Mushoku Tensei Project Yuri: Elinalise Reloaded. (Isekai, Gender Bender, Yuri and Smut!)

Chapter 2. First Lesson!

Hi! I Hope you like it! Have a great night and weekend!

We just talked for a few hours until dawn.

"It is time." She said, looking at me as if I was going to war.
The Goddes, for some reason. Makes herself invisible as we enter the walled city, and it's like stepping back in time. The streets are narrow and made of rough stones, with buildings close together, made of wood and stone, many with thatched roofs. It's busy, with people moving about, dressed in simple clothes, like tunics and cloaks.

We notice that the people here seem exceptionally fit and healthy. It's likely due to the physical nature of their daily lives, with many having occupations that require manual labor, like blacksmithing, farming, or carpentry. The women, too, are lean and have amazing bodies with very low fat. We finally found a large bar where a lot of people gathered. "So what do I do?" I asked her.

"I shall communicate with you telepathically. I will be invisible for this lesson. Just think, and I will hear you." The Goddess said.
'Sit down on a table and start drinking a little. Respectfully reject all men saying, "You flatter me a lot, but I'm not interested." If you are respectful, most men won't care. If someone keeps insisting, you can be more aggressive and blunt.' She said to me internally.

The place was buzzing, a mix of adventurers, farmers, and wizards, both men and women. In the center, I was sipping water, feeling a bit out of place. "Wish I had some coin for a real drink," I mumbled to the Goddess, feeling the dullness of my situation.
'Just stay put and keep quiet,' the Goddess snapped back, clearly annoyed.

Till now, it had been just men giving me those lingering looks and making small talk. But then, a group of adventurers walked in, women included. One of them locked eyes with me, and a playful staring game ensued.
"Is this a good sign?" I asked the Goddess, intrigued.
'Yes! Now, flash a smile and watch her reaction,' she urged me.
I met her gaze and threw her a cheeky grin. She seemed taken aback and turned around, looking a bit uncomfortable.
"I don't think she's into me; did you see her reaction?" I said, feeling a bit sad.
'Don't jump to conclusions! Wait until she makes it clear. But, things are looking good,' the Goddess said, sounding hopeful.

"Why did she return the glance but not the other women?" I wondered internally.
'It could be curiosity or suspicion. If someone returns your gaze, there's a chance they're interested, be it in a good or bad way. Most folks would just ignore such glances,' she explained, her words a whisper in my mind.
'She's looking again at you,' the Goddess noted her tone with excitement.
I looked back and smiled again. This time, she responded with a slight smile.
"She smiled back!" I exclaimed silently, my spirits lifted.
'Time to make a move. Approach her and make a playful comment about how dirty her clothes are; say this…,' the Goddess suggested, sounding sure of my success.

I get up from the table, and she just stares straight at me. Quite flushed.
Approaching her with a playful grin, I said, "Hi! Been rolling around with the dragons, or do the mud baths come as a perk of adventuring?" I teased lightly. She and her companion laughed, a genuine, light laugh.
"Hehe. You are a bully." The girl said with a slight chuckle.
"I am Elinalise. It's a pleasure to meet you." I said, trying to look confident.

'I will help you from here. Just say what I tell you to say.' Said the Goddess, reassuring me that she had my back.
She looked me up and down, her eyes sparkling with mischief, "Well, Elinalise, I'm Mira. Seems like you enjoy picking on adventurers. No dragons today, just a bit of the road's dust and dirt."

I leaned in a bit, my tone playful, repeating, "Oh, just the usual road wear and tear then? I was hoping for a grand tale of dragon wrestling."

Mira chuckled, "Maybe next time. I might even let you join the fun if you're lucky."

"Oh really?" I responded with a teasing note, "And here I was, thinking you'd need rescuing."

She raised an eyebrow, "Rescuing? Me? You'd be surprised who'd end up saving who."

I laughed, "Is that a challenge? I might just take you up on that."

She leaned closer, her voice a soft tease, "It's a promise. But be prepared, I don't go easy on anyone, not even on charming bullies."

I mirrored her stance, our faces close, "Who said anything about going easy? I'm full of surprises, Mira."

She smirked, "We'll see about that, Elinalise."

We kept the conversation flowing, our exchanges a mix of playful jabs and casual talk; I found myself merely echoing the words the Goddess fed me.

Conversing with whispers, the distance between us minimal, like sharing secrets. "I bet you can't even swing a sword," I murmured, my lips close to her ear, a playful sparkle in my eyes.

She leaned in, her breath warm, "I could show you a thing or two about swordplay; don't underestimate an adventurer."

"Oh, a lesson from the great adventurer herself?" I teased back, "Do I need to be covered in dirt and dust to attend?"

Mira's eyes glinted with amusement, "Maybe a bit of dirt would do you good, make you a bit more tough."

"I can be rugged without the dirt, thank you very much," I whispered, my words filled with joy, "You might be surprised."

"And you'll be surprised at how much you can learn when you're not afraid to get a little dirty," she replied, a sly grin on her lips.

"Is that an invitation to your next adventure, then?" I asked, my voice low and teasing.

"Could be," she whispered back, her eyes locked on mine, "if you think you can keep up."

Our faces were inches apart, the playful tension palpable. The conversation flowed easily, the teasing and laughter creating a bond.

'I know you won't be confident just kissing her without a sign. Ask her if you can kiss her.' Ordered the Goddess.

I hesitated for a moment, the air between us thick with tension. "Mira," I began, whispering, "Can I kiss you?" My heart raced as I awaited her response; the atmosphere charged with anticipation.

She looked at me, her eyes searching mine, a playful smirk still lingering on her lips. "I was wondering when would you ask," she replied softly.

A mix of relief and excitement washed over me, "Well, I didn't want to assume and end up with a slap," I joked lightly.

She chuckled, "Assuming does tend to get you into trouble." Her gaze locked with mine, full of mischief and allure, "But you're safe... for now."

Our faces drew closer until our lips finally met in a gentle kiss. It was a sweet moment, charged with the thrill of the unknown and the excitement of a new connection.

'I think you are fucking tonight,' Said the Goddess inside my head.

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