My blood regeneration is 100 million points faster

Chapter 395 Master its ability, use its ability, and finally...

Chapter 395: Master its ability, use its ability, and finally.

"Do you think the Shaman School has discovered the way to enter the [Land of Rest]?"

After hearing what Xia Zuo said, Rexor recalled it and said:

"Let me think about it...ideas similar to yours seem to have appeared in the Tower School a long time ago. Since the Shaman School applied to join the temple, countless Tower scholars have conducted in-depth investigations on them, and finally confirmed that the Shaman School does not Discover the [Land of Rest].”

"But why did they set up the altar underground on the circular island?" Xia Zuo was a little confused:

"After entering the meditative state, the spirit body appears at the spatial coordinates of the physical body. Without the help of the shrine, the spirit body cannot go far, which means that the shaman school can only explore the space around the altar. Ten thousand After many years, even a grain of sand should have been found, right?"

"Oh, it turns out that you don't know the special use of the meditation state." Rexor raised his eyebrows and pondered for a few seconds before saying:

"Okay, let me tell you a secret.

"Among the totem and spiritual body spells, there is a spell that can make the meditator's spiritual body appear in a place other than the spatial coordinates of the physical body. This requires the use of an altar of the shaman school. The altar is equivalent to a spiritual body. The alchemy machines that are launched around the world, and the people who enter a meditative state on the altar, their spirits will appear near the preset space coordinates."

Rexor spread his hands, "The Shaman School has almost searched the entire world with the help of the altar, but has not been able to find the entrance to the [Resting Place], so it cooperated with the temple."

"In that case, wouldn't the Shaman School often visit the territory of the Strange Demon Church?" Xia Zuo asked.

"Yes." Rexor nodded:

“The actual situation is very bad, Xia Zuo.

"Before we brought Nyoksat back from the alien demons, the temple did not know about the existence of the shrine, nor did it think of exploring the underground area of ​​the ring island. We gave the Shaman School the riches it deserved as an ally. treatment.

"Only after the temple completely took over the ring island did they discover the underground altar square. The top shamans who were temporarily imprisoned revealed the truth about the annual sacrificial ceremony."

Rexor let out a long sigh, with anguish on his face, "It's hard to imagine how many times the Shaman School has used sacrifices and shrines to contact the Church of Strange Demons in the past thousands of years. In these contacts, they also asked How many secrets of the temple have been revealed by the Strange Demon Church. The twelve shaman masters are all top-secret level knowers..."

"Hiss" Xia Zuo took a deep breath when he heard the bald head's words, and then asked, "At the moment when the all-out war is about to begin, if there are spies of the Strange Demon Church in the shaman school, it will be completely harmless. Ayusodic Black Flag. Has the Temple searched their memories?"

"Reading memories is of no use to a master shaman."

"It's useless?" Xia Zuo was stunned.

Rexor raised three fingers:

"It's not just tower scholars who can do things like reading memories, sealing memories, and tampering with memories. The Shaman School also has related spells. They probably sealed up or deleted the memories of contact with the Strange Demon Church. , in short, we did not find anything suspicious in their memories."

"Okay." Xia Zuo frowned, "It sounds like there is no other good way besides keeping strict supervision on them..."

"That's it." Rexor stood up and walked forward while asking:

"What's the situation outside? When will the support team arrive?"

"The temple guards have arrived at the stone house where you are. They have detained everyone in the eye potion research team and are now deciphering the maze."

Xia Zuo looked at the video and said, "I estimate that you will be able to get out of here in 2 minutes at most."

"very good."

As soon as Rexor heard that rescue had arrived, he simply sat down again and stopped looking for the illusion device.

He tuned out Seritus' perspective and watched for a few seconds, noticing the temple guards who were ambushing at the edge of the square.

"The sacrificial ceremony is still going on... Can you see the scene, Xia Zuo?"


"What about Kristo and the others?"

"They can also see the scene." Xia Zuo looked back at the tearful people on the sofa. "Their emotions fluctuated greatly and tears flowed down. If it were me who had to bear the pain of bereavement, I would probably Very uncomfortable..”

Xia Zuo paused and said, "To be honest, Master, the pure-blood mage camp is weaker than I thought. I originally thought that a camp that could help others fight aging and extend their lifespan would win the love of all camps and departments, but... The reality is much worse than I expected.”

