Multiverse Sect System


Beams clashed, one a continuous bolt of lightning powered by buffs and the other the turtle school Kamehameha. Mr. Satan battled against the monkey boy Goku pushing all his power into his attack. However, neither contestant wanted to give in and lose in the quarterfinals.


Mark calculated his chances and used his final gambit. He dropped his thunderbolt and let the Kamehameha hit him. His ki armor shattered, but that was ok. The attack flowed through him, but a power held him in the ring. Even as he felt his body get bruised and battered beyond anything he had ever felt, he survived.


“That son of a bitch.” Shiro kept his Satan Sect hat on, facing the announcer, the announcer, and the commentary camera when they turned on him. “He’s using the Satan Sect technique endure to survive the hit and stay in the fight,” Shiro said. 


Mark heard Shiro spill the beans and sneak their logo into the limelight. While Mr. Satan felt like dried shit under a boot, he was still in the fight. He jumped out of the way of Goku’s follow-up punch and struggled to concentrate for a healing pulse on himself. He dodged and countered the kid’s blows while he struggled to keep himself from suffering the single attack needed to knock him out. Even a small blow would be enough to knock out Mark in his current state.


Even if they could flash the name and address of their Sect, it wasn’t enough. The more their Sect was on camera, the better off they would be. This wasn’t only to improve their reputation; getting more people would increase their chances of getting better techniques, cultivation resources, dungeons, and more. Mark was the number one disciple and was well aware of the advantages of growing their numbers. The better they scored, the more contribution points Mark and Shiro would get and the better techniques and equipment they could afford. It was a cycle that ensured they received better and better rewards.


All they really had to do was reach the semi-finals or win. With their strength and wide range of techniques, it should be easy, but the experts in the common ki mutation of their world made things difficult. Mark felt the benefits of the mutation but couldn’t capitalize on it without a master of the mutation. Once he found a master, his power would naturally skyrocket.


Goku was dissecting Mark’s style and taking advantage of every deficiency.


Mark was smart enough to know how to deal with kids. “Hey, look, it's your mom,” Mark said.


“No, don’t fall for it.” A bald kid yelled, but it was too late.


Goku turned his head, and Mark used that moment to complete his healing pulse and used it on himself. The weakness he had felt left him, and he struck back with a powerful kick and then connected a power-up punch with Goku’s midsection.


Mark’s strength increased by 50%, and he felt his tendons scream and his bones creak, ready to snap from the sudden increase in strength. Another power-up punch struck Goku in a follow-up. At 200% strength on top of his other buffs, Mark’s body was ready to collapse on itself like a house of cards. Unfortunately, he didn’t have his sensei’s deep cultivation base to bear the burden of status increases.


He fell to a knee as Goku collapsed on his face. A count had started, and Mark spat out a mouthful of blood. He would need to use haze on himself. To clear off the statuses soon, or he might die. Then, all he had to do was step in the ring as a semi-finalist, and it would be all good. Shiro had made it, but it wouldn’t be right if Mark didn’t make it too.


“Despite all odds, Goku to the Turtle Hermit School is getting up. Can you believe the tenacity of this little guy, folks?” The announcer said.


The crowd cheered as who they believed to be the underdog was rising to his feet. Mark knew the truth he was facing a genius monster with a higher power level than himself. From the start of the fight, Mark had treated it as an uphill battle relying on techniques to keep him fighting. He had only kept from using poison due to tournament rules.


He wasn’t sure if he could handle another trade of blows with Goku. But, even though the boy looked to be on his last legs, Mark could tell the boy hadn’t lost hope of victory.


With that in mind, Mark pulled at the last dregs of his power and prepared to try to finish the kid off again.


An energy beam charged between Goku’s hands, and too late, he realized what the kid was about to do. Mark used a quick attack too late when Goku fired his attack. Goku’s Kamehameha shot backward, like a jet engine blasting the kid’s head into Mark’s side. Endure didn’t matter when his feet left the ground and tumbled out of the ring.


