Mr. Smith’s Magical Touch

Ch. 14: I Can’t Wear This!?

"Fuck. No. Oh, God. Someone is here."

Amy panicked; her face turned beet red, and her body shook from the climax's afterglow. She was worried that someone might smell her juices that were squirted all over the toilet and stall. She looked around for something to use to clean it up, but she was practically naked due to her clothes not fitting.

'Please. Please. Don't let them open the stall next to mine.'

As she glanced around the enclosed space, she desperately searched for anything that could serve as a makeshift cover for her exposed body, but she came up empty-handed. Amy's heart raced as she heard footsteps approaching her stall, and she anxiously held her breath, praying that the person would soon walk away.

'Shit. Shit. Shit. Please. Don't let them notice. Please. Please. Please. Please.'

The individual came to a halt just outside the stall and remained there, making no move to depart.

"Amy? Are you in here?" Asked the familiar voice of Hana.

The Asian girl, now a teenager, felt a rush of relief as she recognized her friend approaching.

"H-Hana?" Amy said softly making sure it was her.

"Yeah, Lucas and I were just about to head out, and he insisted that we find you before we left. So, here I am... Why do you sound so different? Is everything alright," Hana replied, her tone more confident than usual. Ever since her transformation, she's become much more assertive.

Amy's heart raced when she heard Hana mention that Lucas was searching for her. It was like her crush was asking about her.

'W-What? He is looking for me? Does he really care about me? Ah. What the hell is wrong with me? He is probably just a sweet and kind boy who doesn't want anyone to feel left out... But why do I find that cute?... I-I'm a mature woman. I shouldn't be this excited over a boy. But Lucas is sooo hot. And cute. And I bet he has a huge dick... Oh, god. What the fuck is wrong with me?'

"O-Oh. Um... I-I'm kind of dealing with a situation here. A-And I don't know how to fix it. So, can you help me out?"

"Sure. Is it your period? Is your stomach hurting? I can get Lucas to fix you up," Hana said in a cheery voice.

Amy's cheeks flushed crimson as waves of embarrassment washed over her at the thought of Lucas seeing her nearly naked and her pussy twitching made her weak in the knees.

"N-No. No. I-It's not that. Um... I-I kind of can't get dressed." Amy said shyly.

"What do you mean? You are not wearing any clothes? Are you hurt?"

"N-No! No, no, no... I-It my... Agh... I seemed to have gained weight and can't get my pants or my bra to fit anymore..."

"Huh? But I've seen you eat a whole chocolate cake before and never gained an ounce of fat... Which is really unfair because you don't even work out..." Hana muttered the last part quietly.

"W-Well... Something seems to have changed. So, can you maybe... get me something that fits... Or at least some clothes. My panties are ruined, and my bra doesn't work. So, please, get me something new. Anything will do," Amy pleaded. Her heart was racing, and her mind was spinning as she thought back on her transformation. It's like she regained her inexperience all over again.

"Well?... If it is a weight gain issue, maybe Lucas can help. He has a lot of knowledge in biology and chemistry. Heck, he might even know a massage technique to speed up your metabolism or something."

'L-Lucas knows how to make me slim? O-Oh, god. He can touch my body and rub me. O-Or lick me. Oh, god. N-No! He would fucking freak out if he saw me in such a state. My tits are huge, and I can't see how big my ass is. But I can tell that it is much bigger than before. And there is no way he will find me attractive.'

"Um. No. Not Lucas. I-I don't want to scare off the guy that you like," Amy stammered as her face grew even redder, and her heart raced while her pussy was aching for a man's touch.

"Scare him off? Oh, pish-posh. He is a super nice guy, and he would totally help a damsel in distress," Hana assured her.

"B-But he'll totally freak out when he sees me like this. I'm like a blimp. I must weigh 150 pounds or something. It's like some supernatural crap happened to me or something," Amy protested, her mind reeling from the possibilities.

"Oh, you are being ridiculous. You're just being a bit bloated. Nothing a little bit of exercise can't fix," Hana teased.

"Hana! How would he like it if your tits and ass grew out of nowhere in front of you? He would probably run away. I bet he wouldn't want anything to do with you."

Hana smirked and looked down at her own massive tits that grew in front of Lucus back in the bar, and her ass was bigger as well.

"That would never happen," Hana scoffed confidently, which confused Amy.

