My blood regeneration is 100 million points faster

Chapter 408 Limited Cooperation

Not everyone who was in deep trouble on the Altar Square was saved.

The temple guard counted the number of people:

There were 58 exploration team agents, 5 temple guards responsible for accelerating the burning of meditation spices, 2 demon hunting masters, and 3 temple guards who formed the first exploration team. A total of 68 people were involved in the thick smoke.

Now there are only 58 people coming out of the thick smoke, 10 people less, including the pure-blood mage Rena Crystal.

In the contest between the Temple and the Faceless Man, the former was undoubtedly defeated.

But no one is paying attention to Reina's whereabouts right now, everyone's attention is on the mysterious smoke.

Rexor and Seretes talked for a moment using blood induction. Both of them were sure that they were in deep meditation. The spirit body was flying uncontrollably in the dark environment, aiming directly at the only light in the darkness.

Xia Zuo activated Rexor's blood connection and asked the bald head exactly what he saw.

"The light seemed to be a tree," Rexall recalled, "a very strange tree, white from top to bottom... It seemed to be some kind of non-physical creature like a shadow or a ghost... But Why does it appear in the meditation horizon..."

Xia Zuo looked at the little golden thorn flower on the desk, and the other person shook his head slightly at him. Xia Zuo had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​explaining to Rexor and the other two.

"If I don't tell Rexor about Kama Hebrain, what if he enters the rift in the plane again due to curiosity?" Xia Zuo asked Little Golden Wattle Flower.

"Don't worry about this." Little Golden Wattle shook its buds and said, "Kama Hebraine plans to formally form an alliance with the temple. It is contacting the great elder of the Golden Wattle tribe and asking the other party to communicate with the Holy Pattern Department and become Kamar. The introducer between Mahibryan and the Holy Mark Ministry. Kama Silberian hopes to tell the Holy Mark Ministry as much as possible about the truth about the world and gain the trust of the Holy Mark Ministry."

Xia Zuo thought about it and found it difficult to predict the reaction of the Holy Mark Department, "Do you think it is possible for the two parties to cooperate?"

"There may only be limited cooperation, and there are still deep conflicts of interest between the two parties."

There was some regret in Little Jin Jinghua's tone:

“The Holy Pattern Department follows the Creation Crystal, the original owner of this land, and they hope to completely defeat Vasaksat and protect their homeland.

"It may not be very difficult for the temple to close the smoke of creation and move to other planets before Vasaksat comes, but the creation crystal is a product of the planet under our feet. Can't leave this land.

"If we cooperate deeply with Kama Hebraine and completely abandon our current home and the Creation Crystal, then... then I estimate that the Holy Pattern Department will lose the trust of the Creation Crystal in a short period of time, as well as the consequences that this trust brings. A transcendent status.”

Xia Zuo nodded slowly, "That makes sense."

He looked at Little Golden Wattle Flower with approval in his eyes.

Although Little Golden Wattle has an immature mind, roughly equivalent to a human child around 12 years old, the knowledge and insights from the Golden Wattle tribe are enough to make him an excellent strategist who is knowledgeable and knowledgeable.

"Then what do you think the relationship between the Holy Pattern Department and Kama Hebraine will become?" Xia Zuo asked.

"Do you know who the current minister of the Holy Pattern Department is?" Little Jin Jinghua asked.

Xia Zuo thought for a while, "The current minister is Bovaru August. He is also one of the three leaders of the Mystic Guild. He also has a good relationship with the Tribunal. His sister Carliodore ·Auguste is the trial executive officer of the Tribunal. When I was examined by the Thorn of Sin, it was Calyodore who served as the acting chief judge. August and his family basically controlled everything in the temple. All important sectors.”

"The answer is correct." Little Jin Jinghua clapped her hands, "Then do you know why this family can be so prosperous?"

"Uh, because of the favor of the Creation Crystal?" Xia Zuo responded uncertainly.

"No, it is the laws of time and space that give them unique abilities." Little Golden Jinghua explained:

"Having mastered the Sands of Time, you can understand part of the laws of time and space on your own. The August family has a semi-open secret. They have a method of inheriting the laws of time and space. Their ancestors and fathers can pass on the laws of time and space they have understood to themselves. descendants."

"Hey, isn't this going against the will of heaven?" Xia Zuo was stunned, "How strong must the laws of time and space accumulated over generations be? Can they directly reverse the time and space in an area?"

