Mushoku Tensei: That One forgotten Mob

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E N Chapter 15 : Nightmare Dungeon [1]
After falling through the dungeon, the first thing Claude did was to find a safe place. For days, he slowly killed the monster based on the knowledge he had from his previous incarnation.
Slowly but surely. He developed a way to deal with the situation.
Although he forgot he could make drinkable water for several days, he understood that to eat these monsters’ meat, he needed to prepare the meat using his 3rdincarnation’s method.
It took him 15 lives to learn a safe method to cook the meat of this dungeon’s monster.
First, you need to drain the blood and boil it in a pot.
Using his weapon box, Claude let a pot out.
Adding the meat after the blood has heated up is a necessary step. This is the step to negate the poison within the meat.
How does this work? Is this even possible?
Claude doesn’t know about it. He even learnt this method as his incarnation realizes the monsters are eating each other in this dungeon.
They don’t get poisoned by each other's meat, which means there’s something wrong with the way he cooked it.
The meat’s poison won’t kill you immediately. Each monster had a different toxin within their bodies, and the rabbit is actually the most severe meat that’ll kill you within 10 days, while the bear has the weakest poison in it, which only paralyzes.
However, to reach this bear habitat, Claude needed to pass through four floors filled with rabbits, dogs, and wolves. which is not safe, indeed. His other incarnation took 30 deaths and 90 days to overcome every floor.
"There’s no way I’d be killed by this weak ass rabbit!"
As the weakest incarnation, his third had a way to deal with each monster’s floor. Since every death would take him back to his first situation, Claude’s 3rdincarnation memorized the pattern of the attacking monster.
After being murdered by the rabbit countless times, he learned to memorize every minute detail about the said monster.
Claude remembered each step he took well. Since that experience was replayed to 7-year-old Claude every day for a year,
Every time the rabbit gnaws on him, and every time his body is devoured by the monster. Claude vividly recalls every detail of his third incarnation experience. So much so that it’s necessary for Claude to focus himself on training or pillaging the slavers to relieve him of the trauma.
As the rabbit's head butted him using the horn, Claude took a simple side step and swung his word to its neck.
Splattering blood didn’t stop that flock of rabbit, as it continue to attack him from all side, Claude’s shoulder was bitten.
The bite was like a vice. Claude could only shout at the pain he received and tried his best to overcome it.
As he continued to attack the other rabbit, the one gnawing at his shoulder continued the work and jumped after it was done. only to get itself stabbed in the ground by Claude’s earth spike.
Several hours later, Claude’s body was covered in his own blood.
He tried his best to evade anything from the monster, since it could be filled with poison, and after recuperating and using healing magic on his wound, Claude moves to choose the best meat he can pick out of the monster.
"Crap, I need to kill some cleanly next time. Most of them are donuts, sigh... Thankfully, this great chef, Claude, brought condiments with him…"
As he cooked the meat, Claude reflected on the days when he spent his time training his newly freed Militia.
At the end of the asphalt road, there are people sneaking around and eying the situation.
As it is the quickest path, people tend to use the path, and use the end of the road as a resting spot. Claude had done his job by killing the slavers that rested there, especially the illegal ones.
Claude started this work when he was 7 and a half years old and dealt with all kinds of situations. Within the slaves, there are people that choose to follow him.
One of them is Charles. He’s not great in combat. But, he’s good at lying and deceiving. So, he’s used to fool the people and seek for information of the incoming people.
"Is there a target we can kill tonight?" Claude asked, as he moved toward the teen.
"There’s none, Master Claude," Charles said, as he received the signal from the people on the other side of the road.
Within the forest beside the road, is Claude’s militia hideout.
There, he trained his people and made a plan to deal with any situation that came up near the road.
After a year of doing his thing, his militia already had 500 members, which he trained himself.
"Alright, let’s start the training then. I want to see who can beat this 8-year-old. There’s no way a teen will be beaten by a kid, right? " Claude said mockingly, knowing fully well that his group of Militia is a former slave that’s way weaker than him, not to mention Paul.
Charles couldn’t help but groan at his statement, and moved to their hideout. Since they mostly work from dusk to dawn, they either rest during the day or train.
