Mr. Magical Girl

Chapter 013

Chapter 13. Press Conference.

~This Morning

A part of the city district has been sealed off due to a catastrophe involving a monster.

The seriousness of the news anchor’s voice permeates the air.

~Fortunately, thanks to the efforts of the citizens, evacuations were carried out swiftly, and there have been no casualties. However, dozens of serious injuries have resulted from this catastrophe.

There are no living creatures within the vicinity now, but the aftermath is overwhelming. Lately, there haven’t been many opportunities to use my power, so I might have failed to control it.

I might have been overwhelmed by my emotions.

I suppress my feelings of remorse directed toward them. It’s a relief they’re not dead, isn’t it? And so I look the other way.

The damage incurred from the battle with the monster will have the Association mobilizing fully to restore things.

Unho has a serious expression, trying to remain calm but not blaming anyone.

That’s enough for now.

Unho neither admonished nor encouraged me; it’s just the distance we maintain that allows us to coexist.

– There will be an official announcement from the Association regarding this incident. Let’s listen in.

The television screen changes:

A click-clack of camera sounds echoes through the press conference hall. A young man dressed neatly approaches the microphone.

“Hero Association Spokesperson Taejoon Kim,” a subtitle slides across the bottom of the screen.

He adjusts the microphone without flinching at the many journalist gazes and places the script on the podium.

After a brief yet deep bow, he opens his mouth.

– At approximately 7:05 AM today, a strong presence of Otherworld’s Power was detected.

At first, it sounds like an ordinary voice. The pronunciation is clear without a hint of stuttering or even any slurping noises. Yet, to my ears, this is not an ordinary voice.

Is that…? A faint feeling of mental manipulation?

It might not be a strong power, but it’s sufficient to make people lose their composure.

Does the Association know this?

~The collective strength of the disturbed power is A-Rank. Based on the footage we secured, it has been confirmed to be a monster type.

I make sure to listen closely to the words coming from the television and then speak to my partner.

“Unho, do you feel that?”

“What do you mean?”

“Right now, there’s mental manipulation seeping through his voice. No, it’s closer to emotional manipulation since it feels weaker than mental manipulation, right?”

Unho scrunches his face, as if he doesn’t fully understand my words.

“The Association wouldn’t have any reason to do something like that.”

As he mumbles, Unho’s beard twitches, similar to when he’s containing Otherworld’s Power.

“Is that so?”

“It seems I’m not the only one feeling it.”

Just to cross-verify, I spoke with Unho, but it’s been certain now:

~Additionally, it has been revealed that this monster is the perpetrator behind a series of attacks on heroes from six years ago.

In response, the Association says:

“Do you even watch the news? I can’t believe the Association would do something like this.”

“I’m all over the news, so why didn’t I know any of this until now?”

“Maybe it’s because you weren’t paying attention.”

“That’s harsh.”

While I said that, Unho, with his 30 years of mascot experience, is second to none when it comes to sensing energy or reading emotions. Even if he has the ability, if he’s just loafing around at home, then it’s a serious problem if he didn’t notice.

~After compiling the information,

It has been confirmed that there’s an intelligence capable of orchestrating plans alongside the high levels of Otherworld’s Power.

“Have you seen that guy a few times?”

“Yeah. He pops up every time the Association makes an announcement.”

“Has it been since a few years ago?”

“About five? I think so.”

That’s quite a while ago.

A weak emotional manipulation, unnoticeable to the average person. The purpose behind bringing up that ability as a spokesperson is easy to guess: to cultivate favoritism toward the Association and suppress dissent.

Does Hyunseok know about this fact? Or is it a personal act of that spokesperson? If it’s not a personal action, to what extent is it pushed?

Regardless of which, it’s become necessary to confirm this matter.

– The Association has now designated this monster as an A-Rank monster. The monster’s behavioral patterns will be recorded in the future database.

A-Rank, huh. That’s something we’d normally chase after, but different thoughts keep rising.

“Unho, we might have to scour the Association sometime.”

“I agree. It’s not right to use a hero’s power to control people at will.”