For a moment, Mark stared at the ground as the crowd cheered. Then, he heard Shiro walking towards him and slowly pushed himself to his feet. It was hard hearing the crowd cheer after his defeat. They didn’t understand that Mark had fought a giant and lost.


“You did good, Mark; the camera was on your hat longer than mine. I think the kid is about tuckered out after your fight. After that, he will lose completely to me.”


“Hey, Mr. Satan, your Sect, are there strong guys like you there?”  Goku asked.  


Mark and Shiro knew a mark when they saw one. Both of them were, at the end of the day, professional recruiters.


Mr. Satan started laughing. “Tons, and our Sect Master is hundreds of times stronger than me. Come by, join our Sect, and learn all the techniques you want. That thunder wave I used is just the tip of the iceberg.” Mark said.


The powerful boy rubbed the back of his head while meeting Mark’s gaze atop the ring. “Maybe I will check it out,” Goku said.


The camera was on their conversation, and Mark felt successful. He had hidden his anger over his loss well enough and possibly earned a new Sect brother. Gaining a powerhouse like Goku was bad for his position but great for the overall Sect. Even if Goku took him as the number one disciple, Mark wouldn’t feel ashamed of himself. The merits of bringing Goku in could earn him the resources to get much stronger.


Mark knew he and Shiro were on the shortlist for future Sect Elders. He couldn’t only think about himself as an Elder; inner and outer Sect disciples would be his responsibility. In practical terms, he would be a lieutenant Colonel in charge of a battalion of 1000 disciples both off and on the battlefield. Mark remembered his failures in the dungeon and knew he couldn’t fail again. He remembered the feeling of his fellow disciples dying right in front of him.


“Yea, maybe while you’re doing that, I will check out the Turtle school,” Mark said.


An old man with an obvious hairpiece walked up to him. “Oh, you think highly of yourself to imagine you could easily get the secrets out of an old man like Roshi.” The old man said.


Mark shot himself with a healing pulse and glowed purple momentarily before sighing. “I don’t have time to spend months training with him, so I will request that he joins the Sect. Someone of his experience would reach Sect Elder in no time. I had thought he would be a hard sell, but his weakness was discovered.” Mark said.


The old man cackled. “Oh, what did you discover?” The man asked.


Shiro sighed. “He’s a massive pervert, and our Sect is full of beautiful women with bountiful chests. Joining our Sect will give him access to them daily. In exchange, he only has to look after a few disciples and teach occasionally. So really, he barely has to do a thing, and he benefits. Why beat people with sticks when you have a big juicy carrot to dangle in front of them?” Shiro said.


The old man seemed stunned, and Mark was certain the old man was Roshi cosplaying with a hairpiece to fool his students. However, exposing him wouldn’t gain their Sect anything but Roshi’s ire, so he didn’t try to expose the man.


“Jakie, you’re up.” The announcer said.



Rias turned off the TV just as Jakie Chun was declared the world champion of Earth. She ached all over and dripped with cum. Her red hair hadn’t been spared; Rias looked like she had undergone bukkake. She snuggled into the chest of the sleeping Sect Master as she listened to the snores of the other girls while the Sect went about its business. Hundreds of people moved about the Sect like ants in a colony. The redhead stared at the man who took her virginity and the burden of the Phenex family’s ire.


She could sense them but not as easily as the Sect Master. At first, being among so many strong humans had been surprising. Rias corrected herself; it was humans and two devils with the possibility of recruiting more. She had access to another world to gather powerful peerage members; it was only the tip of the iceberg.


Vergil felt stronger than before as he snored away; she could feel a definitive power increase. At first, she thought he was some type of incubus, but that wasn’t it. Neither Akeno nor herself had suffered a drain while having sex. Instead, he clearly felt stronger by a vast amount, almost double what he had been.


Then she drew a blank when he kept screwing her like it was his last night on Earth. Of course, it may have been if her brother had caught her covered in cum. Fortunately, a bathroom complete with a full-sized tub and walk-in shower.