They work in shift, beside Claude, they accommodate themselves using the stolen food of the slavers or have a small transaction with the passing merchant.
One day, on his 9th birthday.
Claude thought of having a cooking party, and as the chef, he gave them the best meal with the best nutrition.
Using his knowledge of the other Claude, he cooks.
"Eat your fill, you bastard!" Claude shouted in a good mood and let the people eat his cooking.
It’s unknown what happened that night. However, people on the road could hear the groan that came from the forest, and thus, the spooky story of the forest started from that day on.
[Edited 24/10/2022]
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E N Chapter 16 : Nightmare Dungeon [2]
Regeneration magic is one of Claude’s original spells.
Using the basis of what he learnt from Zenith, Claude tried several different things, and succeeded in creating one.
Not only can he restore his fatigue, he can even slowly grow the missing meat on his body. Slowly but surely. He can use this magic to replenish his mana and restore anything that has been lost within his body.
A magic that can increase mana regeneration. It’s something that Claude had already taught his group of Militia. Even so, not many can use them as the knowledge behind the spell isn’t something that can be understood easily.
Claude said as he shot a rock bullet towards the bear.
You might think that rock bullet killed the bear, but sadly, it only grazed.
The shout of the bear stunned Claude at that moment. The young swordsman couldn’t help but remember every path his 3rd incarnation took to defeat the bear.
As the weakest of his 3 other incarnations, the 3rd is actually the most cunning. He had plenty of experience before his reincarnation. Given another chance, he might even be someone that can rival the Dragon God, Orsted.
"Damn, what the hell!" Claude said, as he evaded the thrust.
As the bear’s thrust hit the dungeon wall, it dented.
"What?! That damn thing can hold an advanced spell of mine, and it’s easily destroyed like that? I’m going to get myself killed. "
Claude once again felt fear, shuddering at the fact that the monster in front of him had the same rank as a group of B-ranked adventurers.
Although the thing fell below A rank, because of its lack of magic. The amount of brute power it had could easily destroy a gate or two. Heck, even Paul should be dead with an ambush from this bear.
As he continued to battle the bear, Claude once again opened his memory regarding the nightmare beast he remembered from the memories of his 3rdincarnation.
The Nightmare Dungeon is definitely a scary place, filled with monsters he's never seen in the book of monsters he got from the adventurers. However, the variety of the beasts that lie within the dungeon is definitely lacking.
As of now, he had reached the 3rd floor after having 3 months of exploration, and the only beasts he saw were the bear, wolf, and rabbit.
However, since he couldn’t hastily act alone within the dungeon, Claude had to prioritize his safety; only after annihilating all life on the floor could he feel safe, even if it meant having less food to forage. which is why it took Claude 3 months to reach the 3rd floor.
Amusingly, he actually follows what his 3rd incarnation does, and forgets the fact that it’s weird for a dungeon to have stronger monsters whenever you head up.
It is a magical place that is usually built on a cave.
Normally, the deeper you go, the stronger the monster will be. However, it’s different for the Nightmare Dungeon, which has weaker monsters the deeper you go.
What does this mean?
Neither Claude nor his 3rd incarnation understand what kind of secret the dungeon hides. In addition, the fact that the weakest monster is a vorpal rabbit makes you question how strong the monster in the entrance will be.
A Vorpal rabbit alone is a weak entity that a D-rank adventurer can solo. However, in a group, They can even kill a B-ranked monster.
You won’t see them again outside, since the vorpal rabbit was a target to kill on sight. An extermination quest will be sent whenever information about them is found outside, though in the nightmare dungeon, they are nothing but a feeder for the beast on the floor above.
The wolf ate the rabbit, and the bear ate the wolves.
The lowest floor had an abundance of grass and food to feed the rabbits, and an influx of rabbits would occasionally go to the floor above, only to get eaten by the wolves. The same thing happened to the wolves that wanted to get out, only to get eaten by the bear.
Amusingly, they never went below. It might be their instinct or something. Still, until he reached the 3rd floor, Claude had never seen any monsters of a different species living on the other floor.
Even so, from his memory, this would change when he reached the 5th floor.
Claude suddenly shouted as a simple graze from the bear tore off the flesh off of Claude’s thigh.
