. Signer II was almost sixty years old, and his daughter was still the wife of King Augustin of Hesenri, and the child of Augustin and his wife was over seven years old.

In this era, sixty years old was considered the age at which death was imminent. It was normal for Signa II to be unable to wake up any day.

If Signal II dies, there will now be only a five-year-old boy as the heir, who will easily encounter various problems.

Tamar was not the mother of the child. In order not to be taken away by Signer II before his death, or to be used as a tool to seize power by other nobles, she had to find a place to retire in advance.

"Of course, we are old friends who have known each other for many years." Lawrence agreed readily, "But before that day comes, I hope you remember one thing."

"Yes! Prophet!" Tamar quickly sat upright and leaned over to Lawrence on the soft bed two meters away to show her submission.

Lawrence said seriously: "I hope you can be gentler to the children from today on, and be willing to share food and kindness with them, especially the little nuns in the convent, this is very important."

"Every kindness you give will be rewarded when you are old, and I am a witness and a supervisor."

Tamar quickly agreed, "Yes, Prophet! I am willing to donate all my dowry to the church!"

Lawrence felt that this was enough, and vested interests would promote the construction of social atmosphere.

Since ancient times, things like filial piety have been strongly promoted by the higher-ups, but the lower-level people pay more attention to the law of the jungle, and fists are the big rule.

Wizards and witches don't pay attention to this. If their bodies mature when they are young, they will definitely kill all the old parents who bully them first!

Lawrence had never seen a dutiful wizard or witch so far.

Delenn and Lathander get along normally because Lathander is strong enough, one is the leader and the other is the prophet, and the relationship between the two parties is not so oppressive.

Later, because of Lawrence's relationship, the two of them also maintained a cooperative state, which had nothing to do with filial piety.

Rather than being filial, Sariel only had Andrew as her supporter. After getting to know Sophia and Lawrence, she quickly stopped caring.

Lawrence didn't think he could change the indifference brought by his blood, so even though he advocated some filial piety in words and actions, in fact, his idea of ​​driving his two sons out never wavered! (End of chapter)

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