"Well, almost." Little Golden Wattle Flower said, "The last time the August family took action was more than 30 years ago. After the tragedy in Tambus State, the Tribunal and the Sacred Pattern Department jointly used the laws of time and space to find the culprit of the tragedy. The culprit. It is said that that spell cast directly restored several cities in Tambus State to their original appearance. Of course, it was only temporarily restored to their original appearance. Once the spell is stopped, the cities will return to ruins."

"It's really amazing..." Xia Zuo realized that the temple's foundation was deeper than he thought.

"Our tribe believes that the Holy Pattern Ministry and Kama Hebraine will reach cooperation in three aspects." Little Golden Wattle said with the branches and leaves, "First of all, both parties will definitely reach out to the outside world and completely eliminate the strange demons."

"Yes, I agree with this point of view." Xia Zuo nodded.

Although strange demons, like humans and spirits, are only existences at the level of "tiny creatures" in Vasaksat's eyes, strange demons have a deep affinity with Vasaksat after all and are loyal to Vasaksat. running dog.

Whether you want to leave this planet or defend your homeland, the strange demons and the strange demon church must be wiped out.

“Secondly, [the resting place] must remain closed and must not be opened.”

The little golden vitex stretches out two leaves on the left and right:

"For Kama Hebrain, the closed [Sleeping Place] is a better place for recovery without being disturbed by the natural world. In the eyes of the temple, the energy contained in the [Sleeping Place] is dangerous. , uncontrollable, a closed [resting place] will be safer."

The little golden wattle raised a leaf, "Finally, the smoke of creation must be closed once. This short opportunity to close will be the key to Kama Hebrain's escape from the planet, and it will also be the key for the temple to divert Vasaksat's attention. means of force."

"Diversion of attention" Xia Zuo raised his eyebrows and instantly understood the meaning of Little Golden Wattle Flower's words, "You mean, the temple wants to use Kama Hebraine to lure Vasaksat away?"

"Yes, yes." Little Golden Jinghua clapped her hands repeatedly:

"Vasaksat's purpose of transforming this planet is nothing more than to 'ferment' the corpse of the Fate Tree. When Vasaksat discovers that his important 'ingredients' have escaped, he will definitely chase them as soon as possible. ', rather than venting his anger at the 'fermentation vessel'. As long as Kama Hebrain keeps running away and does not let Vasaksat catch up, the planet will always be safe, but he must always beware of ordinary starry sky anomalies. It’s just a demonic attack.”

"Well, that makes sense." Xia Zuo grinned and gave Little Golden Wattle a thumbs up.

While one person and one flower were talking in the alchemy room, the various groups in the secret room began to leave.

Now that the personnel in the thick fog have been evacuated, this mission is over.

The temple guard knocked on Xia Zuo's door, reminded him to pack his things, recalled his magic clone, and then came out and swore an oath to keep the secret.

Xia Zuo waited in the room for a few minutes, but still couldn't see Selena coming back, so he had to hang the alchemy bag containing hydration and nutritional supplements on his belt, and left the alchemy room with the little Golden Wattle Flower.

Under the witness of the temple guards, Xia Zuo dismissed his blood servants and swore to the temple code that recorded the laws of the temple. Before leaving, he asked the temple guards about Selina's whereabouts.

The other party told him that Ms. Serepolina had been assigned other important tasks by the Holy Pattern Ministry and was now working in another secret room. It was estimated that she would not leave that secret room within a few months.

As a result, Little Golden Wattle will have to stay with him for the time being... Considering its excellent performance, Xia Zuo feels that this is not a bad thing...

He put the little golden thorn flower into his sleeve and hid it, and walked to Cristo's office while contacting all parties.

Rexor and Seritus were blaming themselves for not protecting Reyna. They stayed at the edge of the smoke, wanting to enter the smoke again to search for Reyna's whereabouts.

The temple guards stopped the slightly anxious bald duo, and after some persuasion, Rexor and Cerites were forced to stay outside the thick smoke.

Kristo, Symphiya and Letunia were not in the outer hall at this time.

The Demon Hunting School and the Temple Guard failed to protect their descendants, and the threat of the Faceless Man was like a sharp sword hanging in their hearts. The three of them discussed it and felt that in this critical moment, only their own strength could be relied upon.