The teenager was curious to see what her best friend was talking about. She wanted to argue that Hana was wrong, but the Asian girl's sudden confidence made her pause.

"Oh? Really? How do you know? Maybe something crazy will happen, and then you'll be the one embarrassed."

"Psh, yeah, right. I think I went through the most embarrassing thing in my life, and I came out fine... No. Better. But, that's a story for another time."

Amy stared at the bathroom stall, baffled by Hana's statement.

'What the hell is she talking about? Did something happen?'

"W-What do you mean?" Amy asked curiously.

Hana smirked and looked at the closed door.

"Hmm, well, let's just say that he is very comfortable in stressful situations," Hana replied smugly.

'What does she mean by that?' Amy thought as her body trembled in excitement.

"Y-You are just messing with me. There is no way a guy like him would be cool with seeing a girl suddenly gain a few pounds and become a cow. That's crazy."

"Psh. Trust me. That man is not the type to turn his back on a lady, especially in times of need."

"How can you be so confident? You just met the guy today," Amy said incredulously.

Hana was about to tell Amy about how she had sex in the bar with others watching, but her shy side stepped in to try and stop her. She looked at her body once more and remembered how Lucas had treated her with so much kindness, even after he found out she was a virgin. Hana also remembered the look of lust in his eyes when her tits grew out of her shirt and bra and her ass got bigger. And the way he stopped that guy who tried to take her without throwing a punch impressed her. She decided to tell Amy what happened.

"Ummm... W-We sort of made love in the bar while you were gone," Hana said as her voice trembled and her face burned red.

Amy's heart stopped, and she gasped.

"You what?!"

Hana giggled and blushed, "Yeah, I'm as stunned as you are. I've never been more confident and brave in my entire life. It was... exhilarating."

"Wait, what? Hana, you were shy and timid and barely spoke when he showed up at our table. How did this happen? Are you lying?" Amy asked.

"No, it's true. I can't explain it. After he talked to me, I just felt... alive and sexy. A-And I let him fuck me," Hana admitted.

"Y-You did? B-But he's too young! And how could you let your first time be in public? W-Were you drunk? Did he force himself on you?" Amy demanded.

"What!? No, of course not. I was stone-cold sober. He just knows how to touch me in all the ways that I never knew existed. And the way that he touched me made me lose control of myself. And the things he said were so sweet and romantic." Hana said in a dreamy voice.

Amy listened to her friend's words and began to feel something stir within her—something primal, something she thought she had long forgotten.

'W-Wow. Hana just had sex. Wow. She was always the goody two-shoes. And she was a virgin. And she lost it. In public. To a hot guy. W-Wow. Augh! I-I would never do such a thing... Aungh!? B-But I want to!... Gah! What is happening to me?' Amy shook her head to rid herself of these strange urges that were telling her to mate.

"Oh. O-Okay... But still! You could have done it later. I-In private, like a normal person," Amy argued.

"I thought the same thing, but you know what the crazy thing was? I-I kinda liked having sex in a public place. I-I thought I was going to die from embarrassment, but at the same time, it was so exhilarating. And he made it seem like no one was watching. He's magic," Hana said, her face flushed and her lips turned up in a shy smile.

'Hana's an exhibitionist? I would never have guessed that. She's always been too shy to make a move on a guy, and now she's had sex with one in public? But why do I feel like this? Hearing her talk about how Lucas touched her is making me jealous. I've never been jealous, and I've never wanted a guy this much. I-If I stayed in the booth with them. Would he have asked me to join?... What the hell is wrong with me?'

Hana's confidence made Amy more curious about her experience, but her stubbornness refused to let her give up the fight.

'T-That right!... I would never stoop so low as to have sex in public. Even if the guy was hot and could pleasure me... Augh!?... B-But what about having sex in a public bathroom?... Oh, fuck. What am I thinking?'

Amy tried to calm her rapidly beating heart. Her face was burning as a dirty image popped into her head of Lucas making love to her as they tried not to get caught.

'No!... I-I am a grown woman. I should have more self-control. This isn't like me. I-I am a strong woman, and I have self-respect.'

She tried to calm herself, but her mind was racing.

"Amy? You still there?" Hana asked with concern in her voice.

Amy was jolted out of her thoughts; her cheeks were ablaze, and her body trembled with emotion.

"Huh? Um. Sorry. I-I was trying to think of a solution to my problem," Amy lied.