"It will get better." Rexor said, "It starts with you, Xia Zuo, have faith. Your cooperation with the temple army is a good start."

While the two were chatting, the walls of the maze vibrated visibly.

Rexor heard the explosion. The short but powerful roar of the explosion was still clearly audible after it was weakened by the thick walls and soil.

"They are forcibly breaking the maze." Xia Zuo looked at the video screen. "There is an eye medicine researcher whose memory was read by the temple guards. The temple guards successfully obtained part of the map of the maze. They are using alchemy at this time. Bomb, blast the wall of the room where the Silence Field Generator is."

"Boom boom boom..."

A series of explosions echoed through the corridors.

"Successful, Master." Xia Zuo hammered his palm, "The silent force field generator has been turned off by the temple guards."

Upon hearing this, Rexor immediately took out a spell scroll from his alchemy pocket.

Untying the khaki-colored ribbon that bound the scroll, tearing off the wax seal of the scroll, Rexall pointed the scroll that emitted earth-brown light at the ground.

A straight earth-brown beam of light shot out from the scroll surface and rushed towards the stone tile floor with an indomitable momentum.

The stone bricks were pierced by the beam like tofu. The beam thickened and expanded the hole several times. When the light disappeared, a circular passage diagonally downward appeared in front of Rexor.

The inner wall of the circular passage was smooth and flat. After taking off, Rexor fell into the passage and slid down, aiming directly at the room where Xuli was.

The downward journey was longer than Xia Zuo imagined.

After a full 10 seconds, a faint light came from the end of the passage.

The light flickered and seemed to come from a candle.

Another five seconds passed, and Rexor landed steadily on the reddish-brown wooden floor.

Looking around, there are bookshelves, desks, candlesticks, fireplaces, single sofas, and coffee machines. This is an elegantly decorated study room.

The bookshelf was empty, without a book or a bookmark; there were no ashes or warmth in the fireplace; there was nothing on the desk except a small piece of cloth.

Rexall first cast a detection spell and carefully inspected the underground study. After confirming that there were no traps, he came to the desk and picked up the piece of fabric...

His face became extremely heavy

This piece of fabric is about the size of a fingernail and is a corner of the alchemy robe often worn by alchemists. In the center of the cloth, in the most conspicuous position, there was an almost invisible round blood spot.

"This is..." Xia Zuo suddenly felt bad.

"This is the hematin mark I left on Xuli's body." Rexall made a fist with his right hand and held the cloth tightly. "My hemogen mark was discovered by someone. The discoverer deliberately left this piece of cloth behind. He You're provoking me."

Is it difficult to discover hemoglobin markers?

The score depends on who arranged it.

Rexall's control over his own blood patterns is not as strong as Xia Zuo's. Reducing the blood mark to the thickness of three hairs is already the limit.

Normal people can find Rexor's hematin mark by searching carefully with their naked eyes. It will be faster if they use detection spells targeting blood patterns.

Rexall stayed in the maze for such a long time... The people in the study were able to easily find the hematin mark on Xuli's body, as evidenced by the small piece of cloth in front of them...

What price did the mysterious man who took Hughley pay to take her away?

A maze with illusion devices, a silent force field generator that can cover an area of ​​hundreds of square meters, an eye medicine research team, and many people implicated in the silent force field generator...

All of this is to take away Xueli and achieve the goal of the mysterious group.

So far, Temple vs Occult: 0 to 1.

Huli is missing, the mysterious group adds 1 point, and the temple is temporarily behind.

This is a game that cannot be lost, otherwise the temple will lose its face and people's hearts will be in turmoil.

As the all-out war is about to begin, it is difficult not to associate this mysterious group with the Church of Strange Demons. Especially at this point in time when Nukoalov died and the incubation of the strange demons was interrupted, the strange demon church urgently needed to take some measures to delay the process of the temple gathering an army. A chaotic temple was undoubtedly more in line with the strange demon church's mission. need.

All speculations point to the Strange Demon Church. Xia Zuo thinks so, and Rexor thinks so too.

"I really didn't expect that the Strange Demon Church would have such arrangements in the temple."

Rexor Mosuo had a bald head and muttered to himself:

"Whose handiwork is this? The archbishop of the Church of Strange Demons? Or Gran Sabage? The Shadow Demon Lord is also involved in psychic magic. Could it be that it has secretly communicated with the shaman school and dug a trap on the ring island in advance? , planned the plan of the mysterious group..."