The young boy was screaming in pain as he continued to do his best to defeat the bear in front of him.
Sadly, there’s no way he can defeat the bear while being injured so heavily.
As he burned the wound, Claude was agilely running away from the bear.
The bear roared at him but was stopped by the trap magic circle Claude had set up ahead of time.He was steadily running away from the bear while looking at his surroundings.
After he safely returned to his base, he cleaned the wound using water magic and tore open the burned wound as he applied regeneration magic to his wound.
Beads of sweat fell from his face as he grunted from the pain.
After resting for a while, he changes his tattered and bloodied clothes for a new one he got from his space magic.
His weapons, which he prepared from the village, were broken one by one after living in the dungeon. Even so, he still had plenty of them in his item box.
Taking a bite of the Wolf jerky, Claude took a deep breath and calmly analyzed his situation. He was thinking of the best way to defeat the bear while incorporating the knowledge he had from his 3rd incarnation memories.
"There’s no way I can do something that a lunatic did..." Claude said, as he remembered the time it took for his 3rd incarnation to clear the dungeon.
"I need to clear this dungeon as soon as possible, meet up with Mike, and deal with any other situations that may come. There’s plenty of things that need to be done, and I can’t take 6 years to clear the damn dungeon... "
Claude sighed as he lay on the ground.
"Ugh... damn it, if only there was a summoning magic or something within my repertoire like the one Perugius had..."
Perugius Dola, the armored dragon king, is the hero that defeated Laplace and the one living in the flying fortress. He specializes in summoning magic and is the greatest summoner who ever lived.
"Argh! There’s nothing I can do with moping. Let’s review the previous battle and think of a way to deal with the monsters! "
[Edited 24/10/2022]
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E N Chapter 17 : Nightmare Dungeon [3]
Nightmare Dungeon, 5th Floor.
"Crap, crap, crap! Shouldn’t they be consuming each other? "
Claude said as he ran away from the group of rabbits, wolves, and bears that chased him with zeal.
Looking at this sight, Claude couldn’t help but remember his first kill. At that time, Claude was still a 7-year-old kid.
In contrast to his experienced past, Claude is still a child who recently swung his sword.
He understands from his first incarnation that in order to develop faster, Claude needs to have a first kill and experience the fear known as death.
People will run whenever something they fear is getting closer to them. Using that as a basis, in his first incarnation, he always pushed himself to the cliff.
In the end, the result was already known as he was known as the strongest mercenary in his past, before his reincarnation. Bringing fear to those that became his opponents and safety to his allies,
One not only had to know how to battle but also how to survive. In order to achieve that, the survival skills Claude learnt from his 1st incarnation’s past played a big role in it and were of more importance than the ones his 2ndincarnation had.
As a kid, he doesn’t really need to have a full rest; a simple nap is enough to rest his mind. Even so, something like that couldn’t be done as soon as he realized it. Using the systematic learning that the 2nd incarnation experienced, Claude learnt how to do things step by step.
His first kill should be something easy, and that something easy is the butcher’s place.
There, he killed his first livestock and puked all the things in his stomach.
He couldn’t bear the smell of the dead livestock and didn’t even have the appetite to eat the livestock he butchered.
The child had a nightmare for days, but forced himself to deal with it.
In the next 2 weeks, he trained in the butcher to kill the livestock as fast as possible and study their biology while helping his mother cook the livestock.
After all those things were cleared up, he went to the woods himself and killed the first monster he ever met. Because of his immaturity, Claude was almost eaten by the monster alive.
You must never bring your kindness to a hunt. That’s what he learnt as he almost lost his head from the whimpering monster trying to trap him.
For a while, he killed the surrounding monster as practice, and he developed a steady mind on killing the beast.One time, on his way to the hunting ground, he found slavers doing their barbaric things to the young Claude. what they did isn’t something that can be forgiven, using the darkness of the night, Claude killed the first human.
Different from killing the livestock and monsters, he felt nothing but unquenchable thirst when he did that, though.
He wanted to kill, killing every slaver that he could find and saving the slaves that were their commodity.
Sometimes, the slaves he saved will choose to follow him and train under his tutelage.
