My blood regeneration is 100 million points faster

Chapter 401 [Separation of Spirit and Flesh]

The alchemy bag left by Selina was full of alchemy tools needed to take care of the little golden wattles. There were several boxes of potions to replenish water and nutrients for the little golden wattles, as well as a dozen glass-cover culture jars of the same style.

The only thing missing is the cultivation manual for the Golden Wattle flower...

Xia Zuo comforted the little Golden Wattle Flower for a few minutes, but found that his words had no effect, so he took out a hydrating potion from his alchemy pocket and poured the cool potion on the glass cover.

A hazy drizzle fell inside the glass cover. The little Golden Wattle flower no longer trembled, but it still wrapped its flower bones with branches and leaves.

Xia Zuo rummaged in his alchemy bag, took out a glass tube containing liquid fertilizer, and poured the nutrient-filled potion onto the glass cover.

After the rain this time, the situation of the little golden wattle has improved significantly.

It slightly opened its branches and leaves and timidly looked at Xia Zuo through a small slit. This vivid and human-like picture made Xia Zuo laugh.

"can you understand what I am saying?"

After Xia Zuo asked this question, he felt a little stupid... How could a plant without ears hear his voice and understand what he meant? Selena's ability to communicate with Golden Wattle should be achieved through connection spells.

What Xia Zuo didn't expect was that the little golden thorn flower in the glass cover covered its "head" and nodded...

"Oh, that's amazing. How did you hear the sound? Do you have a brain? Does your thinking resemble that of a human being?" Xia Zuo held up the glass cover and observed the little golden vitex flower from different angles.

He had learned about magic grass when he took the magic grass course in the academy.

Most of the seemingly intelligent magic grasses just "look intelligent". Their response to human activities is a means of self-protection born after natural evolution. They are not really able to understand what humans mean, let alone Talk about chatting decently with humans.

This Golden Wattle is indeed the national flower of the Golden Wattle Utopia. It is indeed different from ordinary magic grass and demonization. It shows unique human characteristics in all aspects.

Perhaps it was Xia Zuo's inquisitive gaze that made Jin Jinghua feel uneasy, so the little guy covered his "head" even more tightly...

"Ahem..." Xia Zuo coughed a few times, adjusted his mentality, and tried to keep his tone as calm as possible, "I'm sorry, I was a little too excited. Selena left for something. Before she took you back, I'll take care of you. If you feel hungry or thirsty, just tell me."

The little golden vitex flower showed some flower bones and nodded towards Xia Zuo.

"Do you have a name?" Xia Zuo asked softly, "How should I call you?"

The little Golden Wattle hesitated obviously. It hesitantly removed the branches and leaves on its head, raised a leaf, and pressed the leaf against the glass cover.

While Xia Zuo recalled the spells and movements when he first connected with the Golden Wattle Flower, he pressed his hand on the glass cover and felt the delicate touch from the glass.

He recited the spell in his mind, and the message from Goldfinger came to his mind:

"It has been detected that the host is trying to deeply connect with Golden Wattle. It is predicted that the following consequences will occur:

"1. The other party will send you text and image information, and this content will be automatically converted into a language known to the host. If the information contains content that may damage the host's will and body, this system will block or warn it.

"2. The host can send messages to the other party in any language. Due to differences in thinking habits and language contexts between the two parties, the final result of the conversation cannot be determined.

"Are you sure you want to deep link?"

"Confirm." Xia Zuo muttered silently.

An invisible rhythm came from the branches and leaves of the little golden vitex flower and flowed into Xia Zuo's palm.

A large text message written in an unknown language emerged in Xia Zuo's mind, and was simultaneously translated into the temple language by Golden Finger:

"I am Homampus Aroniuk·¥% # \u0026·Germain Ari…"

Little Golden Wattle's name is too took nearly a minute to pronounce it before stopping. There are also many garbled characters in this long list of names. These are contents blocked by golden fingers.

"Why is your name so long? Are all Golden Wattles like this? Do you have a shorter name or code name?" Xia Zuoyi asked Sanlian.

"Selena named me Menepolina, and she usually calls me Melina." The little Golden Wattle looked a little tired, and the leaves close to the glass cover showed signs of falling downwards, "I My real name represents my rank in the Golden Wattle clan...the further back I am, the longer my real name will be."

The little golden vitex flower hung down its branches and leaves feebly, and it took a lot of energy to communicate with Xia Zuo.

Xia Zuo took out the potion to replenish water and nutrients and poured it on the glass cover. After the little Golden Wattle returned to its upright posture, he did not connect with it again, but let it rest well to cope with the next task.

