Mr. Smith’s Magical Touch

Ch. 8: Going to the Bar 🖼️

Meanwhile, back at the parlor...

Lucas closed the door and started to walk back to the massage room, where Jennifer had her long nap. He needed to clean up the room before he could use it again.

<I hope you are enjoying the power that I am providing you, kid.>

'Huh? What do you mean? I don't feel any different than before.'

<Look at yourself in the mirror, and I'll explain.>

Lucas did as the voice told him, and he looked in the mirror and noticed something was different.

'Wait... when did my muscles get bigger and firmer? And my face? It's... more handsome and defined... Oh, my god. My hair is brighter, too! W-What the fuck happened to me? When did this happen? Did it happen after Jennifer's massage?'

<Correct, I was able to enhance your physique into that of a demon.>

'D-Demon? Are you kidding me? How about you don't turn me into a demon, Lucius!... I don't like the idea of eating someone's soul or something of that nature... I'm starting to understand why some of those guys who used your arts in the past thought they could conquer the world. When you say that you gave them a demon's physique and power, that is quite tempting. So, can I get rid of these demon features?'

<See, this is why I like you, kid. And I didn't turn you into a demon. I just needed to enhance your body for a good reason. If you used your full powers right now, your body would explode from all the new energy you have absorbed. It's just an added benefit of my mystic art.>

'Hold on. Why not enhance my physique into a god or something less evil-sounding, Lucius? You should've given me the choice, man.'

<Demons aren't evil, kid. It's what you do with your power that makes you evil or not. And since you are a pure-hearted young man, you will never go down that path. And do you really think that all gods are good? I've encountered gods, and some were not nice to me. And not all demons are evil, either.>

Lucas couldn't believe his ears.

'Are you serious, Lucius? Some demons are good?'

<Yeah... But since they get such a bad rep, most of them stay hidden and far away from mortals, kid.>

'I'm not going to grow a tail or horns or anything, right? That would be kind of weird.'

Lucius let out a chuckle.

<No, but I'm giving you the physical ability to withstand the powers that you will gain, and it's a by-product that will make mortal women drool over you. I can't wait for you to start using your enhanced powers on some lovely ladies.>

'You make it sound like I'm going to rape women, Lucius.'

<Like I told you before, kid. You can't force a woman to like you if you don't treat her right first. They will be more physically attracted by nature but if you think that your looks are all it takes to bed a woman, you'll be disappointed. You must treat her right, or it will not happen. And more importantly, I will kill you before you have the chance to do anything stupid, and that goes for your future wives, too. So, don't go doing something stupid, okay?>

Lucas couldn't help but sigh at the last part.

'I told you that I'm not some creep, Lucius... And you didn't mention anything about needing to have a demon's physique.'

<Partial demon body, kid. It's for your own survival of my art, and it's not a complete transformation. So, you are still human, but these changes are permanent. Enjoy them, because not too many guys can have such a nice body like yours.>

Lucas couldn't deny the perks of having such a body. It was one of his dreams to have a strong body, and he always tried to eat right and work out as much as possible.

'Well... You better not be lying to me. Okay, Lucius?'

<I've told you that I am being honest with you, kid. If I were lying, I would not have told you that I would kill you. I'm not that nice of a person, and I don't lie, kid.>

Lucas was finally satisfied with Lucius' answer, even if it worried him that his body might explode on him if he kept using his powers.

'Well, that's a relief. So, I shouldn't use my powers until my body gets used to it. Is that what you're saying?'

<Well, if I didn't enhance you after absorbing Jennifer's essence, then yeah. Things would have gone bad for you. But luckily, you don't have to worry, and thanks to Jennifer, you've grown stronger. She had a lot of sexual energy stored up. It was the most potent and richest source of energy I've seen in a while. Plus, with this enhancement, you'll be absorbing it faster with your next lucky woman.>

'That's great and all. But why are you making me bigger and stronger? These are only massage techniques, right? I feel like I shouldn't have a skill that would make me explode.'