It’s not weird to see those that were once saved, sold again the next day. Once that happens, however, the person will be filled with sadness as they will mostly be sold by their family, or be abandoned because they fear the retribution of the slave trader that they ran away from.
Unknowingly, Claude's militia was growing faster than he expected, and by the time he called Mike to discuss the future, Claude had dispatched his group of militia to Mike. To stabilize Mike’s standing in his merchant group, or take it over even.
A month before the metastasis, Mike had taken over the merchant group and firmly grasped them. Of course, it’s not easy for a mere 11-year-old kid to take over a merchant group. However, Mike isn’t a mere child.
He’s a prodigy in his own right, and he flawlessly controls the situation.
Claude shares his knowledge he had from his incarnation, writing them into the book and explaining anything Mike didn’t understand. That alone is enough for Mike to understand the big picture and even some details.
Bringing his merchant group to another height, with the addition of Claude’s Militia, it’s not hard to receive a safe source of income.
Furthermore, Claude’s militia never stopped their night work.
Leaving the Militia and Mike aside, Claude, who has planned plenty of things, has already returned to his daily life.
Once he learnt about smithing from his father in the morning, he did sword training in the afternoon, followed by magic training with Rudeus and his enchantment training alone until night. He took an hour nap before heading to his Milita basecamp, and washed himself in the river after dawn before helping out with his father in the smithy.
Surprisingly, Claude can still survive with that schedule.
His injury can be healed by the spell now that he’s in the Nightmare dungeon. But, his fatigue will crush him so much he won’t even wake up after 2 days of sleeping. which slows down his exploration.
Fortunately, there’s no respawning monster until the 6th floor. So, it’s safe to say that these floors are the safe rooms for him after he massacred every monster within the said floor.
In the end, after dealing with the monster on the 8th floor and destroying the spawning point, which will stop the monster from appearing for another month, Claude safely reached the last monster that his 3rd Incarnation fought, before the information was cut off.
Which means, his 3rd incarnation was killed by the last monster an unknown number of times until he found a way to defeat it, and from there on, the incarnation stopped sending him memories.
The troll had almost endless stamina. It’s the type of monster that toys with its prey until the end, and greatly damages the enemy’s mentality before devouring them alive.
Although it mostly snacked on the monsters of the lower lever, it actually didn’t need to eat.
The Troll’s regeneration is faster than the eye can see, and even losing an eye isn’t a problem for it as it can regenerate as soon as the eyes are plucked.
It’s an unreal existence that will despair towards their enemy, and it took Claude 4 months alone, just to investigate any possible route to attack it by sneak attack.
You need to kill it as soon as you damage it heavily, or just lightly injure it. If you fail to defeat it after you show that you’re skilled enough, the troll will hunt you down to the lowest floor.
There’s no place to hide, once the Troll gets mad, obstacles are nothing but a piece of paper. In one of the memories of the 3rd incarnation, Claude was tortured by the Troll with regeneration.
The Troll shares its blood with Claude’s 3rd incarnation, plucking each limb apart and letting his 3rd incarnation drink the blood to regenerate the plucked limb.
The troll smiles widely when it hears the screaming voice of the 3rd incarnation.
What made it maddening was the fact that it took 3 years for the 3rd incarnation to die, after the Troll lost interest.
3 years of torture, being forced to eat his own meat, and butchered like livestock for the Troll.
Imagine a 7-year old kid being given such memories. It’s already good if he can stay sane, but Claude can do even better. As he overcomes the nightmare and focuses on preparing himself while maintaining the growth of the village,
In the end, he was sent back to this nightmare dungeon again.
Thus, to forget his fear, Claude fought the Troll while singing a song about monsters killing humans. Well, you know the title. It gives him strength because he remembers their world comes from the same fiction and it's probably somewhere.
"I am not suffering alone in this world," was what Claude thought as he continued to fight against his destiny.
In the end, Claude succeeded in defeating the Troll, and he left an empty grave for the Troll he dismantled and saved every part of the body, especially the blood that could instantly heal him.
To mock the Troll and bury his fear, Claude called the Troll Trolly.
Bringing an end to his never-ending nightmare.
[Edited 24/10/2022]
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E N Chapter 19 : Elven Village
[Claude POV]
It took me a while to realize that the forest outside of the dungeon is actually safe.
