My blood regeneration is 100 million points faster

Chapter 433 It should taste good

Do you ever remember Thales Meso?

About 10 years ago, he was the resident mage of Rosak City. He liked to appear in the pharmacy as an ordinary middle-aged man. He once gave guidance and guidance to Xia Zuo, who was the fire breather of Audrey Circus. Zuo took the entrance test for the school.

When the Starry Night Kingdom moved its capital, he had a new job.

He moved from Rosak City to the foothills of Starry Night City and opened a more spacious pharmacy, selling alchemy materials and finished medicines including rare item-grade herbs.

Same job, same lifestyle, different real identity.

After ten years, he had accumulated enough supplies to build a tower and was successfully promoted from a high-level mage to an archmage.

Thales Meso is no longer an ordinary resident mage. He is now the leader of the resident mages, in charge of the regular mobilization, defense assistance, and rotation of the resident mages.

As the chief resident mage, Thales Meso is only responsible to Beatrice, and therefore has some highly confidential top-secret information.

It's early morning this day.

The white mist melted in the morning light, Starry Night City woke up from its slumber, and Thales Meso began his daily work as usual.

There are many green plants in the cultivation room in the backyard of the shop.

Thales Meso was carrying an alchemy kettle and watering the flowers while reading the words on the leaves.

Resident mages in various places will report their today's itinerary to the chief in the early morning, evening and midnight every day, and these contents will be transmitted to Thales Shazona through plants modified by alchemy.

The position of chief garrison mage sounds very powerful and busy, but in fact it takes a lot of energy to deal with chores. In addition to coordinating the garrison forces in various places, does it have too little power?

Only a salty mage like Thales Xiazo is suitable for that job.

Leisurely watering and busy work are two misunderstandings, that is what Thales Xiazuo pursues. Otherwise, I would have moved outside the stone tower of the resident mage and lived a monk's life of daily alchemy and meditation.

"Enter Xia Zuo Pavilion." Outside the front garden next door, which was partitioned by a wooden fence, a male mage with red wavy hair walked to the fence with two wooden barrels filled with liquid in his silver palms:

"He wants a low-concentration liquid fertilizer. Remember to dilute it at a ratio of 1:1000 before use, otherwise the mutagens outside the liquid fertilizer will induce plant mutations."

"Thank him, Zhong Shusha."

Thales Zhongshu took the barrel with his silver sand palm and put it on the ground, then took out a handful of gold coins from his alchemy pocket and handed it over.

My eyes swept under the other person's glossy red wavy hair, and I was consciously attracted to the moist lips that were also red. The plump lips touched Taylor's heart, leaving me with the urge to suck her heartily.


Thales Xiazuo coughed heavily and realized that he had lost his temper. I didn't care too much about the fantasy that every female animal has:

"He looks the same today, younger and less energetic."

"Really~" Zhong Shusha picked up the ends of her hair and twirled it on her fingertips, biting her upper lip hard, "You used the new lipstick you bought."

"Swish, swish, swish" came the sound of leaves swaying in front of Taylor Xiazuo, which was the arrival of the itinerary from Wuxin's resident mage.

Taylor Xiazo looked back and said, business was more important, "You continue to work, Dimsha, let's talk later."

"Okay, Sir Xia Zuo. If you have no other needs, remember to come to you." Zhong Shusha smiled at me and walked towards her alchemy room with her exaggerated waist and hips.

Taylor Xiazuo looked at the opponent's back, feeling a little confused.

Dimsha has always been relatively quiet in the past few days, and Taylor Zhongshu can read his admiration from his expression.

Today, it was the first time that Dimsha expressed her inner thoughts so openly

Maybe it was your realization that you had to take the initiative that made you sure you wanted to get to know you on a deeper level? …Taylors Xiazuo thought about it for a while, only thinking of that possibility.

Zhong Shuning Xia Zuo picked up the alchemy kettle, continued to water the plants, and read the itinerary sent by the resident mage.

A knock on the door came from the back hall.

It's not long before the store is officially opened for business. It is estimated that some people who are in urgent need of medicine to treat their illnesses are waiting to buy medicine... Thales Xiazuo thought inwardly. I put on the alchemy kettle and used the detection spell to observe from the air. As soon as he reached the door of the store, his expression changed.

In the last second, Taylor Xiazuo recovered as before, moving naturally towards the back hall, quietly activated the protective array outside the store, and replaced the real scene outside the store with pre-woven illusion images.

Looking from the store door or from the front yard to the back hall, Taylor Xiazo was talking to an anxious civilian woman.

If you penetrate that layer of illusion images and come to the back hall, you will see another scene:

The castle manager Zhong Shu looked solemn, as did Zhong Shuning Xia Zuo, who was standing opposite me.

"Tales, is there anything weird about Dimsha today?" Meso asked in a high-pitched voice, "For example, the same words, the same decorations or actions."

The castle manager, Mei Suo, is the representative of the head of Zhong Shusi Academy in the school. Wherever I appear, there will be no problems, and it often has nothing to do with strange demons.