<First is so your body can handle these abilities, and second is because that cute Asian woman couldn't stop staring at you. I could sense her sexual attraction to you. But she lacks self-confidence and needs a bit of a push. So, making you look more striking will not only help with her but also attract almost any other single woman.>

'Really? But Hana is a really pretty woman... It sucks that she thinks of herself in such a low light. Wait! You're just using me as a tool to seduce women, aren't you?'

<Of all the- Shut up, kid! Do you want to know your new abilities or not? Your aura is a lot more potent now, and you can see the details of all your abilities. Look at your tattoo.>

Lucas shook his head and sighed before he looked at the palms of his hands.

'Okay, I'm looking,' Lucas thought as he looked at the sigil in the palm of his hand and noticed a new symbol appear in one of the circles. It looked like a glowing heart. And then the screen popped up.

Name: Lucas Smith

Job: Masseur (Unique Mystic Massage)

Abilities unlocked:

Soothing Whispers: Whisper into a recipient's ear, and their mind will become hazy and filled with lust with you say what they like.

Healing Touch: The master can heal any minor injury by touching it or fixing a recipient's hormonal damage, which can fix her metabolism, mood, and stress levels.

Pressure Point: The master's hands can stimulate or attack vital points in a recipient's body. This is highly effective in pleasuring females.

Aura: The master's sexual pheromones have increased and will cause females around you to become highly aroused.

Swift Disrobing: When a recipient becomes attracted to the master, he will passively cause the recipient's clothes to slowly slip off with every successful stimulation of a Pressure Point. Disrobing is unknown to the recipient as long as the master keeps massaging her Pressure Points.

Recall Robes: When the master clicks his fingers, clothes that have disrobed from Swift Disrobing will automatically return to the recipient he touched.

See Weakness: The master can see the weak points of any recipient's body.

NEW... Second Puberty: Some women are blessed, and some are not. This ability allows the master to unlock a woman's true potential or allows a blessed woman to experience it a second time. [Warning: A blessed woman may experience true age regression during Second Puberty, both in body and mind.]

NEW... Dream Invasion: If the recipient accepts, the master will gain the ability to enter the dreams of any recipient and will have full control of the dream and what happens in it.

'Holy shit!'

<That's right. You've become quite powerful in such a quick time. Frankly, I'm surprised there are so many women filled with so much potent energy. Normally, it took seven months to get to where you are now with my former hosts... But enough of that... Now, I want you to test your new abilities out.>

Lucas was surprised by that statement. Were women nowadays building up more sexual frustration than normal? Lucas would have loved to ponder it some more, but he needed to respond to Lucius.

'What do you have in mind?'

<I think we should go out tonight... Maybe a bar or club. Find a woman or a few so you can have some fun-I mean, practice.>

'That sounds good, but aren't we going to have an early start tomorrow?'

<That was before I enhanced your physique, kid. You will not get tired or need as much sleep as you used to. So we can have fun until you're truly exhausted.>

'Really!? I don't know that I like the idea of not sleeping. I love sleeping.'

<It's not up for discussion. Trust me, you're going to need it in the future. So what do you say? Want to go out and find a woman or two?>

'Two?' Lucas thought with a bit of skepticism.

He could see himself getting one woman with no problem, but two women—that just doesn't sound too likely, even with his new good looks and secret powers. Plus, he could see the scenario of multiple women fighting over him in some type of battle royal. But he didn't wish to see that, even though, on paper, it sounded like fun. In reality, there would be losers, and it would pain him to see some sad, lonely woman left in the dust.

<Or more... Whatever happens, happens, kid.>

'Okay, fine. I'll try and see how it goes.'

<That's the spirit. Now clean up the parlor and take a shower. I'll make sure you look presentable in the manhood part. If you catch my drift?>

Lucas had a weird feeling about what was to come, but there wasn't much he could do besides take Lucius' advice.




After cleaning up the parlor, Lucas took a shower to wash off the sweat and dirt. Then, he went into his new bedroom, which used to be his grandfather's, to grab some clean clothes to wear.

'It's not fancy, but it looks good.'

