My Apocalypse Fortress Vehicle

6. Blizzard sweeping the world

"Your Excellency, we have concealed the true situation from the outside world and monopolized a large amount of supplies. How will ordinary people survive in this way?"

A pretty woman with blond hair and blue eyes was asking the middle-aged man in front of her with a sad look on her face.

The two were sitting on a military off-road vehicle, and there were other soldiers carrying live ammunition on their backs. None of the soldiers looked at the two presidents, they all stayed at their posts silently.

The President didn't look at her either. He took out a pen from his suit bag and played with it in his hand:

"If we don't hide the news, what else can we do? Should we tell people all over the world that the world will soon face a huge snowstorm that doesn't last for an unknown amount of time? After the snowstorm, we will face various natural disasters? Moreover, these disasters are enough to destroy the achievements of human civilization at this stage!

"If you were a member of the public, after knowing this news, would you obediently obey the government's orders and wait for death?"

The blond woman still refused to give up and said persistently:

"But Mr. President, with so many people's lives...besides, how can we be sure that there will be other even greater special disasters after the snowstorm?"

The president became a little impatient. He grabbed the cap of the pen and squeezed it hard several times. Several veins popped out on his neck:

"Listen Linda, don't be so naive! This is God's punishment for us, and we can't avoid it at all! We can't take into account the lives of more people. The construction of the bunker is to ensure that the outstanding elites can survive!

"And there are enough young people left in the bunker who can work, which can ensure the continued reproduction of our excellent human race. The disappearance of those people should be regarded as decompressing the earth."

The president's words were cold and emotionless. Linda looked at him in disbelief:

"You are such a top-notch scumbag!"

"Yes," the president continued her words, raising his head and staring at her playfully, his eyes unfathomable.

"But now you are sitting in the same car with the scum and escaping to the bunker together. Don't accuse me from the moral high ground. You have never been a noble person, Linda."

These words pierced Linda's heart like an ice pick. She trembled all over, but in the end she didn't say a word.

She lowered her head, buried her face in her hands, and never raised her head again.

A military off-road vehicle was driving on the road, and behind this off-road vehicle was an entire convoy. The people sitting on the motorcade were all high-level elites like the President and Linda. Their goal was the same: the underground fortress.

There is enough water and food in the underground fortress, comfortable accommodation, safe and secure, and guarded by soldiers. The most important thing is that the underground fortress will be very warm.


Gu Zhuo woke up from his dream. In his dream, he saw a land of ice and snow, with a biting cold wind blowing against him. He was running in the snow wearing only a thin shirt, and his whole body almost turned purple from the cold.

After waking up, Gu Zhuo did not feel any warmer. He was wrapped in a quilt, which he had changed into a quilt to sleep in yesterday to protect him from the snowstorm. However, he was still extremely cold and shivering under the covers.

Sam whined at the foot of his bed, obviously freezing too.

"Damn, why is it so cold?"

Gu Zhuo shook a few times, wrapped the quilt tightly around himself, and sat up. His doomsday fortress has a medical-grade air filtration system inside, and the sealing is very good, so there will be no air leakage. It must be so cold inside because the temperature outside is so low.

He opened the steel privacy panel facing the head of the bed, looked through the window, and was surprised to see heavy snow falling outside. This was the biggest snowstorm he had ever seen in his life.

The outside was blurry, and all I could see was the wind blowing the snow, as if I had entered the end of the extremely cold world.

Seeing such heavy snow, Gu Zhuo swallowed his saliva and tentatively opened the window a crack. However, just at this crack, the strong wind and blizzard seemed to be alive. They stared hard at this crack and penetrated into the interior of the fortress.

The sound insulation of the fort is very good, and you can't hear any wind noise from the outside inside the fort. But once the window was opened, the sound of wind was like the roar of wild animals, immediately penetrating Gu Zhuo's eardrums.

"Oh, it's freezing!"

As soon as he came into contact with the cold wind outside, Gu Zhuo suddenly felt that the temperature inside the fortress dropped by several points. He quickly closed the window tightly and pulled up the steel privacy panel before taking a breath.

"It's probably minus ten degrees Celsius outside. No, we have to turn on the air conditioner for a while. Otherwise, the indoor temperature will drop too low. What if some electrical appliances freeze and break?"

Gu Zhuo muttered to himself, and then he got up from the bed, took a down jacket from the closet and put it on, picked up the shivering Sam from the cold, and wrapped him in his down jacket.

He opened the bedroom door, walked to the main electrical console, and pushed the heating button of the air conditioner inside the fortress.

Just a slight "buzz" sound was heard, and the air conditioner inside the fortress started to operate. Gu Zhuo did not choose to use a diesel generator. He used a month's worth of electricity stored in solar energy.

In this extremely cold environment, it was unknown whether the fuel tank of his Doomsday Fortress was frozen. Although he had taken appropriate protection for this, he was still a little worried when it really got to this point.

Putting Sam on the ground, the air conditioner started to heat up, and Gu Zhuo felt that the temperature inside the fortress had risen a little. He walked to the bathroom to wash up, and while washing, he turned on his cell phone.

Sure enough, there was no signal on the mobile phone at all, and neither the network nor the traffic turned on were of any use.