Thales Xiazo thought of Dimsha's performance and immediately realized the seriousness of the problem:

"Dimsa seems to be a different person today. You put on overly moist lipstick, and used an alchemy waistband to change your body proportions. At the same time, your way of speaking and wording are more serious than before. It's true. It’s strange that when you are facing you, you have some impulses that should happen. That would definitely happen in the past.”

"Well," Mei Suo pondered and asked as he stepped forward, "It sounds like you behaved the way you should behave when you are under [Charm]... You are not 40% sure whether he has aroused the vigilance of the strange demon..."

"Charm? Strange demon?" Thales Xiazuo clenched his fists, "He means that a joy commissioner invaded Starry Night City and it is right next door to you? Where is the real Zhong Shusha? Where did he get the information? Is it reliable?"

"The source of the information is very reliable, Thales. If I suspect you, an experienced and skilled Perfect Joy Specialist is targeting him. You must find a way to control you and force him to find out the whereabouts of other strange demons."

Zhong Shu scratched his beard a few times and said while thinking:

"Presumably he also knows that weird monsters like Commissioner Joy are born with the ability to transform into human males using methods that contain magical fluctuations and energy traces. Unless they are fatally injured, they can always maintain their disguise. .

"The complete pleasure specialist has an even better ability and can control the consciousness of male and female creatures for a long time.

"So now you are somewhat sure whether the Commissioner of Joy transformed into Dimsha to get close to him, or whether the Commissioner of Joy used [Control Awareness] on Dimsha and used Dimsha herself to get close to him. His purpose.”

Taylor Zhongshu looked in the direction of the front yard, his eyebrows twisted together:

"You understand what he means, Zhong Shu. You can seriously injure Zhong Shusha and force the Commissioner of Joy to reveal her true form. But if this Dimsha is Commissioner of Joy in disguise, the Commissioner of Joy hiding behind the scenes is very likely to Is that true that you caused trouble in the battle and caused you to accidentally kill Dimsha?"

"Yes, that's what you find most troublesome." Meisuo nodded, "He thought about it casually, is there any way to determine whether Dimsha is you?"

"If you can use detection spells, you can't identify Dimsha's authenticity." Thales Xiazo shook his hand, "Did he get any more information about Dimsha besides the intelligence?"

Meisuo shook his head regretfully, "There are only so few."

That information was told to Meso by Talis, and the task of arresting the Happy Commissioner was also given by Talis.

But what Zhong Shu knew was that the real source of the information was Bicui, and the actual situation was far simpler than Mei Suo knew.

Gao Hui said that depending on whether Dimsha is replaced by the Commissioner of Joy, it can be divided into two different future timelines.

On this basis, whether Commissioner Joy has been pretending to be Zhong Shusha all the time, and whether the future timeline can be differentiated is the same.

If you pretend that Zhong Shusha is retiring during that time period, and control Dimsha herself to appear in the previous time period, it will split into many different future timelines.

It was like there were two sealed white boxes in front of Meso and Thales Zhongshu. One box contained a right-hand glove, and the other box contained a left-hand glove.

After opening one of the boxes, someone knew whether the glove outside the box was for the right hand or the left hand.

Meisuo and Taylor Zhongshu only have one chance to open the box, and they must open the right glove that represents the correct answer. It is safe and can be done again and again, otherwise Dimsha will die in battle, and Commissioner Joy will escape and hide.

"If...he sacrifices himself, Thales." Mesuo said a way to put the sheep into the tiger's mouth:

"Commissioner Happy used various methods to get close to him in order to obtain his teleportation identification code and find the specific location of the teleportation hall under the Storm Mountains.

"His behavior this morning was wrong. It should have aroused Commissioner Joy's belief. You haven't had a chance to find out the flaws in Commissioner Joy. Wait until later today when he goes outside Dimsha's room. You I will wait for his signal in the house. Once you are sure whether Dimsha is true or not, you will take action immediately."

Taylor Zhongshu's expression became less stiff, "Is there any other way?"

Meisuo spread his hands, "If he is willing... you can only wait until tomorrow morning. The head of the school, Zhong Shusi, is applying for support from the temple and asking the demon hunting school to intervene. The demon hunting masters will definitely not be able to deal with the joy. Enjoy Commissioner’s methods.”

"Why did the support come so quickly?" Zhong Shuning Xia Zuo's eyebrows were twisted like twists, "Usually when new demons appear, do the demon hunters arrive immediately? Do they make you wait for so long? time.."

"You're too vague... maybe it's because the war in the east of Dongxiao Continent is tense, and the demon hunters are sending out manpower to support you." Meisuo reached out and patted Thales Zhongshu on the shoulder:

"Decide as soon as possible, Thales, you are worried about changes.

"You heard that the Happy Commissioner is a good flirt, so many East Xiaolu mages secretly keep them in captivity... Those mages with spermatozoa's brains have all been brought to justice, but you want to say... this feeling should be Quite wrong.

"He'll be at a disadvantage if he completes the mission, right?"

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