"Well, Lucas is a great listener. He is also really smart. Why don't you ask him to help? Maybe he can figure out why you gained weight," Hana suggested.

"I can't! It's too embarrassing. What if he thinks I'm gross and doesn't want anything to do with~I mean, what if he doesn't want to help a lady in need?" Amy stammered as her blush crept up her neck.

Hana was surprised to see her best friend acting this way. She couldn't help but smile.

"Hmmm... Are you worried that he will make a move on you? Like, try to sleep with you?" Hana asked.

Amy's face was on fire, and her mind was a blur of emotions and thoughts.

"What? N-No! No, of course not," Amy stuttered as she tried to hide her feelings.

"Oh my god!? That is it! You are into him!... Oh. My. God. You are into Lucas. You have a crush on him. You want him," Hana squealed.

"N-No. That's ridiculous. And why are you so cool with him having sex with me?" Amy snapped.

Hana was confused for a second and then realized that she didn't mind sharing him in the bedroom as long as she was number one.

'Why does that idea sound so hot?' Hana thought as she imagined her experienced friend acting shy and timid for a change.

"That's because I'm his number one, Amy... So, let's stop messing around. I'm going to ask Lucas to come in here and help you since you don't have a better plan," Hana said smugly as she turned around and walked toward the door.

'B-But he'll see my tits and ass. And my pussy. Ugh. Hold on!'

"Wait, what!? You're gonna ask him to come into the girl's bathroom!? What is he, some kind of pervert? What if he takes advantage of me and does things you wouldn't approve of," Amy said defiantly.

"Oh, ho! So, you are some big shot that chews men up and spits them out. You're saying you could handle any guy that tries something," Hana teased as she put her hands on her hips and faced the door.

Amy trembled as her heart raced with adrenaline.

"Yes, yes, I can... H-He is just some young kid who doesn't know better," Amy stubbornly replied.

"Fine. Fine. If it will make you feel better, I'll keep an eye on him. So, he doesn't try to make a move on you... Unless you want him to?" Hana smugly said, giving a small laugh before turning around and exiting the bathroom.

"What the fuck, Hana?! What's gotten into you!? Hana?... O-Okay. Fine! S-Sure! But tell him not to peek at my body. If he does, I'll kill him," Amy yelled as Hana left the bathroom.

Hana ignored her best friend's protests and hurried outside. After the door closed, Amy started to panic.

'Shit. Shit. Shit. Why the fuck did I say yes? Fuck. This is so embarrassing. Maybe I should try and escape. Yeah. I just need to... Huh? This lock won't budge! How the hell did that happen? Shit. I must have been sweating, and my fingers got slippery. Damnit! I'm such a klutz!'

Amy cursed her bad luck as she tried her best to open the bathroom stall. But she heard the door open again to the footsteps of a person coming towards her. She froze in place as her heart pounded loudly in her chest.

'No. No. No. Hana didn't get him. Did she? Shit. It must be someone else. Or is it Lucas? Oh god. I'm going to die of embarrassment. He'll think I'm disgusting. Augh! Why did I say yes to this?'

Amy could hear someone approaching, and she felt a knot forming in her stomach. She stood there in silence, her whole body trembling with anticipation.

"Hey, Amy. It's me, Lucas. I'm alone. Hana said you were having a wardrobe malfunction. Can I help you with anything?" Lucas's voice called out from the other side of the closed door.

Amy froze in place and swallowed hard.

"L-Lucas?... I-I-I-I-I-I. Umm..." Amy stuttered out as she was at a loss for words.

"Hey, everything is fine... So don't worry, I won't judge you. Can you tell me what happened?" Lucas said, his voice filled with reassurance.

His manly voice reverberated throughout her entire body, causing a tingling sensation that she never experienced before. She felt goosebumps on her skin, and her heart rate increased. And yet, she calmed down a bit, her breathing slowing. It took her a second, but she was able to collect some of her thoughts.

"Um. L-Listen, I know this is gonna sound crazy, but I-I think something happened to me," Amy stammered out as her hands fiddled with the hem of her ripped shirt.

"I'm listening. Tell me what's going on."