Once, he put on a pair of blue jeans and a red shirt. He noticed the sun was getting low, and he wanted to have a walk around town before nightfall.

<I agree. And your body looks good in them.>

'Okay... I'm still not used to being complimented by a mysterious voice in my head. It feels like I'm going insane sometimes. I guess I'll need to get used to it at some point. Anyway, let's go. We're burning daylight.'

Lucas left the parlor and decided to walk towards the downtown area.




As Lucas was walking and enjoying the fresh air after cleaning up the parlor. After a few minutes of enjoying himself, Lucius chimed in to interrupt his aimless wandering of downtown.

<Take a left here.>

'Huh? Um... Okay.'

Lucas followed his orders and went down a street that had a lot of shops, cafes, and bars.

'Why are we going down here?'

<Because I'm bored of you walking around, aimlessly. Plus, you're hungry. So, let's find a place to eat. Then we'll find a woman.>

Lucas noticed that his stomach was grumbling, and he hadn't had anything since the morning.

'Well, you're not wrong. I'm kind of starving. Alright. I'll follow your instructions.'




Lucas continued walking until a light-up sign caught his eye.

It was a bar called 'The Golden Goose.'

'Well, this place looks pretty descent-hold on? She looks familiar.' Lucus thought to himself as he looked inside the bar. Not only did the sign that caught his attention, but he also noticed a familiar woman wearing a brown delivery uniform who was sitting in the corner of the bar, looking bored and alone.

He also noticed a familiar woman sitting in the corner of the bar, looking bored while wearing a brown delivery uniform

'Is that Hana? What's she doing here? Is she on a date? No... That can't be it... M-Maybe I'll listen in and see if she wants any company... God, I hope she isn't on a date.'

Lucas walked through the open door of the bar and scanned the bar for the best spot to observe Hana, who was sitting in a corner booth by the back of the bar. She wasn't facing towards the front, so she didn't see him entering. She looked like she was sitting by herself while looking at an empty pint glass. She had a dazed look on her face as if she was spacing out.

Lucas took a seat at the bar and looked around. At this time of day, the place was half filled with various types of people, and it would probably get a little more crowded later in the evening.

'I wonder why she's here? Maybe she's hanging out with a friend?... Haah... Should I just go over to her and say hi?'

<I don't know... She looks down... We should wait before we go in to say hi to her. I think she needs a minute.>

'Y-Yeah... You're right.'

Lucas looked down at the bar and noticed a drink menu.

'Well, it is late September... Sooo, I'll go with an Oktoberfest.'

It didn't take long for the bartender to notice a new customer sitting at the bar.

"Welcome... Do you have an I.D., sir?" The Bartender asked.

Lucas pulled out his wallet to show the bartender that he was older than 21.

"Thank you. So what can I get for you?" he asked as he returned Lucas's ID.

"I'll take an Oktoberfest," Lucas said and noticed the bartender's face was covered in burn scars.

'Oh? That sucks. There has to be a story behind that. But, I'm not gonna pry.'

"Coming right up," the bartender smiled and went to get his drink.

'Do you have any idea what happened to that guy's face?'

<You're asking the wrong person, kid.>

'So that's not a power that you have, huh? Yeah, it's best to leave it alone. Hmm? Someone else is heading over to Hana's booth.'

Lucas looked over and saw another woman wearing the same delivery outfit as Hana.

Her body was a lot more mature than Hana's, but she seemed a little shorter. Like she was 5'4, or maybe she's shorter than that. It's tough to tell in the low lights in the bar. Her skin was pale white, and she had short black hair.


She was looking at Hana and talking to her. But it looked like Hana was ignoring her.

The other woman took a seat at the booth across from Hana and handed her a new drink.

<It looks like the poor girl is beating herself up... You should go in. In a couple of minutes. Make her smile, kid.>

'Will do. Just tell me if I'm going in too early.'

Lucas took a big gulp of his beer, which had just been handed to him, and watched the clock on his phone.




Hana was sitting at the booth as her work friend came back from the restroom.

"Hey, Hana. Do you want another beer after this round?"

