My blood regeneration is 100 million points faster

Chapter 420 Inexplicable Courage

The arrows of light that the Faceless Man condenses with sunlight are a fatal threat to the dark clouds cast by the Shadow Demon.

The two are like incompatible water and fire, poison and antidote. As soon as they come into contact, strong light and air waves erupt, and violent light-dark neutralization reactions explode instantly.

At the junction of light and darkness, the two energies tear each other apart, emitting streams of gray smoke. The light in the fog alternates between light and dark, turning from white to black and then from black to white dozens of times in one second. High-frequency A series of flashes can blind the eyes of every audience.

An ordinary shadow demon would never be able to withstand the angry light arrows of the Faceless Man, but the shadow demon disguised as a flesh and blood clone could do it.

This is thanks to the new spell Xia Zuo obtained in the battle between the pseudo-blood mage army and the strange demons - [Shadow Furnace].

[Spell Effect]

Gathers a long-lasting burning shadow furnace within the target's body.

Putting 1 vitality, or 4 energy of any element, or 1 non-attribute energy, or 2 psychic energy into the Shadow Furnace can produce 3 shadow energy.

This spell amplifies the effectiveness of Xia Zuo's vitality by three times. That is, when using the vitality-driven shadow spell, the spell's power will become three times the original.

Therefore, Shadow Demon, disguised as a flesh and blood clone, barely used Shadow Demon's signature spell [Shadow Curtain] to offset the Faceless Man's light arrow.

Seeing his rays of light being melted by the dark clouds, the faceless man first trembled in shock, then took a deep breath to force himself to calm down, raised his hand to condense half of the energy on the edge of the [Static Energy Field]. Transparent energy barriers block the approaching dark clouds:

"You are not an ordinary shadow demon. But why are your shadow pattern features just that of an ordinary cube shadow demon, not a high-level shadow demon?"

Cube Shadow Fiends are pure black in appearance, and high-level Shadow Fiends have purple in the black.

The shadow spell [Shadow Pattern Camouflage] mastered by Xia Zuo currently only includes the shadow pattern characteristics of the cube shadow demon - the pseudo-blood mage army failed to kill the higher-level shadow demon.

So there is this weird scene now - it is obviously just an ordinary cube shadow demon, but it blocks the arrow of light.

Xia Zuo was too lazy to defend himself. He said too much and made too many mistakes.

He directly gave the combat team instructions to attack as planned.

The dark cloud no longer screamed like before. It fell into a strange calm and rushed towards the energy barrier condensed by the faceless man at an extremely fast speed.

At the moment when it was about to collide with the energy barrier, the dark cloud suddenly changed its flight direction, ignoring its inertia and turning at a right angle to fly straight upward.

The faceless man looked at the sun in the sky and instantly understood the other party's intention.

He opened his hands and made a hug gesture.

The ground around three thousand meters cracked, and cone-shaped thorns rose from the ground. As the faceless man pointed towards the sky, the thick thorns rushed towards the rising dark clouds like a tide.

Wuyun Tuan showed extreme agility, dodging the ground thorns coming towards him from left to right, perfectly interpreting what unparalleled dodge is, and remained unscathed in the siege of hundreds of ground thorns.

"This is impossible." The faceless man was shocked.

As long as the [Space-Time Phase Simulator] is here, nothing is impossible.

Xia Zuo spent five days studying the attack pattern of the Faceless Man. The flight path of each of the 112 ground thorns has been marked on the battle plan by Xia Zuo. The combat team can predict the attack in advance as long as they follow the plan step by step. direction of attack.

"What means will you use next to prevent Shadow Demon from taking off?"

Xia Zuo had some expectations in his heart:

"Is it [Stagnation Wave], [Air Brick], or a combination of [Pillar of Frost] and [Chain Explosion Lightning]? No matter which spell it is, hehe, I have prepared a countermeasure."

The failed ground thorn turned 180 degrees in the sky and launched a spinning attack on the dark clouds from a high place. Although it could not hurt the dark clouds, it delayed it for a little bit.

Seeing that the second round of the ground stab attack was still ineffective, the Faceless Man clapped his hands towards his body, and the high-pressure air cannon bombarded the ground. The violent recoil caused his body to shoot high into the sky like a cannonball.

Ribbon airflow appeared around his body, and he clapped his hands behind him again, and an annular sonic boom erupted, continuously increasing his flight speed, flying towards the high-altitude sun far faster and harder than the dark clouds.

At the same time, the ground thorns hovering around the dark clouds no longer pierced the dark clouds, but instead weaved a dense network of ground thorns, blocking the front of the dark clouds at a speed comparable to the flying speed of the dark clouds.

Countless [Air Bricks] appeared at the roots of these ground thorns.

This high-pressure brick made purely of air makes the formation of the ground spikes more stable. Even in the face of a strong impact, the pressure can be channeled to the air behind in an instant through the explosion of the air bricks, capturing and impacting The force matches the recoil force.

In a very short period of time, a large number of high-speed moving air bricks were condensed together with ground spikes to build a blocking formation, which is enough to prove how amazing the Faceless Man's casting accuracy is.

