My Adopted Family

19. My Mom as My Love Partner

As I finished sending a message to my sister, my mom came and sat next to me on the sofa.


"Who were you talking to? Do you have a girlfriend?"


"There is no such thing as a girlfriend. It was Older sis."


Mom is always busy, but she is taking a break after filming her latest drama.


My older sister, Ama, is competing in another state, and my little sister, Lye, was out with her bandmates for practice.


So now it's just me and my mom at home.


"That's strange. Why don't you have a girlfriend? Is what I heard is that true that girls these days don't have eyes to see good person?"


Mom said it as if it were genuinely strange. I think I'm the most handsome in my mother's mind. Mom, that's not true. I'm not your biological son, so I don't have those celebrity genes.


"The only person who thinks that way is my mom." I sighed and said.


"No, you should believe in yourself and be proud, if I met man like you, i would have confessed right away."


Mom wraps her arms around me and leans her head against my shoulder.


My mom said this, but I know if I met her as a stranger, she wouldn't even look at me. Not to mention, the reason she said this is because she watched me grow and knew me very well.


Nowadays, girls don't have the patience to understand other people, and with a lot of choices in dating apps, girls change boyfriends, like clothes. Meeting a girl who makes an effort to understand others is rare.


"Then have you ever had a girlfriend before?" She asked.


"Why are you asking that?"


"It's natural for a mother to be curious about her son's girlfriend. She might become a daughter-in-law later."


A mother's eyes sparkle at her son's romantic situation.


Of course, for me, there is nothing that great to talk about.


"It happened once before. When I was in high school."


"Really? Why didn't you tell me?"


My mother is startled by my words and urges me. Is this really that surprising?


"We dated for a while and then broke up right away. There was nothing to say."


"Why did you breakup?"


"Well... You know how I was skinny when I was in high school?"




"So, at that time a guy approach her who had good muscle, and good looking, so when she got option over me and that guy, she choose that guy."


"That's bad... If you wanted someone good looking then why bother getting relationship, from the start she should have gone after guys she like."


I guess it's not the girls' fault. We were just 16 years old, and at that age, we didn't know what we wanted, so such incidents happened.


"So, it's bad experience for you, that won't do," My mother's face turned serious, "Dating is an experience. If you don't date properly even after you're over 20, you may not be able to do it later even if you want to. Do you have any good female friends at university?"


"Doesn't exist. I don't really want to date right now.."


"No! I want to see my grandson."


A grandson. Do you already want to become a grandmother?


Anyway, it's a relationship. I don't know if I'll be able to do anything like dating.


I have mental problems, possibly due to the abuse I received as a child.


I don't know if I have any problem or not, but the doctor says I have. So, who knows, I have some problems that I don't even know how to understand.


Not to mention, my mother said she would confess to me if she met a man like me because she understood me. I don't know if others can understand me in the age of the internet, where people don't have patience.


"I'm sorry, Mom. I don't know what girls think and what they want, and I think they don't even have time to understand me, and continue relationship."


I told her what I think.


"I know your scared because you weren't been in a relationship properly before. When you're young, it's okay to fail, but when you become an adult, you become afraid of failure. There's a lot to lose. But that doesn't mean you should give up on your love life."


Mom held my hand tightly. Also, when did I say I was scared? Don't assume things like this.


"So, how about letting me help you, it's bas to fail when it comes to girls you like but it's okay if you fail with me? I will teach you about how to treat a woman, as your love practice partner."


My face gets hot from my mother's warm body temperature and serious eyes.


After what happened with my mom last time, I knew things were going to be different, but I did not expect this quickly.




"Now, love begins when we hold hands like this."


Mom said that and raised her hand, which was joined by mine.


Mom smiled brightly on purpose as if trying to lighten the mood of becoming too serious.


Of course, I also like a comfortable atmosphere.


So, I decided to match the atmosphere created by my mother.


"Rye, what would you think if someone you don't know or someone you dislike suddenly holds your hand?"


"I don't like that."


The mother spoke softly.


"Okay. Before holding hands, you must first become somewhat familiar with the other person. Of course, you can't hold someone hand out of the blue just because you've become close, and you need to pay attention to the mood at the time. Then, when the mood is good, take it carefully. Just like I did."


"Hum, I think I understand."


"If the other person does not dislike you when you hold hands, the first hurdle is cleared. if you confess now, your chances of success will be high."


I see, so should I confess now?


I nodded and confessed to my mom.


"Mom. I love you."


"I'm not telling you to confess to your mother."


Mom was embarrassed and scolded me. For some reason, her face was blushing.


I just said something so obvious. What was the problem?


"If i don't practice confessing, I might fail, right?"


When I said that, my mom seemed to have finally calmed down and nodded.


"Yeah, that's right. It was practice. It was so sudden that even I was a bit surprised. Then shall we try again?"


I got permission this time, so it should be okay.


I took a deep breath and confessed to my mom again.


"Mom. I love you. I've always liked it since I was young. Will you go out with me?"


"Good, pass. It was simple, but I liked how sincere it felt."


Hmm, so that's how it is. I never confessed to anyone, so I don't know. My ex-girlfriend said we should become girlfriend and boyfriend, so we became one and broke up.


"So what's next?" Anyway, let's focus here.


"Next, kiss?"


Is it? Since I have successfully confessed, I can now kiss.


I had kissed my mom last night day, so there was no reason to hesitate.


I closed my eyes and gently placed my lips against my mother's. Mom's lips were soft and elastic. She also had a pleasant scent.


The simple act of touching lips was something I felt so happy that I thought I wanted to stay like this forever.


And it seems I wasn't the only one who felt that way.




When I opened my eyes after a short kiss, my mother was looking at me with a happy smile.


"Mommy will teach me how to kiss for real."

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