"No... I'm fine."

"Are you sure? Because when you said you wanted to go out and hook up with some rando guy. You had such a determined face, but then when we got here, you changed your mind... What's up? You're acting more depressed than usual."

"I'm not depressed, Amy. It's just been a long day, and I thought coming out would be fun."

"Then why are you sitting here moping? You know no guy likes a moping woman, right?"

"It's because all the guys suck, Amy... I was hoping for something more, you know. Romantic?... Haah... Never mind."

"Jeez! You're looking for romance at The Golden Goose, Hana? This is the type of place to find some guy to have fun with the night and that's it... Just go make a lap around the bar and find some stud to have a quicky with, and I'm sure your depression will vanish in no time."

"Amy! I've been over this. I'm not interested in a one-night stand."

"Oh? Then you need to get a boyfriend, honey. Hehe... But that seems like hard work to me," Amy said with a wink, stinking out her tongue.

"You know, not everyone is like you. Just because you love sex and don't care about relationships doesn't mean I'm the same way."

"Oh, come on, Hana. How are you supposed to know what type of guy you like if you haven't found out if you are compatible in the sack? I mean, do you know what type of guy you want?"

For a brief moment, Hana saw a vision of Lucas smiling at her, which flustered her.

"I-I don't know..." Hana frowned, then shook her head.

"Okay. Fine, fine... You want to go out on a date with a guy. But why did you want to come to a bar instead of a club? You won't find a boyfriend here," Amy sighed before she took a big swig and gulped down her beer.

"I've always been shy, Amy. So I thought coming to a bar that you suggested would be a good first step for me. And you are so much more experienced than me... I want to learn, but I can't jump to the deep end. Just help me out, please." Hana pleaded to Amy.

"Fine. I'll be your wingwoman and help you find a guy, okay? But you are buying me more drinks."

"Thank you, Amy. Just don't go too crazy with drinking. I need you to be coherent-" Hana was interrupted by Amy before she could finish her statement.

"YOU'RE ON!... Now! Let's drink, and we'll go talk to a few guys once we are nice and buzzed!" Amy cheered before chugging her pint glass until there was no more golden liquid left.

'Ugh! She isn't listening!... Whatever, maybe I need to stop thinking about things and just relax.' Hana thought as she grabbed her pint of untouched beer.

"Okay..." Hana said as she took a sip of her beer.

And while she was in the middle of a sip. A tall man walked up to her and Amy.

"Hello, ladies," said Lucas' familiar voice.

Hana's eyes opened wide with surprise as she took a sip from her glass, the golden liquid filling her mouth. She turned her gaze towards the man standing next to her, and to her astonishment, she recognized him. The shock was so intense that she nearly spat out her drink, which Amy would have been down the range of.

"L-Lucas!?" Hana studdered out. She nearly dropped her glass.

Amy was taken aback when she caught sight of the enigmatic and strikingly handsome man who came from out of nowhere.

'What's with this guy? He's hot! He's even better-looking than the guys in the delivery company.' Amy thought as her cheeks turned red.

"Hey, Hana. Mind if I join you two?" Lucas pointed to the spot next to her in the booth.

Hana's heart started beating fast, and she didn't know how to respond.

'Oh God, it's him. Oh no. He's too hot for me. He must think I'm a loser and a loner. Um... Amy! Help me!'

Lucas looked at Hana, and he could see that her mind was in a panic. He just smiled and took the seat next to her without waiting for her response. When he sat down, he made sure to bump into her hip which caused her to gasp and blush even harder. Hana's breath became shallow, and her heart beat like a drum as she felt Lucas' muscular body against her side. She couldn't even utter a word and could only stare down at her pint glass.

'His big and firm hip touched me. Did he do it on purpose? Was it an accident? It had to be an accident. There's no way a good-looking guy like him would flirt with someone like me. What's he doing here anyway? He's looking at me again. Oh God, what should I do!?' Hana scooted over to her left to give Lucas some space, but all he did was scootch closer to her.