There were eight groups in the secret room performing the same task. Each group made one or two clones and handed them over to the temple guards to take to the Altar Square.

After all the clones were in place, the temple guards placed them in different locations on the edge of the Altar Square, officially announcing the start of this exploration.

A small area in the southwest corner of the Altar Square was assigned to Xia Zuo's hemogen servants by the temple guards, and the personnel distribution map of that area was also given to Xia Zuo.

Xia Zuo was not in a hurry to control the hemogen servant to fly into the thick smoke.

He took out the video treasure box from his alchemy pocket and observed the progress of other groups through the video footage broadcast live in the temple.

There were many groups with the same idea as him. There were eight groups in total, four of them chose to wait and see, and only half of the groups did not hesitate to control the clones into the thick smoke.

Xia Zuo took a closer look and found that except for his own hemogen servant, which was a magic clone, all the other groups used alchemy clones.

The four alchemy clones who stepped forward into the thick smoke all had bodies made of all metal, airtightly protecting the alchemy devices inside their bodies.

Ten minutes passed, but the alchemy clone that entered the smoke first did not exit from the thick smoke. The secret room was also quiet, and there was no movement in the corridor outside the alchemy room door.

This shows that the four teams were successful. The fully protected avatar core can operate in thick smoke. The same effect should be achieved by using other materials besides metal.

Xia Zuo nodded, no longer hesitated, and after sharing the view of the hemogen servant with Little Golden Wattle Flower, he controlled the hemogen servant to fly into the smoke.

The shell of this hemogen servant is 30 centimeters thick, and its hardness is comparable to that of high-strength alloy. It can also do anything that a metal shell can do.

As soon as the figure of the hematin servant disappeared into the gray smoke, Goldfinger sent a message:

"Hemonic Servant No. 15 is being affected by the following effects:

"Effect 1: [Separation of Spirit and Flesh]. It is expected that after 3 hours, the spirit body and the physical body of the hematin servant will lose contact. When casting spells other than mental spells and spiritual spells using the physical body as a medium, the spell casting will inevitably fail and speed up. The process of separation of soul and body.

"Effect 2: [Strength of Spiritual Sense], the hematin servant's ability to sense spiritual bodies has been greatly improved. Even if it does not enter a meditative state, it can still see spiritual bodies.

"Effect 3: [Spiritual Invocation], the spirit body of the hematin servant is being affected by an unknown target. It will be completely summoned by the unknown target in 3 hours and undergo unknown changes.

"Attention! Since the hemogen servant does not have a spirit body, Effect 1 and Effect 3 will not take effect. The host can cast blood magic normally through this servant."

Xia Zuo read Goldfinger's message, his head tilted and he realized that things were not simple.

These three effects on the spirit body obviously come from the thick smoke produced by meditation spices. For people who live and work in the physical body, effects 1 and 3 are both negative effects, and effect 2 is neutral to positive.

Hemonic minions have no spirit body and are immune to effects 1 and 3, which is a good thing.

But the people in the thick smoke are not immune to these two effects. Each of them has a spirit body.

Judging from the prediction data of the golden finger information, Xia Zuo must take Rexor and the others out of the thick smoke within a few hours, otherwise their spiritual bodies will leave their bodies forever, leaving behind a person who can only rely on physical instincts. An empty shell that breathes, eats, and excretes.

According to the personnel distribution map given by the temple guards, Xia Zuo controlled the hematin servants to fly to the nearest human.

Some shining white light spots appeared in the gray-white smoke, and continued to float deeper into the smoke. There were more and more white light spots, and the light spots became larger and larger, from the size of rice grains to white ones. Flawless pearls.

"What are these?" Xia Zuo grabbed his hair and quickly controlled the hematin servant to stop.

A strange white tree appeared where the members of the exploration team should have been, standing there instead of the members of the exploration team.

This white tree does not have the wooden shell and green leaves of natural trees. It outlines the shape of the tree with lines that emit white light. From top to bottom, except that its appearance is very similar to natural trees, there is no place that proves that it is a tree. .

Xia Zuo aimed at the tree and released the detection technique, and the feedback he received were all question marks and unknowns.

When he thought about Effect 1 and Effect 3 brought about by the smoke, his mood became a little heavy.

This strange white tree that suddenly appears in the thick smoke may be the source of smoke effects 1 and 3.

There was movement in the culture tank where the little golden vitex was cultivated. The little guy stretched out a leaf and patted the glass cover a few times to signal to Xia Zuo.