Right. That’s not a righteous hero.

While I understand that corruption has seeped into the Association, I can’t believe they would manipulate emotions even among ordinary citizens.

If we unravel this, what kinds of things will come to light? To what extent do we need to root it out? Is it something I can do?

~The Association has confirmed the code name for this monster as Black Marauder.

He says this with a prepared document held high.

A photo that captures me laughing while releasing my power, with the bold caption “Black Marauder” beside it.

Of all the times for a photo, why does it have to look like I’m posing as the final boss of a destruction spree?

“That’s just ridiculous.”

“Shut it.”

A nearby reporter swatted at the side of a colleague’s head.

“Heh heh.”

Unho also knows that I’m not genuinely angry, so all he does is smirk faintly.

Despite that warm atmosphere, the quite serious press conference continues.

~Now, let’s open the floor to questions.

No sooner has he finished speaking than the journalists raise their hands enthusiastically.

The spokesperson points out someone, and the selected journalist takes the microphone and speaks up:

~Reporter Hansik Park from Seo Sang Ilbo. There are reports that Black Marauder resembles a certain hero quite closely. Is the hero possibly in corruption?

~That is not correct. According to the Association’s rigorous investigation, the implicated hero has been cleared of wrongdoing.

It seems the investigation was merely a formality: the Association conveniently provided their alibis, making it somewhat questionable.

~Then why do the monster and hero resemble each other so much?

~The hero’s appearance, personality, and abilities have been copied into a clone monster. Most clones are weaker than the original, but there haven’t been any cases of a clone more powerful than the original.

The spokesperson struggles to get the words out, briefly choking on his words.

~This is the first occurrence in Korea, so you might find it unfamiliar. However, this type of monster has been seen frequently in the United States and Europe. There’s nothing special about it.

With a mundane answer, the reporter nods before returning the microphone to the anchor.

Questions about the time and costs for recovery, the status of injured heroes, and the monster’s abilities continue flowing without pause, successfully wrapping up the Q&A session.

In the midst of it all, another reporter, eager for a scoop, takes the microphone.

~Reporter HyunSae Kim from Weekly Heroes. How exactly was the A-Rank classification for Black Marauder determined?

– By measuring the size of powers and the damage inflicted on the city. Next question.

~That seems odd. Our exposed combat footage shows that the damage was caused by a single attack from Black Marauder. Yes, it’s incorrect to say the monster inflicted all the damage; it was incurred from just that one strike.

The press conference hall begins to buzz. The total damage during battle and the damage from a single attack are worlds apart.

~What are you trying to imply?

– I’m asking why it hasn’t been designated as the top priority target.

At those words, silence falls over the broadcast as a word that is practically taboo slips out.

0-Rank. Beings that could annihilate humanity.

“What a daring remark to mention during a public broadcast, that reporter is quite courageous.”

“Exactly, at his age, being able to speak about the 0-Rank must be a feat for him.”

~It’s still formally undetermined. Next question.

However, the spokesperson from the Association remains unfazed, calmly moving on to the next inquiry.

~Public designation, you say? Is that really the issue? Until a decision is made by someone who is just a faceless entity, is the United Nations going to let a 0-Rank roam around Korea?

Mentioning the United Nations was a bold move. What was that reporter’s name again? I need to remember.

Seemingly, there might be a point to the good ol’ candor of that statement.

~Kim HyunSae. If you continue to disturb the questioning, I will have you removed.

Nonetheless, the spokesperson adds, “But recognizing the rising public anxiety, I’ll respond.”

After a brief silence, the spokesperson begins to carefully choose his words.

~Black Marauder is already recognized as a subject of interest with Otherworldly origins. Until an official designation is settled, we cannot ascertain what phenomena might arise should it be taken down by someone else’s hands.

I don’t know myself.

Is there any real gap in our defenses?

– Consequently, the United Nations and the Association will ensure that heroes supported with all their might will address and tackle Black Marauder before an official designation is made.

The reporter’s area erupts in chaos.

~Reporter Chunhwan Kim from Seo Sang Ilbo!