It's different from the inside of the dungeon. Although there's a poisoned living being, it’s simply the one that I had already learned from the book. Continuing on, I recognize my location based on the flora and fauna of the forest.
This place should be the Great Forest on the Millis Continent.
Well, as I don’t really know the current date, I don't know whether I’ll meet with Rudeus and the others. Still, I will steadily explore the area in my surroundings first before starting to head towards the exit of the forest.
This forest is humongous.
Based on the map, it covered half of the continent. There should be several demi-human tribes living in this forest, and the only thing I know is the dog-folk and cat-folk, which were called al-del something...
I don’t remember any miscellaneous knowledge like that, and I still try to cook with the ingredients I scavenge in my surroundings.
The condiments I stored are already spent. Fortunately, the surrounding area is filled with condiment ingredients. It’s not that hard to make pepper and other things, but salt. Creating salt is the problem since I don’t see anything that can be processed into salt in this forest.
Though plants and animals have some amount of salt, they can’t amend the lack of salt right now.
Sigh, let’s start searching for a nearby settlement or something.
Hopefully, it’s not another goblin’s nest...
When I hear a rustling noise, I go to investigate.
I can hear children’s voices, which means There should be a settlement nearby. I guess I’ll have the children guide me there.
Appearing from the bushes, I could see the confused children looking at me as I waved my hand towards them.
"Hey there..."
Hearing them speak in the Beast God language, I'm left wondering why I never studied language before.
I tried to act as docile as I could, but the children’s faces paled as they saw me.
I don’t know why, but I guess it’s those slavers' fault again. I never had any good memories of them, those bastards...
The children screamed as they scampering around, and soon.
I can feel an arrow pointed at me. Using the danger sense honed from the time I was in the dungeon, I know someone is targeting me using a bow.
I guess I don’t need any guides anymore...
The warrior of the elven tribe aimed at Claude from a distance after looking at the frightened children.
In his eyes, the stranger is more dangerous than a monster. The rampaging mana and bloodlust surrounding him show that the person isn’t a docile human kid.
That one might look young, but it must just be a mimic.
That is what the warrior thought.
"Aim at the head; it’s dangerous to let him get closer to the village."
In a matter of minutes, there are 12 archers aimed at Claude’s head and his surroundings. The leader asked Claude, using Beast's god language,
"Are you a slave trader?"
What Claude said sounded like gibberish to the leader, as he doesn’t understand the human language either. Although people tend to learn about them, it’s unnecessary for those that live in their own territory.
In this case, this Elven settlement is actually one of the closed villages to outsiders. They refuse outsiders, and only deal with the surrounding elven village.
"I've come in peace!" Claude said, trying to sound as polite as possible. However, the leaking bloodlust he unconsciously let out isn’t something the elves can bear with.
Feeling threatened, they shoot him in the head, and Claude dodges the shot easily. Even their volley of arrows cannot harm him, instilling even more fear in him.
Since Claude is already accustomed to dealing with group fights, his time in the dungeon isn’t something that will dull him.
Knowing that the conversation can’t continue anymore, Claude leered at the people that surrounded him and started counting the best route he could choose to deal with them without injuring anyone while avoiding the barrage of arrows.
Thus, he picks the option to deal with them using his North god style. removing a dagger from his weapon box and hurling it at his attacker, causing a deep and heavy injury with minimal resistance.
His assailants are either falling to the ground or groaning from atop a tree branch. Claude nonchalantly kicked the one on the ground while asking for their purpose.
As he couldn’t see any way to make contact, he just shrugged and stayed away from the place...
"Sigh, this is a pickle..."
Claude said as he moved away from the elf’s settlement, since he knew he wasn’t welcome in this part of the forest.
Claude's existence is an undeniable threat to the elves. However, since none of them can do anything to Claude, they leave him be.
They know that Claude doesn’t mean any harm, but they are just being wary of this alien.
They had the slavers to deal with, and the great flood would soon come. Which means this nuisance will sooner or later leave their forest. Since that’s the case, they just leave him be.
However, the children took a liking to this alien.
They occasionally visit him and talk to him. Even though none of them could understand each other, they felt close to the alien.