"Please let me talk to it." Little Golden Wattle Flower's childish voice sounded in Xia Zuo's heart.

"Conversation? Is this tree alive?" Xia Zuo hesitated for a moment and lent the control of the hematin servant to Little Golden Wattle Flower.

Little Golden Wattle Flower controlled the blood element servant to fly to the side of the strange white tree, and unskillfully condensed a blood thread, which was wrapped around the glowing branches of the strange white tree.

The little golden wattle flower in the glass cover began to twist slowly.

About three minutes later, control of the hematin servant returned to Xia Zuo.

Little Golden Wattle's voice sounded again:

"The agent of the plane exploration team you are looking for has already gone to the [resting place]."

Xia Zuo raised his eyebrows and asked, "What about his physical body?"

"His physical body is gone. When you see a person who is separating spirit and flesh, you will know why the physical body disappears." Xiao Jinjinghua responded.

"Then what is this tree?" Xia Zuo asked again.

"Its body is called Kama Hebraine, and it is the guardian of the Fate Tree that protects the [Resting Place]. All the white strange trees seen in this thick smoke are its projections."

"Melina, can you help me ask it how to help the people here get out of the thick smoke?" Xia Zuo paused, "Also, where is the [Sleeping Place]?"

"Sorry, Xia Zuo. You can't take the people out of the smoke for the time being.

“This place has become a rift in the plane of nature and [the resting place].

"The physical body returns to nature, and the spiritual body returns to the [Land of Rest]. When any creature with a spiritual body leaves here, its body and soul will immediately separate and return to their respective places. The only good news is that the plane rift will open in 12 hours Then close it, by which time the smoke will dissipate and everyone alive will be able to save their lives."

Xiao Jinjinghua's words made Xia Zuo feel heavy.

It continued:

"Selena has actually known about [The Resting Place] for a long time. This is true for every human being who has been with the Golden Wattle Flower, and now you are one of them.

"The true name of [The Resting Place] is [The Fallen Fate Tree, Kama Silvia's Resting Place]. That plane is where the Fate Tree Kama Silvia sleeps."

"What about spirit bodies, souls, human souls transform into elements after death, elements become their spirit bodies when a newborn is born, and so on? How did the physical body come from? Is it from nature or [the place of eternal rest] Product? How do you know this?" Xia Zuo felt his head was a little confused.

"This is a very, very long story..." Little Golden Wattle shook its branches and leaves, "I will tell you slowly when I have a chance."

"Okay..." Xia Zuo took a deep breath and temporarily suppressed the questions in his heart.

He controlled the hemogen servant, transformed into a human form, and bowed to the strange white tree.

After the hemogen servant returns to its spherical form, it continues to explore in the other direction.

This time, Xia Zuo found a member of the exploration team who was separating body and soul.

This man is sitting cross-legged on the ground. Except for his head, which is still his head, the rest of his body no longer has flesh, blood, tissue and bones, replaced by pure life force light.

A human head is placed on a round ball of life force light. This is the current image of this person, a bit like a melting snowman.

As time goes by, the life force light group continues to be eroded by the smoke, slowly shrinking visibly to the naked eye, and the human brain is also decomposed into life force bit by bit and merged into the life force light group to make up for the consumption of the life force light group.

It is conceivable that when the life force light group is completely eroded, the separation of spirit and flesh is completed, and the complete disappearance of life force means the elimination of the flesh body... No wonder the previous member did not leave any of his own after the separation of spirit and flesh. physical body.

Xia Zuo released his detection technique.

The feedback information shows that this person will complete the separation of soul and body within 1 hour, which is estimated to be about the same time as the life force light group is completely consumed.

It is not difficult to draw the conclusion from this:

How long a flesh-and-blood creature with a spirit body can stay in thick smoke depends on its vitality - the higher the vitality attribute value and the upper limit of blood volume, the longer it can stay, and the time required to complete the separation of spirit and flesh is The longer.

For every additional 100 points of vitality attribute value, an additional hour is needed to separate body and soul.

The vitality attributes of Rexor and other witchers are above 800 points, and they can stay in the smoke for 8 hours.

It has now been nearly 2 hours since the smoke appeared.

Xia Zuo decided to speed up the process, gave up searching the search area assigned to him by the temple guards, and went straight to where Rexor was.

He had an idea that he wasn't sure was feasible:

Continuously deliver vitality to Rexor and other witchers to resist the effect of separation of soul and flesh, until the thick smoke dissipates on its own.

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