"Y-Yeah. S-So, I went to the bathroom, and I-I think my body is going through some strange PMS right now. It caused my body to grow... To the point that my clothes now don't fit, and my bra and pants are ripped and torn... S-So, can you maybe use some duct tape to wrap around the waistband of my pants so they don't fall down? A-And also, can you help me tape my bra together? M-My breasts have grown, and it hurts when I try to cover them with my hands. T-They are very tender, and it aches when I try to touch them," Amy explained nervously, her heart pounding in her chest as she waited for his reply. She didn't know why, but she disclosed more information than necessary.

Lucas couldn't believe what he was hearing. He couldn't believe that unlocking the Ability of "Second Puberty" continued to make Amy's body develop rapidly, even after massaging her hand over 15 minutes ago. He saw her breasts getting bigger in the booth, but not to the point where her breasts and ass would bust out of her clothes. He thought she looked sexy before, but now he wanted to see how she looked with bigger breasts and a fuller ass. He was sure her panties were ripped apart, and the thought of her being bare made his cock twitch, and his heart raced.

'Slow down, Lucas!... S-She needs our help first... Then maybe we can have some fun...' Lucas thought as he tried his best to suppress his desires. Luckily, he had the ability to morph her clothes, but he needed to reassure her first.

"Okay. So, I have a magic trick that can help you. I'm just warning you that your body will feel a little funny, but you shouldn't panic. Okay?"

Amy thought he was teasing her, and she puffed out her cheeks in an adorable fashion. It was too bad that Lucas couldn't see her doing it.

"A magic trick? I'm not a teenager. This isn't a joke, Lucas," Amy said with a bit of attitude.

"Amy... I'm not joking. And what's wrong with teenagers? We used to be teenagers, once upon a time."

'B-But I'm an adult!... Not some stupid, gullible teenager!... He must be joking.'

"Fine. Prove it to me, Lucas," Amy said defiantly as she crossed her arms across her large chest, which caused her tits to press against each other, pushing them up even more. Her teenage side was starting to show.

"Okay, so I will click my fingers, and your clothes will change. Are you ready?" Lucas said, smirking at the slight change in her attitude. She seemed to have regained some of her confidence.

'What? What does he mean by changing clothes? Is he going to trick me? Well, the jokes on him because I'm not falling for it,' Amy thought.

"Hmph. Yeah, whatever. You are such a perv. Don't try anything weird."

"You are a grown woman. I'm sure you've dealt with creeps before."

"Just get on with it," Amy grumbled.

"Okay. Here goes," Lucas said.

Then, he clicked his fingers and waited.

Amy stood still for a moment, half-expecting nothing out of the ordinary to occur. However, to her surprise, her work uniform began to undergo a startling transformation. The once-tattered brown button-up shirt and pants seemed to come alive as they started to shrink and contort, taking on an entirely different form before her eyes.

'W-What the fuck! This isn't possible. H-How is this happening?' Amy thought, her mind blown away by the bizarre spectacle.

Within seconds, Amy's clothing had changed completely, transforming into a high school uniform that looked straight out of anime. The school blouse was white, and it was short-sleeved, while the buttons on her shirt turned into snaps and were tucked in under a blue pleated skirt. Her black panties turned into pink cotton panties that were cut high on her hips. At the same time, her broken bra morphed into a small pink push-up that cradled her growing breasts squeezed together. Her nipples were poking out from over the bra, and the outline of her areolas was visible through the material of her shirt. Her socks rose all the way up to her thighs, and her heels were a striking combination of blue and white, adorned with a large bow at the top. Her shoulder-length black hair was transformed into a high pigtail, secured with vibrant blue bows.

'Holy fuck! This isn't possible!' Amy was stunned. Her jaw dropped, and her mouth agape, as she was wearing a sexy Japanese school uniform that made her look like she was 16. The new uniform hugged her figure perfectly, making her look like a sexy cosplayer.

"I-Impossible," Amy muttered.

"Did it work?" Lucas asked on the other side of the stall door.

"D-Did what work? W-What the hell is this? I can't go out in public like this! I'm a 29-year-old woman! I'm not a freaking 16-year-old!" Amy yelled, and her body was trembling. Little did she know that she was 16 years old again.

Lucas found himself perplexed, struggling to identify the root of the problem.

"Huh?... Really?... But you look younger than 29? Are you sure you're not 21? 22?"

'W-What the fuck did he just say?... He thinks I'm a 21-year-old woman?' Amy bit her lower lip and felt giddy inside. 'Hehe!... He's so naive... But in a good way,' Amy thought before she looked down at her new outfit, which was surprisingly comfortable. She couldn't believe that her shirt and pants had magically changed into a high school uniform. It was like magic, and it was so surreal that she almost felt like laughing. 'No! Stop it, Amy! I need to get out of this situation.'