Claude just smiled wryly at the kid and the adult that was safeguarding them from behind, as he continued to temper himself and try his best to survive. Claude hunted the beast and cooked it. Though the salt within the wild beast might be miniscule, it’s better than nothing.
The elves seem to not eat any meat, so he cooks some vegetables for them. Well, they only tried it once because it looked appetizing, but they refused it on another occasion.
As he passed on such a warm day without the threat of death.
The forest soon filled with shouts and cries. He couldn’t understand what they meant. However, he knew something had happened.
Knowing his own limit, Claude tried to not care about what happened. But, a guard for the children appeared before him and had his expression filled with panic.
That face alone shows what happened, as if he remembered something. Claude suddenly let out his sea of bloodlust. Like a bursting dam, his face contorted and he picked up his weapon box. Slowly moving away from his humble abode with the grating sound of the weapon box…
[Edited 24/10/2022]
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E N Chapter 20 : To train is bring yourself to the brink of death
[Claude POV]
Another Death
Once I reached my 7thbirthday, other memories filled my brain.
There, I would always be killed.
I've never once survived against monsters within the dungeon.
No matter how many repetitions I passed, I was killed.
This is the story of my 3rdincarnation, the person that died either eaten alive by the monsters of the dungeon, or by suicide.
My young mind that has just started his training can’t help but be scared by the fearsomeness of the monsters in that dungeon of nightmare.
I am scared.
No matter how impactful my first and how crafty my second incarnations were, every night. For a year, there are 345 deaths, giving me a nightmare.
The untold amount of pain and trauma that reaches me makes me cry every night.
"Claude! What’s happened? "
My father went to my room whenever I had that nightmare, and he would pat me on the back when he saw me shivering on the bed.
I can't say anything because the words are stuck in my throat.
I feel calmer whenever I get that pat on my back, and I've started to sober up from all those nightmares.
However, when the pain of being eaten alive filled me again,
I can’t help but puke all the things inside my stomach.
My father didn’t know what happened to me and asked me a lot of questions, and my mother looked at me with a worried expression.
But the words get stuck.
I don’t know how to tell her that I dreamed of the future where I was trapped in a dungeon, where I would die there.
There’s also the god that can suddenly appear and murder me right away.
Who can help me?
Who can protect me?
Am I alone in this world?
Can my parents even help me against a divine being?
That way of thinking kept me from seeking assistance, leading me down the path of solitude.
Thus, once I turned 8, the nightmare from my 3rd incarnation stopped.
As traumatized as I am, my other incarnation always made me remember to train and do my best to continue and survive the upcoming tragedy that will inflict me.
I can’t stop; it’s not only my life on the line.
The villagers and the kids’ lives were also on the line here. I needed to survive.
I need to deal with everything that will come, and the fact that the monsters of the dungeon’s meat is filled with poison means I need to deal with that somehow.
I don’t know how long I will be trapped there, and the possibility of me surviving there might be minuscule. Even so, I need to prepare for everything that will soon come.
"You bastard! Who are you? You dare to obstruct our goods delivery! "
said one of the bandits attempting to pass through the village and cause trouble on the outskirts.
I didn't say anything, but instead took out the dagger I'd forged on the smithy.
With simple footwork, I slit the throat of the bandits.
After all of them were saved, I opened the cage and saw the captured people.
They look so lifeless and their eyes are filled with despair.
From now on, your life was mine. Don’t think of anything but following my order. From now on, trust me and do the order I gave you. "
They ignored me, so I moved closer towards them and punched each one of them in the body until they fought back.
For those who don't, I will continue to pummel them until there’s someone that will protect them. Knowing they will be responsible for the life of someone they protect, the other person will glare at me.
Seeing their eyes that were filled with rage, I took a step back.
The moonlight shines on me, and I can see their surprise when they realize that I’m actually younger than them.
"While you’re despairing about your fate, another person is currently facing the same thing you do, or even worse. This is not the time for you to fall into despair. "
The word was a kid younger than them reverberating in their ears.
I’m not here to save you; I have nothing to do with your life! Everything is in your hand; stand up for yourself! "
"Do me good, and get your life back yourself!"
As I shouted that to them, I turned my back and heard a loud thud.
Looking back, I could see more than half of them on their knees and asked me to train them.