Rias smiled goofily as she tried to move her legs, only to be greeted by a pleasant soreness of a job well done. Her contract was null and void thanks to the clause about her virginity. She raised her phone, struggling with her shaking hand, and snapped a photo of herself covered in drying cum next to the man who took Akeno and her virginities.


With the picture taken, she grabbed Vergil’s dick and took a picture of the half-flaccid monster before sending them both to Riser. She made sure to make a meme of a surprised Riser attached to a gif of a hotdog being thrown down a hallway.


The Gremory Heiress chuckled before turning her phone on silent and falling asleep. She was just thankful that she still had phone service in the Sect.


Rias remembered how Vergil described his Sect and how each disciple was like his family. She was certain it wasn’t a kink like the step-sister genre on Pornhub. So she felt comfortable letting him deal with Riser, especially since he had known her intention since the beginning. Rias completely tossed her worry about her impending nuptials out of her mind and fell asleep.



Sirzechs phone buzzed, and he put down a document about the guard limitations in the upcoming summit to check the message. It was from Riser, most likely complaining about his sister, so he wasn’t planning on giving it much attention until two pictures loaded.


When the dick appeared with a feminine hand grasping it, Sirzechs assumed Riser had blundered and mistakenly sent him the photos. It happened, but the Phenex boy should be more careful. He had tried to stop the marriage between his sweet innocent sister, but the red-headed Satan couldn’t convince his father to break it off. Rias could still escape it if she defeated Riser with her peerage, but it was a lost cause. Rias had a peerage full of potential but not much else.


He was about to turn off his phone when he saw the second picture load. His eyes widened before blazing with the power of destruction.


It was his sister Rias the heiress of the devil house Gremory covered in cum from head to toe. It was pouring out of his sister's beautifully delicate twat and crusting over on a cheap-looking carpet. Two other girls lay beside her, piled like trophies on the body of a black-haired sleeping man.


“Grayfia honey, could you get in here, please,” Sirzechs said as he gripped the arm of his chair until it cracked. “I need you.”


His control over his power of destruction was slipping for the first time in decades.


A maid outfit wearing devil with silver hair, eyes, and deliciously delectable breasts stormed into the room. He ripped his pants off, and his wonderful wife dove into position, immediately kissing the head of his cock before taking it into her mouth. Sirzechs groaned as he stared at the image of his sister, imagining the cum soaking into her body was his own. It was a forbidden fruit that he forbade himself from plucking.


“I love it when you use your tongue like that,” Sirzechs said.


Grayfia said something, and the Satan groaned before cuming in his woman’s mouth. When he finished, she pulled her lips back while milking him with her hand for all he was worth. Then the woman spat his seed in her hand before tossing up her skirt, moving aside her panties, and rubbing his sperm into her cunt.


“We can’t let any of it go to waste, right master,” Grayfia said with a sultry smile, knowing she was turning him on even more. His cock hardened at the sight of his queen finger fucking his sperm deeper into her cunny. The Satan knew how to help. He leaned in and pressed his dick against her entrance before penetrating his lovely wife. “Who do I owe this sexual emergency to?” Grayfia asked.


“Rias broke the contract with Riser by tricking some foolish human by the looks of it. But, even if Riser takes revenge, it won’t affect our family or Rias. As the heiress to house Gremory, Rias doesn’t need her virginity to find a good match.” Sirzechs grinned and pressed harder into his lovely wife. “This is the best news I’ve received all week. The headache is finally over. I can focus on the peace conference.” Sirzechs said.


“That poor human boy, maybe you should pay back with a painless death.” Grayfia moaned as Sirzechs pounded his seed deep into her pussy. “It would be a mercy compared to what the phenex body will do,” Grayfia said.


Sirzechs pounded into his wife, but her pussy was too good, and he had work to do still. The Satan poured his devil seed within his Grayfiausing the power of imagination to multiply his cumshots.


“You fiend,” Grayfia said as cum poured out of her. The lucifer laughed as she came on his dick, and their combined juices soaked the office floor.

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