But this still cannot stop the dark clouds from carrying out the master's orders.

In a series of accelerations that broke through the sound barrier, the faceless man had left the dark clouds far behind, breaking the Shadow Demon's plan to use the [Shadow Curtain] to cover the sun and create a lightless area.

Just when he turned around and faced downwards to mock Shadow Demon, a scene that made him anxious appeared:

At some point, the dark clouds split into two. One part continued to rise into the sky, trying its best to avoid the thorny air wall, while the other part turned around and flew straight down to the hole in the ground.

If it were in the past, the Faceless Man would not have to worry about the protective power underground. The layers of protective formations would be enough to make him sit back and relax.

But now, almost all the protective formations have become ineffective due to the recent bombardment of heavy weapons and the destruction of underground drilling vehicles. Only the metal gate installed in the deepest part of the cave can barely provide protection.

For a moment, the faceless man was anxious.

He forced himself to stay calm and think, and several thoughts flashed through his mind:

The enemy's timing of attack was perfect, and they happened to attack at the most critical moment of his deep meditation;

Secondly, the ground-drilling vehicles that destroyed the core nodes of the protective array did not take detours, and each went straight to the core node, as if they had learned the layout of all the arrays in advance;

The ensuing alchemical flying saucers and heavy boulders each have their own plans. The former is to destroy the elemental servants alchemists and alchemy facilities, while the latter is trying to destroy the entire underground base.

All signs indicate that the enemy the Faceless Man faces is not just prepared. The opponent's understanding of the Faceless Man makes the Faceless Man feel a little scared for no reason.

Why is this feeling of being well known and having every step calculated by the opponent in advance so familiar?

The faceless man was shocked.

Could it be that another person who could predict the future was targeting him?

Otherwise, how can we explain that the other party can accurately choose to attack during deep meditation? Faceless Man has never mentioned this kind of matter that is related to his own serious safety to anyone.

If this is really the case, then today's battle will undoubtedly be lost - no one who can predict the future will start a battle when he cannot win.

The faceless man trembled all over, as if falling into an ice cave, realizing that he had fallen into some kind of trap, and that the other party's knowledge of the laws of time and space was much higher than his own, otherwise he would have been able to predict this future from the time and space container.

Thinking of this, the faceless man couldn't help but feel fear, as if a huge hand wanted to hold him, crush him to death, and squeeze him into pulp flowing out from his fingers.

For the first time he felt the helplessness of his enemies in the face of himself.

Xia Zuo saw the faceless man lost in thought in the sky through the hemogen servants placed on the edge of the battlefield.

In many future timelines, it was around this time that the Faceless Man realized that he was being targeted by another person who had the ability to predict the future.

Three situations will occur next:

There is a 13% probability that the Faceless Man will abandon his base and flee to the nearest town in the Kingdom of Wildhammer;

There is a 39% probability that the Faceless Man has not completely lost his fighting spirit. He will use various means to fight against the dark clouds, and ultimately still escape to the town;

There is a 48% probability that for some unknown reason, the faceless man will become inexplicably high in fighting spirit, enter a state of rage, and fight to the death against the dark clouds.

"Which situation will it be?" Xia Zuo was very calm when faced with this kind of battle that he had already read the script. At least so far, nothing unexpected has happened.

The faceless man in the sky suddenly opened his arms and tore off his robes and artificial skin with his silver sand palms, leaving his energy body and the chaos container in his brain exposed.

"Oh, it's the third situation. This guy chooses to fight to the death and not retreat." Xia Zuo scratched his head, "I really don't know where he got the courage..."

The static energy field around the faceless man expanded rapidly, and soon covered all places within a radius of five kilometers. The holes on the ground and two groups of dark clouds flying in mid-air were also filled with white floating catkins at the same time. energy field coverage.

Thick branch-shaped lightning shot out from the faceless man's body. The twisting electric snake swam quickly among the crackling electric sparks, jumping from the sky to the ground, and then from the ground to the sky. The entire energy field turned into a cage where lightning was raging. .

The dark clouds near the entrance of the cave were pierced by dozens of deep purple lightning bolts, and disappeared like cotton balls ignited by fire.

The dark clouds in the sky collapsed and converged inward, changing from the original cloud-like fluffy appearance into a square, black cube that looked extremely solid.

Dark purple lightning swam back and forth on the black cube, and electric snakes swam, struggling to find any gaps they could get into. The airtight cube tightly wrapped the "deviants" inside without revealing any flaws.

The [Flash Explosion Field] cast by the Faceless Man does quite a lot of damage... In order to deliver vitality to his flesh and blood clone, Xia Zuo reduced his own blood recovery speed by about one-third.

He held the alchemical bag containing the alchemical dragon's blood, always ready to use the dragon's blood to replenish his vitality consumption.

[Flash Explosion Field] marks the second stage of the battle.

The Faceless Man no longer sticks to his humanoid form, he will use his complete wild elemental caster form to deal with his enemies.

Xia Zuo has witnessed the power of the [Elemental Star Network] countless times in the future timeline and will never take it lightly.

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