Thus, that is how I received a loyal subordinate for myself.
[Edited 24/10/2022]
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E N Chapter 33 : The fear of the Future
On the way to the Milshion, Claude filled his days with tinkering, the magic circle on the parchment.
In one of his memories, he knows about industrialization and is working on creating an enchantment about it.
It’s definitely not an easy matter, and he can’t create anything out of a simple drawing. Knowing Rudeus didn’t have much information about magic circle enchantment, he didn’t ask for Rudeus's help and allowed him to play around with Geese and Eris.
He had already planned everything from the start of his journey, and never expected anything about the distant future. Claude, threading his life step by step, wished for a safe life from here on.
He had already overcome his death flag in the Nightmare Dungeon; thus, he had already planned his happy life when he met with his subordinates and companion.
Even so, because of his fear of the Divine being, he takes a step back when it’s time to have a conversation with Geese.
He feared the Human God, and he wanted to stay away from the being as much as possible. At the same time, he wanted to have a cooperative relationship with the Dragon God.
However, this is a mistake.
He should get closer to Geese, examine his relationship with the human god, and prepare for any possibilities.
In addition, there are several things that even Mike would not be able to understand since the future had a different path from what he knew.
The presence of his organization might be a turning point, but a butterfly should appear in the near future.
He already understands why the divine being was targeting Rudeus and trying to hurt Rudeus.
Even so, there’s no guarantee that Claude’s existence will be a detriment to the Human God.
So, what’d be his reason to fear the Human God?
It’s still a mystery, even now, why he had an inclination to hate the divine being.
"Hey, Claude, what are you doing?" Eris suddenly appeared beside him and asked the question.
Claude didn’t even blink at Eris's sudden appearance and answered her without stopping his drawing.
"I’m constructing a magic circle."
"What’s for?"
"Huh, oh..." Eris said disinterestedly, and left him to train.
Not long after, Rudeus comes and watches him from his back.
"What is it, Rudy?"
"Nothing, just watching you scribbling on the parchment..."
"If you want to say something, just do it. I won’t hide things from you."
Rudeus didn’t answer, but went to his side and watched him draw a circle after another. Rudeus already becomes dizzy with all the details and, whatsoever, he compares what Claude did with his world’s mathematical calculation.
Although there’s a difference and he doubted that they would even know mathematics, he couldn’t help but ask.
"Are you using some kind of formula to create this?"
"Of course, you think an enchantment is something that only uses intuition?"
"Can you give an explanation of how they work then?"
"Let’s see, this part here is a magic circle to..."
It took him a long time to explain every piece of the magic circle he created to Rudeus. Each part had its own usage and function.
To understand it better, Rudeus compared it to the programming language that nerds use. Although he could grasp something within the enchantment, Rudeus couldn’t help but shake his head as it got heavier with every explanation Claude described.
"Wow, to think you can think about something like this? Are you really sure you’re not some old demon like Ruijerd? "
"That’s rude. I’m your childhood friend and we grew up together, you know."
"But, your development is just too horrendous for me. I can only see you as a genius by now. "
"And what makes you think otherwise? For a saint class magician genius like you, wouldn’t seeing someone genius or even better, something normal be enough? "
"Urh... ahaha, now that you mention it... "
Trying to hide the fact that he was a reincarnated old man, Rudeus took a step back and left the place.
Claude just shook his head, as he already knew what Rudeus was hiding. He didn’t point it out because he too had a secret to protect, moreover, with Rudeus being eyed by the Human God. It’s not good to tell the truth to him, since he doesn’t know whether Rudeus will say that or not.
Anyway, Claude fears for the future.
He was exaggeratingly fearful of what would happen after he met with the other and confirmed the villagers' safety. As of now, he thought that everything was planned smoothly.
Although he failed to save Somar’s parents, the number of deceased shouldn’t be as exaggerated as in the other incarnation or even the original timeline.
Which is why he threads the path carefully.
Even so, he didn’t do it secretly either. His vanity to flaunt sometimes took over and brought more harm to him at this point, but it’d taken a long time for him to realize this mistake.
Neither him nor his surroundings will like it when this shortcoming comes to light.
[Edited 09/29/2022]
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