"Ugh! Lucas!? You don't get it... I can't be seen in this! I'll look ridiculous, and people will start asking questions."

Lucas was confused by her sudden outburst and tried to reassure her.

"Amy, all I can say is that you've aged well if whatever happened to your clothes makes you look younger... So, how does it look?" Lucas asked, a bit confused.

"W-Well?... They're fine. But that's not the point!" Amy wined like her teenage self, making Lucas chuckle.

"Hmm... So, what's the problem then?"

The way Lucas responded to Amy's antics gave her goosebumps, and she could feel butterflies in her stomach. She couldn't understand why his calm demeanor made her feel giddy and excited. She started shaking her hips, which caused her pleated blue skirt to swish, her tits were bouncing, her panties were wet, and she was breathing heavily.

"GAH! You wouldn't understand! I-I'm too old to be wearing something like this in public, and I don't want anyone to see me like this, okay? Especially you!" Amy yelled, her teenage temper getting the best of her.

"You don't seem too old to me. And I haven't seen what's happened to your body yet. Can you show me?"

Amy's heart was pounding, and her face was flushed, and her pussy was aching. Her logical side was telling her that she should get as far away from Lucas as possible, but the other side of her wanted to let him in and let him ravage her body. She was confused, and she didn't know what to do. She was also curious about how much her body had changed and how tough it was to see in this tight stall.

"N-No way, idiot. I don't want you to see me like this," Amy said, crossing her arms across her chest.

"Please, Amy? I promise I won't say anything," Lucas pleaded.

"W-Why would I show you? That's weird... Plus, Hana is outside waiting. You two are dating, right?" Amy said, trying to make up an excuse.

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about. And she can come in too if you want. Just let us know if you're okay."

Amy's insecure teenage side was overwhelmed with panic at the idea of Hana catching a glimpse of her in this outfit.

'W-Wait. No! What am I thinking? I'm an adult. A 29-year-old, responsible woman... Not some 16-year-old, naive high school girl,' Amy thought, trying to convince herself that she was mature enough, but her teenage hormones were affecting her judgment.

"What! N-No! There is no way I'm letting her see me like this. She'll take a picture, and I will never live it down," Amy exclaimed, her eyes widening as she vigorously shook her head.

Lucas smirked at how embarrassed she was. He felt like she was acting way younger than her age, and he was starting to get attracted to her younger personality. He wondered if she always had this kind of childish temperament, but he didn't want to risk annoying her, so he decided to drop the subject and come back later.

"You know she wouldn't do that to you. I only just met you two, but I can tell that you two are like sisters. And she's probably more worried about leaving you behind in the small bathroom. Come on, Amy. You shouldn't stay in there forever," Lucas said, hoping she'd relent.

Amy could hear the sincerity in his voice, which warmed her heart, and her resolve was weakening.

'W-Wait. What did he just say? Not only is he hot, but he's so sweet too!... D-Damn it! Why can't I find a guy like him?'

"I-I-I, um. Fine! B-But don't laugh, and no pictures... O-Or I will kick your ass, got it?" Amy demanded as she pouted.

"I promise I won't," Lucas said.

Amy took a deep breath and was able to unlock the stall door finally. As she pushed open the stall door, Amy's cheeks turned a deep shade of crimson and her entire body quivered with nervousness. Despite trying to appear poised with her hands on her hips, her trembling betrayed her inner vulnerability, making her attempt at projecting strength and confidence all the more evident.

When Lucas caught sight of the door swinging open, his wonder-filled gaze fell upon the sight of the most adorable and alluring woman he had ever seen. Amy's breasts were being pushed up, and they were the size of melons. Her pink nipples were rock hard and were slightly visible through her top, which couldn't hide her mouthwatering cleavage. Her very short blue pleated skirt was showing off her wide childbearing hips, and her thick thighs were touching each other. Her round bubble butt was pushing out the skirt to reveal her pink panties, and her long legs were accentuated with blue thigh-high socks and white high heels. Her pigtails danced as she skipped along, her lips shimmering with gloss and her face radiating joy. She appeared noticeably younger than she did during their first encounter, almost as if she had unknowingly reverted back to her teenage years.

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