Rexor walked to the desk and sat down. He had a panoramic view of the study room, which was only twenty square meters. A deep whirlpool seemed to appear in front of his eyes, a large whirlpool that could turn the entire temple into chaos.

This whirlpool is bottomless and spinning all the time.

There is a fragile rope ladder on the edge of the whirlpool, which becomes Rexall's only way to explore the bottom of the whirlpool and find the source of the whirlpool.

This "rope ladder" is Tauwenset.

Capture him, pry open his mouth with telekinesis, read his memories, discover his sins, and hand him over to the Inquisition to delve deeper into his connection to the mysterious group.

"But I can't do this." Rexor was extremely lonely.

"What can't be done?" Xia Zuo asked using blood induction.

"I can't arrest Tauwenset and torture him without evidence... At most, I can use the privileges of the Demon Hunting School to secretly investigate him. This is another time-consuming task..."

Seeing Rexor's frowning expression, Xia Zuo felt a little touched in his heart.

He looked back at his fellow pure-blood mages on the sofa, and a plan to turn passive into active was quickly forming in his mind.

The Demon Hunting School claims to be the overseer of the temple, and has received too much attention. Many things that should have been done in secret have been forced onto the table by those who follow them. This will undoubtedly cause trouble to the Demon Hunting Master, leading to The master demon hunters couldn't let go.

In this case, Xia Zuo is ready to use his own methods to investigate the mysterious group.

Mysterious groups have the ability to hide behind the scenes and create conflicts, and Xia Zuo can do the same.

[Breeding cysts] was born for conspiracy. This is Sodik Black Flag's special skill, so it's useless if you don't use it.

First of all, Xia Zuo needs a brand new cyst reproductive body that has never appeared in the temple.

This sporozoite must have good self-protection and anti-reconnaissance capabilities. He must use his own magic to investigate Tauwenset independently and without leaving any trace.

The [Lone Wolf] template provided by Kallus is just right for this task. It only needs to make some changes to the spell list, appearance, name, etc. of the No. 1 cyst brood.

After designing the No. 1 breeding body, Xia Zuo doesn't plan to stop.

Although being a lone wolf is good, it is easy to get yourself into an isolated and helpless situation. If this shortcoming is solved, the No. 1 Breeding Body will be perfect.

Therefore, the No. 2 Breeding Body must be created to assist the No. 1 Breeding Body.

As for the No. 2 Breeding Body, Xia Zuo thinks it would be better to find someone from Tao Wenset's group. In this way, the No. 1 and No. 2 Breeding Body can form a situation of internal cooperation and external cooperation. With the No. 2 Breeding Body as the internal support, No. 1 Yusheng Sports achieves twice the result with half the effort and reduces the risk of action.

The key lies in the selection of the No. 2 breeding body.

This person must be able to contact Tauwenset and obtain first-hand information from the bloodline research team in a timely manner;

At the same time, he maintains a certain distance from Tauwenset and does not have strong strength himself, making it easier for Xia Zuo to devour his character template;

In the best case scenario, this person would be easily found by Xia Zuo, but he would have no apparent connection with Xia Zuo. In this way, when the Dong Chuang incident occurs, no one will list Xia Zuo as a suspect...

Xia Zuo reviewed these conditions in his mind and recorded them in the [Name Column] of the No. 1 Breeding Body

After deciding to use two cysts, Xia Zuo still had one cyst left to use.

Due to insufficient charm attribute value, he can only control two cysts at the same time.

Therefore, the reproductive body in the remaining cyst can only stay in the cyst until Xia Zuo increases the charm attribute value.

Judging from the spell template of [Breeding Cysts], for every 100 points of charm attribute value obtained, the number of broods that can be released at the same time +1.

Xia Zuo plans to increase the charm attribute value to 300 points as soon as possible, so that he can release the third reproductive body.

With the traitors and spies working inside and outside, how could there be less scapegoats to take the blame?

Hehe, the candidate for the No. 3 breeding body must have the effect of dual-use.

He must not only help No. 1 and No. 2, and replace them as the suspects of the bloodline research team, but he must also be an important member of the bloodline research team. Once he is identified as a traitor, he will have serious consequences for the bloodline research team. negative impact.

Maximizing the benefits of the cysts has become the ultimate goal of Xia Zuo's plan.

This is his first time using the cyst reproductive body to do something, so he must do it well.

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