Therefore, while Xia Zuo was performing his mission in the secret room, the three of Kristo acted separately, each gathering their own descendants to discuss a plan to deal with the Faceless Man.

In this case, Xia Zuo doesn't need to go to Kristo's office.

He changed direction and went to the teleportation room. After revealing his identity to the temple guards, he teleported to the Western Continent and returned to the dormitory of Starry Night Academy.

Since the events on the ring island were out of the control of the temple and were not suitable to be broadcast to the temple members, Xia Zuo had the video box taken away when he left the outer temple.

After he returned to the dormitory, he could only understand the situation in the thick smoke through Little Golden Wattle Flower's narration.

Just as Little Jin Jinghua expected, after noticing the good intentions of the white strange tree, the Holy Pattern Department assembled a team composed purely of members of the Holy Pattern Department.

The only thing that is different from what was expected is that the leader of this Holy Pattern Department team is not the current minister Bovaru August, but several new senior deacons of the Holy Pattern Department, who distribute the image treasure box to Xia Zuo Celine is one of them.

The team engaged in a silent exchange with Kamar Hebraine.

The members of the Holy Pattern Department sat down near the white tree, entered a meditative state together, and communicated with the white tree through the perspective of the soul.

No one knows the specific content of the exchange between the two parties.

As allies of Kama Hebrain, the Golden Wattle tribe only learned the final result of the conversation from White Tree.

In addition to destroying the strange demons and the strange demon church, sealing the [Land of Rest], and shutting down the smoke of creation, in addition to these three items of cooperation expected by Little Golden Wattle Flower, the two parties also reached a fourth item:

The Temple allowed Kama Hebrain to select a number of members among the Temple members to form a team that would spread the fire of human civilization on other planets.

This team will follow Kama Hebraine to leave the current planet and wander in the vast sea of ​​stars. While avoiding Vasaksat's tracking, they will establish human civilization on a primitive ecological planet and deliver it to Kama Hebraine. Spiritual energy full of life experiences to prepare for the next escape.

According to Kama Silbia's self-report, its previous life, Kama Silbia, led a group of humans around the planet, spreading civilization and avoiding Vasaksat. This process lasted for about 15 years. After about ten thousand years, he was finally caught by Vasaksat due to a small mistake.

Kama Hebrain said frankly that during this escape, its strength is far less than that of the previous life, but it will be more cautious and cautious than the previous life, and will never make the same mistakes. It will try its best to buy the temple 50,000 to 70,000 years of planetary time (based on the current time flow rate of the planet).

As long as the temple does not regress, the 50,000 years will be enough time to move the planet.

The above four cooperation matters were recommended to all temple members by the Holy Pattern Department.

In addition, the secret knowledge about spirits and souls has also been disclosed to all temple members.

Many mages and alchemists realized at this moment that the so-called spirit body is the soul, and the spirit body is not born with human beings. It is just a pendant attached to the human body by the Yuanjie tree, and it is the Yuanjie tree that comprehends life experiences. means.

After human death, the physical body loses its vitality, the spiritual thread is broken, and the spirit body returns to the tree. When a human being is born, the spirit body attaches to the physical body.

Human beings can still survive without a spiritual body. Only the brain of each person is the key to the physical body and the real "self".

This ideological storm about the soul did not cause much disturbance in the temple. Instead, the matter of following Kama Hebrain's departure from the planet became the focus of the temple members.

If you are lucky enough to be selected by Kama Hebrain, you can become the founder of a new civilization, which is a supreme honor for any human being.

If you are not selected by Kama Hebrain, you will have to linger on the current planet for tens of thousands of years, waiting for an opportunity to transfer to the planet.

Both situations have their own advantages and disadvantages.

The former has a brilliant future, but he will be tracked by the haunting Vasaksat, and he will lead a glamorous life on the surface but a frightened life behind the scenes.

The latter will continue to be besieged by alien demons in the starry sky and be under great pressure, but it is likely to create a legendary history that belongs exclusively to all members of the temple - the Wandering Planet.

People don't know whether they will be selected by Kamahibline, but this does not prevent them from having lively discussions, controversies, and paying attention to every human being selected by Kamahibline.

Yes, the process of selecting followers of Kama Hebraine is public, and the Holy Pattern Ministry will announce the list of selected candidates and their identity details in real time.

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