Amy was surprised by the turn of events. She never expected a good-looking guy to come over to their booth to flirt with Hana. Who looked like she was about to short-circuit in front of this guy. She couldn't help but be amused and curious as to what this guy was doing.

"So, I didn't know you liked the bar scene? What other things are you hiding from me, Hana?" Lucas said in a joking manner.

"U-um. Y-yeah. My coworker brought me here. S-she's over there." Hana pointed at Amy, who had a big grin on her face.

"Well, this is a pleasant surprise... Your name is Lucas, right? By the way, I'm Amy." the older Asian said with a smirk.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Amy," Lucas said, giving Amy a smile that made her heart skip a beat.

Amy had been around a lot of guys before, but none of them had given her the same feeling as this handsome stranger. She could feel a slight twitch in her nether region, which hadn't been touched for a couple of months. It made her re-adjust her legs to try and relieve the tension.

'Whoa! This guy is something else. I know I said I would be Hana's wingwoman, but if she drops the ball on this guy, then I'll be there for the rebound,' Amy thought as her cheeks started to get rosey.

"I-I-I... What are you doing here?" Hana asked in a panic.

"Oh... I was taking a walk, and I noticed this bar. I haven't been around downtown in over three years, so I have been exploring the area again to see what's new. And I had never seen the Golden Goose before. So, I thought I would come and check it out. That's when I saw you. Small world, right?"


"Yep. So, what are you ladies drinking?"

Both the ladies' eyes were locked on to Lucas' dazzling smile.

Amy was the first to emerge from her daze and respond, "Oh! Well, I'm not picky, so I'll take any type of beer that you are willing to get me," the Asain said with a smirk. She was struggling to show her usual confidence around other men, but this one had her at a disadvantage. It made her curious and a little frustrated.

"Y-Yeah... I'll take another of whatever," Hana said as she scooted over again, only for Lucas to scoot right next to her again, making sure his hips and shoulders were touching hers.

"You two sure? I don't want to get you anything you might not want," Lucas asked.

"It's fine! I'll take the same drink as yours," Hana blurted out, but she then realized her mistake, as she still hadn't finished her second drink.

'Dammit! I can't refuse a drink that he gets me! He'll be offended if I don't finish it. But then I might get drunk and scare him off... Damn I can't think straight with his s-strong arms bumping into me! He has such a good build... Wait? Was he always this big? Gah! Of course, he's always been that big, and he probably drinks something strong and heavy. Like a Vodka or a whiskey. Which would put me under the table... Closer to his manhood-Gah! Why did I say that? Forget it! I'll drink whatever he buys me. I don't want him to think I'm ungrateful. But what if I can't handle the taste? Oh no, he's smiling at me. And his teeth are perfect...'

Hana's heart felt warm, and she couldn't help but smile at Lucas.

"I'll have whatever you're having, stud," Amy said with a smirk.

"Okay, three Oktoberfest," Lucas called out to the bar.

"Coming right up, sir," the bartender said from behind the bar.

"So, do you mind telling me your full names? I'll introduce myself first. I'm Lucas Smith."

"Amy Lee," she said with a wink. The mature woman's face was bright red. She couldn't help herself; she just couldn't hide her attraction. It was like she was acting like a teenager again and it was annoying her.

'Dammit, I can't get enough of his smile. Fuck me, I'm acting like a girl in front of him. I haven't had this type of feeling since college. Come on, Amy! I've gone through countless guys since my break-up. M-My heart can't be taken by a man so easily.'

"T-Tanaka... Hana Tanaka," she said with an embarrassed look as she took a gulp of her drink.

"Well, Hana. That's a beautiful name," Lucas said as he leaned closer, his shoulder touching hers.

"T-t-thank you." She froze when she felt him come closer to her. The woman found herself pressed against the edge of the booth, her personal space shrinking by the second. She hesitated to shift any further, worried about offending him. So, she waited before moving one last time.

'H-his shoulder is touching me. His shoulder! His arm is, too. His arm is touching mine. Oh no. Is he trying to flirt with me? No, he can't be. He's not into someone like me. I need to calm down. There has to be a logical reason for being this close to me,' Hana pondered the unfamiliar sensation of being flirted with as it had never happened to her before today.