There was no signal on the phone, and it was so cold and snowy outside. Gu Zhuo sighed and his eyes darkened.

After washing, he took out a hand-crank radio from the locker. He sat on the couch and started operating the radio.

Except when he saw his parents listening to the radio when he was a child, he had never used such a thing himself, let alone this hand-crank radio.

He held the rocker in one direction and shook it continuously. After a while, he only heard the "sizzling" sound of electricity coming from the radio, intermittently.

Gu Zhuo kept shaking his hand for a while, but there was still no sound except the sound of electricity.

Seeing that there was no station on the radio, Gu Zhuo speculated that either it was because it was still the early days of the apocalypse and the government had not had time to take countermeasures and had not thought of how to fool the people, so it did not convey information through the radio; or there was a source of noise interference nearby. .

No matter what the reason was, Gu Zhuo gave up his efforts on the hand-cranked radio. Anyway, now he clearly knows that the end is coming, and he has no need or need to contact others.

He put the handheld radio back in the cabinet, heated up the remaining dinner from last night in the microwave, and then had a hasty meal as breakfast.

After finishing breakfast, the surrounding temperature had also risen. Gu Zhuo took off his down jacket and got into the cockpit. The temperature of the living cabin is stable and there is no hypothermia. The most important thing now is to make sure that the Doomsday Fortress can be started and that the fuel tank cannot be frozen.

On the glass in front of the cockpit, a large blizzard was clearly seen, overwhelmingly hitting the glass, like a large group of desperate birds hitting the glass.

Fortunately, Gu Zhuo's Doomsday Fortress was large enough and heavy enough, otherwise such strong winds would have blown his car over.

When he first built this doomsday fortress, one of Gu Zhuo's assumptions was that this fortress must be able to withstand high temperatures and severe cold. Even if he is thrown into various extreme environments in the world, he must still be able to live safely.

To this end, his doomsday fortress is equipped with a lot of special equipment for low temperatures. The main heating inside can run 24 hours a day as long as necessary to maintain the temperature of the cabin.

Power equipment such as lithium batteries exchange air with the large internal space to ensure that electrical equipment can operate normally at low temperatures. In addition, Gu Zhuo has noticed all the small internal details that need to be paid attention to at low temperatures, such as the battery compartment and water tank temperature equipped with separate temperature detectors; the circulation of air in the cabin, etc.

In order to prevent freezing on the outside, heating devices are installed in every place, whether it is the oil pipe or the oil filter, and engine preheating equipment is also installed in the front engine room.

After listening to the suggestion of the cat-eating fish, Gu Zhuo also prepared local heating tools in order to prevent the low temperature from causing malfunction of the gas circuit equipment and damaging the sealing. In short, with such rigorous preparations, Gu Zhuo felt that it was impossible for the Doomsday Fortress to be activated after being frozen for one night.

But just relying on brain testing is useless. You have to experiment it yourself. If it really can't be started by then, you can rush down and save it before the snow on the ground is too deep.

As soon as he put his hands on the steering wheel, the "Mechanic" started again, and another pile of information poured into Gu Zhuo's mind.

Current external ambient temperature: minus thirty-six degrees.

Ambient temperature inside the car: twenty-eight degrees.

Detect equipment that may be currently compromised: Camera: Security; Engine: Security; Fuel Parking Heater: Security...

After a lot of information poured into Gu Zhuo's mind, he didn't find any equipment that might be frozen. After receiving this information, Gu Zhuo breathed a sigh of relief, but he still wanted to continue activating the Doomsday Fortress.

The thought of activating the Doomsday Fortress came to his mind. Before Gu Zhuo did any practical operations, the engine suddenly sounded. Then, the entire Doomsday Fortress began to move slightly.

After about ten seconds, the Doomsday Fortress started to move and could travel normally.

Gu Zhuo drove it around in the snow a few times. The fluffy snow was pushed away by the huge body of the Doomsday Fortress, but he didn't feel much resistance. However, the snow has a tendency to get heavier and heavier. The snow is not deep now. When the snow is deep, Gu Zhuo has not installed any snow removal equipment in front of the car, and the resistance will probably increase by then.

I don't know when the snow will stop, but it will only get heavier and heavier.

Gu Zhuo calmed down. His solar charging panels were fully charged. The nine ultra-high-power solar charging panels made by "machinists" had an astonishing conversion rate of 70%. He had accumulated enough electricity over the past few days. It is not a problem for the fortress to be used in the ice and snow for half a month.

But after the power stored in the solar charging panel is used up, if it keeps snowing that day, it will be impossible to illuminate the solar panel again. And now it seems that he has little chance to drive the fortress too far to let the generator on the fortress start charging.

After all, driving requires fuel, and if the solar panels run out of power, you will still need to burn diesel or gasoline to keep the air conditioner and electrical appliances in the car in use.

Although there are still 6,000 liters of oil, Gu Zhuo always feels uneasy, as if the oil will be used up tomorrow.

If there is no oil, no matter how hard this doomsday fortress is, no matter how awesome it is, it will be nothing more than an iron lump that won't move.

No, in order to survive in the future and avoid the worst situation, Gu Zhuo decided to find a gas station. In any case, he wanted to fill up a few more barrels of oil and put them in the car for later use.

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