Multiverse Sect System


Lines of squad cars filled his view of the street and formed an annoying barricade that disrupted the growth of his Sect. While he sipped a good cup of chai tea and read the paper from three days ago, the police moved quickly, tightening their stranglehold on his Sect. Disciples were the lifeblood of the Sect; if he couldn’t gain more, then his little dream would die out.


Vergil wanted to leave his Sect and explore the many worlds attached to it, but he needed 1101 disciples, one of which was in the same realm as himself. Being bound was annoying, but watching his Sect grow and getting to know the people felt good. 


For instance, Fast Johnny was quick with his brass knuckles, and the guy told some good stories over beers. Gaining 50 disciples had opened a disciple barracks and a rec room. Vergil paid 10 sect points for a bar since the boys were doing well in their training. So fast Johnny took up the job as Bar Keep. It was a dream of the man to own a bar, and Vergil found himself trusting the man to run it well.


“Let out your hostages, or we will open fire.” Officer Burgundy said.


At 100, a kitchen and meal hall opened and connected to the entry hall. That’s where many disciples spent their time outside of training catching up with each other if they weren’t in the bar. So Vergil ordered them to stay out of the bar until later. A few talked about bringing their families to the Sect, and Vergil hadn’t seen a problem with that once they developed further.


He had a little over 168 disciples and 158 Sect points. That was until he found something interesting. In his Sect menu, he found an achievements tab. He had a few.



Ki Cultivation Realm: Prenatal

Stage: Initial

Techniques Learned: 2

Awarded: 20 SP



Ki Cultivation Realm: Prenatal

Stage: Initial

Techniques Learned: 2

Awarded: 20 SP



After clicking on them, he gained the awarded Sect Points bringing his total to 198. Mark and Shiro weren’t the only ones. A technique learned was worth 5 SP, and the first stage of the prenatal realm was worth 10 SP


Of his 110 students, a surprising amount learned observational Haki. 50 out of 110 wasn’t bad, and 25 learned MMA-style combat. In other words, he wasn’t as broke as he thought.


Once he accepted all the awarded points from achievements, his numbers quickly increased.


573 Sect Points was nothing the sneeze at. However, his sudden wealth made him give the new quest a hard look.


Quest: Raising Disciples To Break A Siege In 12 Days.

As a Sect master, raising disciples is your primary concern. The more powerful a Sect's disciples, the stronger the Sect. A powerful sect has no fear of gods or demons, but you fear the police.


Raise 20 disciples to the initial stage

Break the Police barrier

Don’t let the police in the Sect

Rewards: 25 Sect Points, 1 Random Roll Defense, 20,000 Zenni


Multiverse Traveling was stopped, so he couldn’t lock his door and open it to a new world. While that was disappointing, he had some options. Unfortunately, it would break the bank, but he had to spend money to make money. But getting 20 disciples to the initial stage of prenatal was expensive.


Even buying a single Urn wouldn’t necessarily do the job. Pills might be a waste of money, or he might be able to buy 20 and be immediately reimbursed. It all depended on how effective they were. On the other hand, spending 100 on a Rusty Spirit Urn would benefit his entire Sect for the long term. If that were the case, wouldn’t it be better if he got the best Urn he could or covered them with eagles to inspire the Sect? Then, in the next world, he would probably call the Sect something that expressed the majesty of the eagle and the glory of his country’s flag. He might call people from the dragon ball side members of the Satan Great Clan.


Thoughts of reorganizing would have to wait; he had a problem and needed to throw money at it. Spending responsibly was an art form in itself.


Spirit Urn – An Urn with the Spirit of a greater being. It will moderately increase the spirit density in a sect.

600 Sect Points


Vergil cursed to himself; it was out of his reach, if only barely. He was sure his disciples were learning as fast as they could already. But the disciples who had already learned everything were atrophying without something new to learn. It was points lost for them to not learn anything. 


He decided to go ahead and roll his last random fist technique.


Power Up Punch – A punching technique that uses ki to attack. Raising the user's attack by 50% for every successful hit up to 10x.


Vergil immediately learned the move, punched forward, and felt a small amount of ki enter the punch. While it wouldn’t stop bullets or make enemies explode by tapping pressure points, it raised damage and attack power. Using the technique increased the damage from a punch by 40%. While that didn’t seem like much, the move took almost no thought on Vergil’s Peak stage Natal mind. The amount of ki required to use was so low it might as well be nonexistent. He recovered the amount he used after the first punch. He could probably throw over 20 punches in a second, allowing him to easily multiply his attack power by 10 against an enemy on top of his cultivation and 40% extra power the technique gave.


It was free money, so he immediately went to the training hall.


Mark and Shiro fought with everything they had while a crowd of disciples watched their brawl. But, to Vergil, their moves might as well have been in slow motion. Cultivation realms couldn’t be crossed without numerous techniques, items, training, or this universe’s ki mutation. Mark wasn’t 2 times stronger; he was 2.9 from when Mark reached the first stage. The increase wasn’t from cultivation; it was pure training, something Vergil wouldn’t get until he left the Sect and entered the Dragon Ball universe properly. While he could still train his ki to be stronger, it wasn’t the same as what the universe offered.