Lucas observed Hana's response with keen interest, a smile playing at the corners of his lips.

<Heh. She's too cute. Oh, she's trying to scoot away from you again. Looks like she bumped into the wall and is trapped. The look on her face is priceless. She's so nervous. I bet this is the first time she has ever had a man flirting with her.>

'I know. It's adorable. But I should back off a little. I don't want to overwhelm her.'

<Good idea. Let her relax. If you keep leaning on her. She might faint from a heart attack.>

"So, how long have you lived in the area?" Amy asked as she was starting to get her composure back.

"Not long," Lucas answered simply.

Amy pouted at the weak answer. "You should be more specific," she teased.

"Ha ha... About three weeks."

"Wow. Really? What brought you back to Cliandel?"

"Well, it's a sad story... My grandpa died and left me the family business and his house."

"Oh, Shit! Sorry to hear that," Amy said as she cringed in embarrassment.

"It's okay. You didn't know. He lived a full and happy life. I'm still getting used to it—running the business and all—but it's been fun," Lucas said as he moved his left hand under the table and placed it on Hana's knee, causing her to flinch.

'His hand... It's so warm, and it feels big on my knee. His palm is so large, and his fingers are so strong. Why is he holding my knee?'

Hana looked at Lucas' face, and he smiled at her while wiggling his left eyebrow.

'He's still smiling at me... Oh no. He's not going to hit on me, is he? I-I-I wouldn't know what to do... Aunh!? What was that?'

Lucas squeezed Hana's knee, causing her body to shiver in delight. She had to use all her willpower not to moan out loud.

'He squeezed my knee again! W-w-was that a squeeze? It felt so good... No. Bad, Hana. Stop it. I-It's not what you think. There is no way he would flirt with me. This is all an accident... Huh!?'

He moved his fingers along her knee and felt her thigh. It took him a moment to find a pressure point, and he squeezed it, making Hana shiver again.

'What is happening? Why do I feel so hot? Is it the alcohol, or is it because of him? His smile is too sexy. And his hand feels so nice. Aunh! I want to moan, but I can't. N-Not in front of Amy!'

Lucas felt Hana's leg quiver, and he saw a drop of sweat sliding down her forehead.

"Are you okay?" Amy asked as she noticed her work friend's odd behavior.

"I-I-I. Yes. I-I-I'm fine. J-just tired from work. T-That's all." Hana stuttered as she was struggling to compose herself.

That's when a woman carrying a tray of drinks came by to deliver their order.

"Here are your drinks, sir," the waitress said as she placed the three pints down.

"Thanks, here's a twenty," Lucas said as he handed her some money for the drinks.

The waitress smiled before she left to deliver some other orders to the rest of her tables.

Hana sighed out in relief once Lucas removed his hand from her thigh.

"So... Um... How's the parlor?" Hana asked, finally able to compose herself while grabbing the new pint of beer. She still hadn't finished her other half-full glass.

"It's going great. Thanks. I'm hoping more people show up tomorrow because I have to pay off a loan that's under my grandfather's name... By the end of the month," Lucas said before taking a sip of his beer.

"I don't know what this parlor is, but I wouldn't mind you telling me more about it," Amy smirked while grabbing her own drink.

Lucas secretly placed his left hand back on Hana's thigh and started massaging it again while he was drinking his beer. Hana almost spilled her drink in shock.

'Again? W-what is he doing?... Oohh. I don't know why, but it feels good... Oh no! Not again. He's making my body feel funny. I-I need to say something to distract myself!'

"I-It's a massage parlor. The oh-owner is an expert massager," Hana said as she tried not to moan out loud as Lucas's hand crept closer to her hips.

"Really. Well, I'll have to check it out," Amy said, "What type of massages do you do?"

Lucas put down he pint glass on the table.

"I can do every kind of massage," Lucas smiled. Then his left hand went over and rubbed the side of Hana's leg where a bright pink spot was, sending a shiver up her spine. Once again, her belt started unbuckling, thanks to his magical ability.

