My brother is an Idol

Chapter 13

Chapter 13: Chapter 13
Chapter 13

With a firm reprimand, Hyojun finally let her go and whacked her head hard. He said to her determinedly, “If you pull something like this again, I’m not going to go easy on you. I’ll break your legs.”

Hyoyoung looked up at him in annoyance.

“You are such a jerk. And a huge fake too! You suck!”

She walked into the house and the rest of The M members ran towards her worriedly.

“Hyoyoung! We were so worried about you. Why didn’t you answer our calls? Where have you been all this time?”

“If you came back even ten minutes later, Hyojun would’ve called the police. What were you doing all night?”

Jiwoo and Hyunsuk asked loudly, but Hyoyoung couldn’t tell them the truth. The fact that she was watching their show at a café and forgot the time because she was deep in her own thoughts… it was too embarrassing.

She laughed awkwardly and Kiwook asked in a quiet voice, “Did you watch our show?”

“Pardon? Yea… no.”

At her odd answer, Kiwook grinned.

“You watched it, but you don’t want to admit it, right? Well… as long as you watched it, it’s fine. That’s all I care about.”

She felt like Kiwook could see right through her. Hyoyoung blushed and trying to hide her embarrassment, she bowed deeply. “Well, I am really tired, so I’m off to bed now! Goodnight!”

She escaped to her bedroom and Kiwook murmured to himself, “At least the one who needs to watch the show the most watched it… I’m glad.”

Suddenly, Hyojun pushed Kiwook’s shoulder hard from behind.


Hyojun went to his room and Kiwook rubbed his shoulder with a frown.

“Ouch, my shoulder… He is furious.”

“Kiwook, you overdid it. You can’t be so impatient like that. Saying that on camera… Hyojun isn’t ready for you to act so fast.”

“But I had to, I couldn’t help it. I was afraid I might miss another chance again.”

“I understand. And you know what? You were so hot! Even my heart skipped a beat.”

“Stop joking around. I can’t take it, not when I have Hyojun to deal with.”

“Oh well, the important thing is, I’m not the one in trouble. I’m not siding with anyone. I’m on my own side, ok?”

“Fine. Ok, ok, ok!”

Kiwook continued to rub his shoulder as Jiwoo went to his room. Only Kiwook and Hyunsuk were left in the living room.

“Hyunsuk, aren’t you going to bed?”

“I will, soon. I have to call someone.”

“Oh, and I assume you won’t tell me who you are calling, right? What a secretive guy you are. Whatever. I’m going to bed now.”

“Ok. But before you go, you better put some ice on that shoulder. Don’t you remember that Hyojun has been practicing martial arts for over 10 years? He is really strong.”

“Oh man. You guys are totally no help at all.”

Complaining loudly, Kiwook went to his room and Hyunsuk was left alone in the living room. He turned the light off and stared at the laptop for a while before starting to type. Afterward, he made a call.

About ten minutes later, he heard a noise from behind. When he looked back, it was Hyoyoung, who came out from her bad room looking sleepy. She asked as she rubbed her eyes, “Oppa? What are you doing? Why aren’t you in bed?”

Hyunsuk quickly hung up the phone and replied, “Oh, I had some work I had to do. Sorry, did my voice wake you up?”

“No, you didn’t wake me. I just got really thirsty, that’s all. And I fell asleep without washing up, so I thought I should at least brush my teeth.”

“Oh, I see. It was a long day for you, wasn’t it? You must’ve been so tired after helping us out like that.”

“No… it was actually… fun.”

“Really? What was so fun about it?”

Hyoyoung hesitated at his unexpected question. She hadn’t been paying attention to their conversation, but when Hyunsuk asked a serious question, she suddenly became wide awake. It made her really think and analyze what she did that day.

Hyoyoung replied, “I have always been interested in fashion. More specifically, I like creating an image. Planning and carrying out the planned outfit to match the image… something like that. And an idol is the best model to test out your fashion skills. To make someone look cute or sexy… I find it exciting. It’s my dream job and because of you guys, I was able to try it out. It was a bit rushed, but I still found it fun.”

Listening to her quietly, Hyunsuk thought for a second before asking her another question, “Then what kind of images were you thinking to create with us back then? Was there a meaning behind our outfits?”

“Uhm, well… for my brother, he is an idiot… but on the stage, he can be charismatic, even cold. So I wanted to show the warm and kind side of him. For you, Blue M… you are the silent one, and sometimes people can mistake your quietness as passiveness. I wanted to dress you in a way that showed how thoughtful and considerate you are. As for Jiwoo Oppa… Well, he has a wicked goofy image, and I just kept it the same for him.”

“And Kiwook?”

“Kiwook Oppa… Uhm… I don’t know. I just did what I felt was right for him.”

“What you felt was right… so, sexy?”

“What? No, nothing like that…”

Hyoyoung’s face reddened and she lowered it to hide. Hyunsuk smiled mysteriously before turning back to his laptop. He said to her, “I’m just kidding, Hyoyoung. Go wash up now and get some sleep. I still have a bit more work to do so I will be a while.”

“Ok, goodnight.”

She was heading towards the washroom when suddenly, she turned around and asked him cautiously, “By the way, oppa. Do you speak Chinese?”

“Why do you ask?”

“It’s just that I thought I heard you speaking in Chinese when you were talking on the phone a minute ago. I thought you said in Chinese that you found someone good…”

“No, that wasn’t me. Maybe you misheard me? By the way, you speak Chinese?”

“I learned it for a year at school… Well, I guess I dreamt it; I must be really tired.”

“Yeah, I think so. I do sometimes speak funny, so I have been told before that I sound foreign.”

“Oh, that must be it. Anyway, I’m gonna brush my teeth now. Goodnight!”

Hyoyoung bowed to him and went into the washroom. Slowly, Hyunsuk picked up his phone again and made another call. In a much lower voice, he started to talk to someone. After the short call, he looked at his laptop and smiled.

“She is smarter than she looks and has great sense. This is going to be very interesting.”

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