Are you saying that monster is a primary target for the discussion?

Reporter Iwan from Monthly Heroes!

Are you implying that a 0-Rank monster is lurking somewhere, secretly being dealt with by a hero?

A cacophony of voices rises as several reporters all speak out simultaneously, drowning the transmission in noise.

“This press conference feels more like an inquiry hearing.”

“It’s chaotic.”

Everyone seems determined to pry out any scrap of information they can grasp.

The meaning of the question-and-answer session has long since disappeared.

~According to the protocols of the Association, personal information about heroes cannot be disclosed unless they wish it to be.

The Association tries, sans results, to maintain some semblance of control over the reporters.


The loudness explodes around us, and simultaneously, I grab the nearby handphone.

“Are you on the run, you octopus head?”

“Octopus head? How cruel.”

I might be overdoing it, but who am I?

“Fine, I’ll let you off this time.”

“If you’re going to call me by my name, at least call me by my real name.”

“Looks like you’ve become a celeb. Congrats.”

At the same time, the peculiar voice of Han Ah shows through.

It seems like the octopus head has picked up this strange way of conversing: it’s likely a technique that’s become a possibility thanks to tactile senses.

“Are you joking?”

While watching the news, I saw Haram come up. Quite impressive, an A-Rank monster.

“Nope.” click

What do those secret organizations have to do that makes them treat heroes like that? I might as well just call them.

Just when my hand goes to untap the red button on the phone, a serious voice comes through the speaker.

“Do you remember the mention of a task force from a few days back?”

Finally, are we getting to the main point?

“It was only yesterday, right?”

“Well, selecting an organization is first.”

“What organization are we talking about?”

“The Future Life Engineering Society. It’s a group of scientists whom are trying to produce monsters.”

Are names getting duller nowadays? Either I lack creativity or others seem to, who knows?

After all, isn’t this just a group destined for trouble?


“It’s a bit complicated to explain, so I’ll send the details via text later.”

“At least give me an idea of the scale. I need to see if I should take it seriously.”

“About 50 B and C-Rank monsters, with around ten wanted scientists. It’s not a significant organization.”

Not significant? Just imagine the chaos if they broke in.

“You think it’s nothing? Are they trying to overthrow the government? Why do they exist in Korea?”

“Korea is a haven.”

Now they’re thinking of whisking me away overseas?

“Not going for a trip abroad.”

“Overseas has been ruled out.”

“Then where?”

“Not in Korea and not abroad; it’s nearby.”

A thought suddenly flashes in my mind.

“Wait, it’s in North Korean territory? Near the Great Barrier?”

Better than a foreign land.

“Got it. What’s the timeframe?”

“Please take care of it within a month.”

Fine. I didn’t have the energy for more conversation, so I ended the call unilaterally.

There’s a sound of incoming messages buzzing, but I can check them later.

I’d rather focus on the interest from the television above.

“Why are they still streaming this?”

The press conference itself has somehow vanished.

What’s being broadcast is the journalists pushing microphones, and security personnel wrestling with a few reporters.

Still, the broadcasting station seems intent on showing it all.

“There’s time left until the next broadcast,”

Unho comments, looking unusually pleased.

I think that might actually be a somewhat reasonable explanation.


With explosions ringing out, a door flies off as chaos resumes around the reporters.

~I am that hero!

You damn reporter dudes!

~Hey, this is a little much:

That voice sounds familiar.

~Han Ah, stop! A real hero has to step up strongly!

Amidst the pandemonium of the flying door, a magical girl leaps onto the stage.

Dressed in a navy coat with a white cape. Overflowing with confidence, she wears a smile pure as a perfectly clear sky.

~Baek Sihyeon, this is not your time!

~Sir, you need to get out!

Taken aback by the unexpected turn, Spokesperson Taejoon Kim tries to pull Baek Sihyeon’s cape away, but she stands her ground firmly, declaring to the journalists.

~I am Baek Sihyeon, the student of the legendary Crimson Hammer!

“Wait, I’m that student?”

“Shut it!”

Not sure if I want to continue this.

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