"So, are you two coworkers?" Lucas asked.

"Yes. We are in the same division," Amy answered.

"Cool. I never had many friends in this area, so I hope I can become friends with you two."

Lucas' fingers crept in between Hana's legs to stimulate a pink spot. The poor woman couldn't help but bite her lip as her body started tingling, and her nipples started poking out of her bra and blouse. She needed to do something so she didn't moan.

"W-We're already FRIENDS," Hana blurted out.

Lucas and Amy looked at her with surprise.

Hana's face went red, and she couldn't believe she said that.

"O-o-o-o-of course. You and I are friends, Lucas." Hana said in the calmest tone she had since Lucas removed his hand.

All Lucas could do was give her a smile and say, "Glad to hear that."

'She's so cute. I think I might be in love. And by how she's reacting, it looks like she's a virgin,' Lucas thought.

His hand found its way to her thigh again and started rubbing it. Hana felt a fire inside her belly, and her head was feeling woozy.

'His fingers... They feel so nice on my leg. Aunh! I need to keep quiet. I-I can't let Amy know what's happening to me. If I do, she'll think I'm a pervert! No! I'm not a pervert. I'm just a woman with a healthy sex drive. I'm just sensitive. That's all. His hand feels so warm and strong. It's like a heater. And his fingers are so rough but gentle. Aunh! Aunh!'

Hana couldn't hold it in anymore, and her hips started to shake as the button to her brown pants popped open and the zipper lowered. The more he massaged her leg, the more her pants started sliding down her waist.

"Hey, Hana? Are you sure you're okay?" Amy asked with concern for her friend's odd behavior.

"Y-yes. I-I'm f-fine, Amy. D-don't worry."

Lucas could feel Hana's thigh twitching, and she was breathing faster.

"Are you sure you're alright?" Amy asked again. She's never seen her act this way, and it was starting to worry her.

"Y-y-yes. I-I'm f-fine. I-I'm fine," Hana stammered, trying to keep her composure. She gulped down her beer to distract herself, but it did little good.

'Oh no. He's looking at me again. Those eyes... I can't think straight. It's like they are staring into my soul.'

Amy could only shrug at her friend's antics. If Hana said she was fine, then she wouldn't question her anymore.

"S-so... How much is a full-body massage?" Amy asked Lucas with a hint of flirtatiousness in her voice.

"Well, it usually takes about an hour and a half to do a full body massage. And that will cost you around a hundred fifty without tip."

Amy looked surprised, "Wow! That's pricey. I don't know if it's worth it... Hey! Would you pay for a massage from him, Hana?"

"YES!... Yes. I mean, I wouldn't mind," Hana said as she tried to calm herself, but Lucas was making that difficult. He stealthily reached his left hand around her shoulder and placed it on a glowing pink spot. Once he rubbed it, her body trembled.

'He's touching me again... But this time, it's different. His hands feel amazing, and I can feel the warmth coming off them. And it's traveling all over my body. I-I need to do something or-or I will explode! What should I do? What can I do? Aunh! I think I'm gonna cum!?'

"Are you sure you're alright? You're acting really weird, Hana," Amy asked, again concerned about her friend.

"Ah... I-I'm fine! I-If you're n-not convinced about his skills... ah! T-Then let him massage y-your hand, Amy... Ah!" Hana stuttered as she grabbed Lucas' left hand from under the table and moved towards Amy.

"Okay, but I'm telling you. You should go home if you aren't feeling good, okay? Because you don't look so good right now. Your face looks red and feverish. Plus, you're sweating," Amy said with a frown.

Lucas was a bit surprised and a little confused that Hana was able to resist his massage, but he didn't let it show on his face.

<Hehe! I think she was about to orgasm. And she is too embarrassed to do that in front of her friend. Let's give her a break and have a good look at the other Asian woman, shall we.>

'Yeah, that makes sense. There's something about seeing a woman trying to hide her urges. It's a turn-on.'

<I'm glad we can agree on that.>

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