That didn’t mean he wasn’t stronger than Mark and Shiro by a massive gulf. At the prenatal peak, with only ki, Mark would be 8 times stronger than he was originally. At Natal, he would be 16 times stronger in the initial stage and 32 in the intermediate stage. While that sounded impressive, it wasn’t that great. 3 types of cultivation multiplied his results; his peak prenatal was 32 times his normal human strength in the initial natal stage, which made his multiplier 64. At the peak, his power was much greater; it hovered at around 256 times his original human strength. It's what made the Power Up Punch so effective for him. It could bring his multiplier up to 3584, which was strong enough to handle Raditz and Nappa.



Vergil didn’t budge at all when he blocked both of their punches and held them in place.


“Mark, Shiro, I have a new technique the two of you must learn. Stop everything for the good of the Sect, learn it now, and teach it to everyone.”


“Sensei, it isn’t like Observation Haki. I don’t want to go through something like that again.” Mark asked.


Mark asked with a bloody nose and swollen cheek, like getting beaten up was any better. Vergil waved his hand and healed Mark's superficial injuries with the power of the Sect. As Sect master, he had a few abilities while in the Sect. However, he no longer had any of the skills he had before. Therefore, Vergil could only get what the sect system provided.


Power Up Punch had raised the cap on what he could do by a mile.


“No, Mark, it’s a simple technique that strengthens you whenever you hit someone. Think of it like a supplementary technique that goes with everything.” Vergil taught Mark the technique, and Shiro quickly caught on. 


7 people caught on from his lesson bumping his points over the threshold. After the students started clamoring to learn the technique, Vergil left and purchased the Spirit Urn.


A massive Urn larger than his body appeared, already spilling spiritual energy into his Sect. Vergil placed it below a low handing American flag. It was exactly what his disciples needed.


Over the next few days, disciples started to have breakthroughs into the initial realm. The points that he invested slowly started crawling back up. Then Mark and Shiro both jumped up to the Intermediate stage. All of a sudden, Mark was 5.9, and Shiro was 5.5. Both of them had gotten stronger from sparing with each other. Together their breakthroughs earned him 40SP.


“I don’t know about charging a police barricade sensei,” Mark said.


Shiro swatted at Mark’s head, but the man dodged, thanks to observation Haki. “How many times can you use the new technique? I think you gave up last night after only 5. Pathetic I managed to use the technique 6 times, sensei.” Shiro said.


“Excellent work. I like to see my disciples working hard. Now Mark, What’s scary about the police. You’re nearly 6 times stronger than you were before. With your Haki, I doubt they can hit you even if they all fired together. With 20 of you, they don’t stand a chance. Just walk out with your hands up until you get in close, then start hitting them. Before you know it, you’ll drag them inside and add them to the rosters as disciples.” Vergil said.


“What would you do if you could leave this place, sensei,” Shiro asked.


“I would drag them inside and send them right to training. Then I would find their bosses and send them our way as well. Then, since we’re stuck here, we might take over the town.” Vergil said and then estimated Mark’s and Shiro’s strengths.


Mark had a power level of around 5.6 before he reached the first stage. Adding Haki, MMA, the Power-Up Punch, and the intermediate stage gave him a power level of around 32.45. In other words, Mark was bulletproof already. Shiro should be around 29.15.


As for the others, they should each be around 10.2 to 10.8. 


Mark still didn’t look too sure. “Mark, you’re probably bulletproof at this point. But if it makes you feel better, you can focus your ki over your skin for protection.”


Vergil watched Mark look between him and the door outside. “I don’t know about this. Probably won’t do much for me when I’m out there.”

“Trust me, you’ll be fine,” Vergil said.


“Alright, Sensei, I will trust you,” Mark said and opened the door. 


Mark’s head rocked back as a bullet hit him. Getting shot for the first time always sucked. The man caught the bullet before it hit the ground. His observation Haki hadn’t warned him because it wasn’t a threat.


The guy turned his head and looked into the camera, rolling on the Sect.


“Did you expect a bullet to hurt Mr. Satan of the Satan Sect? Ha, men who enter my Sect don’t fear bullets. We’re too tough.”


“Release the hostages, or we will open fire again.” A police officer said again.


“What hostages we are a proper dojo. Since when can the law attack businesses it doesn’t like.” Mark said.


Shotgun blasts resounded, and the pellets bounced off Mark’s body. Mark flashed forward and tossed a squad car in the air before capturing a cop and tossing him back into the Sect. His uniform was stripped off by the former thugs as they blindfolded the man and prepared to begin striking him with sticks.


“Remember to explain Observational Haki before training begins,” Vergil said.


“Yes, Sect master.” A disciple said.


A reporter that looked like Videl continued rolling the camera, and Mark looked completely smitten. Mark looked back, and Vergil gave the man a thumbs up. At this point, if Mark wanted to get laid, Vergil didn’t mind.


Quest: Raising Disciples To Break A Siege In 12 Days.

As a Sect master, raising disciples is your primary concern. The more powerful a Sect's disciples, the stronger the Sect. A powerful sect has no fear of gods or demons, but you fear the police.


Raise 20 disciples to the initial stage

Break the Police barrier

Don’t let the police in the Sect

Rewards: 25 Sect Points, 1 Random Roll Defense, 20,000 Zenni


Vergil wasted no time rolling the Random Defense Dice and buying more gold-plated eagles to decorate his Sect.


He rolled the die.


A silver scroll fell in his hand.


Ki Armor – Create armor through a long process of refinement that is invisible until struck. The longer the refinement process, the stronger the armor.


It wasn’t illegal in the tournament if made from their body.

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